376 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Conversational Agents Using POMDPs and Agenda-Based Simulation

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    Proceedings of: Workshop on User-Centric Technologies and Applications (CONTEXTS 2011), Salamanca, April 6-8, 2011Context-aware systems in combination with mobile devices offer new opportunities in the areas of knowledge representation, natural language processing and intelligent information retrieval. Our vision is that natural spoken conversation with these devices can eventually become the preferred mode for managing their services by means of conversational agents. In this paper, we describe the application of POMDPs and agenda-based user simulation to learn optimal dialog policies for the dialog manager in a conversational agent. We have applied this approach to develop a statistical dialog manager for a conversational agent which acts as a voice logbook to collect home monitored data from patients suffering from diabetes.Funded by projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485), and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    New Technique to Enhance the Performance of Spoken Dialogue Systems by Means of Implicit Recovery of ASR Errors

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    This paper proposes a new technique to implicitly correct some ASR errors made by spoken dialogue systems, which is implemented at two levels: statistical and linguistic. The goal of the former level is to employ for the correction knowledge extracted from the analysis of a training corpus comprised of utterances and their corresponding ASR results. The outcome of the analysis is a set of syntactic-semantic models and a set of lexical models, which are optimally selected during the correction. The goal of the correction at the linguistic level is to repair errors not detected during the statistical level which affects the semantics of the sentences. Experiments carried out with a previouslydeveloped spoken dialogue system for the fast food domain indicate that the technique allows enhancing word accuracy, spoken language understanding and task completion by 8.5%, 16.54% and 44.17% absolute, respectively.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2007-64718 HAD

    Agent Simulation to Develop Interactive and User-Centered Conversational Agents

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    Proceedings of: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2011). Salamanca, 06-08 April 2011.In this paper, we present a technique for developing user simulators which are able to interact and evaluate conversational agents. Our technique is based on a statistical model that is automatically learned from a dialog corpus. This model is used by the user simulator to provide the following answer taking into account the complete history of the interaction. The main objective of our proposal is not only to evaluate the conversational agent, but also to improve this agent by employing the simulated dialogs to learn a better dialog model. We have applied this technique to design and evaluate a conversational agent which provides academic information in a multi-agent system. The results of the evaluation show that the conversational agent reduces the time needed to fulfill to complete the the dialogs, thereby allowing the conversational agent to tackle new situations and generate new coherent answers for the situations already present in an initial model.Funded by projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02- 02/TEC, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485), and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    Measuring the differences between human-human and human-machine dialogs

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    In this paper, we assess the applicability of user simulation techniques to generate dialogs which are similar to real human-machine spoken interactions.To do so, we present the results of the comparison between three corpora acquired by means of different techniques. The first corpus was acquired with real users.A statistical user simulation technique has been applied to the same task to acquire the second corpus. In this technique, the next user answer is selected by means of a classification process that takes into account the previous dialog history, the lexical information in the clause, and the subtask of the dialog to which it contributes. Finally, a dialog simulation technique has been developed for the acquisition of the third corpus. This technique uses a random selection of the user and system turns, defining stop conditions for automatically deciding if the simulated dialog is successful or not. We use several evaluation measures proposed in previous research to compare between our three acquired corpora, and then discuss the similarities and differences with regard to these measures

    Modelling of a System for the Detection of Weak Signals Through Text Mining and NLP. Proposal of Improvement by a Quantum Variational Circuit

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] En esta tesis doctoral se propone y evalúa un sistema para detectar señales débiles (weak signals) relacionadas con cambios futuros trascendentales. Si bien la mayoría de las soluciones conocidas se basan en el uso de datos estructurados, el sistema propuesto detecta cuantitativamente estas señales utilizando información heterogénea y no estructurada de fuentes científicas, periodísticas y de redes sociales. La predicción de nuevas tendencias en un medio tiene muchas aplicaciones. Por ejemplo, empresas y startups se enfrentan a cambios constantes en sus mercados que son muy difíciles de predecir. Por esta razón, el desarrollo de sistemas para detectar automáticamente cambios futuros significativos en una etapa temprana es relevante para que cualquier organización tome decisiones acertadas a tiempo. Este trabajo ha sido diseñado para obtener señales débiles del futuro en cualquier campo dependiendo únicamente del conjunto de datos de entrada de documentos. Se aplican técnicas de minería de textos y procesamiento del lenguaje natural para procesar todos estos documentos. Como resultado, se obtiene un mapa con un ranking de términos, una lista de palabras clave clasificadas automáticamente y una lista de expresiones formadas por múltiples palabras. El sistema completo se ha probado en cuatro sectores diferentes: paneles solares, inteligencia artificial, sensores remotos e imágenes médicas. Este trabajo ha obtenido resultados prometedores, evaluados con dos metodologías diferentes. Como resultado, el sistema ha sido capaz de detectar de forma satisfactoria nuevas tendencias en etapas muy tempranas que se han vuelto cada vez más importantes en la actualidad. La computación cuántica es un nuevo paradigma para una multitud de aplicaciones informáticas. En esta tesis doctoral también se presenta un estudio de las tecnologías disponibles en la actualidad para la implementación física de qubits y puertas cuánticas, estableciendo sus principales ventajas y desventajas, y los marcos disponibles para la programación e implementación de circuitos cuánticos. Con el fin de mejorar la efectividad del sistema, se describe un diseño de un circuito cuántico basado en máquinas de vectores de soporte (SVM) para la resolución de problemas de clasificación. Este circuito está especialmente diseñado para los ruidosos procesadores cuánticos de escala intermedia (NISQ) que están disponibles actualmente. Como experimento, el circuito ha sido probado en un computador cuántico real basado en qubits superconductores por IBM como una mejora para el subsistema de minería de texto en la detección de señales débiles. Los resultados obtenidos con el experimento cuántico muestran también conclusiones interesantes y una mejora en el rendimiento de cerca del 20% sobre los sistemas convencionales, pero a su vez confirman que aún se requiere un desarrollo tecnológico continuo para aprovechar al máximo la computación cuántica.[CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral es proposa i avalua un sistema per detectar senyals febles (weak signals) relacionats amb canvis futurs transcendentals. Si bé la majoria de solucions conegudes es basen en l'ús de dades estructurades, el sistema proposat detecta quantitativament aquests senyals utilitzant informació heterogènia i no estructurada de fonts científiques, periodístiques i de xarxes socials. La predicció de noves tendències en un medi té moltes aplicacions. Per exemple, empreses i startups s'enfronten a canvis constants als seus mercats que són molt difícils de predir. Per això, el desenvolupament de sistemes per detectar automàticament canvis futurs significatius en una etapa primerenca és rellevant perquè les organitzacions prenguen decisions encertades a temps. Aquest treball ha estat dissenyat per obtenir senyals febles del futur a qualsevol camp depenent únicament del conjunt de dades d'entrada de documents. S'hi apliquen tècniques de mineria de textos i processament del llenguatge natural per processar tots aquests documents. Com a resultat, s'obté un mapa amb un rànquing de termes, un llistat de paraules clau classificades automàticament i un llistat d'expressions formades per múltiples paraules. El sistema complet s'ha provat en quatre sectors diferents: panells solars, intel·ligència artificial, sensors remots i imatges mèdiques. Aquest treball ha obtingut resultats prometedors, avaluats amb dues metodologies diferents. Com a resultat, el sistema ha estat capaç de detectar de manera satisfactòria noves tendències en etapes molt primerenques que s'han tornat cada cop més importants actualment. La computació quàntica és un paradigma nou per a una multitud d'aplicacions informàtiques. En aquesta tesi doctoral també es presenta un estudi de les tecnologies disponibles actualment per a la implementació física de qubits i portes quàntiques, establint-ne els principals avantatges i desavantatges, i els marcs disponibles per a la programació i implementació de circuits quàntics. Per tal de millorar l'efectivitat del sistema, es descriu un disseny d'un circuit quàntic basat en màquines de vectors de suport (SVM) per resoldre problemes de classificació. Aquest circuit està dissenyat especialment per als sorollosos processadors quàntics d'escala intermèdia (NISQ) que estan disponibles actualment. Com a experiment, el circuit ha estat provat en un ordinador quàntic real basat en qubits superconductors per IBM com una millora per al subsistema de mineria de text. Els resultats obtinguts amb l'experiment quàntic també mostren conclusions interessants i una millora en el rendiment de prop del 20% sobre els sistemes convencionals, però a la vegada confirmen que encara es requereix un desenvolupament tecnològic continu per aprofitar al màxim la computació quàntica.[EN] In this doctoral thesis, a system to detect weak signals related to future transcendental changes is proposed and tested. While most known solutions are based on the use of structured data, the proposed system quantitatively detects these signals using heterogeneous and unstructured information from scientific, journalistic, and social sources. Predicting new trends in an environment has many applications. For instance, companies and startups face constant changes in their markets that are very difficult to predict. For this reason, developing systems to automatically detect significant future changes at an early stage is relevant for any organization to make right decisions on time. This work has been designed to obtain weak signals of the future in any field depending only on the input dataset of documents. Text mining and natural language processing techniques are applied to process all these documents. As a result, a map of ranked terms, a list of automatically classified keywords and a list of multi-word expressions are obtained. The overall system has been tested in four different sectors: solar panels, artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and medical imaging. This work has obtained promising results that have been evaluated with two different methodologies. As a result, the system was able to successfully detect new trends at a very early stage that have become more and more important today. Quantum computing is a new paradigm for a multitude of computing applications. This doctoral thesis also presents a study of the technologies that are currently available for the physical implementation of qubits and quantum gates, establishing their main advantages and disadvantages and the available frameworks for programming and implementing quantum circuits. In order to improve the effectiveness of the system, a design of a quantum circuit based on support vector machines (SVMs) is described for the resolution of classification problems. This circuit is specially designed for the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers that are currently available. As an experiment, the circuit has been tested on a real quantum computer based on superconducting qubits by IBM as an improvement for the text mining subsystem in the detection of weak signals. The results obtained with the quantum experiment show interesting outcomes with an improvement of close to 20% better performance than conventional systems, but also confirm that ongoing technological development is still required to take full advantage of quantum computing.Griol Barres, I. (2022). Modelling of a System for the Detection of Weak Signals Through Text Mining and NLP. Proposal of Improvement by a Quantum Variational Circuit [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183029TESISCompendi

    Using Virtual Worlds and Sloodle to Develop Educative Applications

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    Proceedings of: International Workshop on evidenced-based Technology Enhanced Learning (ebTEL'12). Salamanca (Spain), 28-30 March 2012Education is one of the most interesting applications of virtual worlds, as they can create opportunities to offer educative contents with the advantages of online courses, with the feel of "presence" that this immersive environments can provide. While most of social networking resources are mainly focused on sharing contents using a traditional web interface, virtual worlds facilitate the creation of social networks that enhance the perception and communication among its users through the use of additional modalities. In this paper we analyze the main resources provided by the Second Life virtual world and Sloodle to develop educational environments and describe their application in a educative project at the Universidad Carlos III de MadridResearch funded by projects CICYT TIN2011-28620-C02-01, CICYT TEC 2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485), and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    RustOnt: An Ontology to Explain Weather Favorable Conditions of the Coffee Rust

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    Crop disease management in smart agriculture involves applying and using new technologies to reduce the impact of diseases on the quality of products. Coffee rust is a disease that factors such as poor agronomic management activities and climate conditions may favor. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the relationships between these factors and this disease to learn how to face its consequences and build intelligent systems to provide appropriate management or help farmers and experts make decisions accordingly. Nevertheless, there are no studies in the literature that propose ontologies to model these factors and coffee rust. This paper presents a new ontology called RustOnt to help experts more accurately model data, expressions, and samples related to coffee rust and apply it whilst taking into account the geographical location where the ontology is adopted. Consequently, this ontology is crucial for coffee rust monitoring and management by means of smart agriculture systems. RustOnt was successfully evaluated considering quality criteria such as clarity, consistency, modularity, and competence against a set of initial requirements for which it was built.project "System based on knowledge engineering for the agroecological management of coffee rust", grant 823-Formation of high-level human capital for the regions-Cauc

    The DI@L-log System: Integration of Speech Technologies in Healthcare Applications

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    Proceedings of: XIV Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial CAEPIA'11. AIHealth. I Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Biomedical Applications. San Cristobal de la Laguna, Tenerife. 07-10 noviembre 2011In this paper, we describe a spoken dialog system developed to collect monitored data from patients su ering from diabetes. The dialog model of this system has been developed by means of a statistical methodology for automatically exploring the dialog space and learning new enhanced dialog strategies from a dialog corpus. A dialog simulation technique has been applied to acquire data required to train the dialog model and then explore the new dialog strategies. A set of measures has also been defined to evaluate the dialog strategy. The results of the evaluation show how the dialog manager deviates from the initially predefined strategy, allowing the dialog manager to tackle new situations and generate new coherent answers for the situations already present in the initial corpus. The proposed technique can be used not only to develop new dialog managers but also to explore new enhanced strategies.Research funded by projects CICYT TIN 2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC 2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485), and DPS 2008-07029- C02-02.Publicad

    An approach to develop intelligent learning environments by means of immersive virtual worlds

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    Merging Immersive Virtual Environments, Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence techniques provides a number of advantages to develop Intelligent Environments for multiple applications. This paper is focused on the application of these technologies to develop intelligent learning environments. Education is one of the most interesting applications of immersive virtual environments, as their flexibility can be exploited in order to create heterogeneous groups from all over the world who can collaborate synchronously in different virtual spaces. We highlight the potential of virtual worlds as an educative tool and propose a model to create learning environments within Second Life or OpenSimulator combining the Moodle learning management system, embodied conversational metabots, and programmable 3D objects. Our proposal has been applied in several subjects of the Computer Science degree in the Carlos III University of Madrid. The results of the evaluation show that developed learning environment fosters engagement and collaboration and helps students to better understand complex concepts.This work was supported in part by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485).Publicad