2,590 research outputs found

    Formulating representative features with respect to document genre classification

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    Genre classification (e.g. whether a document is a scientific article or magazine article) is closely bound to the physical and conceptual structure of document as well as the level of depth involved in the text. Hence, it provides a means of ranking documents retrieved by search tools according to metrics other than topical similarity. Moreover, the structural information derived from genre classification can be used to locate target information within the text. In previous studies, the detection of genre classes has been attempted by using some normalised frequency of terms or combinations of terms in the document (here, we are using term as a reference to words, phrases, syntactic units, sentences and paragraphs, as well as other patterns derived from deeper linguistic or semantic analysis). These approaches largely neglect how the term is distributed throughout the document. Here, we report the results of automated experiments based on distributive statistics of words in order to present evidence that term distribution pattern is a better indicator of genre class than term frequency.

    Which effective viscosity?

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    Magmas undergoing shear are prime examples of flows that involve the transport of solids and gases by a separate (silicate melt) carrier phase. Such flows are called multiphase, and have attracted much attention due to their important range of engineering applications. Where the volume fraction of the dispersed phase (crystals) is large, the influence of particles on the fluid motion becomes significant and must be taken into account in any explanation of the bulk behaviour of the mixture. For congested magma deforming well in excess of the dilute limit (particle concentrations >40% by volume), sudden changes in the effective or relative viscosity can be expected. The picture is complicated further by the fact that the melt phase is temperature- and shear-rate-dependent. In the absence of a constitutive law for the flow of congested magma under an applied force, it is far from clear which of the many hundreds of empirical formulae devised to predict the rheology of suspensions as the particle fraction increases with time are best suited. Some of the more commonly used expressions in geology and engineering are reviewed with an aim to home in on those variables key to an improved understanding of magma rheology. These include a temperature, compositional and shear-rate dependency of viscosity of the melt phase with the shear-rate dependency of the crystal (particle) packing arrangement. Building on previous formulations, a new expression for the effective (relative) viscosity of magma is proposed that gives users the option to define a packing fraction range as a function of shear stress. Comparison is drawn between processes (segregation, clustering, jamming), common in industrial slurries, and structures seen preserved in igneous rocks. An equivalence is made such that congested magma, viewed in purely mechanical terms as a high-temperature slurry, is an inherently non-equilibrium material where flow at large Péclet numbers may result in shear thinning and spontaneous development of layering

    SN Ib 1990I: Clumping and Dust in the Ejecta?

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    Photometry and spectra of the type Ib SN 1990I are presented and analysed, covering about 400 days of evolution. The presence of optical helium lines is shown. SN 1990I seems to show higher velocities compared to a sample of type Ib events. The nebular emission lines display a high degree of asymmetry and the presence of fine structures. Using the [O I] 6300,64A flux, we estimate a lower limit on the oxygen mass to fall in the range (0.7-1.35) M_solar. The oxygen mass requires a filling factor as small as 10^{-2} on day 254, indicating a highly clumpy distribution of the oxygen material. A blueshift of the order 600 km/s is reported in the [O I] 6300,64A after day 254. The [Ca II] 7307.5A emission profile appears blueshifted as well at late epochs . We recover the quasi-bolometric "BVRI" light curve of SN 1990I. The constructed bolometric light curve shows a change of slope at late phases, with an e-folding time of 60 +/-2 d in the [50:200] d time interval, considerably faster than the one of {56}Co decay (i.e. 111.3 d), suggesting the gamma-rays escape with lower deposition, owing to the low mass nature of the ejecta. After day 200, an ee-folding time ~47 +/-2.8 d is measured. A simplified gamma-ray deposition model is applied after adding a contribution of about 35% to the computed pseudo-bolometric light curves to account for near-IR luminosities to estimate the ejecta and {56}Ni masses (M({56}Ni)=0.11 M_solar and M_{ej}=3.7 M_solar). The deficit in luminosity is estimated to be about 50% around day 308. The observed spectral blueshift combined with the dramatic and sudden drop in the pseudo-bolometric light curve and (B-V) colour is interpreted to be a consequence of dust condensation in the ejecta of SN 1990I around day 250.Comment: 17 pages, 11 gigures and 5 tables. To appear in A & A (accepted

    Dense gas in nearby galaxies XVI. The nuclear starburst environment in NGC4945

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    A multi-line millimeter-wave study of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 4945 has been carried out using the Swedish-ESO Submillimeter Telescope (SEST). The study covers the frequency range from 82 GHz to 354 GHz and includes 80 transitions of 19 molecules. 1.3 mm continuum data of the nuclear source are also presented. A large number of molecular species indicate the presence of a prominent high density interstellar gas component characterized by nH2105n_{\rm H_2}\sim10^5 cm3^{-3}. Abundances of molecular species are calculated and compared with abundances observed toward the starburst galaxies NGC 253 and M 82 and galactic sources. Apparent is an `overabundance' of HNC in the nuclear environment of NGC 4945. While the HNC/HCN JJ=1--0 line intensity ratio is \sim0.5, the HNC/HCN abundance ratio is \sim1. While HCN is subthermally excited (TexT_{\rm ex}\sim8 K), CN is even less excited (TexT_{\rm ex}\sim3--4 K), indicating that it arises from a less dense gas component and that its NN=2--1 line can be optically thin even though its NN=1--0 emission is moderately optically thick. Overall, fractional abundances of NGC 4945 suggest that the starburst has reached a stage of evolution that is intermediate between those observed in NGC 253 and M 82. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur isotope ratios are also determined. Within the limits of uncertainty, carbon and oxygen isotope ratios appear to be the same in the nuclear regions of NGC 4945 and NGC 253. High 18^{18}O/17^{17}O, low 16^{16}O/18^{18}O and 14^{14}N/15^{15}N and perhaps also low 32^{32}S/34^{34}S ratios appear to be characteristic properties of a starburst environment in which massive stars have had sufficient time to affect the isotopic composition of the surrounding interstellar medium.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted bt A&

    Text Clumping for Technical Intelligence

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    The R136 star cluster hosts several stars whose individual masses greatly exceed the accepted 150 Msun stellar mass limit

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    Spectroscopic analyses of H-rich WN5-6 stars within the young star clusters NGC 3603 and R136 are presented, using archival HST & VLT spectroscopy, & high spatial resolution near-IR photometry. We derive high T* for the WN stars in NGC 3603 (T*~42+/-2 kK) & R136 (T*~53+/-3 kK) plus clumping-corrected dM/dt ~ 2-5x10^-5 Msun/yr which closely agree with theoretical predictions. These stars make a disproportionate contribution to the global budget of their host clusters. R136a1 alone supplies ~7% of N(LyC) of the entire 30 Dor region. Comparisons with stellar models calculated for the main-sequence evolution of 85-500 Msun suggest ages of ~1.5 Myr & M_init in the range 105 - 170 Msun for 3 systems in NGC 3603, plus 165-320 Msun for 4 stars in R136. Our high stellar masses are supported by dynamical mass determinations for the components of NGC 3603 A1. We consider the predicted L_X of the R136 stars if they were close, colliding wind binaries. R136c is consistent with a colliding wind binary system. However, short period, colliding wind systems are excluded for R136a WN stars if mass ratios are of order unity. Widely separated systems would have been expected to harden owing to early dynamical encounters with other massive stars in such a dense environment. From simulated star clusters, whose constituents are randomly sampled from the Kroupa IMF, both clusters are consistent with a tentative upper mass limit of ~300 Msun. The Arches cluster is either too old, exhibits a deficiency of very massive stars, or more likely stellar masses have been underestimated - M_init for the most luminous stars in the Arches cluster approach 200 Msun according to contemporary stellar & photometric results. The potential for stars greatly exceeding 150 Msun within metal-poor galaxies suggests that such pair-instability SNe could occur within the local universe, as has been claimed for SN 2007bi (abridged).Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for MNRAS. Version with higher resolution figures is available from http://pacrowther.staff.shef.ac.uk/R136.pdf See also http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1030/ from Wed 21 from noon (CEST

    The chemistry of compact planetary nebulae

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    We report high-sensitivity millimetre observations of several molecular species (13CO, HCN, HNC, CN, HCO+ and N2H+) in a sample of compact planetary nebulae. Some species such as HCO+ and CN are particularly abundant compared to envelopes around AGB stars or even interstellar clouds. We have estimated the following average values for the column densities ratios: CN/HCN~2.6, HCO+/HCN~0.5, and HNC/HCN~0.4. Thus, the chemical composition of the molecular envelopes in these compact PNe appears somewhat intermediate between the composition of proto-PNe (such as CRL 2688 or CRL 618) and well evolved PNe (such as the Ring, M4--9, or the Helix). From observations of the CO isotopomers, we have estimated that the 12C/13C ratio is in the range 10 ~< 12C/13C ~< 40. These values are below those expected from standard asymptotic giant branch models and suggest non-standard mixing processes. The observed molecular abundances are compared to very recent modelling work, and we conclude that the observations are well explained, in general terms, by time-dependent gas-phase chemical models in which the ionization rate is enhanced by several orders of magnitude with respect to the average interstellar value. Thus, our observations confirm that the chemistry in the neutral shells of PNe is essentially governed by the high energy radiation from the hot central stars. The complexity of the chemical processes is increased by numerous factors linked to the properties of the central star and the geometry and degree of clumpiness of the envelope. Several aspects of the PN chemistry that remains to be understood are discussed within the frame of the available chemical models.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. "In press" in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Nucleosynthesis from massive stars 50 years after B2FH

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    We review some important observed properties of massive stars. Then we discuss how mass loss and rotation affect their evolution and help in giving better fits to observational constraints. Consequences for nucleosynthesis at different metallicities are discussed. Mass loss appear to be the key feature at high metallicity, while rotation is likely dominant at low and very low metallicities. We discuss various indications supporting the view that very metal poor stars had their evolution strongly affected by rotational mixing. Many features, like the origin of primary nitrogen at low metallicity, that of the C-rich extremely metal poor halo stars, of He-rich stars in massive globular clusters, of the O-Na anticorrelation in globular clusters may be related to the existence of a population of very fast rotating metal poor stars that we tentatively call the {\it spinstars}. A fraction of these {\it spinstars} may also be the progenitors of GRB in very metal poor regions. They may avoid pair instability explosion due to the heavy mass loss undergone during their early evolutionary phases and be, dependent on their frequency, important sources of ionising photons in the early Universe.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures, in Stellar Nucleosynthesis: 50 years after B2FH, C. Charbonnel and J.P. Zahn (Eds.), EAS publications Serie