15 research outputs found

    Analyzing and enhancing OSKI for sparse matrix-vector multiplication

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    Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMxV) is a kernel operation widely used in iterative linear solvers. The same sparse matrix is multiplied by a dense vector repeatedly in these solvers. Matrices with irregular sparsity patterns make it difficult to utilize cache locality effectively in SpMxV computations. In this work, we investigate single- and multiple-SpMxV frameworks for exploiting cache locality in SpMxV computations. For the single-SpMxV framework, we propose two cache-size-aware top-down row/column-reordering methods based on 1D and 2D sparse matrix partitioning by utilizing the column-net and enhancing the row-column-net hypergraph models of sparse matrices. The multiple-SpMxV framework depends on splitting a given matrix into a sum of multiple nonzero-disjoint matrices so that the SpMxV operation is performed as a sequence of multiple input- and output-dependent SpMxV operations. For an effective matrix splitting required in this framework, we propose a cache-size-aware top-down approach based on 2D sparse matrix partitioning by utilizing the row-column-net hypergraph model. The primary objective in all of the three methods is to maximize the exploitation of temporal locality. We evaluate the validity of our models and methods on a wide range of sparse matrices by performing actual runs through using OSKI. Experimental results show that proposed methods and models outperform state-of-the-art schemes.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1202.385

    Polyhedral+Dataflow Graphs

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    This research presents an intermediate compiler representation that is designed for optimization, and emphasizes the temporary storage requirements and execution schedule of a given computation to guide optimization decisions. The representation is expressed as a dataflow graph that describes computational statements and data mappings within the polyhedral compilation model. The targeted applications include both the regular and irregular scientific domains. The intermediate representation can be integrated into existing compiler infrastructures. A specification language implemented as a domain specific language in C++ describes the graph components and the transformations that can be applied. The visual representation allows users to reason about optimizations. Graph variants can be translated into source code or other representation. The language, intermediate representation, and associated transformations have been applied to improve the performance of differential equation solvers, or sparse matrix operations, tensor decomposition, and structured multigrid methods

    Exploring the potential for accelerating sparse matrix-vector product on a Processing-in-Memory architecture

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    As the importance of memory access delays on performance has mushroomed over the past few decades, researchers have begun exploring Processing-in-Memory (PIM) technology, which offers higher memory bandwidth, lower memory latency, and lower power consumption. In this study, we investigate whether an emerging PIM design from Sandia National Laboratories can boost performance for sparse matrix-vector product (SMVP). While SMVP is in the best-case bandwidth-bound, factors related to matrix structure and representation also limit performance. We analyze SMVP both in the context of an AMD Opteron processor and the Sandia PIM, exploring the performance limiters for each and the degree to which these can be ameliorated by data and code transformations. Over a range of sparse matrices, SMVP on the PIM outperformed the Opteron by a factor of 1.82. On the PIM, computational kernel and data structure transformations improved performance by almost 40% over conventional implementations using compressed-sparse row format

    High Performance Reconfigurable Computing for Linear Algebra: Design and Performance Analysis

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) enable powerful performance acceleration for scientific computations because of their intrinsic parallelism, pipeline ability, and flexible architecture. This dissertation explores the computational power of FPGAs for an important scientific application: linear algebra. First of all, optimized linear algebra subroutines are presented based on enhancements to both algorithms and hardware architectures. Compared to microprocessors, these routines achieve significant speedup. Second, computing with mixed-precision data on FPGAs is proposed for higher performance. Experimental analysis shows that mixed-precision algorithms on FPGAs can achieve the high performance of using lower-precision data while keeping higher-precision accuracy for finding solutions of linear equations. Third, an execution time model is built for reconfigurable computers (RC), which plays an important role in performance analysis and optimal resource utilization of FPGAs. The accuracy and efficiency of parallel computing performance models often depend on mean maximum computations. Despite significant prior work, there have been no sufficient mathematical tools for this important calculation. This work presents an Effective Mean Maximum Approximation method, which is more general, accurate, and efficient than previous methods. Together, these research results help address how to make linear algebra applications perform better on high performance reconfigurable computing architectures

    Supporting general data structures and execution models in runtime environments

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    Para aprovechar las plataformas paralelas, se necesitan herramientas de programación para poder representar apropiadamente los algoritmos paralelos. Además, los entornos paralelos requieren sistemas en tiempo de ejecución que ofrezcan diferentes paradigmas de computación. Existen diferentes áreas a estudiar con el fin de construir un sistema en tiempo de ejecución completo para un entorno paralelo. Esta Tesis aborda dos problemas comunes: el soporte unificado de datos densos y dispersos, y la integración de paralelismo orientado a mapeo de datos y paralelismo orientado a flujo de datos. Esta Tesis propone una solución que desacopla la representación, partición y reparto de datos, del algoritmo y de la estrategia de diseño paralelo para integrar manejo para datos densos y dispersos. Además, se presenta un nuevo modelo de programación basado en el paradigma de flujo de datos, donde diferentes actividades pueden ser arbitrariamente enlazadas para formar redes genéricas pero estructuradas que representan el cómputo globalDepartamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos

    A language and a system for program optimization

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    Hardware complexity has increased over time, and as architectures evolve and new ones are adopted, programs must often be altered by numerous optimizations to attain maximum computing power on each target environment. As a result, the code becomes unrecognizable over time, hard to maintain, and challenging to modify. Furthermore, as the code evolves, it is hard to keep the optimizations up to date. The need to develop and maintain separate versions of the application for each target platform is an immense undertaking, especially for the large and long-lived applications commonly found in the high-performance computing (HPC) community. This dissertation presents Locus, a new system, and a language for optimizing complex, long-lived applications for different platforms. We describe the requirements that we believe are necessary for making automatic performance tuning widely adopted. We present the design and implementation of a system that fulfills these requirements. It includes a domain-specific language that can represent complex collections of transformations, an interface to integrate external modules, and a database to manage platform-specific efficient code. The database allows the system’s users to access optimized code without having to install the code generation toolset. The Locus language allows the definition of a search space combined with the programming of optimization sequences separated from the application’s reference code. After all, we present an approach for performance portability. Our thesis is that we can ameliorate the difficulty of optimizing applications using a methodology based on optimization programming and automated empirical search. Our system automatically selects, generates, and executes candidate implementations to find the one with the best performance. We present examples to illustrate the power and simplicity of the language. The experimental evaluation shows that exploring the space of candidate implementations typically leads to better performing codes than those produced by conventional compiler optimizations that are based solely on heuristics. Locus was able to generate a matrix-matrix multiplication code that outperformed the IBM XLC internal hand-optimized version by 2× on the Power 9 processors. On Intel E5, Locus generates code with performance comparable to Intel MKL’s. We also improve performance relative to the reference implementation of up to 4× on stencil computations. Locus ability to integrate complex search spaces with optimization sequences can result in very complicated optimization programs. Locus compiler applies optimizations to remove from the optimization sequences unnecessary search statements making the exploration for faster implementations more accessible. We optimize matrix transpose, matrix-matrix multiplication, fast Fourier transform, symmetric eigenproblem, and sparse matrix-vector multiplication through divide and conquer. We implement three strategies using the Locus language to create search spaces to find the best shapes of the base case and the best ways of subdividing the problem. The search space representation for the divide-and-conquer strategy uses a combination of recursion and OR blocks. The Locus compiler automatically expands the recursion and ensures that the search space is correctly represented. The results showed that the empirical search was important to improve performance by generating faster base cases and finding the best splitting. We also use Locus to optimize large, complex applications. We match the performance of hand-optimized kernels of the Kripke transport code for different input data layouts. The Plascom2 multi-physics application is optimized to find the best way to use a multi-core CPU and GPU. The use of Tangram, Hydra, and OpenMP provided an interesting search space that improved performance by approximately 4.3× on ZAXPY and ZXDOTY kernels. Lastly, in a similar fashion to how a compiler works, we applied a search space representing a collection of optimization sequences to 856 loops extracted from 16 benchmarks that resulted in good performance improvements

    Towards compact bandwidth and efficient privacy-preserving computation

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    In traditional cryptographic applications, cryptographic mechanisms are employed to ensure the security and integrity of communication or storage. In these scenarios, the primary threat is usually an external adversary trying to intercept or tamper with the communication between two parties. On the other hand, in the context of privacy-preserving computation or secure computation, the cryptographic techniques are developed with a different goal in mind: to protect the privacy of the participants involved in a computation from each other. Specifically, privacy-preserving computation allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function without revealing their inputs and it has numerous applications in various fields, including finance, healthcare, and data analysis. It allows for collaboration and data sharing without compromising the privacy of sensitive data, which is becoming increasingly important in today's digital age. While privacy-preserving computation has gained significant attention in recent times due to its strong security and numerous potential applications, its efficiency remains its Achilles' heel. Privacy-preserving protocols require significantly higher computational overhead and bandwidth when compared to baseline (i.e., insecure) protocols. Therefore, finding ways to minimize the overhead, whether it be in terms of computation or communication, asymptotically or concretely, while maintaining security in a reasonable manner remains an exciting problem to work on. This thesis is centred around enhancing efficiency and reducing the costs of communication and computation for commonly used privacy-preserving primitives, including private set intersection, oblivious transfer, and stealth signatures. Our primary focus is on optimizing the performance of these primitives.Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen kryptografischen Aufgaben, bei denen Kryptografie verwendet wird, um die Sicherheit und Integrität von Kommunikation oder Speicherung zu gewährleisten und der Gegner typischerweise ein Außenstehender ist, der versucht, die Kommunikation zwischen Sender und Empfänger abzuhören, ist die Kryptografie, die in der datenschutzbewahrenden Berechnung (oder sicheren Berechnung) verwendet wird, darauf ausgelegt, die Privatsphäre der Teilnehmer voreinander zu schützen. Insbesondere ermöglicht die datenschutzbewahrende Berechnung es mehreren Parteien, gemeinsam eine Funktion zu berechnen, ohne ihre Eingaben zu offenbaren. Sie findet zahlreiche Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich Finanzen, Gesundheitswesen und Datenanalyse. Sie ermöglicht eine Zusammenarbeit und Datenaustausch, ohne die Privatsphäre sensibler Daten zu kompromittieren, was in der heutigen digitalen Ära immer wichtiger wird. Obwohl datenschutzbewahrende Berechnung aufgrund ihrer starken Sicherheit und zahlreichen potenziellen Anwendungen in jüngster Zeit erhebliche Aufmerksamkeit erregt hat, bleibt ihre Effizienz ihre Achillesferse. Datenschutzbewahrende Protokolle erfordern deutlich höhere Rechenkosten und Kommunikationsbandbreite im Vergleich zu Baseline-Protokollen (d.h. unsicheren Protokollen). Daher bleibt es eine spannende Aufgabe, Möglichkeiten zu finden, um den Overhead zu minimieren (sei es in Bezug auf Rechen- oder Kommunikationsleistung, asymptotisch oder konkret), während die Sicherheit auf eine angemessene Weise gewährleistet bleibt. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Effizienz und Reduzierung der Kosten für Kommunikation und Berechnung für gängige datenschutzbewahrende Primitiven, einschließlich private Schnittmenge, vergesslicher Transfer und Stealth-Signaturen. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf der Optimierung der Leistung dieser Primitiven

    Performance Optimization With An Integrated View Of Compiler And Application Knowledge

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    Compiler optimization is a long-standing research field that enhances program performance with a set of rigorous code analyses and transformations. Traditional compiler optimization focuses on general programs or program structures without considering too much high-level application operations or data structure knowledge. In this thesis, we claim that an integrated view of the application and compiler is helpful to further improve program performance. Particularly, we study integrated optimization opportunities for three kinds of applications: irregular tree-based query processing systems such as B+ tree, security enhancement such as buffer overflow protection, and tensor/matrix-based linear algebra computation. The performance of B+ tree query processing is important for many applications, such as file systems and databases. Latch-free B+ tree query processing is efficient since the queries are processed in batches without locks. To avoid long latency, the batch size can not be very large. However, modern processors provide opportunities to process larger batches parallel with acceptable latency. From studying real-world data, we find that there are many redundant and unnecessary queries especially when the real-world data is highly skewed. We develop a query sequence transformation framework Qtrans to reduce the redundancies in queries by applying classic dataflow analysis to queries. To further confirm the effectiveness, we integrate Qtrans into an existing BSP-based B+ tree query processing system, PALM tree. The evaluations show that the throughput can be improved up to 16X. Heap overflows are still the most common vulnerabilities in C/C++ programs. Common approaches incur high overhead since it checks every memory access. By analyzing dozens of bugs, we find that all heap overflows are related to arrays. We only need to check array-related memory accesses. We propose Prober to efficiently detect and prevent heap overflows. It contains Prober-Static to identify the array-related allocations and Prober-Dynamic to protect objects at runtime. In this thesis, our contributions lie on the Prober-Static side. The key challenge is to correctly identify the array-related allocations. We propose a hybrid method. Some objects can be identified as array-related (or not) by static analysis. For the remaining ones, we instrument the basic allocation type size statically and then determine the real allocation size at runtime. The evaluations show Prober-Static is effective. Tensor algebra is widely used in many applications, such as machine learning and data analytics. Tensors representing real-world data are usually large and sparse. There are many sparse tensor storage formats, and the kernels are different with varied formats. These different kernels make performance optimization for sparse tensor algebra challenging. We propose a tensor algebra domain-specific language and a compiler to automatically generate kernels for sparse tensor algebra computations, called SPACe. This compiler supports a wide range of sparse tensor formats. To further improve the performance, we integrate the data reordering into SPACe to improve data locality. The evaluations show that the code generated by SPACe outperforms state-of-the-art sparse tensor algebra compilers

    Generating and auto-tuning parallel stencil codes

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    In this thesis, we present a software framework, Patus, which generates high performance stencil codes for different types of hardware platforms, including current multicore CPU and graphics processing unit architectures. The ultimate goals of the framework are productivity, portability (of both the code and performance), and achieving a high performance on the target platform. A stencil computation updates every grid point in a structured grid based on the values of its neighboring points. This class of computations occurs frequently in scientific and general purpose computing (e.g., in partial differential equation solvers or in image processing), justifying the focus on this kind of computation. The proposed key ingredients to achieve the goals of productivity, portability, and performance are domain specific languages (DSLs) and the auto-tuning methodology. The Patus stencil specification DSL allows the programmer to express a stencil computation in a concise way independently of hardware architecture-specific details. Thus, it increases the programmer productivity by disburdening her or him of low level programming model issues and of manually applying hardware platform-specific code optimization techniques. The use of domain specific languages also implies code reusability: once implemented, the same stencil specification can be reused on different hardware platforms, i.e., the specification code is portable across hardware architectures. Constructing the language to be geared towards a special purpose makes it amenable to more aggressive optimizations and therefore to potentially higher performance. Auto-tuning provides performance and performance portability by automated adaptation of implementation-specific parameters to the characteristics of the hardware on which the code will run. By automating the process of parameter tuning — which essentially amounts to solving an integer programming problem in which the objective function is the number representing the code's performance as a function of the parameter configuration, — the system can also be used more productively than if the programmer had to fine-tune the code manually. We show performance results for a variety of stencils, for which Patus was used to generate the corresponding implementations. The selection includes stencils taken from two real-world applications: a simulation of the temperature within the human body during hyperthermia cancer treatment and a seismic application. These examples demonstrate the framework's flexibility and ability to produce high performance code

    GPU Array Access Auto-Tuning

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    GPUs have been used for years in compute intensive applications. Their massive parallel processing capabilities can speedup calculations significantly. However, to leverage this speedup it is necessary to rethink and develop new algorithms that allow parallel processing. These algorithms are only one piece to achieve high performance. Nearly as important as suitable algorithms is the actual implementation and the usage of special hardware features such as intra-warp communication, shared memory, caches, and memory access patterns. Optimizing these factors is usually a time consuming task that requires deep understanding of the algorithms and the underlying hardware. Unlike CPUs, the internal structure of GPUs has changed significantly and will likely change even more over the years. Therefore it does not suffice to optimize the code once during the development, but it has to be optimized for each new GPU generation that is released. To efficiently (re-)optimize code towards the underlying hardware, auto-tuning tools have been developed that perform these optimizations automatically, taking this burden from the programmer. In particular, NVIDIA -- the leading manufacturer for GPUs today -- applied significant changes to the memory hierarchy over the last four hardware generations. This makes the memory hierarchy an attractive objective for an auto-tuner. In this thesis we introduce the MATOG auto-tuner that automatically optimizes array access for NVIDIA CUDA applications. In order to achieve these optimizations, MATOG has to analyze the application to determine optimal parameter values. The analysis relies on empirical profiling combined with a prediction method and a data post-processing step. This allows to find nearly optimal parameter values in a minimal amount of time. Further, MATOG is able to automatically detect varying application workloads and can apply different optimization parameter settings at runtime. To show MATOG's capabilities, we evaluated it on a variety of different applications, ranging from simple algorithms up to complex applications on the last four hardware generations, with a total of 14 GPUs. MATOG is able to achieve equal or even better performance than hand-optimized code. Further, it is able to provide performance portability across different GPU types (low-, mid-, high-end and HPC) and generations. In some cases it is able to exceed the performance of hand-crafted code that has been specifically optimized for the tested GPU by dynamically changing data layouts throughout the execution