384 research outputs found

    Prior knowledge guided active modules identification: an integrated multi-objective approach

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    BACKGROUND: Active module, defined as an area in biological network that shows striking changes in molecular activity or phenotypic signatures, is important to reveal dynamic and process-specific information that is correlated with cellular or disease states. METHODS: A prior information guided active module identification approach is proposed to detect modules that are both active and enriched by prior knowledge. We formulate the active module identification problem as a multi-objective optimisation problem, which consists two conflicting objective functions of maximising the coverage of known biological pathways and the activity of the active module simultaneously. Network is constructed from protein-protein interaction database. A beta-uniform-mixture model is used to estimate the distribution of p-values and generate scores for activity measurement from microarray data. A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is used to search for Pareto optimal solutions. We also incorporate a novel constraints based on algebraic connectivity to ensure the connectedness of the identified active modules. RESULTS: Application of proposed algorithm on a small yeast molecular network shows that it can identify modules with high activities and with more cross-talk nodes between related functional groups. The Pareto solutions generated by the algorithm provides solutions with different trade-off between prior knowledge and novel information from data. The approach is then applied on microarray data from diclofenac-treated yeast cells to build network and identify modules to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of diclofenac toxicity and resistance. Gene ontology analysis is applied to the identified modules for biological interpretation. CONCLUSIONS: Integrating knowledge of functional groups into the identification of active module is an effective method and provides a flexible control of balance between pure data-driven method and prior information guidance

    Gut microbiota transplantation drives the adoptive transfer of colonic genotype-phenotype characteristics between mice lacking catestatin and their wild type counterparts

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    The gut microbiota is in continuous interaction with the intestinal mucosa via metabolic, neuro-immunological, and neuroendocrine pathways. Disruption in levels of antimicrobial peptides produced by the enteroendocrine cells, such as catestatin, has been associated with changes in the gut microbiota and imbalance in intestinal homeostasis. However, whether the changes in the gut microbiota have a causational role in intestinal dyshomeostasis has remained elusive. To this end, we performed reciprocal fecal microbial transplantation in wild-type mice and mice with a knockout in the catestatin coding region of the chromogranin-A gene (CST-KO mice). Combined microbiota phylogenetic profiling, RNA sequencing, and transmission electron microscopy were employed. Fecal microbiota transplantation from mice deficient in catestatin (CST-KO) to microbiota-depleted wild-type mice induced transcriptional and physiological features characteristic of a distorted colon in the recipient animals, including impairment in tight junctions, as well as an increased collagen area fraction indicating colonic fibrosis. In contrast, fecal microbiota transplantation from wild-type mice to microbiota-depleted CST-KO mice reduced collagen fibrotic area, restored disrupted tight junction morphology, and altered fatty acid metabolism in recipient CST-KO mice. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the murine metabolic- and immune-related cellular pathways and processes that are co-mediated by the fecal microbiota transplantation and supports a prominent role for the gut microbiota in the colonic distortion associated with the lack of catestatin in mice. Overall, the data show that the gut microbiota may play a causal role in the development of features of intestinal inflammation and metabolic disorders, known to be associated with altered levels of catestatin and may, thus, provide a tractable target in the treatment and prevention of these disorders

    Machine learning for data integration in human gut microbiome

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    Recent studies have demonstrated that gut microbiota plays critical roles in various human diseases. High-throughput technology has been widely applied to characterize the microbial ecosystems, which led to an explosion of different types of molecular profiling data, such as metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metabolomics. For analysis of such data, machine learning algorithms have shown to be useful for identifying key molecular signatures, discovering potential patient stratifications, and particularly for generating models that can accurately predict phenotypes. In this review, we first discuss how dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota is linked to human disease development and how potential modulation strategies of the gut microbial ecosystem can be used for disease treatment. In addition, we introduce categories and workflows of different machine learning approaches, and how they can be used to perform integrative analysis of multi-omics data. Finally, we review advances of machine learning in gut microbiome applications and discuss related challenges. Based on this we conclude that machine learning is very well suited for analysis of gut microbiome and that these approaches can be useful for development of gut microbe-targeted therapies, which ultimately can help in achieving personalized and precision medicine

    Applied information retrieval and multidisciplinary research: new mechanistic hypotheses in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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    Background: Collaborative efforts of physicians and basic scientists are often necessary in the investigation of complex disorders. Difficulties can arise, however, when large amounts of information need to reviewed. Advanced information retrieval can be beneficial in combining and reviewing data obtained from the various scientific fields. In this paper, a team of investigators with varying backgrounds has applied advanced information retrieval methods, in the form of text mining and entity relationship tools, to review the current literature, with the intention to generate new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying a complex disorder. As an example of such a disorder the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) was chosen. CRPS is a painful and debilitating syndrome with a complex etiology that is still unraveled for a considerable part, resulting in suboptimal diagnosis and treatment. Results: A text mining based approach combined with a simple network analysis identified Nuclear Factor kappa B (NFκB) as a possible central mediator in both the initiation and progression of CRPS. Conclusion: The result shows the added value of a multidisciplinary approach combined with information retrieval in hypothesis discovery in biomedical research. The new hypothesis, which was derived in silico, provides a framework for further mechanistic studies into the underlying molecular mechanisms of CRPS and requires evaluation in clinical and epidemiological studies

    Mechanistic insights into the role of RIPK1 and NOD2 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Stress biology:Complexity and multifariousness in health and disease

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    Preserving and regulating cellular homeostasis in the light of changing environmental conditions or developmental processes is of pivotal importance for single cellular and multicellular organisms alike. To counteract an imbalance in cellular homeostasis transcriptional programs evolved, called the heat shock response, unfolded protein response, and integrated stress response, that act cell-autonomously in most cells but in multicellular organisms are subjected to cell-nonautonomous regulation. These transcriptional programs downregulate the expression of most genes but increase the expression of heat shock genes, including genes encoding molecular chaperones and proteases, proteins involved in the repair of stress-induced damage to macromolecules and cellular structures. Sixty-one years after the discovery of the heat shock response by Ferruccio Ritossa, many aspects of stress biology are still enigmatic. Recent progress in the understanding of stress responses and molecular chaperones was reported at the 12th International Symposium on Heat Shock Proteins in Biology, Medicine and the Environment in the Old Town Alexandria, VA, USA from 28th to 31st of October 2023.</p

    Transcription factor NRF2 as a therapeutic target for chronic diseases: a systems medicine approach

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    Systems medicine has a mechanism-based rather than a symptom- or organ-based approach to disease and identifies therapeutic targets in a nonhypothesis-driven manner. In this work, we apply this to transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (NRF2) by cross-validating its position in a protein-protein interaction network (the NRF2 interactome) functionally linked to cytoprotection in low-grade stress, chronic inflammation, metabolic alterations, and reactive oxygen species formation. Multiscale network analysis of these molecular profiles suggests alterations of NRF2 expression and activity as a common mechanism in a subnetwork of diseases (the NRF2 diseasome). This network joins apparently heterogeneous phenotypes such as autoimmune, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurodegenerative diseases, along with cancer. Importantly, this approach matches and confirms in silico several applications for NRF2-modulating drugs validated in vivo at different phases of clinical development. Pharmacologically, their profile is as diverse as electrophilic dimethyl fumarate, synthetic triterpenoids like bardoxolone methyl and sulforaphane, protein-protein or DNA-protein interaction inhibitors, and even registered drugs such as metformin and statins, which activate NRF2 and may be repurposed for indications within the NRF2 cluster of disease phenotypes. Thus, NRF2 represents one of the first targets fully embraced by classic and systems medicine approaches to facilitate both drug development and drug repurposing by focusing on a set of disease phenotypes that appear to be mechanistically linked. The resulting NRF2 drugome may therefore rapidly advance several surprising clinical options for this subset of chronic diseases

    Global endometrial DNA methylation analysis reveals insights into mQTL regulation and associated endometriosis disease risk and endometrial function

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    Epigenomics; Genetic predisposition to disease; Urogenital reproductive disordersEpigenómica; Predisposición genética a la enfermedad; Trastornos reproductivos urogenitalesEpigenòmica; Predisposició genètica a la malaltia; Trastorns reproductius urogenitalsEndometriosis is a leading cause of pain and infertility affecting millions of women globally. Herein, we characterize variation in DNA methylation (DNAm) and its association with menstrual cycle phase, endometriosis, and genetic variants through analysis of genotype data and methylation in endometrial samples from 984 deeply-phenotyped participants. We estimate that 15.4% of the variation in endometriosis is captured by DNAm and identify significant differences in DNAm profiles associated with stage III/IV endometriosis, endometriosis sub-phenotypes and menstrual cycle phase, including opening of the window for embryo implantation. Menstrual cycle phase was a major source of DNAm variation suggesting cellular and hormonally-driven changes across the cycle can regulate genes and pathways responsible for endometrial physiology and function. DNAm quantitative trait locus (mQTL) analysis identified 118,185 independent cis-mQTLs including 51 associated with risk of endometriosis, highlighting candidate genes contributing to disease risk. Our work provides functional evidence for epigenetic targets contributing to endometriosis risk and pathogenesis. Data generated serve as a valuable resource for understanding tissue-specific effects of methylation on endometrial biology in health and disease.This work has been supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) NICHD R01 HD089511. It was also supported, in part, by funding from Wellbeing of Women (through sponsorship from PwC) (R42533) and the Medical Research Council (MR/N024524/1 and MR/N022556/1) and NIH HD094842 (Harvard/MSU). K.K. was supported by NIH NCI R37 CA233774. A.F.M. was supported by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT200100837). G.W.M. was supported by NHMRC Fellowship (GNT1177194)

    Personalized Nutrition

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    Awareness of the influence of our genetic variation to dietary response (nutrigenetics) and how nutrients may affect gene expression (nutrigenomics) is prompting a revolution in the field of nutrition. Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics provide powerful approaches to unravel the complex relationships among nutritional molecules, genetic variants and the biological system. This publication contains selected papers from the ‘3rd Congress of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics’ held in Bethesda, Md., in October 2009. The contributions address frontiers in nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, epigenetics, transcriptomics as well as non-coding RNAs and posttranslational gene regulations in various diseases and conditions. In addition to scientific studies, the challenges and opportunities facing governments, academia and the industry are included