293 research outputs found

    AudioPairBank: Towards A Large-Scale Tag-Pair-Based Audio Content Analysis

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    Recently, sound recognition has been used to identify sounds, such as car and river. However, sounds have nuances that may be better described by adjective-noun pairs such as slow car, and verb-noun pairs such as flying insects, which are under explored. Therefore, in this work we investigate the relation between audio content and both adjective-noun pairs and verb-noun pairs. Due to the lack of datasets with these kinds of annotations, we collected and processed the AudioPairBank corpus consisting of a combined total of 1,123 pairs and over 33,000 audio files. One contribution is the previously unavailable documentation of the challenges and implications of collecting audio recordings with these type of labels. A second contribution is to show the degree of correlation between the audio content and the labels through sound recognition experiments, which yielded results of 70% accuracy, hence also providing a performance benchmark. The results and study in this paper encourage further exploration of the nuances in audio and are meant to complement similar research performed on images and text in multimedia analysis.Comment: This paper is a revised version of "AudioSentibank: Large-scale Semantic Ontology of Acoustic Concepts for Audio Content Analysis

    GIF Video Sentiment Detection Using Semantic Sequence

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    Films, Affective Computing and Aesthetic Experience: Identifying Emotional and Aesthetic Highlights from Multimodal Signals in a Social Setting.

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    Over the last years, affective computing has been strengthening its ties with the humanities, exploring and building understanding of people’s responses to specific artistic multimedia stimuli. “Aesthetic experience” is acknowledged to be the subjective part of some artistic exposure, namely, the inner affective state of a person exposed to some artistic object. In this work, we describe ongoing research activities for studying the aesthetic experience of people when exposed to movie artistic stimuli. To do so, this work is focused on the definition of emotional and aesthetic highlights in movies and studies the people responses to them using physiological and behavioral signals, in a social setting. In order to examine the suitability of multimodal signals for detecting highlights, we initially evaluate a supervised highlight detection system. Further, in order to provide an insight on the reactions of people, in a social setting, during emotional and aesthetic highlights, we study two unsupervised systems. Those systems are able to (a) measure the distance among the captured signals of multiple people using the dynamic time warping algorithm and (b) create a reaction profile for a group of people that would be indicative of whether that group reacts or not at a given time. The results indicate that the proposed systems are suitable for detecting highlights in movies and capturing some form of social interactions across different movie genres. Moreover, similar social interactions during exposure to emotional and some types of aesthetic highlights, such as those corresponding to technical or lightening choices of the director, can be observed. The utilization of electrodermal activity measurements yields in better performances than those achieved when using acceleration measurements, whereas fusion of the modalities does not appear to be beneficial for the majority of the cases

    Multimodal Based Audio-Visual Speech Recognition for Hard-of-Hearing: State of the Art Techniques and Challenges

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    Multimodal Integration (MI) is the study of merging the knowledge acquired by the nervous system using sensory modalities such as speech, vision, touch, and gesture. The applications of MI expand over the areas of Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR), Sign Language Recognition (SLR), Emotion Recognition (ER), Bio Metrics Applications (BMA), Affect Recognition (AR), Multimedia Retrieval (MR), etc. The fusion of modalities such as hand gestures- facial, lip- hand position, etc., are mainly used sensory modalities for the development of hearing-impaired multimodal systems. This paper encapsulates an overview of multimodal systems available within literature towards hearing impaired studies. This paper also discusses some of the studies related to hearing-impaired acoustic analysis. It is observed that very less algorithms have been developed for hearing impaired AVSR as compared to normal hearing. Thus, the study of audio-visual based speech recognition systems for the hearing impaired is highly demanded for the people who are trying to communicate with natively speaking languages.  This paper also highlights the state-of-the-art techniques in AVSR and the challenges faced by the researchers for the development of AVSR systems

    Quantify resilience enhancement of UTS through exploiting connect community and internet of everything emerging technologies

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    This work aims at investigating and quantifying the Urban Transport System (UTS) resilience enhancement enabled by the adoption of emerging technology such as Internet of Everything (IoE) and the new trend of the Connected Community (CC). A conceptual extension of Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) and its formalization have been proposed and used to model UTS complexity. The scope is to identify the system functions and their interdependencies with a particular focus on those that have a relation and impact on people and communities. Network analysis techniques have been applied to the FRAM model to identify and estimate the most critical community-related functions. The notion of Variability Rate (VR) has been defined as the amount of output variability generated by an upstream function that can be tolerated/absorbed by a downstream function, without significantly increasing of its subsequent output variability. A fuzzy based quantification of the VR on expert judgment has been developed when quantitative data are not available. Our approach has been applied to a critical scenario (water bomb/flash flooding) considering two cases: when UTS has CC and IoE implemented or not. The results show a remarkable VR enhancement if CC and IoE are deploye

    Clasificación de la expresión facial de dolor postquirúrgico infantil: Evaluación de redes neuronales convolucionales

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    There are certain difficulties in differentiating between children's facial expression related to pain and other stimuli. In addition, the limited communication ability of children in the preverbal stage leads to misdiagnosis when the child feels pain, for example, post-surgical conditions. In this article, a classification approach of facial expression of child pain is presented based on models of pre-trained convolutional neuronal networks from the study carried out in a Colombian hospital of level 4 (Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación), in the recovery areas of child surgery services. AlexNet and VGG (16, 19 and Face) networks are evaluated in the own dataset using the FLACC scale and their performances are compared in three experiments. The results show that the VGG-19 model achieves the best performance (92.9%) compared to the other networks. The effectiveness of the model and transfer learning for the classification of facial expression of child pain shows a promising solution for the assessment of post-surgical pain.Existen ciertas dificultades para diferenciar entre la expresión facial infantil relacionada al dolor con la de otros estímulos. Además, la limitada capacidad de comunicación de los niños en la etapa preverbal conlleva a un error de diagnóstico cuando el niño siente dolor, por ejemplo, afecciones posteriores a las cirugías. En este artículo, se presenta un enfoque de clasificación de la expresión facial de dolor infantil basado en modelos de redes neuronales convolucionales pre-entrenadas a partir del estudio realizado en un hospital colombiano de nivel 4 (Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación), en las áreas de recuperación de los servicios de cirugía infantil. Se evalúan las redes AlexNet y VGG (16, 19 y Face) en el conjunto de datos propio utilizando la escala FLACC y se comparan sus rendimientos en tres experimentos. Los resultados muestran que el modelo VGG-19 logra el mejor rendimiento (92.9%) en comparación con las demás redes. La eficacia del modelo y el aprendizaje por transferencia para la clasificación de la expresión facial de dolor infantil muestran una solución prometedora para la evaluación del dolor postquirúrgico

    A review of affective computing: From unimodal analysis to multimodal fusion

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    Affective computing is an emerging interdisciplinary research field bringing together researchers and practitioners from various fields, ranging from artificial intelligence, natural language processing, to cognitive and social sciences. With the proliferation of videos posted online (e.g., on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter) for product reviews, movie reviews, political views, and more, affective computing research has increasingly evolved from conventional unimodal analysis to more complex forms of multimodal analysis. This is the primary motivation behind our first of its kind, comprehensive literature review of the diverse field of affective computing. Furthermore, existing literature surveys lack a detailed discussion of state of the art in multimodal affect analysis frameworks, which this review aims to address. Multimodality is defined by the presence of more than one modality or channel, e.g., visual, audio, text, gestures, and eye gage. In this paper, we focus mainly on the use of audio, visual and text information for multimodal affect analysis, since around 90% of the relevant literature appears to cover these three modalities. Following an overview of different techniques for unimodal affect analysis, we outline existing methods for fusing information from different modalities. As part of this review, we carry out an extensive study of different categories of state-of-the-art fusion techniques, followed by a critical analysis of potential performance improvements with multimodal analysis compared to unimodal analysis. A comprehensive overview of these two complementary fields aims to form the building blocks for readers, to better understand this challenging and exciting research field


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    Credibility analysis of textual claims with explainable evidence

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    Despite being a vast resource of valuable information, the Web has been polluted by the spread of false claims. Increasing hoaxes, fake news, and misleading information on the Web have given rise to many fact-checking websites that manually assess these doubtful claims. However, the rapid speed and large scale of misinformation spread have become the bottleneck for manual verification. This calls for credibility assessment tools that can automate this verification process. Prior works in this domain make strong assumptions about the structure of the claims and the communities where they are made. Most importantly, black-box techniques proposed in prior works lack the ability to explain why a certain statement is deemed credible or not. To address these limitations, this dissertation proposes a general framework for automated credibility assessment that does not make any assumption about the structure or origin of the claims. Specifically, we propose a feature-based model, which automatically retrieves relevant articles about the given claim and assesses its credibility by capturing the mutual interaction between the language style of the relevant articles, their stance towards the claim, and the trustworthiness of the underlying web sources. We further enhance our credibility assessment approach and propose a neural-network-based model. Unlike the feature-based model, this model does not rely on feature engineering and external lexicons. Both our models make their assessments interpretable by extracting explainable evidence from judiciously selected web sources. We utilize our models and develop a Web interface, CredEye, which enables users to automatically assess the credibility of a textual claim and dissect into the assessment by browsing through judiciously and automatically selected evidence snippets. In addition, we study the problem of stance classification and propose a neural-network-based model for predicting the stance of diverse user perspectives regarding the controversial claims. Given a controversial claim and a user comment, our stance classification model predicts whether the user comment is supporting or opposing the claim.Das Web ist eine riesige Quelle wertvoller Informationen, allerdings wurde es durch die Verbreitung von Falschmeldungen verschmutzt. Eine zunehmende Anzahl an Hoaxes, Falschmeldungen und irreführenden Informationen im Internet haben viele Websites hervorgebracht, auf denen die Fakten überprüft und zweifelhafte Behauptungen manuell bewertet werden. Die rasante Verbreitung großer Mengen von Fehlinformationen sind jedoch zum Engpass für die manuelle Überprüfung geworden. Dies erfordert Tools zur Bewertung der Glaubwürdigkeit, mit denen dieser Überprüfungsprozess automatisiert werden kann. In früheren Arbeiten in diesem Bereich werden starke Annahmen gemacht über die Struktur der Behauptungen und die Portale, in denen sie gepostet werden. Vor allem aber können die Black-Box-Techniken, die in früheren Arbeiten vorgeschlagen wurden, nicht erklären, warum eine bestimmte Aussage als glaubwürdig erachtet wird oder nicht. Um diesen Einschränkungen zu begegnen, wird in dieser Dissertation ein allgemeines Framework für die automatisierte Bewertung der Glaubwürdigkeit vorgeschlagen, bei dem keine Annahmen über die Struktur oder den Ursprung der Behauptungen gemacht werden. Insbesondere schlagen wir ein featurebasiertes Modell vor, das automatisch relevante Artikel zu einer bestimmten Behauptung abruft und deren Glaubwürdigkeit bewertet, indem die gegenseitige Interaktion zwischen dem Sprachstil der relevanten Artikel, ihre Haltung zur Behauptung und der Vertrauenswürdigkeit der zugrunde liegenden Quellen erfasst wird. Wir verbessern unseren Ansatz zur Bewertung der Glaubwürdigkeit weiter und schlagen ein auf neuronalen Netzen basierendes Modell vor. Im Gegensatz zum featurebasierten Modell ist dieses Modell nicht auf Feature-Engineering und externe Lexika angewiesen. Unsere beiden Modelle machen ihre Einschätzungen interpretierbar, indem sie erklärbare Beweise aus sorgfältig ausgewählten Webquellen extrahieren. Wir verwenden unsere Modelle zur Entwicklung eines Webinterfaces, CredEye, mit dem Benutzer die Glaubwürdigkeit einer Behauptung in Textform automatisch bewerten und verstehen können, indem sie automatisch ausgewählte Beweisstücke einsehen. Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir das Problem der Positionsklassifizierung und schlagen ein auf neuronalen Netzen basierendes Modell vor, um die Position verschiedener Benutzerperspektiven in Bezug auf die umstrittenen Behauptungen vorherzusagen. Bei einer kontroversen Behauptung und einem Benutzerkommentar sagt unser Einstufungsmodell voraus, ob der Benutzerkommentar die Behauptung unterstützt oder ablehnt