15 research outputs found

    Identifying influential spreaders by weighted LeaderRank

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    Identifying influential spreaders is crucial for understanding and controlling spreading processes on social networks. Via assigning degree-dependent weights onto links associated with the ground node, we proposed a variant to a recent ranking algorithm named LeaderRank (LĂĽ et al., 2011). According to the simulations on the standard SIR model, the weighted LeaderRank performs better than LeaderRank in three aspects: (i) the ability to find out more influential spreaders; (ii) the higher tolerance to noisy data; and (iii) the higher robustness to intentional attacks

    Identifying online user reputation in terms of user preference

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    Identifying online user reputation is significant for online social systems. In this paper, taking into account the preference physics of online user collective behaviors, we present an improved group-based rating method for ranking online user reputation based on the user preference (PGR). All the ratings given by each specific user are mapped to the same rating criteria. By grouping users according to their mapped ratings, the online user reputation is calculated based on the corresponding group sizes. Results for MovieLens and Netflix data sets show that the AUC values of the PGR method can reach 0.9842 (0.9493) and 0.9995 (0.9987) for malicious (random) spammers, respectively, outperforming the results generated by the traditional group- based method, which indicates that the online preference plays an important role for measuring user reputation

    Identifying online user reputation of user–object bipartite networks

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    Identifying online user reputation based on the rating information of the user–object bipartite networks is important for understanding online user collective behaviors. Based on the Bayesian analysis, we present a parameter-free algorithm for ranking online user reputation, where the user reputation is calculated based on the probability that their ratings are consistent with the main part of all user opinions. The experimental results show that the AUC values of the presented algorithm could reach 0.8929 and 0.8483 for the MovieLens and Netflix data sets, respectively, which is better than the results generated by the CR and IARR methods. Furthermore, the experimental results for different user groups indicate that the presented algorithm outperforms the iterative ranking methods in both ranking accuracy and computation complexity. Moreover, the results for the synthetic networks show that the computation complexity of the presented algorithm is a linear function of the network size, which suggests that the presented algorithm is very effective and efficient for the large scale dynamic online systems

    Accumulative time-based ranking method to reputation evaluation in information networks

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    With the rapid development of modern technology, the Web has become an important platform for users to make friends and acquire information. However, since information on the Web is over-abundant, information filtering becomes a key task for online users to obtain relevant suggestions. As most Websites can be ranked according to users' rating and preferences, relevance to queries, and recency, how to extract the most relevant item from the over-abundant information is always a key topic for researchers in various fields. In this paper, we adopt tools used to analyze complex networks to evaluate user reputation and item quality. In our proposed accumulative time-based ranking (ATR) algorithm, we incorporate two behavioral weighting factors which are updated when users select or rate items, to reflect the evolution of user reputation and item quality over time. We showed that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art ranking algorithms in terms of precision and robustness on empirical datasets from various online retailers and the citation datasets among research publications

    A Framework of Algorithms: Computing the Bias and Prestige of Nodes in Trust Networks

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    A trust network is a social network in which edges represent the trust relationship between two nodes in the network. In a trust network, a fundamental question is how to assess and compute the bias and prestige of the nodes, where the bias of a node measures the trustworthiness of a node and the prestige of a node measures the importance of the node. The larger bias of a node implies the lower trustworthiness of the node, and the larger prestige of a node implies the higher importance of the node. In this paper, we define a vector-valued contractive function to characterize the bias vector which results in a rich family of bias measurements, and we propose a framework of algorithms for computing the bias and prestige of nodes in trust networks. Based on our framework, we develop four algorithms that can calculate the bias and prestige of nodes effectively and robustly. The time and space complexities of all our algorithms are linear w.r.t. the size of the graph, thus our algorithms are scalable to handle large datasets. We evaluate our algorithms using five real datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness, robustness, and scalability of our algorithms

    Eliminating the Effect of Rating Bias on Reputation Systems

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    A Robust Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on User Relationships for Recommendation Systems

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    Personalized recommendation systems have been widely used as an effective way to deal with information overload. The common approach in the systems, item-based collaborative filtering (CF), has been identified to be vulnerable to “Shilling” attack. To improve the robustness of item-based CF, the authors propose a novel CF approach based on the mostly used relationships between users. In the paper, three most commonly used relationships between users are analyzed and applied to construct several user models at first. The DBSCAN clustering is then utilized to select the valid user model in accordance with how the models benefit detecting spam users. The selected model is used to detect spam user group. Finally, a detection-based CF method is proposed for the calculation of item-item similarities and rating prediction, by setting different weights for suspicious spam users and normal users. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach provides a better robustness than the typical item-based kNN (k Nearest Neighbor) CF approach

    Recommender Systems

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    The ongoing rapid expansion of the Internet greatly increases the necessity of effective recommender systems for filtering the abundant information. Extensive research for recommender systems is conducted by a broad range of communities including social and computer scientists, physicists, and interdisciplinary researchers. Despite substantial theoretical and practical achievements, unification and comparison of different approaches are lacking, which impedes further advances. In this article, we review recent developments in recommender systems and discuss the major challenges. We compare and evaluate available algorithms and examine their roles in the future developments. In addition to algorithms, physical aspects are described to illustrate macroscopic behavior of recommender systems. Potential impacts and future directions are discussed. We emphasize that recommendation has a great scientific depth and combines diverse research fields which makes it of interests for physicists as well as interdisciplinary researchers.Comment: 97 pages, 20 figures (To appear in Physics Reports