2,813 research outputs found

    A metric for collaborative networks

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    The objective of this paper is to provide a metric that could be used to define success in acollaborative network. Design/methodology/approach - The methodology of this research consists of four stages: Review, Constructing, Testing and Description. Review stage comprised of a critical review of theliterature in order to understand the characteristics of collaborative network organisations and thereasons behind the successes and failures in collaborative networks. Construction stage resulted indevelopment of a metric for collaborative networks. Testing stage tested the model through case studyin a collaborative networks organisation. The outcome of the case study was discussed at thedescription stage to assess usability and usefulness of the metric for participants in turn to generatec onclusions

    Electronic information sharing in local government authorities: Factors influencing the decision-making process

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in International Journal of Information Management. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.Local Government Authorities (LGAs) are mainly characterised as information-intensive organisations. To satisfy their information requirements, effective information sharing within and among LGAs is necessary. Nevertheless, the dilemma of Inter-Organisational Information Sharing (IOIS) has been regarded as an inevitable issue for the public sector. Despite a decade of active research and practice, the field lacks a comprehensive framework to examine the factors influencing Electronic Information Sharing (EIS) among LGAs. The research presented in this paper contributes towards resolving this problem by developing a conceptual framework of factors influencing EIS in Government-to-Government (G2G) collaboration. By presenting this model, we attempt to clarify that EIS in LGAs is affected by a combination of environmental, organisational, business process, and technological factors and that it should not be scrutinised merely from a technical perspective. To validate the conceptual rationale, multiple case study based research strategy was selected. From an analysis of the empirical data from two case organisations, this paper exemplifies the importance (i.e. prioritisation) of these factors in influencing EIS by utilising the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The intent herein is to offer LGA decision-makers with a systematic decision-making process in realising the importance (i.e. from most important to least important) of EIS influential factors. This systematic process will also assist LGA decision-makers in better interpreting EIS and its underlying problems. The research reported herein should be of interest to both academics and practitioners who are involved in IOIS, in general, and collaborative e-Government, in particular

    From business logic to business process : designing strategy-aligned business processes

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    Het ontwerpen van strategisch gealigneerde bedrijfsprocessen vereist een coördinatie tussen de strategie en de processen binnen een onderneming. Binnen het onderzoeksgebied van het Conceptueel Modelleren kan deze coördinatie verwezenlijkt worden door het gebruik van waardemodellen. Modelleertalen voor waardemodellen brengen zowel de creatie van waarde binnen de onderneming, als de uitwisseling van waarde tussen de onderneming en haar ruimer netwerk, in kaart. Binnen dit doctoraatsonderzoek wordt het gebruik van deze modelleertalen gecombineerd met het bedrijfsmodel van de onderneming, een concept dat zijn oorsprong vindt in Strategisch Management. Het combineren van conceptuele modelleertalen met relevante raamwerken uit de management literatuur zorgt er voor dat conceptuele modellen ontwikkeld kunnen worden binnen een afgelijnde strategische context. Hierdoor worden concepten gebruikt die een duidelijke betekenis hebben voor de eindgebruikers binnen de onderneming, waardoor het eenvoudiger wordt voor hen om de uiteindelijke modellen te begrijpen. Het onderzoek binnen dit doctoraatsproefschrift is opgesplitst in drie delen. Het eerste deel (hoofdstuk 2) beschrijft de ontwikkeling van een integrerend raamwerk voor het bedrijfsmodel, zoals het gepercipieerd wordt binnen Strategisch Management. De belangrijkste reden voor dit onderzoek was het gebrek aan een gemeenschappelijke visie binnen dit onderzoeksdomein. Het raamwerk werd ontwikkeld door middel van een literatuurstudie en leidde tot de identificatie van 10 elementen en hun onderlinge relaties binnen het bedrijfsmodel. De toepasbaarheid van dit raamwerk werd geĂŻllustreerd door het toe te passen op de Southwest Airlines gevalstudie. Het onderzoek uit hoofdstuk 3 bouwt verder op dit raamwerk aangezien het gericht is op de realisatie van IT support voor de ontwikkeling van bedrijfsmodellen. Hiervoor zijn we nagegaan welke modelleerconstructen, die gebruikt worden bij het opstellen van waardemodellen, geschikt zijn om de elementen binnen het bedrijfsmodel weer te geven. Nadien zijn deze modelleerconstructen gecombineerd tot het nieuwe business model viewpoint binnen VDML. Deze modelleertaal werd recent ontwikkeld door de Object Management Group als een standaard voor het modelleren van de waardecreatie en –uitwisseling door de onderneming. Het VDML business model viewpoint heeft als doel om het begrip van de eindgebruikers over de onderliggende bedrijfsinformatie te vergroten. Dit effect werd nagegaan door het uitvoeren van een experiment, waarvan de statistische resultaten aantonen dat het gebruik van dit nieuwe model een significante en positieve invloed heeft op het de accuraatheid en de snelheid waarmee eindgebruikers de onderliggende informatie kunnen afleiden. Het laatste deel van het onderzoek (hoofdstuk 4) is gericht op the realiseren van strategische afstemming binnen de bedrijfsarchitectuur. Dit werd verwezenlijkt door de ontwikkeling van een modelleertechniek die gericht is op de creatie van business architecture heat maps. Deze techniek steunt op raamwerken uit Strategisch Management om de relevante elementen binnen de bedrijfsarchitectuur te identificeren. In dit opzicht maken we hier dus ook gebruik van de onderzoeksresultaten uit hoofdstuk 2. De realisatie van de heat maps is gebaseerd op het toevoegen van een kleurencode die zowel de prestatie als het strategisch belang aanduidt van de elementen binnen de bedrijfsarchitectuur. De creatie van deze heat maps wordt ondersteund door een software programma dat ontwikkeld werd via het ADOxx platform. De voorgestelde modelleertechniek werd toegepast en geĂ«valueerd door middel van drie gevalstudies bij een grootschalig internationaal bedrijf dat software ontwikkelt. De resultaten van deze gevalstudies hadden tot doel om de voorgestelde modelleertechniek verder te verfijnen, waardoor een mooie balans gevonden werd tussen het bijdragen van kennis aan de betrokken onderzoeksdomeinen en het bieden van een oplossing voor een praktisch bedrijfsprobleem

    Recruitment and selection processes through an effective GDSS

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    [[abstract]]This study proposes a group decision support system (GDSS), with multiple criteria to assist in recruitment and selection (R&S) processes of human resources. A two-phase decision-making procedure is first suggested; various techniques involving multiple criteria and group participation are then defined corresponding to each step in the procedure. A wide scope of personnel characteristics is evaluated, and the concept of consensus is enhanced. The procedure recommended herein is expected to be more effective than traditional approaches. In addition, the procedure is implemented on a network-based PC system with web interfaces to support the R&S activities. In the final stage, key personnel at a human resources department of a chemical company in southern Taiwan authenticated the feasibility of the illustrated example.[[notice]]èŁœæ­ŁćźŒç•ą[[journaltype]]朋慧[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]E

    Customer requirements based ERP customization using AHP technique

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    Purpose– Customization is a difficult task for many organizations implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The purpose of this paper is to develop a new framework based on customers’ requirements to examine the ERP customization choices for the enterprise. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique has been applied complementarily with this framework to prioritize ERP customization choices. \ud \ud Design/methodology/approach– Based on empirical literature, the paper proposed an ERP customization framework anchored on the customer's requirements. A case study research method was used to evaluate the applicability of the framework in a real-life setting. In a case study with 15 practitioners working on the vendor's and the client's sides in an ERP implementation, the paper applied the framework jointly with the AHP technique to prioritize the feasible customization choices for ERP implementation. \ud \ud Findings– The paper demonstrates the applicability of the framework in identifying the various feasible choices for the client organization to consider when they decide to customize their selected ERP product. \ud \ud Research limitations/implications– Further case studies need to be carried out in various contexts to acquire knowledge about the generalizability of the observations. This will also contribute to refining the proposed ERP customization framework. \ud \ud Practical implications– Very few literature sources suggest methods for exploring and evaluating customization options in ERP projects from requirements engineering perspective. The proposed framework helps practitioners and consultants anchor the customization decisions on the customer's requirements and use a well-established prioritization technique, AHP, to identify the feasible customization choices for the implementing enterprise. \ud \ud Originality/value– No previously published research studies provide an approach to prioritize customization choices for ERP anchored on the customer's requirements

    Un enfoque de toma de decisiones multicriterio aplicado a la estrategia de transformaciĂłn digital de las organizaciones por medio de la inteligencia artificial responsable en la nube de las organizaciones. Estudio de caso en el sector de salud

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    Tesis inĂ©dita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Estudios EstadĂ­sticos, leĂ­da el 08-02-2023Organisations are committed to understanding both the needs of their customers and the capabilities and plans of their competitors and partners, through the processes of acquiring and evaluating market information in a systematic and anticipatory manner. On the other hand, most organisations in the last few years have defined that one of their main strategic objectives for the next few years is to become a truly data-driven organisation in the current Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) context (Moreno et al., 2019). They are willing to invest heavily in Data and AI Strategy and build enterprise data and AI platforms that will enable this Market-Oriented vision (Moreno et al., 2019). In this thesis, it is presented a Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) model (Saaty, 1988), an AI Digital Cloud Transformation Strategy and a cloud conceptual architecture to help AI leaders and organisations with their Responsible AI journey, capable of helping global organisations to move from the use of data from descriptive to prescriptive and leveraging existing cloud services to deliver true Market-Oriented in a much shorter time (compared with traditional approaches)...Las organizaciones se comprometen a comprender tanto las necesidades de sus clientes como las capacidades y planes de sus competidores y socios, a travĂ©s de procesos de adquisiciĂłn y evaluaciĂłn de informaciĂłn de mercado de manera sistemĂĄtica y anticipatoria. Por otro lado, la mayorĂ­a de las organizaciones en los Ășltimos años han definido que uno de sus principales objetivos estratĂ©gicos para los prĂłximos años es convertirse en una organizaciĂłn verdaderamente orientada a los datos (data-driven) en el contexto actual de Big Data e Inteligencia Artificial (IA) (Moreno et al. al., 2019). EstĂĄn dispuestos a invertir fuertemente en datos y estrategia de inteligencia artificial y construir plataformas de datos empresariales e inteligencia artificial que permitan esta visiĂłn orientada al mercado (Moreno et al., 2019). En esta tesis, se presenta un modelo de toma de decisiones multicriterio (MCDM) (Saaty, 1988), una estrategia de transformaciĂłn digital de IA de la nube y una arquitectura conceptual de nube para ayudar a los lĂ­deres y organizaciones de IA en su viaje de IA responsable, capaz de ayudar a las organizaciones globales a pasar del uso de datos descriptivos a prescriptivos y aprovechar los servicios en la nube existentes para ofrecer una verdadera orientaciĂłn al mercado en un tiempo mucho mĂĄs corto (en comparaciĂłn con los enfoques tradicionales)...Fac. de Estudios EstadĂ­sticosTRUEunpu

    Analysis of limitations and metrology weaknesses of enterprise architecture (EA) measurement solutions & proposal of a COSMIC-based approach to EA measurement

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    The literature on enterprise architecture (EA) posits that EA is of considerable value for organizations. However, while the EA literature documents a number of proposals for EA measurement solutions, there is little evidence-based research supporting their achievements and limitations. This thesis aims at helping the EA community to understand the existing trends in EA measurement research and to recognize the existing gaps, limitations, and weaknesses in EA measurement solutions. Furthermore, this thesis aims to assist the EA community to design EA measurement solutions based on measurement and metrology best practices. The research goal of this thesis is to contribute to the EA body of knowledge by shaping new perspectives for future research avenues in EA measurement research. To achieve the research goal, the following research objectives are defined: 1. To classify the EA measurement solutions into specific categories in order to identify research themes and explain the structure of the research area. 2. To evaluate the EA measurement solutions from a measurement and metrology perspective. 3. To identify the measurement and metrology issues in EA measurement solutions. 4. To propose a novel EA measurement approach based on measurement and metrology guidelines and best practices. To achieve the first objective, this thesis conducts a systematic mapping study (SMS to help understand the state-of-the-art of EA measurement research and classify the research area in order to acquire a general understanding about the existing research trends. To achieve the second and third objectives, this thesis conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) to evaluate the EA measurement solutions from a measurement and metrology perspective, and hence, to reveal the weaknesses of EA measurement solutions and propose relevant solutions to these weaknesses. To perform this evaluation, we develop an evaluation process based on combining both the components of the evolution theory and the concepts of measurement and metrology best practices, such as ISO 15939. To achieve the fourth objective, we propose a mapping between two international standards: ‱ COSMIC - ISO/IEC 19761: a method for measuring the functional size of software. ‱ ArchiMate: a modelling language for EA. This mapping results in proposing a novel EA measurement approach that overcomes the weaknesses and limitations found in the existing EA measurement solutions. The research results demonstrate that: 1. The current publications on EA measurement are trending toward an increased focus on the “enterprise IT architecting” school of thought, lacks the rigorous terminology found in science and engineering and shows limited adoption of knowledge from other disciplines in the proposals of EA measurement solutions. 2. There is a lack of attention to attaining appropriate metrology properties in EA measurement proposals: all EA measurement proposals are characterized with insufficient metrology coverage scoring, theoretical and empirical definitions. 3. The proposed novel EA measurement approach demonstrates that it is handy for EA practitioners, and easy to adopt by organizations

    An integrated core competence evaluation framework for portfolio management in the oil industry

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    Drawing upon resource-based theory, this paper presents a core competence evaluation framework for managing the competence portfolio of an oil company. It introduces a network typology to illustrate how to form different types of strategic alliance relations with partnering firms to manage and grow the competence portfolio. A framework is tested using a case study approach involving face-to-face structured interviews. We identified purchasing, refining and sales and marketing as strong candidates to be the core competencies. However, despite the company's core business of refining oil, the core competencies were identified to be their research and development and performance management (PM) capabilities. We further provide a procedure to determine different kinds of physical, intellectual and cultural resources making a dominant impact on company's competence portfolio. In addition, we provide a comprehensive set of guidelines on how to develop core competence further by forging a partnership alliance choosing an appropriate network topology
