1,252 research outputs found

    The Monograph Dissertation versus the Papers Approach

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    Although most universities have had the power to award a doctorate on the basis of published papers, many researchers have not taken this route to a degree. As more universities are now offering this alternative it is important to understand how this approach works and why this route is sound. It is envisaged that there will be an increasing number of researchers obtaining their doctorate by the Papers Approach

    A new role for NGOs in development?

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    "The wealth of individual case studies of NGO activities reported in the development literature highlights some important lessons to be learned from their experiences. Lesson one: The need for in-depth analysis of poverty ... Lesson two: Development initiatives for the poor must emanate from the needs of the poor as perceived by them ... Lesson three: Chronic, systemic poverty requires change that concentrates on strengthening the social and political situation of the poor; as well as their economic conditions ... Lesson four: The poorest are more likely to benefit if development activities are designed in such a way that appropriation by others is difficult or unprofitable ... Lesson five: The simpler the design, the greater the likelihood that the poorest can control and benefit from development projects ... Lesson six: Development for the poor neqessarily involves changing the structures which keep them in poverty, and a readiness to cope with the conflict which may accompany such changes...

    From Bondage to Economic Survival: Can Liberated Trokosi Make the Transition?

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    Trokosi, which is a form of slavery, is a significant issue in Ghana with over 5,000 womenand 15,000 children affected. Starting 1991, International Needs Ghana (ING) havenegotiated with Shrine priests for the liberation of trokosi. However, even after liberation, thetrokosi, who are overwhelmingly females (young girls and women with children), remainvulnerable and trapped, unable to escape their psychological trauma as a result of thebondage to shrine priests. Their trauma is compounded by fear of the unknown and theanxiety of possible rejection by the wider society into which they must resettle. To assist theintegration of the trokosi into society, ING provides them with livelihood skills, in the hopethat they can utilise these skills to develop income generating activities. Nonetheless, thequestion posed by government officials, NGO representatives and researchers involved withtrokosi remain whether the trokosi can make the transition from bondage to economicsurvival. This paper therefore investigates whether the trokosi can be economically successfulwhen offered practical skills directly related to livelihood needs

    Relaxation time spectrum of low-energy excitations in one- and two-dimensional materials with charge or spin density waves

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    The long-time thermal relaxation of (TMTTF)2_2Br, Sr14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} and Sr2_2Ca12_{12}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} single crystals at temperatures below 1 K and magnetic field up to 10 T is investigated. The data allow us to determine the relaxation time spectrum of the low energy excitations caused by the charge-density wave (CDW) or spin-density wave (SDW). The relaxation time is mainly determined by a thermal activated process for all investigated materials. The maximum relaxation time increases with increasing magnetic field. The distribution of barrier heights corresponds to one or two Gaussian functions. The doping of Sr14x_{14-x}Cax_{x}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} with Ca leads to a drastic shift of the relaxation time spectrum to longer time. The maximum relaxation time changes from 50 s (x = 0) to 3000 s (x = 12) at 0.1 K and 10 T. The observed thermal relaxation at x=12 clearly indicates the formation of the SDW ground state at low temperatures

    Electronic structure and properties of (TiZrNbCu)_1-xNi_x high entropy amorphous alloys

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    A comprehensive study of selected properties of four (TiZrNbCu)_1-xNi_x (x \le 0.25) amorphous high entropy alloys (a-HEA) has been performed. The samples were ribbons about 20 \mum thick and their fully amorphous state was verified by X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis. The surface morphology, precise composition and the distribution of components were studied with a Scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) attachment. The properties selected were the melting temperature (T_m), the low temperature specific heat (LTSH), the magnetic susceptibility \chi_exp and the Young^,s modulus (E). Whereas LTSH and \chi_exp were measured for the as-cast samples, E was measured both for as-cast samples and relaxed samples (after a short anneal close to the glass transition temperature). The LTSH showed that the electronic density of states at the Fermi level, N_0(E_F), decreases with increasing x, whereas the Debye temperature (\theta_D) increases with x. This is similar to what is observed in binary and ternary amorphous alloys of early transition metals (TE) with late transition metals (TL) and indicates that N_0(E_F) is dominated by the d-electrons of the TE. The LTSH also showed the absence of superconductivity down to 1.8K and indicated the emergence of the Boson peak above 4K in all alloys.The free-electron like paramagnetic contribution to \chi_exp also decreases with x, whereas E, like \theta_D, increases with x, indicating enhanced interatomic bonding on addition of Ni. The applicability of the rule of mixtures to these and other similar HEAs is briefly discussed

    Value and vision of human resource management in korean companies

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Business Administration,2001masterpublishedby Regina Remenyi