797 research outputs found

    VIKOR Technique:A Systematic Review of the State of the Art Literature on Methodologies and Applications

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    The main objective of this paper is to present a systematic review of the VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method in several application areas such as sustainability and renewable energy. This study reviewed a total of 176 papers, published in 2004 to 2015, from 83 high-ranking journals; most of which were related to Operational Research, Management Sciences, decision making, sustainability and renewable energy and were extracted from the “Web of Science and Scopus” databases. Papers were classified into 15 main application areas. Furthermore, papers were categorized based on the nationalities of authors, dates of publications, techniques and methods, type of studies, the names of the journals and studies purposes. The results of this study indicated that more papers on VIKOR technique were published in 2013 than in any other year. In addition, 13 papers were published about sustainability and renewable energy fields. Furthermore, VIKOR and fuzzy VIKOR methods, had the first rank in use. Additionally, the Journal of Expert Systems with Applications was the most significant journal in this study, with 27 publications on the topic. Finally, Taiwan had the first rank from 22 nationalities which used VIKOR technique

    A review of application of multi-criteria decision making methods in construction

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    Construction is an area of study wherein making decisions adequately can mean the difference between success and failure. Moreover, most of the activities belonging to this sector involve taking into account a large number of conflicting aspects, which hinders their management as a whole. Multi-criteria decision making analysis arose to model complex problems like these. This paper reviews the application of 22 different methods belonging to this discipline in various areas of the construction industry clustered in 11 categories. The most significant methods are briefly discussed, pointing out their principal strengths and limitations. Furthermore, the data gathered while performing the paper are statistically analysed to identify different trends concerning the use of these techniques. The review shows their usefulness in characterizing very different decision making environments, highlighting the reliability acquired by the most pragmatic and widespread methods and the emergent tendency to use some of them in combination

    A multi-criteria fuzzy method for selecting the location of a solid waste disposal facility

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    Facility location is a multicriteria decision process that has important operational and economic impacts and that typically involves uncertainty and vagueness of evaluations. A fuzzy-based method supporting preliminary decision-making about siting solid waste incinerators is proposed building on a structured classification of criteria for location selection developed from the existing literature. The application to a case study revealed the advantages of the methodology. The work intends to provide a general and comprehensive taxonomy of decision criteria that may be adapted to various facility location problems together with a fuzzy inference process that is useful for companies and public administration institutions looking for rigorous but relatively simple decision-making tools in uncertain environments. Future research will compare the developed method with the most common tools for making location decisions. The approach will be then extended to different kinds of facilitie

    Bibliometric analysis of scientific production on methods to aid decision making in the last 40 years

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    Purpose: Multicriteria methods have gained traction in both academia and industry practices for effective decision-making over the years. This bibliometric study aims to explore and provide an overview of research carried out on multicriteria methods, in its various aspects, over the past forty-four years. Design/Methodology/Approach: The Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were searched for publications from January 1945 to April 29, 2021, on multicriteria methods in titles, abstracts, and keywords. The bibliographic data were analyzed using the R bibliometrix package. Findings: This bibliometric study asserts that 29,050 authors have produced 20,861 documents on the theme of multicriteria methods in 131 countries in the last forty-four years. Scientific production in this area grows at a rate of 13.88 per year. China is the leading country in publications with 14.14%; India with 10.76%; and Iran with 8.09%. Islamic Azad University leads others with 504 publications, followed by the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University with 456 and the National Institute of Technology with 336. As for journals, Expert Systems With Applications; Sustainability; and Journal of Cleaner Production are the leading journals, which account for more than 4.67% of all indexed literature. Furthermore, Zavadskas E. and Wang J have the highest publications in the multicriteria methods domain regarding the authors. Regarding the most commonly used multicriteria decision-making methods, AHP is the most favored approach among the ten countries with the most publications in this research area, followed by TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE, and ANP. Practical implications: The bibliometric literature review method allows the researchers to explore the multicriteria research area more extensively than the traditional literature review method. It enables a large dataset of bibliographic records to be systematically analyzed through statistical measures, yielding informative insights. Originality/value: The usefulness of this bibliometric study is summed in presenting an overview of the topic of the multicriteria methods during the previous forty-four years, allowing other academics to use this research as a starting point for their research

    Lojistik merkezi yer seçimi için aralık değerli sezgisel bulanık sayılara dayalı genişletilmiş VIKOR yöntemi

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    Identifying the appropriate location for logistics centres (LC) is key to gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage and increasing the efficiency of supply chain activities. Increasing customer expectations, efforts to reduce logistics costs and the intensity of competition in the logistics sector have led to the establishment of many new LMs in recent years. These centers contribute significantly to increasing efficiency in freight transportation, optimizing logistics services and reducing the traffic. The increasing importance of LCs and the significant impact of their location on logistics activities have made the choice of installation site a strategic consideration. However, evaluating LC location alternatives is a complex process that must take many factors into account. The aim of the present study is to propose an extended VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) approach based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IVIFN) and test its feasibility. Applying IVIFN contributes to coping with uncertainty in human thought and decision processes. On the other hand, VIKOR is a decision-making technique that facilitates ranking criteria that are contradictory and represented by different units, and it offers a compromise solution. The feasibility of the extended VIKOR approach through IVIFN proposed in this study was tested in a numerical example in which LC location alternatives were evaluated. Three experts were consulted to determine the criterion weights and to rank the alternatives. Decision makers serve as logistics and planning specialist, logistics operations manager and supply chain chief engineer. In practice, alternatives were evaluated by considering six criteria. As a result, criteria are listed in the form of intermodal connection (0.255), infrastructure (0.194), security/safety (0.169), proximity to customers (0.158), proximity to suppliers (0.131), and labour supply (0.093), according to their weighted importance. It is expected that the findings obtained in the study will contribute to researchers and sector managers.Lojistik merkezler (LM) için uygun yerin belirlenmesi, rekabet avantajı elde etmenin, sürdürmenin ve tedarik zinciri faaliyetlerinin verimliliğini artırmanın anahtarıdır. Artan müşteri beklentileri, lojistik maliyetlerinin azaltılmasına yönelik çabalar ve lojistik sektöründe yaşanan rekabet yoğunluğu son yıllarda birçok yeni LM kurulmasına neden olmuştur. Bu merkezler yük taşımacılığında verimliliğin artmasına, lojistik hizmetlerin optimize edilmesine ve bulundukları kentteki trafiğin azaltılmasında önemli ölçüde katkı sağlamaktadır. LM'lerin artan önemi ve konumlarının lojistik faaliyetler üzerindeki önemli etkisi, kurulum yeri seçimini stratejik bir değerlendirme haline getirmiştir. Ancak, LM konum alternatiflerini değerlendirmek, birçok faktörün hesaba katılması gereken karmaşık bir süreçtir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, aralık değerli sezgisel bulanık sayılara (ADSBS) dayalı genişletilmiş bir VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) yaklaşımı önermek ve uygulanabilirliğini test etmektir. ADSBS'ın uygulanması, insan düşünce ve karar süreçlerindeki belirsizlikle başa çıkmaya katkıda bulunur. Öte yandan VIKOR birbiriyle çelişen ve farklı birimler tarafından temsil edilen kriterleri sıralamayı kolaylaştıran ve uzlaşmacı bir çözüm sunan bir karar verme tekniğidir. Bu çalışmada önerilen ADSBS aracılığıyla genişletilmiş VIKOR yaklaşımının uygulanabilirliği, LM konum alternatiflerinin değerlendirildiği sayısal bir örnekte test edilmiştir. Kriter ağırlıklarının belirlenmesi ve alternatiflerin sıralanması için üç uzman karar vericiye danışılmıştır. Karar vericiler, lojistik ve planlama uzmanı, lojistik operasyon yöneticisi ve tedarik zinciri başmühendisi olarak görev yapmaktadır. Uygulamada alternatifler altı kriter (altyapı, müşteriye yakınlık, tedarikçilere yakınlık, intermodal bağlantı, işgücü arzı ve güvenlik/güvenirlilik) dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak kriterler ağırlıklarına göre intermodal bağlantı (0,255), altyapı (0,194), güvenlik/güvenlik (0,169), müşterilere yakınlık (0,158), tedarikçilere yakınlık (0,131) ve iş gücü arzı (0,093) biçiminde sıralanmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen bulguların araştırmacılara ve sektör yöneticilerine katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir

    Neuro-fuzzy resource forecast in site suitability assessment for wind and solar energy: a mini review

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    Abstract:Site suitability problems in renewable energy studies have taken a new turn since the advent of geographical information system (GIS). GIS has been used for site suitability analysis for renewable energy due to its prowess in processing and analyzing attributes with geospatial components. Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) tools are further used for criteria ranking in the order of influence on the study. Upon location of most appropriate sites, the need for intelligent resource forecast to aid in strategic and operational planning becomes necessary if viability of the investment will be enhanced and resource variability will be better understood. One of such intelligent models is the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and its variants. This study presents a mini-review of GIS-based MCDM facility location problems in wind and solar resource site suitability analysis and resource forecast using ANFIS-based models. We further present a framework for the integration of the two concepts in wind and solar energy studies. Various MCDM techniques for decision making with their strengths and weaknesses were presented. Country specific studies which apply GIS-based method in site suitability were presented with criteria considered. Similarly, country-specific studies in ANFIS-based resource forecasts for wind and solar energy were also presented. From our findings, there has been no technically valid range of values for spatial criteria and the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) has been commonly used for criteria ranking leaving other techniques less explored. Also, hybrid ANFIS models are more effective compared to standalone ANFIS models in resource forecast, and ANFIS optimized with population-based models has been mostly used. Finally, we present a roadmap for integrating GIS-MCDM site suitability studies with ANFIS-based modeling for improved strategic and operational planning