828 research outputs found

    Preventive maintenance and replacement scheduling : models and algorithms.

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    Preventive maintenance is a broad term that encompasses a set of activities aimed at improving the overall reliability and availability of a system. Preventive maintenance involves a basic trade-off between the costs of conducting maintenance/replacement activities and the cost savings achieved by reducing the overall rate of occurrence of system failures. Designers of preventive maintenance schedules must weigh these individual costs in an attempt to minimize the overall cost of system operation. They may also be interested in maximizing the system reliability, subject to some sort of budget constraint. In this dissertation, we present a complete discussion about the problem definition and review the literature. We develop new nonlinear mixed-integer optimization models, solve them by standard nonlinear optimization algorithms, and analyze their computational results. In addition, we extend the optimization models by considering engineering economy features and reformulate them as a multi-objective optimization model. We optimize this model by generational and steady state genetic algorithms as well as by a simulated annealing algorithm and demonstrate the computational results obtained by implementation of these algorithms. We perform a sensitivity analysis on the parameters of the optimization models and present a comparison between exact and metaheuristic algorithms in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy. Finally, we present a new mathematical function to model age reduction and improvement factor parameter used in optimization models. In addition, we develop a practical procedure to estimate the effect of maintenance activity on failure rate and effective age of multi component systems

    Trends and topics in IJPR from 1961 to 2017:a statistical history

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    This paper studies the history of the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) by analysing the topics that have received the most attention in each of the journal’s publication years. Text mining exposed for scrutiny the most frequently mentioned and cited terms contained in the titles, abstracts and keywords of IJPR papers. Analyses suggest that the triad of scheduling/optimisation/simulation and supply-chain-related topics have been IJPR’s mainstays, but valuable opportunities remain for relevant topics that have not yet been concurrently and frequently studied. Results also show that terms related to sustainability and risk management topics have gained recent relevance. In addition, IJPR appears to complement its modelling technique focus with empirical methodological approaches to provide a well-balanced perspective, since the ‘case study’ term is common. Finally, a linear relationship is found between the number of papers that have covered certain topics and the number of citations those topics have received, highlighting which topics had fewer or more citations than expected, given the number of papers that covered those topics. IJPR stands as one of the most prestigious and established journals in its field and the results from this study indicate the evolving interests of the field for over half a century

    A mesoscopic model for inter-yarn friction

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    Friction between yarns is a crucial phenomenon in fabric manufacturing processes, and it becomes more complex when using lubrication agents to improve processing. This work presents an experimental investigation of the frictional behaviour of different combinations of yarns under dry and wet conditions, as occurring in overbraiding processes. The experiments were designed to maintain a constant yarn tension, and subsequently also a constant normal force and contact area during the test. Both the inter-yarn angle and the normal force significantly influence the friction coefficient. The additional contribution of the capillary force results in consistently higher friction coefficients for the water-lubricated yarns compared to the dry yarns. An anisotropic friction model is proposed to capture the influence of the inter-yarn angle, normal force, and capillary effects observed during the experiments. The model shows that the friction follows Amontons’ friction at high external normal forces and Howell’s friction at moderate normal forces

    Optimization methods for electric power systems: An overview

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    Power systems optimization problems are very difficult to solve because power systems are very large, complex, geographically widely distributed and are influenced by many unexpected events. It is therefore necessary to employ most efficient optimization methods to take full advantages in simplifying the formulation and implementation of the problem. This article presents an overview of important mathematical optimization and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques used in power optimization problems. Applications of hybrid AI techniques have also been discussed in this article

    A decision support model to improve rolling stock maintenance scheduling based on reliability and cost

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The demand for rail travel has increased over the years. As a result, it is becoming mandatory for railway industries to maintain very high availability of their assets to ensure that service levels are high. Railway industries require both their infrastructure and rolling stock assets maintained efficiently to sustain reliability. There has been on-going research on how maintenance can be carried out in a cost effective manner. However, the majority of this research has been done for infrastructure and the rolling stock maintenance has not been properly covered. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the maintenance sector of rolling stock for railway industries by developing a decision support model for rolling stock based on reliability and cost. The model is developed as an optimization problem of a system containing several components dependent on each other with different reliability characteristics. In this model, a mixed integer nonlinear problem is developed and solved using an exact method and metaheuristics methods. The Metrorail facility in Cape Town was chosen as a case study. Failure history and cost data were gathered from the facility and the information was applied to the model developed. The case study was investigated and different results were achieved using both exact and metaheuristics methods. The final result from the study is an optimal maintenance schedule based on reliability and cost. The developed model serves as a practical tool railway companies can adopt to schedule rolling stock maintenance to achieve a high level of reliability and at the same time maintaining minimum cost expenditure.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vraag na spoorvervoer het oor die jare toegeneem. Dus het dit belangrik geword dat die spoorweg se bates hoogs toeganklik moet wees om te verseker dat die vlak van dienslewering hoog bly. Die spoorweg industrie besef dat hulle infrastruktuur, lokomotiewe, waens ens. effektief in stand gehou moet word sodat dit betroubaar kan wees. Navorsing word nog steeds gedoen oor hoe instandhouding op ’n koste-effektiewe wyse gedoen kan word. Die meeste van hierdie navorsing gaan egter oor infrastruktuur en instandhouding word nie ordentlik gedek nie. Die doel met hierdie navorsing is om by te dra tot die instandhoudingsektor van die spoorweg deur om ’n besluit-ondersteunende model vir lokomotiewe, waens, ens wat op betroubaarheid en koste gegrond is, te ontwikkel. Die model is ontwikkel as ’n optimasie probleem van ’n sisteem wat verskillende komponente wat van mekaar afhanklik is maar oor verskillende betroubaarheidskenmerke beskik, inluit. In hierdie model word ’n gemengde, heeltal nie-lineêre probleem ontwikkel en met ’n eksakte metode en metaheuristiese metodes opgelos. Die Metrorail fasiliteit in Kaapstad is vir die gevalle studie gekies. Die geskiedenis van mislukkings en koste data is by die fasiliteit versamel en die inligting is op die model wat ontwikkel is, toegepas. Die gevalle studie is ondersoek, en verskillende resultate is met eksakte en metaheuristiese metodes bereik. Die finale uitkomste van die studie is ’n optimale instandhoudingskedule wat op betroubaarheid en koste gegrond is. Die model wat ontwikkel is dien as ’n praktiese instrument wat spoormaatskappye kan gebruik om die instandhouding van lokomotiewe, waens ens. te reël sodat ’n hoë vlak van betroubaarheid bereik kan word en kostes terselfdertyd tot ’n minimum beperk kan word

    Planning and Scheduling Optimization

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    Although planning and scheduling optimization have been explored in the literature for many years now, it still remains a hot topic in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, technical and technological progress, and sustainability considerations make it necessary to deal with new optimization challenges in modern manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare systems. This book provides an overview of the recent advances in different areas connected with operations research models and other applications of intelligent computing techniques used for planning and scheduling optimization. The wide range of theoretical and practical research findings reported in this book confirms that the planning and scheduling problem is a complex issue that is present in different industrial sectors and organizations and opens promising and dynamic perspectives of research and development

    A single-machine scheduling problem with multiple unavailability constraints: A mathematical model and an enhanced variable neighborhood search approach

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    AbstractThis research focuses on a scheduling problem with multiple unavailability periods and distinct due dates. The objective is to minimize the sum of maximum earliness and tardiness of jobs. In order to optimize the problem exactly a mathematical model is proposed. However due to computational difficulties for large instances of the considered problem a modified variable neighborhood search (VNS) is developed. In basic VNS, the searching process to achieve to global optimum or near global optimum solution is totally random, and it is known as one of the weaknesses of this algorithm. To tackle this weakness, a VNS algorithm is combined with a knowledge module. In the proposed VNS, knowledge module extracts the knowledge of good solution and save them in memory and feed it back to the algorithm during the search process. Computational results show that the proposed algorithm is efficient and effective
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