16 research outputs found

    Security and Privacy Dimensions in Next Generation DDDAS/Infosymbiotic Systems: A Position Paper

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    AbstractThe omnipresent pervasiveness of personal devices will expand the applicability of the Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems (DDDAS) paradigm in innumerable ways. While every single smartphone or wearable device is potentially a sensor with powerful computing and data capabilities, privacy and security in the context of human participants must be addressed to leverage the infinite possibilities of dynamic data driven application systems. We propose a security and privacy preserving framework for next generation systems that harness the full power of the DDDAS paradigm while (1) ensuring provable privacy guarantees for sensitive data; (2) enabling field-level, intermediate, and central hierarchical feedback-driven analysis for both data volume mitigation and security; and (3) intrinsically addressing uncertainty caused either by measurement error or security-driven data perturbation. These thrusts will form the foundation for secure and private deployments of large scale hybrid participant-sensor DDDAS systems of the future

    Cooperative Robots to Observe Moving Targets: Review

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    Centralized Algorithms Based on Clustering with Self-tuning of Parameters for Cooperative Target Observation

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    Clustering on target positions is a class of centralized algorithms used to calculate the surveillance robots' displacements in the Cooperative Target Observation (CTO) problem. This work proposes and evaluates Fuzzy C-means (FCM) and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) with K-means (DBSk) based self-tuning clustering centralized algorithms for the CTO problem and compares its performances with that of K-means. Two random motion patterns are adopted for the targets: in free space or on a grid. As a contribution, the work allows identifying ranges of problem configuration parameters in which each algorithm shows the highest average performance. As a first conclusion, in the challenging situation in which the relative speed of the targets is high, and the relative sensor range of the surveillance is low, for which the existing algorithms present a substantial drop in performance, the FCM algorithm proposed outperforms the others. Finally, the DBSk algorithm adapts very well in low execution frequency, showing promising results in this challenging situation

    Toward a robot swarm protecting a group of migrants

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    Different geopolitical conflicts of recent years have led to mass migration of several civilian populations. These migrations take place in militarized zones, indicating real danger contexts for the populations. Indeed, civilians are increasingly targeted during military assaults. Defense and security needs have increased; therefore, there is a need to prioritize the protection of migrants. Very few or no arrangements are available to manage the scale of displacement and the protection of civilians during migration. In order to increase their security during mass migration in an inhospitable territory, this article proposes an assistive system using a team of mobile robots, labeled a rover swarm that is able to provide safety area around the migrants. We suggest a coordination algorithm including CNN and fuzzy logic that allows the swarm to synchronize their movements and provide better sensor coverage of the environment. Implementation is carried out using on a reduced scale rover to enable evaluation of the functionalities of the suggested software architecture and algorithms. Results bring new perspectives to helping and protecting migrants with a swarm that evolves in a complex and dynamic environment

    Coordinated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Surveillance of Targets

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    PhDThis thesis investigates the coordination approaches of multiple mobile and autonomous robots, especially resource-limited small-scale UAVs, for the surveillance of pre-de ned ground targets in a given environment. A key research issue in surveillance task is the coordination among the robots to determine the target's time varying locations. The research focuses on two applications of surveillance: (i) cooperative search of stationary targets, and (ii) cooperative observation of moving targets. The objective in cooperative search is to minimize the time and errors in nding the locations of stationary targets. The objective of cooperative observation is to maximize the collective time and quality of observation of moving targets. The thesis presents a survey of the approaches in a larger domain of multi-robot systems for the surveillance of pre-de ned targets in a given environment. This survey identi es various factors and application scenarios that a ect the performance of multi-robot surveillance systems. The thesis proposes a distributed strategy for merging delayed and incomplete information, which is a result of sensing and communication limitations, collected by di erent UAVs. An analytic derivation of the number of required observations is provided to declare the absence or existence of a target in a region. This number of required observations is integrated into an iterative use of Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) and Multiple Travelling Salesmen Problem (MTSP) for autonomous path planning of UAVs. Additionally, it performs an exploration of the algorithmic design space and analyzes the e ects of centralized and distributed coordination on the cooperative search of stationary targets in the presence of sensing and communication limitations. The thesis also proposes the application of UAVs for observing multiple moving targets with di erent resolutions. A key contribution is to use the quad-tree data-structure for modelling the environment and movement of UAVs. This modelling has helped in the dynamic sensor placement of UAVs to maximize the observation of the number of moving targets as well as the resolution of observation.European Regional Development Fund and the Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund (KWF) under grant 20214/21530/32602

    Application of Sustainability Principles for Harsh Environment Exploration by Autonomous Robot

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    Currently, the European Union (EU) is focusing on a large-scale campaign dedicated to developing a competitive circular economy and expanding the single digital market. One of the main goals of this campaign is the implementation of the sustainability principles in the development and deployment cycle of the new generation technologies. This paper focuses on the fast-growing field of autonomous mobile robots and the harsh environment exploration problem. Currently, most state-of-the-art navigation methods are utilising the idea of evaluating candidate observation locations by combining different task-related criteria. However, these map building solutions are often designed for operating in near-perfect environments, neglecting such factors as the danger to the robot. In this paper, a new strategy that aims to address the safety and re-usability of the autonomous mobile agent by implementing the economic sustainability principles is proposed. A novel multi-criteria decision-making method of Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment—Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets, namely WASPAS-SVNS, and the weight selection method of Step-Wise Weights Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) are applied to model a dynamic decision-making system. The experimental evaluation of the proposed strategy shows that increased survivability of the autonomous agent can be observed. Compared to the greedy baseline strategy, the proposed method forms the movement path which orients the autonomous agent away from dangerous obstacles.This article belongs to the Special Issue Soft Computing for Sustainabilit

    Apprenticeship Bootstrapping for Autonomous Aerial Shepherding of Ground Swarm

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    Aerial shepherding of ground vehicles (ASGV) musters a group of uncrewed ground vehicles (UGVs) from the air using uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs). This inspiration enables robust uncrewed ground-air coordination where one or multiple UAVs effectively drive a group of UGVs towards a goal. Developing artificial intelligence (AI) agents for ASGV is a non-trivial task due to the sub-tasks, multiple skills, and their non-linear interaction required to synthesise a solution. One approach to developing AI agents is Imitation learning (IL), where humans demonstrate the task to the machine. However, gathering human data from complex tasks in human-swarm interaction (HSI) requires the human to perform the entire job, which could lead to unexpected errors caused by a lack of control skills and human workload due to the length and complexity of ASGV. We hypothesise that we can bootstrap the overall task by collecting human data from simpler sub-tasks to limit errors and workload for humans. Therefore, this thesis attempts to answer the primary research question of how to design IL algorithms for multiple agents. We propose a new learning scheme called Apprenticeship Bootstrapping (AB). In AB, the low-level behaviours of the shepherding agents are trained from human data using our proposed hierarchical IL algorithms. The high-level behaviours are then formed using a proposed gesture demonstration framework to collect human data from synthesising more complex controllers. The transferring mechanism is performed by aggregating the proposed IL algorithms. Experiments are designed using a mixed environment, where the UAV flies in a simulated robotic Gazebo environment, while the UGVs are physical vehicles in a natural environment. A system is designed to allow switching between humans controlling the UAVs using low-level actions and humans controlling the UAVs using high-level actions. The former enables data collection for developing autonomous agents for sub-tasks. At the same time, in the latter, humans control the UAV by issuing commands that call the autonomous agents for the sub-tasks. We baseline the learnt agents against Str\"{o}mbom scripted behaviours and show that the system can successfully generate autonomous behaviours for ASGV

    Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue “Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms”,which was published in Applied Sciences

    Measurement of Atmosphere Ground Layer Parameters for Air Quality Assessment by UAV Utilization

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce pojednává o možnosti měření parametrů přízemní vrstvy atmosféry pomocí bezpilotního prostředku. Na bezpilotní prostředek byly umístěny snímače prachu, oxidu uhelnatého, teploty a vlhkosti. Podle určitého postupu byly naplánovány a provedeny dvě série letů, které jsou následně vyhodnoceny. Bakalářská práce mimo jiné obsahuje popis bezpilotního systému s názvem Stalker.Bachelor thesis deals about opportunity to measure atmosphere ground layer parameters by UAV Utilization. In front part of UAV was placed dust sensor, carbon dioxide sensor, temperature and density sensor. According the certain procedure was planned and performed two series of flights. Flights are subsequently evaluated. Part of bachelor thesis is description of UAS named Stalker.342 - Institut dopravyvýborn