50,724 research outputs found

    How do microorganisms reach the stratosphere?

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    A number of studies have demonstrated that bacteria and fungi are present in the stratosphere. Since the tropopause is generally regarded as a barrier to the upward movement of particles it is difficult to see how such microorganisms can reach heights above 17 km. Volcanoes provide an obvious means by which this could be achieved, but these occur infrequently and any microorganisms entering the stratosphere from this source will rapidly fall out of the stratosphere. Here, we suggest mechanisms by which microorganisms might reach the stratosphere on a more regular basis; such mechanisms are, however, likely only to explain how micrometre to submicrometre particles could be elevated into the stratosphere. Intriguingly, clumps of bacteria of size in excess of 10 ÎŒm have been found in stratospheric samples. It is difficult to understand how such clumps could be ejected from the Earth to this height, suggesting that such bacterial masses may be incoming to Earth. We suggest that the stratospheric microflora is made up of two components: (a) a mixed population of bacteria and fungi derived from Earth, which can occasionally be cultured; and (b) a population made up of clumps of, viable but non-culturable, bacteria which are too large to have originated from Earth; these, we suggest, have arrived in the stratosphere from space. Finally, we speculate on the possibility that the transfer of bacteria from the Earth to the highly mutagenic stratosphere may have played a role in bacterial evolution

    The Seasonal Cycle and Interannual Variability in Stratospheric Temperatures and Links to the Brewer–Dobson Circulation: An Analysis of MSU and SSU Data

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    Previous studies have shown that lower-stratosphere temperatures display a near-perfect cancellation between tropical and extratropical latitudes on both annual and interannual time scales. The out-of-phase relationship between tropical and high-latitude lower-stratospheric temperatures is a consequence of variability in the strength of the Brewer–Dobson circulation (BDC). In this study, the signal of the BDC in stratospheric temperature variability is examined throughout the depth of the stratosphere using data from the Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU). While the BDC has a seemingly modest signal in the annual cycle in zonal-mean temperatures in the mid- and upper stratosphere, it has a pronounced signal in the month-to-month and interannual variability. Tropical and extratropical temperatures are significantly negatively correlated in all SSU channels on interannual time scales, suggesting that variations in wave driving are a major factor controlling global-scale temperature variability not only in the lower stratosphere (as shown in previous studies), but also in the mid- and upper stratosphere. The out-of-phase relationship between tropical and high latitudes peaks at all levels during the cold-season months: December–March in the Northern Hemisphere and July–October in the Southern Hemisphere. In the upper stratosphere, the out-of-phase relationship with high-latitude temperatures extends beyond the tropics and well into the extratropics of the opposite hemisphere. The seasonal cycle in stratospheric temperatures follows the annual march of insolation at all levels and latitudes except in the mid- to upper tropical stratosphere, where it is dominated by the semiannual oscillation. M

    An Ozone-Modified Refractive Index for Vertically Propagating Planetary Waves

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    [1] An ozone-modified refractive index (OMRI) is derived for vertically propagating planetary waves using a mechanistic model that couples quasigeostrophic potential vorticity and ozone volume mixing ratio. The OMRI clarifies how wave-induced heating due to ozone photochemistry, ozone transport, and Newtonian cooling (NC) combine to affect wave propagation, attenuation, and drag on the zonal mean flow. In the photochemically controlled upper stratosphere, the wave-induced ozone heating (OH) always augments the NC, whereas in the dynamically controlled lower stratosphere, the wave-induced OH may augment or reduce the NC depending on the detailed nature of the wave vertical structure and zonal mean ozone gradients. For a basic state representative of Northern Hemisphere winter, the wave-induced OH can increase the planetary wave drag by more than a factor of two in the photochemically controlled upper stratosphere and decrease it by as much as 25% in the dynamically controlled lower stratosphere. Because the zonal mean ozone distribution appears explicitly in the OMRI, the OMRI can be used as a tool for understanding how changes in stratospheric ozone due to solar variability and chemical depletion affect stratosphere-troposphere communication

    21 Layer troposphere-stratosphere climate model

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    The global climate model is extended through the stratosphere by increasing the vertical resolution and raising the rigid model top to the 0.01 mb (75 km) level. The inclusion of a realistic stratosphere is necessary for the investigation of the climate effects of stratospheric perturbations, such as changes of ozone, aerosols or solar ultraviolet irradiance, as well as for studying the effect on the stratosphere of tropospheric climate changes. The observed temperature and wind patterns throughout the troposphere and stratosphere are simulated. In addition to the excess planetary wave amplitude in the upper stratosphere, other model deficiences include the Northern Hemisphere lower stratospheric temperatures being 5 to 10 C too cold in winter at high latitudes and the temperature at 50 to 60 km altitude near the equator are too cold. Methods of correcting these deficiencies are discussed

    Atmospheric temperature responses to solar irradiance and geomagnetic activity

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    The relative effects of solar irradiance and geomagnetic activity on the atmospheric temperature anomalies (Ta) are examined from the monthly to interdecadal timescales. Geomagnetic Ap (Ap) signals are found primarily in the stratosphere, while the solar F10.7-cm radio flux (Fs) signals are found in both the stratosphere and troposphere. In the troposphere, 0.1–0.4 K increases in Ta are associated with Fs. Enhanced Fs signals are found when the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) is westerly. In the extrapolar region of the stratosphere, 0.1–0.6 and 0.1–0.7 K increases in Ta are associated with solar irradiance and with geomagnetic activity, respectively. In this region, Fs signals are strengthened when either the QBO is easterly, or geomagnetic activity is high, while Ap signals are strengthened when either the QBO is westerly, or solar irradiance is high. High solar irradiance and geomagnetic activity tend to enhance each other's signatures either making the signals stronger and symmetric about the equator or extending the signals to broader areas, or both. Positive Ap signals dominate the middle Arctic stratosphere and are two to five times larger than those of Fs. When solar irradiance is low, the signature of Ap in Ta is asymmetric about the equator, with positive signals in the Arctic stratosphere and negative signals at midlatitudes of the NH stratosphere. Weaker stratospheric QBO signals are associated with high Ap and Fs, suggesting possible disturbances on the QBO. The signals of Ap and Fs are distinct from the positive temperature anomalies resulting from volcanic eruptions

    Effects of stratosphere-troposphere chemistry coupling on tropospheric ozone

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    A new, computationally efficient coupled stratosphere-troposphere chemistry-climate model (S/T-CCM) has been developed based on three well-documented components: a 64-level general circulation model from the UK Met Office Unified Model, the tropospheric chemistry transport model (STOCHEM), and the UMSLIMCAT stratospheric chemistry module. This newly developed S/T-CCM has been evaluated with various observations, and it shows good performance in simulating important chemical species and their interdependence in both the troposphere and stratosphere. The modeled total column ozone agrees well with Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer observations. Modeled ozone profiles in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere are significantly improved compared to runs with the stratospheric chemistry and tropospheric chemistry models alone, and they are in good agreement with Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding satellite ozone profiles. The observed CO tape recorder is also successfully captured by the new CCM, and ozone-CO correlations are in accordance with Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment observations. However, because of limitations in vertical resolution, intrusion of CO-rich air in the stratosphere from the mesosphere could not be simulated in the current version of S/T-CCM. Additionally, the simulated stratosphere-to-troposphere ozone flux, which controls upper tropospheric OH and O3 concentrations, is found to be more realistic in the new coupled model compared to STOCHEM. © 2010 by the American Geophysical Union

    A Mechanism Involving Solar Ultraviolet Variations for Modulating the Interannual Climatology of the Middle Atmosphere

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    In years of low solar activity, free traveling wave modes in the upper stratosphere are dominated by atmospheric normal modes such as the 16-day wave. However, within a 4-year interval centered on the 1980 to 1981 solar maximum, cross-spectral analyses of zonal mean satellite temperature data versus the solar UV flux demonstrate significant power near 27 and 13 days, providing indirect evidence that short-term UV variations were capable of exciting traveling planetary-scale waves in the upper stratosphere. Previous theoretical and observational work has indicated that interference between traveling waves and stationary waves forced from below (and the resulting oscillating latitudinal heat transports) plays a likely role in the initiation of stratospheric warmings. Researchers therefore hypothesize that the initiation of a major stratospheric warming in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere may depend to some extent on the amplitude of longer-period 27-day traveling waves in the upper stratosphere. This would represent a new mechanism for solar UV effects on stratospheric climatology that may be relevant to the interpretation of some recent long-term correlative results

    Correlated variability of upwelling and tracers near the tropical tropopause

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    Tropical upwelling should exert strong influence on temperatures and on tracers with large vertical gradients in the lower stratosphere. We test this behavior by comparing three upwelling estimates calculated from ERA‐Interim reanalysis data with observed temperatures in the tropical lower stratosphere, and with measurements of ozone and carbon monoxide (CO) from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) satellite instrument. Time series of temperature, ozone and CO are well correlated in the tropical lower stratosphere, and we quantify the influence of tropical upwelling on this joint variability. Strong coherent annual cycles observed in each quantity are found to reflect the seasonal cycle in upwelling. Other contributions to the zonal mean tracer budgets are chemical production and loss and eddy mixing. We use data from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) to investigate the seasonality and spatial structure of the different terms in the balances. Tropical upwelling, temperatures and tracers are significantly correlated also when isolating subseasonal timescales. This demonstrates the importance of upwelling in forcing transient variability in the lower tropical stratosphere

    Morphology of the scattering target: Fresnel and turbulent mechanisms

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    Further studies of VHF radar signals from the troposphere and stratosphere revealed not only scattering from isotropic turbulence at scales of half the radar wavelength but also partial or Fresnel reflection or scattering from horizontally stratified temperature discontinuities. Proof for this observation was given by the large spatial and temporal coherence of radar signals. Thin structures, particularly in the stratosphere, may be persistent over some ten seconds, which is longer than the coherence time of 3 m scale turbulence in the stratosphere. The vertical thickness of the structures was estimated to be much thinner than 150 m. Observations over a longer time period indicate that these fine scale structures or sheets are clumped together forming patches or ensembles of mostly downward sloping structures
