16,785 research outputs found

    STAT3 mutation impacts biological and clinical features of T-LGL leukemia

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    STAT3 mutations have been described in 30-40% of T-large granular lymphocyte (T-LGL) leukemia patients, leading to STAT3 pathway activation. Considering the heterogeneity of the disease and the several immunophenotypes that LGL clone may express, the aim of this work was to evaluate whether STAT3 mutations might be associated with a distinctive LGL immunophenotype and/or might be indicative for specific clinical features.Our series of cases included a pilot cohort of 101 T-LGL leukemia patients (68 CD8+/CD4- and 33 CD4+/CD8\ub1) from Padua Hematology Unit (Italy) and a validation cohort of additional 20 patients from Rennes Hematology Unit (France).Our results indicate that i) CD8+ T-LGL leukemia patients with CD16+/CD56- immunophenotype identify a subset of patients characterized by the presence of STAT3 mutations and neutropenia, ii) CD4+/CD8\ub1 T-LGL leukemia are devoid of STAT3 mutations but characterized by STAT5b mutations, and iii) a correlation exists between STAT3 activation and presence of Fas ligand, this molecule resulting highly expressed in CD8+/CD16+/CD56- patients. Experiments with stimulation and inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation confirmed this relationship. In conclusion, our data show that T-LGL leukemia with specific molecular and phenotypic patterns is associated with discrete clinical features contributing to get insights into molecular bases accounting for the development of Fas ligand-mediated neutropenia

    Multi-Parameter Analysis of Biobanked Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Shows Little Influence for Donor Age and Mild Comorbidities on Phenotypic and Functional Properties

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    Heterogeneous populations of human bone marrow-derived stromal cells (BMSC) are among the most frequently tested cellular therapeutics for treating degenerative and immune disorders, which occur predominantly in the aging population. Currently, it is unclear whether advanced donor age and commonly associated comorbidities affect the properties of ex vivo-expanded BMSCs. Thus, we stratified cells from adult and elderly donors from our biobank (n = 10 and n = 13, mean age 38 and 72 years, respectively) and compared their phenotypic and functional performance, using multiple assays typically employed as minimal criteria for defining multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). We found that BMSCs from both cohorts meet the standard criteria for MSC, exhibiting similar morphology, growth kinetics, gene expression profiles, and pro-angiogenic and immunosuppressive potential and the capacity to differentiate toward adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic lineages. We found no substantial differences between cells from the adult and elderly cohorts. As positive controls, we studied the impact of in vitro aging and inflammatory cytokine stimulation. Both conditions clearly affected the cellular properties, independent of donor age. We conclude that in vitro aging rather than in vivo donor aging influences BMSC characteristics

    FLT3 mutations in Early T-Cell Precursor ALL characterize a stem cell like leukemia and imply the clinical use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    Early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ETP-ALL) has been identified as high-risk subgroup of acute T-lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) with a high rate of FLT3-mutations in adults. To unravel the underlying pathomechanisms and the clinical course we assessed molecular alterations and clinical characteristics in a large cohort of ETP-ALL (n = 68) in comparison to non-ETP T-ALL adult patients. Interestingly, we found a high rate of FLT3-mutations in ETP-ALL samples (n = 24, 35%). Furthermore, FLT3 mutated ETP-ALL was characterized by a specific immunophenotype (CD2+/CD5-/CD13+/CD33-), a distinct gene expression pattern (aberrant expression of IGFBP7, WT1, GATA3) and mutational status (absence of NOTCH1 mutations and a low frequency, 21%, of clonal TCR rearrangements). The observed low GATA3 expression and high WT1 expression in combination with lack of NOTCH1 mutations and a low rate of TCR rearrangements point to a leukemic transformation at the pluripotent prothymocyte stage in FLT3 mutated ETP-ALL. The clinical outcome in ETP-ALL patients was poor, but encouraging in those patients with allogeneic stem cell transplantation (3-year OS: 74%). To further explore the efficacy of targeted therapies, we demonstrate that T-ALL cell lines transfected with FLT3 expression constructs were particularly sensitive to tyrosine kinase inhibitors. In conclusion, FLT3 mutated ETP-ALL defines a molecular distinct stem cell like leukemic subtype. These data warrant clinical studies with the implementation of FLT3 inhibitors in addition to early allogeneic stem cell transplantation for this high risk subgroup

    Immunophenotype of Atypical Polypoid Adenomyoma of the Uterus: Diagnostic Value and Insight on Pathogenesis

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    Atypical polypoid adenomyoma (APA) is a rare uterine lesion constituted by atypical endometrioid glands, squamous morules, and myofibromatous stroma. We aimed to assess the immunophenotype of the 3 components of APA, with regard to its pathogenesis and its differential diagnosis. A systematic review was performed by searching electronic databases from their inception to January 2019 for immunohistochemical studies of APA. Thirteen studies with 145 APA cases were included. APA glands appeared analogous to atypical endometrial hyperplasia (endometrioid cytokeratins pattern, Ki67≤50%, common PTEN loss, and occasional mismatch repair deficiency); the prominent expression of hormone receptors and nuclear β-catenin suggest that APA may be a precursor of "copy number-low," CTNNB1-mutant endometrial cancers. Morules appeared as a peculiar type of hyperdifferentiation (low KI67, nuclear β-catenin+, CD10+, CDX2+, SATB2+, p63-, and p40-), analogous to morular metaplasia in other lesions and distinguishable immunohistochemically from both conventional squamous metaplasia and solid cancer growth. Stroma immunphenotype (low Ki67, α-smooth-muscle-actin+, h-caldesmon-, CD10-, or weak and patchy) suggested a derivation from a metaplasia of normal endometrial stroma. It was similar to that of nonatypical adenomyoma, and different from adenosarcoma (Ki67 increase and CD10+ in periglandular stroma) and myoinvasive endometrioid carcinoma (h-caldesmon+ in myometrium and periglandular fringe-like CD10 pattern)

    Adenovirus vector-specific T cells demonstrate a unique memory phenotype with high proliferative potential and coexpression of CCR5 and integrin α4_4β7_7

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    Background: The Step Study was a randomized trial to reduce HIV infection through vaccination with an adenovirus type 5-based gag/pol/nef construct; analysis following early cessation of the trial revealed an excess of HIV seroconversion in Ad5 seropositive men. This led to the suggestion that the Ad based vector may boost the number of CD4+^+ CCR5+^+ T-cells, target cells for HIV infection. Objectives: We sought to determine the immunophenotype and proliferative capacity of Ad5-specific T cells in the peripheral blood of adult donors to determine whether stimulation with replication defective Ad5 vectors could result in the significant expansion of a CD4+^+ CCR5+^+ T cell subset. Methods: Ad5 specific T cells were identified in the peripheral blood of healthy donors by IFN-y_y secretion assay and proliferative response was measured by CFSE labelling. Cells were analysed by flow cytometry to determine T cell differentiation marker, CCR5 and α4_4β7_7 expression on memory and proliferated cells. Results: Ad5-specific CD4+^+ T cells within healthy adult donors exhibit a unique minimally differentiated memory phenotype with co-expression of CD45RA, CD45RO and CCR7. Stimulation with Ad vector leads to rapid expansion in vitro and a switch to an effector memory phenotype. Both short-term reactivated and proliferating Ad5-specific CD4+ T-cells express the HIV co-receptor CCR5 and the HIV gp120-binding integrin α4_4β7_7. Conclusion: Ad5-specific T cells demonstrate a phenotype and proliferative potential that would support HIV infection; these results are pertinent to the findings of the Step Study and future use of Ad5 as a vaccine vector

    The aetiology of social deficits within mental health disorders:The role of the immune system and endogenous opioids

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    The American National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) has put out a set of research goals that include a long-term plan to identify more reliable endogenous explanations for a wide variety of mental health disorders (Insel, 2013). In response to this, we have identified a major symptom that underlies multiple mental health disorders – social bonding dysfunction. We suggest that endogenous opioid abnormalities can lead to altered social bonding, which is a symptom of various mental health disorders, including depression, schizophrenia and ASD. This article first outlines how endogenous opioids play a role in social bonding. Then we show their association with the body’s inflammation immune function, and review recent literature linking inflammation to mental health ‘immunophenotypes’. We finish by explaining how these immunophenotypes may be caused by alterations in the endogenous opioid system. This is the first overview of the role of inflammation across multiple disorders where we provide a biochemical explanation for why immunophenotypes might exist across diagnoses. We propose a novel mechanism of how the immune system may be causing ‘sickness-type’ behaviours (fatigue, appetite change, social withdrawal and inhibited motivation) in those who have these immunophenotypes. We hope that this novel aetiology can be used as a basis for future research in mental health

    In Utero Transplantation of Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Potential Fetal Treatment of Hemophilia A.

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    Hemophilia A (HA) is an X-linked recessive disorder caused by mutations in the factor VIII ( FVIII) gene leading to deficient blood coagulation. The current standard of care is frequent infusions of plasma-derived FVIII or recombinant B-domain-deleted FVIII (BDD-FVIII). While this treatment is effective, many patients eventually develop FVIII inhibitors that limit the effectiveness of the infused FVIII. As a monogenic disorder, HA is an ideal target for gene or cell-based therapy. Several studies have investigated allogeneic stem cell therapy targeting in utero or postnatal treatment of HA but have not been successful in completely correcting HA. Autologous in utero transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells is promising for treatment of HA due to the naive immune status of the fetal environment as well as its potential to prevent transplant rejection and long-term FVIII inhibitor formation. HA can be diagnosed by chorionic villus sampling performed during the first trimester (10 to 13 wk) of gestation. In this study, we used an established protocol and isolated placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (PMSCs) from first trimester chorionic villus tissue and transduced them with lentiviral vector encoding the BDD-FVIII gene. We show that gene-modified PMSCs maintain their immunophenotype and multipotency, express, and secrete high levels of active FVIII. PMSCs were then transplanted at embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5) into wild-type fetuses from time-mated pregnant mice. Four days after birth, pups were checked for engraftment, and varying levels of expression of human green fluorescent protein were found in the organs tested. This study shows feasibility of the approach to obtain PMSCs from first trimester chorionic villus tissue, genetically modify them with the FVIII gene, and transplant them in utero for cell-mediated gene therapy of HA. Future studies will involve evaluation of long-term engraftment, phenotypic correction in HA mice, and prevention of FVIII inhibitor development by this approach