173 research outputs found

    Plastid retrograde signaling: A developmental perspective

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    Chloroplast activities influence nuclear gene expression, a phenomenon referred to as retrograde signaling. Biogenic retrograde signals have been revealed by changes in nuclear gene expression when chloroplast development is disrupted. Research on biogenic signaling has focused on repression of Photosynthesis Associated Nuclear Genes (PhANGs) but this is just one component of a syndrome involving altered expression of thousands of genes involved in diverse processes, many of which are up-regulated. We discuss evidence for a framework that accounts for most of this syndrome. Disruption of chloroplast biogenesis prevents production of signals required to progress through discrete steps in the program of photosynthetic differentiation, causing retention of juvenile states. As a result, expression of PhANGs and other genes that act late during photosynthetic differentiation is not initiated, while expression of genes that act early is retained. The extent of juvenility, and thus the transcriptome, reflects the disrupted process: lack of plastid translation blocks development very early whereas disruption of photosynthesis without compromising plastid translation blocks development at a later stage. We discuss implications of these and other recent observations for the nature of the plastid-derived signals that regulate photosynthetic differentiation, and the role of GUN1, an enigmatic protein involved in biogenic signaling

    Fault injection method for safety and controllability evaluation of automated driving

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    Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and automated vehicle applications based on embedded sensors have become a reality today. As road vehicles increase its autonomy and the driver shares his role in the control loop, novel challenges on their dependability assessment arise. One key issue is that the notion of controllability becomes more complex when validating the robustness of the automated vehicle in the presence of faults. This paper presents a simulation-based fault injection approach aimed at finding acceptable controllability properties for the model-based design of control systems. We focus on determining the best fault models inserting exceptional conditions to accelerate the identification of specific areas for testing. In our work we performed fault injection method to find the most appropriate safety concepts, controllability properties and fault handling strategies at early design phases of lateral control functions based on the error in the Differential GPS signal.Authors wants to thank to the H2020 UnCoVerCPS Project (with grant number 643921) and the ECSEL JU AMASS project under H2020 grant agreement No 692474 and from MINETUR (Spain)

    Geradores piezelétricos como uma alternativa de energia: avaliação da viabilidade na implementação de estradas em cidades intermediárias

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    Para la puesta en marcha de una vía no es sólo necesaria la estructura de pavimento sino, además, la composición urbanística externa que hace parte del entorno, tal como los semáforos, señales de tránsito y las luminarias. Éstas últimas, no sólo, juegan un papel fundamental dentro de los costos energéticos de una vía en funcionamiento, así mismo, la falta de iluminación genera altos índices de accidentalidad en las carreteras del país. Es así que la ejecución de generadores piezoeléctricos como alternativa sostenible energética, concibe grandes discusiones en el ámbito académico. Por eso en el presente artículo de investigación se pretende establecer la factibilidad económica, ambiental y social de instalar tecnología piezoeléctrica en las vías de una ciudad intermedia. Lo anterior, fue realizado mediante un proceso de revisión bibliográfica de la aplicación de esta fuente de energía en otras circunstancias y luego se verificó las condiciones propias de una vía en el municipio de Sogamoso obteniendo favorables escenarios en los ámbitos relacionados, sin embargo, para el caso económico se presenta un alto costo inicialmente compensándose con los impactos positivos en el área ambiental y social de la zona

    Cellular and transcriptomic analyses reveal two-staged chloroplast biogenesis underpinning photosynthesis build-up in the wheat leaf

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    Background The developmental gradient in monocot leaves has been exploited to uncover leaf developmental gene expression programs and chloroplast biogenesis processes. However, the relationship between the two is barely understood, which limits the value of transcriptome data to understand the process of chloroplast development. Results Taking advantage of the developmental gradient in the bread wheat leaf, we provide a simultaneous quantitative analysis for the development of mesophyll cells and of chloroplasts as a cellular compartment. This allows us to generate the first biologically-informed gene expression map of this leaf, with the entire developmental gradient from meristematic to fully differentiated cells captured. We show that the first phase of plastid development begins with organelle proliferation, which extends well beyond cell proliferation, and continues with the establishment and then the build-up of the plastid genetic machinery. The second phase is marked by the development of photosynthetic chloroplasts which occupy the available cellular space. Using a network reconstruction algorithm, we predict that known chloroplast gene expression regulators are differentially involved across those developmental stages. Conclusions Our analysis generates both the first wheat leaf transcriptional map and one of the most comprehensive descriptions to date of the developmental history of chloroplasts in higher plants. It reveals functionally distinct plastid and chloroplast development stages, identifies processes occurring in each of them, and highlights our very limited knowledge of the earliest drivers of plastid biogenesis, while providing a basis for their future identification

    Proteomic Analysis of Chloroplast-to-Chromoplast Transition in Tomato Reveals Metabolic Shifts Coupled with Disrupted Thylakoid Biogenesis Machinery and Elevated Energy-Production Components

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    A comparative proteomic approach was performed to identify differentially expressed proteins in plastids at three stages of tomato(Solanum lycopersicum) fruit ripening (mature-green, breaker, red). Stringent curation and processing of the data from three independent replicates identified 1,932 proteins among which 1,529 were quantified by spectral counting. The quantification procedures have been subsequently validated by immunoblot analysis of six proteins representative of distinct metabolic or regulatory pathways. Among the main features of the chloroplast-to-chromoplast transition revealed by the study, chromoplastogenesis appears to be associated with major metabolic shifts: (1) strong decrease in abundance of proteins of light reactions (photosynthesis, Calvin cycle, photorespiration)and carbohydrate metabolism (starch synthesis/degradation), mostly between breaker and red stages and (2) increase in terpenoid biosynthesis (including carotenoids) and stress-response proteins (ascorbate-glutathione cycle, abiotic stress, redox, heat shock). These metabolic shifts are preceded by the accumulation of plastid-encoded acetyl Coenzyme A carboxylase D proteins accounting for the generation of a storage matrix that will accumulate carotenoids. Of particular note is the high abundance of proteins involved in providing energy and in metabolites import. Structural differentiation of the chromoplast is characterized by a sharp and continuous decrease of thylakoid proteins whereas envelope and stroma proteins remain remarkably stable. This is coincident with the disruption of the machinery for thylakoids and photosystem biogenesis (vesicular trafficking, provision of material for thylakoid biosynthesis, photosystems assembly) and the loss of the plastid division machinery. Altogether, the data provide new insights on the chromoplast differentiation process while enriching our knowledge of the plant plastid proteome

    The HY5-PIF regulatory module coordinates light and temperature control of photosynthetic gene transcription

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    The ability to interpret daily and seasonal alterations in light and temperature signals is essential for plant survival. This is particularly important during seedling establishment when the phytochrome photoreceptors activate photosynthetic pigment production for photoautotrophic growth. Phytochromes accomplish this partly through the suppression of phytochrome interacting factors (PIFs), negative regulators of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis. While the bZIP transcription factor long hypocotyl 5 (HY5), a potent PIF antagonist, promotes photosynthetic pigment accumulation in response to light. Here we demonstrate that by directly targeting a common promoter cis-element (G-box), HY5 and PIFs form a dynamic activation-suppression transcriptional module responsive to light and temperature cues. This antagonistic regulatory module provides a simple, direct mechanism through which environmental change can redirect transcriptional control of genes required for photosynthesis and photoprotection. In the regulation of photopigment biosynthesis genes, HY5 and PIFs do not operate alone, but with the circadian clock. However, sudden changes in light or temperature conditions can trigger changes in HY5 and PIFs abundance that adjust the expression of common target genes to optimise photosynthetic performance and growth

    Noncoding RNA Mediated Traffic of Foreign mRNA into Chloroplasts Reveals a Novel Signaling Mechanism in Plants

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    Communication between chloroplasts and the nucleus is one of the milestones of the evolution of plants on earth. Proteins encoded by ancestral chloroplast-endogenous genes were transferred to the nucleus during the endosymbiotic evolution and originated this communication, which is mainly dependent on specific transit-peptides. However, the identification of nuclear-encoded proteins targeted to the chloroplast lacking these canonical signals suggests the existence of an alternative cellular pathway tuning this metabolic crosstalk. Non-coding RNAS (NcRNAs) are increasingly recognized as regulators of gene expression as they play roles previously believed to correspond to proteins. Avsunviroidae family viroids are the only noncoding functional RNAs that have been reported to traffic inside the chloroplasts. Elucidating mechanisms used by these pathogens to enter this organelle will unearth novel transport pathways in plant cells. Here we show that a viroid-derived NcRNA acting as a 5′UTR-end mediates the functional import of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) mRNA into chloroplast. This claim is supported by the observation at confocal microscopy of a selective accumulation of GFP in the chloroplast of the leaves expressing the chimeric vd-5′UTR/GFP and by the detection of the GFP mRNA in chloroplasts isolated from cells expressing this construct. These results support the existence of an alternative signaling mechanism in plants between the host cell and chloroplasts, where an ncRNA functions as a key regulatory molecule to control the accumulation of nuclear-encoded proteins in this organelle. In addition, our findings provide a conceptual framework to develop new biotechnological tools in systems using plant chloroplast as bioreactors. Finally, viroids of the family Avsunviroidae have probably evolved to subvert this signaling mechanism to regulate their differential traffic into the chloroplast of infected cells