77 research outputs found

    Uma análise da recepção constitucional e da legitimidade da opção do legislador em tornar lícito o aborto decorrente do estupro, em face do direito à vida do feto e da dignidade da pessoa humana da genitora

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    Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de bacharel no Curso de Direito da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar a opção do legislador de tornar lícito o aborto decorrente de estupro diante do confronto entre os princípios constitucionais do direito à vida (do feto) e o direito a dignidade da pessoa humana (da mulher) nos casos de gravidez decorrente de violência sexual que tenha por conseqüência a prática do aborto legal. Para o alcance deste objetivo, foi utilizada a metodologia da pesquisa bibliográfica, através de método dedutivo entre artigos científicos, livros, doutrinas e legislação. No primeiro capitulo foram abordados o conceito, as características e a classificação dos princípios constitucionais, bem como a colisão principiológica e a técnica utilizada para resolução dessas colisões. No segundo capitulo foram analisados os direitos fundamentais, abordando seu conceito, características, funções, classificação, e os direitos fundamentais a vida, a dignidade da pessoa humana e o direito a liberdade e entre este o direito a liberdade sexual da mulher diante do planejamento familiar e seus direitos reprodutivos. No terceiro capitulo foi estudado o aborto, sua fundamentação legal, seu conceito, as espécies de aborto com ênfase no aborto decorrente de estupro, bem como a liberdade das mulheres a prática do aborto se a gravidez estiver sido decorrente de estupro. E por último foi realizado uma análise da opção do legislador de tornar lícito o aborto decorrente de estupro, estudando os direitos fundamentais em conflito e utilizando o princípio da proporcionalidade para resolução desta colisão, concluindo-se pela recepção da opção constitucional

    Role of endogenous interferon and LPS in the immunomodulatory effects of bovine lactoferrin in murine peritoneal macrophages

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    Lactoferrin (Lf) plays an important role in host defense against infection and excessive inflammation. Although the mechanisms underlying its immunomodulatory properties have not been fully elucidated yet, recent evidence suggests that some of these effects may be related to its capacity to form complexes with LPS. We report that the culture of resting mouse peritoneal macrophages (PM) with bovine Lf (bLf), prior to infection with the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), resulted in a significant reduction of virus yield with respect to control cultures. The antiviral activity of bLF was related to its capacity of inducing IFN-α/β expression, which in turn inhibited VSV replication. Indeed, the accumulation of IFN-β but not of IFNα 1-2 transcripts was up-modulated markedly early after bLf addition. Furthermore, bLf did not exert any antiviral activity in the presence of neutralizing antibodies to IFN-α/β in PM from wildtype mice, as well as in PM from mice genetically defective for the response to IFN. The antiviral activity of bLf relied on its intrinsic capacity to bind LPS, as this protein did not induce IFN expression in PM from LPS-hyporesponsive mice. It is interesting that this LPS-binding property was dispensable for the production of TNF-α, which also occurred in LPS-hyporesponsive mice. Overall, these results indicate that some of the immunomodulatory effects ascribed to Lf may be related to its capacity to favor Type I IFN expression and argue in favor of an important role of the LPS-binding feature and TLR4 in some of the effects ascribed to this molecule. © Society for Leukocyte Biology

    Dead-box proteins: a family affair—active and passive players in RNP-remodeling

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    DEAD-box proteins are characterized by nine conserved motifs. According to these criteria, several hundreds of these proteins can be identified in databases. Many different DEAD-box proteins can be found in eukaryotes, whereas prokaryotes have small numbers of different DEAD-box proteins. DEAD-box proteins play important roles in RNA metabolism, and they are very specific and cannot mutually be replaced. In vitro, many DEAD-box proteins have been shown to have RNA-dependent ATPase and ATP-dependent RNA helicase activities. From the genetic and biochemical data obtained mainly in yeast, it has become clear that these proteins play important roles in remodeling RNP complexes in a temporally controlled fashion. Here, I shall give a general overview of the DEAD-box protein family


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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie tematyki aktywizacji społecznej i obywatelskiej w perspektywie doświadczeń kadry prowadzącej działania w dwóch międzynarodowych programach aktywizacyjnych, realizowanych równolegle w Polsce i w Norwegii i skierowanych do młodzieży. Zastosowanie podejścia porównawczego w kontekście międzynarodowym pozwoliło na poszerzenie spektrum analizy prezentowanych doświadczeń. Z kolei odniesienie się do środowiska organizacji pozarządowych, w których zatrudniona jest badana kadra, jest elementem wzbogacającym wiedzę o tej nadal relatywnie mało zbadanej grupie zawodowej. Porównanie kontrastowe obu projektów aktywizacyjnych, oparte na doświadczeniach zatrudnionej w nich kadry, wskazuje na szereg podobieństw dotyczących np. zakresu stosowanych koncepcji aktywizacyjnych czy docelowego obrazu młodego człowieka, mającego lepiej funkcjonować w zastanej rzeczywistości, mimo innej tożsamości docelowych grup młodzieżowych i ich znaczącego zróżnicowania kulturowo-etnicznego w badanych organizacjach. Różnice dotyczą całokształtu otoczenia społeczno-politycznego i długofalowości polityki aktywizacyjnej (w Norwegii) lub jej braku (w Polsce), które w konsekwencji mogą wspierać lub wyraźnie hamować rozwój organizacji i ich działań

    Młodzi w Polsce i Niemczech – wybrane aspekty analizy

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    W artykule omówiono wybrane aspekty charakteryzujące młodzież w Polsce i w Niemczech w perspektywie socjologicznej i porównawczej. W kontekście przemian zachodzących w Polsce i w Niemczech w szczególności zwrócono uwagę na te obszary, które nadal różnicują młodzież w obu sąsiednich krajach, takie jak: rodzina, postrzeganie szkoły i rola edukacji, czas wolny, w tym czas spędzany w rzeczywistości wirtualnej, postrzeganie wiary i religii. Umieszczając je na tle przemian obu społeczeństw, na przestrzeni ostatnich dekad.Biorąc pod uwagę zaprezentowane dane, tekst jest próbą opisania przyczyn zachodzących zmian i umieszczenia ich w szerszym kontekście teoretycznym.This paper discusses selected aspects that characterize youth in Poland and Germany taking some selected aspects of the sociological, and comparative analysis. In particular, the following aspects that differentiate young people in the neighbouring countries are presented in the context of transformations occurring in Poland and Germany: family, the perception of school and the role of education, leisure time, including time spent in virtual reality, the perceptions of faith and religion. Which have been placed against the background of the transformation of both societies over the last decades.On the basis of the data presented, the text is an attempt to describe the reasons for the changes, and ex-plain them in a broader theoretical context

    Sequencing and functional analysis of the yeast genome

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    Trabalho Livre nº 01 - Tratamento do Pé Diabético com Creme Reestruturante

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    Estima-se que um entre cada quatro pessoas com diabetes possa desenvolver problemas nos pés ao longo da vida. A polineuropatia diabética (PND), complicação que atinge 50% dos pacientes, é a causa mais importante para as úlceras nos pés dos pacientes diabéticos, que precedem 85% das amputações. A PND leva a insensibilidade e nos estágios mais avançados, deformidades. A tríade PND + Deformidades + Trauma são fatores determinantes para o chamado “pé diabético”, caracterizado por ulceração complicada por infecção, podendo evoluir para amputação, principalmente se há má circulação - a doença arterial obstrutiva crônica (DAOP).N/