51 research outputs found

    Beobachtungen in der Evaluation von Wissenschaftskommunikation – Grundlagen und Praxis

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt grundlegende Kriterien der sozialwissenschaftlichen Methode der Beobachtung auf und ordnet ihr Potenzial im Rahmen der Evaluation von Wissenschaftskommunikation ein. Der Beitrag geht dabei hauptsächlich auf eventbezogene Formate der externen Wissenschaftskommunikation ein, nennt aber auch Potenziale der (teilnehmenden) Beobachtung bei der Evaluation der Entstehung journalistischer Formate oder im Rahmen interner Wissenschaftskommunikation. Es wird insbesondere zwischen qualitativ und quantitativ ausgeprägten Formen der Beobachtung unterschieden und dargelegt, welche Schritte für eine erfolgreiche Durchführung zu beachten sind. Dabei werden auch Probleme und Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung der Methode genannt, derer durch die Beachtung bestimmter Gütekriterien vorgebeugt werden kann. Abschließend nennt der Beitrag Anwendungsszenarios und Beispiele für Beobachtungen im Rahmen von evaluativer Wissenschaftskommunikationsforschung

    Magnetic NiFe₂O₄ Nanoparticles Prepared via Non-Aqueous Microwave-Assisted Synthesis for Application in Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation

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    Phase‐pure spinel‐type magnetic nickel ferrite (NiFe(2)O(4)) nanocrystals in the size range of 4 to 11 nm were successfully synthesized by a fast and energy‐saving microwave‐assisted approach. Size and accessible surface areas can be tuned precisely by the reaction parameters. Our results highlight the correlation between size, degree of inversion, and magnetic characteristics of NiFe(2)O(4) nanoparticles, which enables fine‐tuning of these parameters for a particular application without changing the elemental composition. Moreover, the application potential of the synthesized powders for the electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline media was demonstrated, showing that a low degree of inversion is beneficial for the overall performance. The most active sample reaches an overpotential of 380 mV for water oxidation at 10 mA cm(−2) and 38.8 mA cm(−2) at 1.7 V vs. RHE, combined with a low Tafel slope of 63 mV dec(−1)

    Central Acting Hsp10 Regulates Mitochondrial Function, Fatty Acid Metabolism, and Insulin Sensitivity in the Hypothalamus

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    Mitochondria are critical for hypothalamic function and regulators of metabolism. Hypothalamic mitochondrial dysfunction with decreased mitochondrial chaperone expression is present in type 2 diabetes (T2D). Recently, we demonstrated that a dysregulated mitochondrial stress response (MSR) with reduced chaperone expression in the hypothalamus is an early event in obesity development due to insufficient insulin signaling. Although insulin activates this response and improves metabolism, the metabolic impact of one of its members, the mitochondrial chaperone heat shock protein 10 (Hsp10), is unknown. Thus, we hypothesized that a reduction of Hsp10 in hypothalamic neurons will impair mitochondrial function and impact brain insulin action. Therefore, we investigated the role of chaperone Hsp10 by introducing a lentiviral-mediated Hsp10 knockdown (KD) in the hypothalamic cell line CLU-183 and in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of C57BL/6N male mice. We analyzed mitochondrial function and insulin signaling utilizing qPCR, Western blot, XF96 Analyzer, immunohistochemistry, and microscopy techniques. We show that Hsp10 expression is reduced in T2D mice brains and regulated by leptin in vitro. Hsp10 KD in hypothalamic cells induced mitochondrial dysfunction with altered fatty acid metabolism and increased mitochondria-specific oxidative stress resulting in neuronal insulin resistance. Consequently, the reduction of Hsp10 in the ARC of C57BL/6N mice caused hypothalamic insulin resistance with acute liver insulin resistance

    Standard indicators for the social appropriation of science: Lessons learned.

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    This book is the result of a two-and-a-halfyear close collaboration between the seven partners of the Erasmus+ KA203 project “Knowledge, beliefs, perceptions about the science of European students (Persist_EU)”. One of the project’s main objectives was to develop a tool to evaluate European students’ initial knowledge when configuring their beliefs and perceptions about different science topics. Once the tool (platform) had been designed, the next step consisted of carrying out activities (Science camps), which would allow validating the platform and identifying changes in perception (through questionnaires with Likert scales), which students experienced during their participation in training activities, organised within the framework of the project. For this, five Science camps were organised in five European universities, two in central Europe (Germany, Slovakia), and three nations in southern Europe (Portugal, Spain and Italy). Therefore, we make sure to cover differences related to socio-geopolitical issues. The topics that were chosen for the debate were climate change, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) and vaccines, and it was expected that around 100 students would participate in each of the universities of the PERSIST_EU consortium (Valencia, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Trnava, Lisbon, and Vicenza).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The end of star formation in Chamaeleon I ? A LABOCA census of starless and protostellar cores

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    Chamaeleon I is the most active region in terms of star formation in the Chamaeleon molecular cloud complex. Its population of prestellar and protostellar cores is not known and a controversy exists concerning its history of star formation. Our goal is to characterize the earliest stages of star formation in this cloud. We used the bolometer array LABOCA at APEX to map the cloud in dust continuum emission at 870 micron. The detected sources are analysed by carefully taking into account the spatial filtering inherent in the data reduction process. A search for associations with YSOs is performed using Spitzer data and the SIMBAD database. Most of the detected 870 micron emission is distributed in 5 filaments. We identify 59 starless cores, one candidate first hydrostatic core, and 21 sources associated with more evolved YSOs. The starless cores are only found above a visual extinction threshold of 5 mag. They are less dense than those detected in other nearby molecular clouds by a factor of a few on average. The core mass distribution is consistent with the IMF at the high-mass end but is overpopulated at the low-mass end. In addition, at most 17% of the cores have a mass larger than the critical Bonnor-Ebert mass. Both results suggest that a large fraction of the starless cores may not be prestellar. Based on the census of prestellar cores, Class 0 protostars, and more evolved YSOs, we conclude that the star formation rate has decreased with time in this cloud. The low fraction of candidate prestellar cores among the population of starless cores, the small number of Class 0 protostars, the high global star formation efficiency, the decrease of the star formation rate with time, and the low mass per unit length of the detected filaments all suggest that we may be witnessing the end of the star formation process in Cha I {abridged}.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 35 pages, 17 figures, 13 tables. A version with high-resolution figures is available on request to the first autho

    Diverse molecular causes of unsolved autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney diseases

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    Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease (ADTKD) is caused by mutations in one of at least five genes and leads to kidney failure usually in mid adulthood. Throughout the literature, variable numbers of families have been reported, where no mutation can be found and therefore termed ADTKD-not otherwise specified. Here, we aim to clarify the genetic cause of their diseases in our ADTKD registry. Sequencing for all known ADTKD genes was performed, followed by SNaPshot minisequencing for the dupC (an additional cytosine within a stretch of seven cytosines) mutation of MUC1. A virtual panel containing 560 genes reported in the context of kidney disease (nephrome) and exome sequencing were then analyzed sequentially. Variants were validated and tested for segregation. In 29 of the 45 registry families, mutations in known ADTKD genes were found, mostly in MUC1. Sixteen families could then be termed ADTKD-not otherwise specified, of which nine showed diagnostic variants in the nephrome (four in COL4A5, two in INF2 and one each in COL4A4, PAX2, SALL1 and PKD2). In the other seven families, exome sequencing analysis yielded potential disease associated variants in novel candidate genes for ADTKD; evaluated by database analyses and genome-wide association studies. For the great majority of our ADTKD registry we were able to reach a molecular genetic diagnosis. However, a small number of families are indeed affected by diseases classically described as a glomerular entity. Thus, incomplete clinical phenotyping and atypical clinical presentation may have led to the classification of ADTKD. The identified novel candidate genes by exome sequencing will require further functional validation

    Differential predictors for alcohol use in adolescents as a function of familial risk

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    Abstract: Traditional models of future alcohol use in adolescents have used variable-centered approaches, predicting alcohol use from a set of variables across entire samples or populations. Following the proposition that predictive factors may vary in adolescents as a function of family history, we used a two-pronged approach by first defining clusters of familial risk, followed by prediction analyses within each cluster. Thus, for the first time in adolescents, we tested whether adolescents with a family history of drug abuse exhibit a set of predictors different from adolescents without a family history. We apply this approach to a genetic risk score and individual differences in personality, cognition, behavior (risk-taking and discounting) substance use behavior at age 14, life events, and functional brain imaging, to predict scores on the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) at age 14 and 16 in a sample of adolescents (N = 1659 at baseline, N = 1327 at follow-up) from the IMAGEN cohort, a longitudinal community-based cohort of adolescents. In the absence of familial risk (n = 616), individual differences in baseline drinking, personality measures (extraversion, negative thinking), discounting behaviors, life events, and ventral striatal activation during reward anticipation were significantly associated with future AUDIT scores, while the overall model explained 22% of the variance in future AUDIT. In the presence of familial risk (n = 711), drinking behavior at age 14, personality measures (extraversion, impulsivity), behavioral risk-taking, and life events were significantly associated with future AUDIT scores, explaining 20.1% of the overall variance. Results suggest that individual differences in personality, cognition, life events, brain function, and drinking behavior contribute differentially to the prediction of future alcohol misuse. This approach may inform more individualized preventive interventions