93 research outputs found

    Multiperiodicity in the newly discovered mid-late Be star V2104 Cygni

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    We obtained the first long, homogenous time-series of V2104Cyg, consisting of 679 datapoints, with the uvbybeta photometers of Sierra Nevada and San Pedro Martir Observatories with the aim to detect and subsequently interpret the intrinsic frequencies of this previously unstudied variable star, which turned out to be a Be star. We try to figure out its place among the variable B stars on the upper Main Sequence. In order to obtain additional information on physical parameters we collected a few spectra with the ELODIE and FIES instruments. We searched for frequencies in the uvby passbands using 2 different frequency analysis methods and used the S/N>4 criterion to select the significant periodicities. We obtained an estimate of the physical parameters of the underlying B star of spectral type between B5 and B7, by correcting for the presence of a circumstellar disk, using a formalism based on the strenght of the Halpha line emission. We detected 3 independent frequencies with amplitudes below 0.01mag, f1 = 4.7126 c/d, f2 = 2.2342 c/d and f3 = 4.671 c/d, and discovered that V2104Cyg is a Be star. The fast rotation (vsini=290+/-10 km/s, and 27<i<45) hampered the investigation of the associated pulsational parameters l. Nevertheless, the most plausible explanation for the observed variability of this mid-late type Be star is a non-radial pulsation model. This paper is based on observations obtained at the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional San Pedro Martir (Mexico), Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (Spain), Observatoire de Haute Provence (France), and on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, A&A accepte

    Stability of g-modes in rotating B-type stars

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    We have studied the stability of low degree gg-modes in uniformly rotating B-type stars, taking into account the effects of the Coriolis force and the rotational deformation. From an analysis treating rotation frequency as a small parameter it is found that slow rotation tends to destabilizedestabilize high radial-order retrograderetrograde gg-modes, although the effect is very small or absent for relatively low order modes. Calculating eigenfrequencies at selected rotation rates, we find, on the other hand, that rapid rotation tends to stabilizestabilize retrograderetrograde gg-modes. The stabilizing effect appears stronger for less massive B-type stars having low effective temperatures. If we change rotation rate continuously, the frequency of a gg-mode belonging to (l,ml', m) crosses frequencies of other gg-modes belonging to (l,ml', m). If the parity of the two encountering modes are the same, they interact each other and the stability (i.e., imaginary part of eigenfrequency) of each mode is modified. Using an asymptotic method we discuss the property of such mode crossings and couplings. For rapidly rotating stars mode couplings are important for the stability of low degree gg-modes. In particular, we find that the stabilization of retrograde gg-modes in rapidly rotating stars is due to many strong mode couplings, while %prograde sectoral% modes are exceptionally immune to the damping effects from the mode couplings.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    MOST light-curve analysis of the gamma Dor pulsator HR 8799, showing resonances and amplitude variations

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    Context: The central star of the HR 8799 system is a gamma Doradus-type pulsator. The system harbours four planetary-mass companions detected by direct imaging, and is a good solar system analogue. The masses of the companions are not known accurately, because the estimation depends strongly on the age of the system, which is also not known with sufficient accuracy. Asteroseismic studies of the star might help to better constrain the age of HR 8799. We organized an extensive photometric and multi-site spectroscopic observing campaign for studying the pulsations of the central star. Aims: The aim of the present study is to investigate the pulsation properties of HR 8799 in detail via the ultra-precise 47-d-long nearly continuous photometry obtained with the MOST space telescope, and to find as many independent pulsation modes as possible, which is the prerequisite of an asteroseismic age determination. Methods: We carried out Fourier analysis of the wide-band photometric time series. Results: We find that resonance and sudden amplitude changes characterize the pulsation of HR 8799. The dominant frequency is always at f1 = 1.978 c/d. Many multiples of one ninth of the dominant frequency appear in the Fourier spectrum of the MOST data: n/9 f1, where n={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18}. Our analysis also reveals that many of these peaks show strong amplitude decrease and phase variations even on the 47-d time-scale. The dependencies between the pulsation frequencies of HR 8799 make the planned subsequent asteroseismic analysis rather difficult. We point out some resemblance between the light curve of HR 8799 and the modulated pulsation light curves of Blazhko RR Lyrae stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 8 pages, 4 figure

    New SPB stars in the field of the young open cluster NGC 2244 discovered by the MOST photometric satellite

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    During two weeks of nearly continuous optical photometry of the young open cluster NGC 2244 obtained by the MOST satellite, we discovered two new SPB stars, GSC 00154-00785 and GSC 00154-01871. We present frequency analyses of the MOST light curves of these stars, which reveal two oscillation frequencies (0.61 and 0.71 c/d) in GSC 00154-00785 and two (0.40 and 0.51 c/d) in GSC 00154-01871. These frequency ranges are consistent with g-modes of 2\ell \leq 2 excited in models of main-sequence or pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars of masses 4.5 - 5 MM_{\odot} and solar composition (X,Z)=(0.7,0.02)(X, Z)= (0.7, 0.02). Published proper motion measurements and radial velocities are insufficient to establish unambiguously cluster membership for these two stars. However, the PMS models which fit best their eigenspectra have ages consistent with NGC 2244. If cluster membership can be confirmed, these would be the first known PMS SPB stars, and would open a new window on testing asteroseismically the interior structures of PMS stars.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians fall and fracture: the codesigned Study of Indigenous Muscle and Bone Ageing (SIMBA) protocol

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    OBJECTIVES: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have a substantially greater fracture risk, where men are 50% and women are 26% more likely to experience a hip fracture compared with non-Indigenous Australians. Fall-related injuries in this population have also increased by 10%/year compared with 4.3%/year in non-Indigenous Australians. This study aims to determine why falls and fracture risk are higher in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. SETTING: All clinical assessments will be performed at one centre in Melbourne, Australia. At baseline, participants will have clinical assessments, including questionnaires, anthropometry, bone structure, body composition and physical performance tests. These assessments will be repeated at follow-up 1 and follow-up 2, with an interval of 12 months between each clinical visit. PARTICIPANTS: This codesigned prospective observational study aims to recruit a total of 298 adults who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and reside within Victoria, Australia. Stratified sampling by age and sex will be used to ensure equitable distribution of men and women across four age-bands (35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65+ years). PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome is within-individual yearly change in areal bone mineral density at the total hip, femoral neck and lumbar spine assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Within-individual change in cortical and trabecular volumetric bone mineral density at the radius and tibia using high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography will be determined. Secondary outcomes include yearly differences in physical performance and body composition. ETHICAL APPROVAL: Ethics approval for this study has been granted by the Monash Health Human Research Ethics Committee (project number: RES-19-0000374A). TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ACTRN12620000161921

    Confirmation of simultaneous p and g mode excitation in HD 8801 and Gamma Peg from time-resolved multicolour photometry of six candidate "hybrid" pulsators

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    We carried out a multi-colour time-series photometric study of six stars claimed as "hybrid" p and g mode pulsators in the literature. Gamma Peg was confirmed to show short-period oscillations of the Beta Cep type and simultaneous long-period pulsations typical of Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) stars. From the measured amplitude ratios in the Stromgren uvy passbands, the stronger of the two short period pulsation modes was identified as radial; the second is l=1. Three of the four SPB-type modes are most likely l=1 or 2. Comparison with theoretical model calculations suggests that Gamma Peg is either an 8.5 solar mass radial fundamental mode pulsator or a 9.6 solar mass first radial overtone pulsator. HD 8801 was corroborated as a "hybrid" Delta Sct Gamma Dor star; four pulsation modes of the Gamma Dor type were detected, and two modes of the Delta Sct type were confirmed. Two pulsational signals between the frequency domains of these two known classes of variables were confirmed and another was newly detected. These are either previously unknown types of pulsation, or do not originate from HD 8801. The O-type star HD 13745 showed small-amplitude slow variability on a time scale of 3.2 days. This object may be related to the suspected new type of supergiant SPB stars, but a rotational origin of its light variations cannot be ruled out at this point. 53 Psc is an SPB star for which two pulsation frequencies were determined and identified with low spherical degree. The behaviour of 53 Ari and Iota Her is consistent with non-variability during our observations, and we could not confirm light variations of the comparison star 34 Psc previously suspected. The use of signal-to-noise criteria in the analysis of data sets with strong aliasing is critically discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRA

    MOST detects corotating bright spots on the mid-O type giant {\xi} Persei

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    We have used the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) microsatellite to obtain four weeks of contiguous high-precision broadband visual photometry of the O7.5III(n)((f)) star {\xi} Persei in November 2011. This star is well known from previous work to show prominent DACs (Discrete Absorption Components) on time-scales of about 2 d from UV spectroscopy and NRP (Non Radial Pulsation) with one (l = 3) p-mode oscillation with a period of 3.5 h from optical spectroscopy. Our MOST-orbit (101.4 min) binned photometry fails to reveal any periodic light variations above the 0.1 mmag 3-sigma noise level for periods of hours, while several prominent Fourier peaks emerge at the 1 mmag level in the two-day period range. These longer-period variations are unlikely due to pulsations, including gravity modes. From our simulations based upon a simple spot model, we deduce that we are seeing the photometric modulation of several co-rotating bright spots on the stellar surface. In our model, the starting times (random) and lifetimes (up to several rotations) vary from one spot to another yet all spots rotate at the same period of 4.18 d, the best-estimated rotation period of the star. This is the first convincing reported case of co-rotating bright spots on an O star, with important implications for drivers of the DACs (resulting from CIRs - Corotating Interaction Regions) with possible bright-spot generation via a breakout at the surface of a global magnetic field generated by a subsurface convection zone.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, MNRAS in pres

    Detection of frequency spacings in the young O-type binary HD 46149 from CoRoT photometry

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    Using the CoRoT space based photometry of the O-type binary HD46149, stellar atmospheric effects related to rotation can be separated from pulsations, because they leave distinct signatures in the light curve. This offers the possibility of characterising and exploiting any pulsations seismologically. Combining high-quality space based photometry, multi-wavelength photometry, spectroscopy and constraints imposed by binarity and cluster membership, the detected pulsations in HD46149 are analyzed and compared with those for a grid of stellar evolutionary models in a proof-of-concept approach. We present evidence of solar-like oscillations in a massive O-type star, and show that the observed frequency range and spacings are compatible with theoretical predictions. Thus, we unlock and confirm the strong potential of this seismically unexplored region in the HR diagram.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Discovery of the new slowly pulsating B star HD 163830 (B5II/III) from MOST spacebased photometry

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    We report the discovery of a new slowly pulsating B (SPB) star, with the largest number of detected frequencies to date by more than a factor of three, based on 37 days of MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) satellite guide star photometry. The star HD 163830 (V = 9.3, B5II/III) varies in twenty detected frequencies in the range 0.0351.060.035 - 1.06 d1^{-1} (0.412.3 μ0.4 - 12.3 ~ \muHz) with amplitudes from 0.7 to 7.6 mmag (S/NS/N from {4 to 43}). Eighteen of these frequencies are consistent with low-degree, high-order nonradial g-modes {of seismic models of an evolved 4.5MM_{\odot} star. We are unable to identify one unique model due to lack of mode identifications. The lowest two frequencies may be associated with the rotation of HD 163830, but firm proof of this must await future spectroscopic data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Kepler observations of variability in B-type stars

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    The analysis of the light curves of 48 B-type stars observed by Kepler is presented. Among these are 15 pulsating stars, all of which show low frequencies characteristic of SPB stars. Seven of these stars also show a few weak, isolated high frequencies and they could be considered as SPB/beta Cep hybrids. In all cases the frequency spectra are quite different from what is seen from ground-based observations. We suggest that this is because most of the low frequencies are modes of high degree which are predicted to be unstable in models of mid-B stars. We find that there are non-pulsating stars within the beta Cep and SPB instability strips. Apart from the pulsating stars, we can identify stars with frequency groupings similar to what is seen in Be stars but which are not Be stars. The origin of the groupings is not clear, but may be related to rotation. We find periodic variations in other stars which we attribute to proximity effects in binary systems or possibly rotational modulation. We find no evidence for pulsating stars between the cool edge of the SPB and the hot edge of the delta Sct instability strips. None of the stars show the broad features which can be attributed to stochastically-excited modes as recently proposed. Among our sample of B stars are two chemically peculiar stars, one of which is a HgMn star showing rotational modulation in the light curve.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 4 table