149 research outputs found

    Geant4 simulations of soft proton scattering in X-ray optics. A tentative validation using laboratory measurements

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    Low energy protons (< 300 keV) can enter the field of view of X-ray space telescopes, scatter at small incident angles, and deposit energy on the detector, causing intense background flares at the focal plane or in the most extreme cases, damaging the X-ray detector. A correct modelization of the physics process responsible for the grazing angle scattering processes is mandatory to evaluate the impact of such events on the performance of future X-ray telescopes as the ESA ATHENA mission. For the first time the Remizovich model, in the approximation of no energy losses, is implemented top of the Geant4 release 10.2. Both the new scattering physics and the built-in Coulomb scattering are used to reproduce the latest experimental results on grazing angle proton scattering. At 250 keV multiple scattering delivers large proton angles and it is not consistent with the observation. Among the tested models, the single scattering seems to better reproduce the scattering efficiency at the three energies but energy loss obtained at small scattering angles is significantly lower than the experimental values. In general, the energy losses obtained in the experiment are higher than what obtained by the simulation. The experimental data are not completely representative of the soft proton scattering experienced by current X-ray telescopes because of the lack of measurements at low energies (< 200 keV) and small reflection angles, so we are not able to address any of the tested models as the one that can certainly reproduce the scattering behavior of low energy protons expected for the ATHENA mission. We can, however, discard multiple scattering as the model able to reproduce soft proton funneling, and affirm that Coulomb single scattering can represent, until further measurements, the best approximation of the proton scattered angular distribution at the exit of X-ray optics.Comment: submitted to Experimental Astronom

    Microdosimetry of electrons in liquid water using the low-energy models of Geant4

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    The biological effects of ionizing radiation at the cellular level are frequently studied using the well-known formalism of microdosimetry, which provides a quantitative description of the stochastic aspects of energy deposition in irradiated media. Energy deposition can be simulated using Monte Carlo codes, some adopting a computationally efficient condensed-history approach, while others follow a more detailed track-structure approach. In this work, we present the simulation of microdosimetry spectra and related quantities (frequency-mean and dose-mean lineal energies) for incident monoenergetic electrons (50 eV-10 keV) in spheres of liquid water with dimensions comparable to the size of biological targets: base pairs (2 nm diameter), nucleosomes (10 nm), chromatin fibres (30 nm) and chromosomes (300 nm). Simulations are performed using the condensed-history low-energy physics models ( Livermore and Penelope ) and the track-structure Geant4-DNA physics models, available in the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. The spectra are compared and the influence of simulation parameters and different physics models, with emphasis on recent developments, is discussed, underlining the suitability of Geant4-DNA models for microdosimetry simulations. It is further shown that with an appropriate choice of simulation parameters, condensed-history transport may yield reasonable results for sphere sizes as small as a few tens of a nanometer

    Geant4 simulation model of electromagnetic processes in oriented crystals for the accelerator physics

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    Electromagnetic processes of charged particles interaction with oriented crystals provide a wide variety of innovative applications such as beam steering, crystal-based extraction/collimation of leptons and hadrons in an accelerator, a fixed-target experiment on magnetic and electric dipole moment measurement, X-ray and gamma radiation source for radiotherapy and nuclear physics and a positron source for lepton and muon colliders, a compact crystalline calorimeter as well as plasma acceleration in the crystal media. One of the main challenges is to develop an up-to-date, universal and fast simulation tool to simulate these applications. We present a new simulation model of electromagnetic processes in oriented crystals implemented into Geant4, which is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. We validate the model with the experimental data as well as discuss the advantages and perspectives of this model for the applications of oriented crystals mentioned above.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Electrocaloric Response of the Dense Ferroelectric Nanocomposites

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    Using the Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire approach and effective media models, we calculated the spontaneous polarization, dielectric, pyroelectric, and electrocaloric properties of BaTiO3_3 core-shell nanoparticles. We predict that the synergy of size effects and Vegard stresses can significantly improve the electrocaloric cooling (2- 7 times) of the BaTiO3_3 nanoparticles with diameters (10-100) nm stretched by (1-3)% in comparison with a bulk BaTiO3_3. To compare with the proposed and other known models, we measured the capacitance-voltage and current-voltage characteristics of the dense nanocomposites consisting of (28 -35) vol.% of the BaTiO3_3 nanoparticles incorporated in the poly-vinyl-butyral and ethyl-cellulose polymers covered by Ag electrodes. We determined experimentally the effective dielectric permittivity and losses of the dense composites at room temperature. According to our analysis, to reach the maximal electrocaloric response of the core-shell ferroelectric nanoparticles incorporated in different polymers, the dense composites should be prepared with the nanoparticles volume ratio of more than 25 % and fillers with low heat mass and conductance, such as Ag nanoparticles, which facilitate the heat transfer from the ferroelectric nanoparticles to the polymer matrix. In general, the core-shell ferroelectric nanoparticles spontaneously stressed by elastic defects, such as oxygen vacancies or any other elastic dipoles, which create a strong chemical pressure, are relevant fillers for electrocaloric nanocomposites suitable for advanced applications as nano-coolers.Comment: 38 pages, including 10 figures and 2 appendixe

    Crisis Management and Communication Strategies: RUSAL’s Case

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    No company is immune to crisis situations, an affirmation which, despite its triviality, is undeniably true. However, from the early 2014, such statement may have become even more true to Russian corporations, as the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula gave start to rounds of economic sanctions that are still perpetrated today. Such measures, which were initiated in response to the Kremlin’s political maneuvers, have hit a number of Russian companies, and increased the degree of uncertainty in which they have to operate, as they see economic restriction’s impact not only on the business activity tangible factors—i.e., economic rewards, service, and performance—but also on intangible factors—i.e., image and reputation—as well. Crises are integral parts of all world systems, unfortunately. While they are a theoretically well-understood issue, in practice, crises are perceived as a very painful phenomenon. A crisis can be compared to riding a roller coaster. First, as we gain speed and climb up the tracks we are filled with a sense of joy and delight. These feelings are quickly replaced with anticipation, panic, and fear as the roller coaster plunges into the “abyss.

    A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s

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    Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, either to build new facilities and experiments, or to upgrade existing ones. Similarly, it requires commensurate investment in the R&D of software to acquire, manage, process, and analyse the shear amounts of data to be recorded. In planning for the HL-LHC in particular, it is critical that all of the collaborating stakeholders agree on the software goals and priorities, and that the efforts complement each other. In this spirit, this white paper describes the R&D activities required to prepare for this software upgrade.Peer reviewe

    Development and validation of HERWIG 7 tunes from CMS underlying-event measurements

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    This paper presents new sets of parameters (“tunes”) for the underlying-event model of the HERWIG7 event generator. These parameters control the description of multiple-parton interactions (MPI) and colour reconnection in HERWIG7, and are obtained from a fit to minimum-bias data collected by the CMS experiment at s=0.9, 7, and 13Te. The tunes are based on the NNPDF 3.1 next-to-next-to-leading-order parton distribution function (PDF) set for the parton shower, and either a leading-order or next-to-next-to-leading-order PDF set for the simulation of MPI and the beam remnants. Predictions utilizing the tunes are produced for event shape observables in electron-positron collisions, and for minimum-bias, inclusive jet, top quark pair, and Z and W boson events in proton-proton collisions, and are compared with data. Each of the new tunes describes the data at a reasonable level, and the tunes using a leading-order PDF for the simulation of MPI provide the best description of the dat

    Validation of Physics Models of Geant4 Versions 10.4.p03, 10.6.p02 and 10.7.p01 using Data from the CMS Experiment

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    CMS tuned its simulation program and chose a specific physics model of Geant4 by comparing the simulation results with dedicated test beam experiments. Test beam data provide measurements of energy response of the calorimeter as well as resolution for well identified charged hadrons over a large energy region. CMS continues to validate the physics models using the test beam data as well as collision data from the Large Hadron Collider. Isolated charged particles are measured simultaneously in the tracker as well as in the calorimeters. These events are selected using dedicated triggers and are used to measure the response in the calorimeter. Different versions of Geant4 (10.2.p02, 10.4.p03, 10.6.p02) have been used by CMS for its Monte Carlo production and a new version (10.7.p01) is now chosen for future productions. A suitable physics list (collection of physics models) is chosen by optimizing performance against accuracy. A detailed comparison between data and Geant4 predictions is presented in this paper
