1,112 research outputs found

    The Correlation between Self-Consciousness and Depression in Adolescents

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    Kirmser Undergraduate Research Award - Individual Non-Freshman category, honorable mentionJung Sim JunThe purpose of this research proposal is to study the relationship between high levels of self-consciousness and depression among adolescents. In the context of this study, a positive relationship between the study variables is expected to reflect that adolescents are more at risk for the development or continuation of depression or depression symptoms when they experience or maintain high levels of self-consciousness. To assess adolescents’ levels of self-consciousness and severity of depression, participants in this study will be expected to complete a survey questionnaire. The use of these instruments incorporates quantitative data as numerically ranked measurements of personal reflection within a reliable screening. The Revised Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS-R) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) will be in a combined survey distributed to 100 adolescents aged 9-12 years old. Data will remain anonymous and be collected through a classroom setting. The results of this study are expected to help health professionals, parents, educators, and individuals consider self-consciousness as a more emphasized and prevalent element in adolescent depression and mental health

    Efeito da carga elétrica produzida pelo pulverizador eletrostático na germinação de conídios do fungo entomopatogênico (Beauveria bassiana)

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O controle biológico para manejo de pragas vem obtendo espaço em várias atividades agrícolas. Considerando que a pulverização tem grande relevância na eficiência do controle de pragas, as técnicas de aplicações como a pulverização eletrostática surgem como alternativa para incrementar os resultados da aplicação. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito da carga elétrica gerada pelo pulverizador eletrostático com e sem mistura do corante traçador Azul Brilhante sobre a germinação do fungo entomopatogênico Beauveria bassiana. Utilizou-se um pulverizador costal equipado com um kit eletrostático para a aplicação dos tratamentos em placa de Petri, contendo meio de cultura BDA. O delineamento aplicado foi o inteiramente casualizado no esquema fatorial (2 x 2), onde foram 4 tratamentos com 10 repetições. Após 24 horas da aplicação, os dados da germinação dos conídios foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. Verificou-se que nas condições avaliadas a pulverização eletrostática e a mistura do corante na calda não influenciou na germinação dos conídios do fungo entomopatogênico B. bassiana

    Rydberg atom mediated polar molecule interactions: a tool for molecular-state conditional quantum gates and individual addressability

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    We study the possibility to use interaction between a polar molecule in the ground electronic and vibrational state and a Rydberg atom to construct two-qubit gates between molecular qubits and to coherently control molecular states. A polar molecule within the electron orbit in a Rydberg atom can either shift the Rydberg state, or form Rydberg molecule. Both the atomic shift and the Rydberg molecule states depend on the initial internal state of the polar molecule, resulting in molecular state dependent van der Waals or dipole-dipole interaction between Rydberg atoms. Rydberg atoms mediated interaction between polar molecules can be enhanced up to 10310^{3} times. We describe how the coupling between a polar molecule and a Rydberg atom can be applied to coherent control of molecular states, specifically, to individual addressing of molecules in an optical lattice and non-destructive readout of molecular qubits

    Fragmented adipose tissue graft for bone healing: histological and histometric study in rabbits' calvaria

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    Objective The adipose tissue represents an important reservoir of stem cells. There are few studies in the literature with which to histologically evaluate whether or not the adipose tissue graft is really a safe option to achieve bone repair. This study histologically analyzed the effect of fragmented autogenous adipose tissue grafts on bone healing in surgically created, critical-size defects (CSD) in a rabbit's calvaria. Study design Forty-two New Zealand rabbits were used in this study. CSD that were 15 mm in diameter were created in the calvarium of each animal. The defects were randomly divided into two groups: in Group C (control), the defect was filled only by a blood clot and, in Group FAT (i.e., fragmented adipose tissue), the defect was filled with fragmented autogenous adipose tissue grafts. The groups were divided into subgroups (n = 7) for euthanasia at 7, 15, and 40 days after the procedure had been conducted. Histologic and histometric analyses were performed. Data were statistically analysed with ANOVA and Tukey's tests (p < 0.05). Results The amount of bone formation did not show statistically significant differences seven days after the operation, which indicates that the groups had similar amounts of mineral deposition in the earlier period of the repair. Conversely, a significant of amount of bone matrix deposition was identified in the FAT group at 15 and 40 days following the operation, both on the border and in the body of the defect. Such an outcome was not found in the control group. Conclusion In this study, an autologous adipose tissue graft may be considered as likely biomaterial for bone regeneration, since it positively affected the amount of bone formation in surgically created CSD in the rabbits' calvaria 40 days after the procedure had been performed. Further investigations with a longer time evaluation are warranted to determine the effectiveness of autologous adipose tissue graft in the bone healing

    Charge transfer-assisted self-limited decyanation reaction of TCNQ-type electron acceptors on Cu(100)

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    TCNQ derivatives adsorbed on a metal surface undergo a self-limited decyanation reaction that only affects two out of the four cyano groups in the molecule. Combined Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy experiments and Density Functional Theory calculations relate the self-limiting behavior to the transfer of electrons from the metal to the moleculeWe thank the CCC-UAM and the RES for allocation of computer time. Our work has been supported by the MINECO of Spain (MAT2009-13488, FIS2010-18847, FIS2010-15127, FIS2012-33011, CTQ2010-17006, CTQ2011-24652/BTQ), Comunidad de Madrid (Nanobiomagnet S2009/MAT-1726, Madrisolar-2 S2009/PPQ-1533), CONSOLIDER-INGENIO on Molecular Nanoscience (CSD2007- 00010) and European Union (SMALL PITN-GA-2009-23884

    Dispersal and extrapolation on the accuracy of temporal predictions from distribution models for the Darwin's frog

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Climate change is a major threat to biodiversity; the development of models that reliably predict its effects on species distributions is a priority for conservation biogeography. Two of the main issues for accurate temporal predictions from Species Distribution Models (SDM) are model extrapolation and unrealistic dispersal scenarios. We assessed the consequences of these issues on the accuracy of climate-driven SDM predictions for the dispersal-limited Darwin's frog Rhinoderma darwinii in South America. We calibrated models using historical data (1950-1975) and projected them across 40 yr to predict distribution under current climatic conditions, assessing predictive accuracy through the area under the ROC curve (AUC) and True Skill Statistics (TSS), contrasting binary model predictions against temporal-independent validation data set (i.e., current presences/absences). To assess the effects of incorporating dispersal processes we compared the predictive accuracy of dispersal constrained models with no dispersal limited SDMs; and to assess the effects of model extrapolation on the predictive accuracy of SDMs, we compared this between extrapolated and no extrapolated areas. The incorporation of dispersal processes enhanced predictive accuracy, mainly due to a decrease in the false presence rate of model predictions, which is consistent with discrimination of suitable but inaccessible habitat. This also had consequences on range size changes over time, which is the most used proxy for extinction risk from climate change. The area of current climatic conditions that was absent in the baseline conditions (i.e., extrapolated areas) represents 39% of the study area, leading to a significant decrease in predictive accuracy of model predictions for those areas. Our results highlight (1) incorporating dispersal processes can improve predictive accuracy of temporal transference of SDMs and reduce uncertainties of extinction risk assessments from global change; (2) as geographical areas subjected to novel climates are expected to arise, they must be reported as they show less accurate predictions under future climate scenarios. Consequently, environmental extrapolation and dispersal processes should be explicitly incorporated to report and reduce uncertainties in temporal predictions of SDMs, respectively. Doing so, we expect to improve the reliability of the information we provide for conservation decision makers under future climate change scenarios.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/eap.1556/abstract;jsessionid=1E2084FF99600D0EEC9FA358A3DBC2A3.f02t0

    In-medium hadronic spectral functions through the soft-wall holographic model of QCD

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    We study the scalar glueball and vector meson spectral functions in a hot and dense medium by means of the soft-wall holographic model of QCD. Finite temperature and density effects are implemented through the AdS/RN metric. We analyse the behaviour of the hadron masses and widths in the (T,μ)(T,\mu) plane, and compare our results with the experimental ones and with other theoretical determinations.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. matching the published versio

    First insights into the vertical habitat use of the whitespotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari revealed by pop‐up satellite archival tags

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    The whitespotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari is a tropical to warm‐temperate benthopelagic batoid that ranges widely throughout the western Atlantic Ocean. Despite conservation concerns for the species, its vertical habitat use and diving behaviour remain unknown. Patterns and drivers in the depth distribution of A. narinari were investigated at two separate locations, the western North Atlantic (Islands of Bermuda) and the eastern Gulf of Mexico (Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A.). Between 2010 and 2014, seven pop‐up satellite archival tags were attached to A. narinari using three methods: a through‐tail suture, an external tail‐band and through‐wing attachment. Retention time ranged from 0 to 180 days, with tags attached via the through‐tail method retained longest. Tagged rays spent the majority of time (82.85 ± 12.17% S.D.) within the upper 10 m of the water column and, with one exception, no rays travelled deeper than ~26 m. One Bermuda ray recorded a maximum depth of 50.5 m, suggesting that these animals make excursions off the fore‐reef slope of the Bermuda Platform. Individuals occupied deeper depths (7.42 ± 3.99 m S.D.) during the day versus night (4.90 ± 2.89 m S.D.), which may be explained by foraging and/or predator avoidance. Each individual experienced a significant difference in depth and temperature distributions over the diel cycle. There was evidence that mean hourly depth was best described by location and individual variation using a generalized additive mixed model approach. This is the first study to compare depth distributions of A. narinari from different locations and describe the thermal habitat for this species. Our study highlights the importance of region in describing A. narinari depth use, which may be relevant when developing management plans, whilst demonstrating that diel patterns appear to hold across individuals