6,680 research outputs found

    Conflictos ambientales y respuestas sociales: el caso de reetnificación de la comunidad de Quillagua

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    This article analyzes the relationship between environmental problem caused by pollution and pressure of mining companies in the basin of the middle of the river Loa, and the emergence of the indigenous community of Quillagua. This situation shows the emergence of an environmental conflict, reinforced by the legal possibilities and international backing provided by the fact of being indigenous. It is also proposed that ethnicity emerges in the current society as a tool of control and therefore the processes of ethnification or re-ethnification are part of an strategic and instrumental dynamic.En el presente artículo se analiza la relación que existe entre el problema ambiental, ocasionado por la contaminación y presión que ejercen las mineras sobre la cuenca del curso medio del río Loa, y el surgimiento de la comunidad indígena de Quillagua, hecho que posibilita a su vez la aparición de un conflicto ambiental, a partir de las posibilidades legales y el respaldo internacional que brinda el hecho de ser indígena en contextos de conflictos ambientales. Asimismo, se propone que la etnicidad surge en los actuales escenarios como una herramienta de lucha y que por lo tanto los procesos de reetnificación o de etnificación se enmarcan dentro de dinámicas estratégicas e instrumentales

    Clinical Guideline for Assessing Flash Visual Evoked Potentials in Laboratory Dogs and Normal Data for Beagle Dogs

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    Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) are useful to evaluate the visual pathway integrity from ganglion cells of the retina to the visual cortex. VEP could be applied to evaluate the effects on optic nerve function following ophthalmologic treatments and in toxicity studies. The aims of this research were to design a clinical protocol for testing flash-VEPs during sedation and dissociative anaesthesia in laboratory dogs, and to propose updated normal data for beagles

    Determinants of researchgate (rg) score for the top 100 of Latin American universities at webometrics

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    This paper has the purpose of establishing the variables that explain the behavior of ResearchGate for the Top100 Latin American universities positioned in Webometrics database for January 2017. For this purpose, a search was carried out to get information about postgraduate courses and professors at the institutional websites and social networks, obtaining documents registered in Google Scholar. For the data analysis, the econometric technique of ordinary least squares was applied, a cross-sectional study for the year 2017 was conducted, and the individuals studied were the first 100 Latin American universities, obtaining a coefficient of determination of 73.82%. The results show that the most significant variables are the number of programs, the number of teacher’s profiles registered in Google Scholar, the number of subscribers to the institutional YouTube channel, and the GDP per capita of the university origin country. Variables such as (i) number of undergraduate programs, (ii) number of scientific journals; (iii) number of documents found under the university domain; (iv) H-index of the 1st profile of researcher at the university; (vi) number of members of the institution; (v) SIR Scimago ranking of Higher Education Institutions; (vi) number of tweets published in the institutional account; (vii) number of followers in the Twitter institutional account; (vii) number of “likes” given to the institutional count, were not significantCorporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica, Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado, Universidad de la Costa

    Performance of yam microtubers from temporary immersion system in field conditions

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    The yam clones ´Pacala Duclos´ and ´Belep´ of Dioscorea alata were used to evaluate the performance of microtubers formed in temporary immersion systems (TIS) in field conditions. Previously sprouted microtubers with a fresh weight higher than 3.0 gFW were used while in vitro plants and tuber crowns from conventional propagation methods served as control. In both clones there were no significant differences in qualitative morphological characters between plants from microtubers and in vitro plants for all traits but both differed significantly from plants obtained from tuber crowns. The same trend was observed for number, length, diameter and fresh weight of tubers produced 36 weeks after field planting. The number of tubers formed per plant raised from microtubers doubled that raised from tuber crowns in both clones. Microtubers from temporary immersion systems can be grown on the field and used in original seed production programs.Key words: Microtuber, yam, field, temporary immersion system

    Federated Learning Based Proactive Content Caching in Edge Computing

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. the final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordContent caching is a promising approach in edge computing to cope with the explosive growth of mobile data on 5G networks, where contents are typically placed on local caches for fast and repetitive data access. Due to the capacity limit of caches, it is essential to predict the popularity of files and cache those popular ones. However, the fluctuated popularity of files makes the prediction a highly challenging task. To tackle this challenge, many recent works propose learning based approaches which gather the users' data centrally for training, but they bring a significant issue: users may not trust the central server and thus hesitate to upload their private data. In order to address this issue, we propose a Federated learning based Proactive Content Caching (FPCC) scheme, which does not require to gather users' data centrally for training. The FPCC is based on a hierarchical architecture in which the server aggregates the users' updates using federated averaging, and each user performs training on its local data using hybrid filtering on stacked autoencoders. The experimental results demonstrate that, without gathering user's private data, our scheme still outperforms other learning-based caching algorithms such as m-epsilon-greedy and Thompson sampling in terms of cache efficiency.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)National Key Research and Development Program of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of ChinaEuropean Union Seventh Framework Programm

    Combined use of mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers further reveal immature marine turtle hybrids along the South Western Atlantic

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    Marine turtle hybridization is usually sporadic and involves reports of only a few individuals; however, Brazilian populations have high hybridization rates. Here we investigated the presence of hybrids in morphologically identified immature hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricate) along the South Western Atlantic (SWA). We sequenced one mitochondrial (D-Loop) and three nuclear DNA (RAG1, RAG2, and CMOS) markers to better understand the patterns and characteristics of hybrids. We identified 22 hybrids (n = 270), 11 of them at the extreme South of the SWA. Uruguay had the highest hybrid frequency in the SWA (similar to 37.5%) followed by southern Brazil with 30%. These are common areas for loggerheads (Caretta caretta) but uncommon for hawksbills, and these hybrids may be adopting the behavior of loggerheads. By analyzing nuclear markers, we can infer that 50% of the sampled hybrids are first generation (F1) and 36% are the result of backcrosses between hybrids and pure E. imbricate (> F1). We also report for the first time immature E. imbricate x Lepidochelys olivacea hybrids at the Brazilian coast. Considering the high frequency of hybrids in the SWA, continuous monitoring should be performed to assess the fitness, genetic integrity, and extent of changes in the gene pools of involved populations

    Quantification of virus syndrome in chili peppers

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    One of the most important problems to produce chili crops is the presence of diseases caused by pathogen agents, such as viruses, therefore, there is a substantial necessity to better predict the behavior of the diseases of these crops, determining a more precise quantification of the disease’s syndrome that allows the investigators to evaluate better practices, from handling to the experimental level and will permit producers to take opportunistic corrective action thereby, reducing production loses and increasing the quality of the crop. This review discussed methods that have been used for the quantification of disease in plants, specifically for chili peppers crops, thereby, suggesting a better alternative for the quantification of the disease’ syndromes in regards to this crop. The result of these reflections indicates that most methods used for quantification are based on visual assessments, discarding differences of data between distinctive evaluators. These methods generate subjective results.Key words: Quantification, plant diseases, severity, syndrome, viruses

    Dark halo baryons not in ancient halo white dwarfs

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    Having ruled out the possibility that stellar objects are the main contributor of the dark matter embedding galaxies, microlensing experiments cannot exclude the hypothesis that a significant fraction of the Milky Way dark halo might be made of MACHOs with masses in the range 0.5-0.8 \msun. Ancient white dwarfs are generally considered the most plausible candidates for such MACHOs. We report the results of a search for such white dwarfs in a proper motion survey covering a 0.16 sqd field at three epochs at high galactic latitude, and 0.938 sqd at two epochs at intermediate galactic latitude (VIRMOS survey), using the CFH telescope. Both surveys are complete to I = 23, with detection efficiency fading to 0 at I = 24.2. Proper motion data are suitable to separate unambiguously halo white dwarfs identified by belonging to a non rotating system. No candidates were found within the colour-magnitude-proper motion volume where such objects can be safely discriminated from any standard population as well as from possible artefacts. In the same volume, we estimate the maximum white dwarf halo fraction compatible with this observation at different significance levels if the halo is at least 14 gigayears old and under different ad hoc initial mass functions. Our data alone rules out a halo fraction greater than 14% at 95% confidence level. Combined with two previous investigations exploring comparable volumes pushes the limit below 4 % (95% confidence level) or below 1.3% (64% confidence), this implies that if baryonic dark matter is present in galaxy halos, it is not, or it is only marginally in the form of faint hydrogen white dwarfs.Comment: accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics (19-05-2004

    Una Escala de medición de actitudes hacia los enfermos mentales en futuros técnicos de salud.

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el de construir una Escala tipo Likert para la medición de actitudes hacia los enfermos mentales en futuros técnicos de salud. La población elegida (N = 7.869) estaba constituida por los alumnos de segundo y cuarto curso de las Facultades de Farmacia, Psicología y Medicina, y segundo de las Escuelas Universitarias de Enfermería y Trabajo Social. De dicha población se extrajo una muestra representativa de 381 sujetos. La Escala está constituida por 20 ítems y ha demostrado su fiabilidad y validez

    Una Escala de medición de actitudes hacia los enfermos mentales en futuros técnicos de salud.

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el de construir una Escala tipo Likert para la medición de actitudes hacia los enfermos mentales en futuros técnicos de salud. La población elegida (N = 7.869) estaba constituida por los alumnos de segundo y cuarto curso de las Facultades de Farmacia, Psicología y Medicina, y segundo de las Escuelas Universitarias de Enfermería y Trabajo Social. De dicha población se extrajo una muestra representativa de 381 sujetos. La Escala está constituida por 20 ítems y ha demostrado su fiabilidad y validez