25 research outputs found

    多義動詞としての「知る」と「分かる」の使い分け : コーパスを活用した類義語分析

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    東京海洋大学筑波大学名誉教授Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyProfessor Emerita, Tsukuba University本研究は日本語学習者が理解しやすい類義語指導のための基礎研究として,多義動詞である「知る」と「分かる」の使い分けを体系的に記述することを目的とする。体系的な記述のために大規模なWEBコーパスから用例収集を行い,「知る」と「分かる」の各語義で置き換え可能性を検討した結果,「情報の獲得・理解」「状況の把握」「会得」「本質理解」という4つの類義関係に整理することができた。さらに,類義関係があっても「知る」と「分かる」が置き換えできない時,それぞれの意味的対立がどこにあるのかを分析した結果,両形式が表す認知状態の変化における4つの側面(「未知状態からの変化」「過程性の焦点化」「逆行の変化」「内的な了解能力」)から各類義関係における使い分けが説明できることを示した。This study\u27s purpose is on quasi-synonym instruction that can be easily understood by Japanese language learners. It aims to systematically describe the differences in the usage of two verbs, shiru (know) and wakaru (understand), each of which denoting a variety of meanings. For the purpose of systematic description, we collected examples from the large-scale Tsukuba Web Corpus (TWC). From our analysis of the possibilities of substituting shiru and wakaru under each meaning, we were able to sort the meanings into four synonymous relations: (i) acquiring and comprehending information, (ii) understanding a situation, (iii) mastering a skill, and (iv) comprehending the essence of something. Furthermore, the finding of how shiru and wakaru are semantically opposed when they cannot be substituted, we demonstrated that the differences in usage within each synonymous relation can be explained with a common framework derived from four aspects of the changes in the state of cognition that the two verbs express, namely, (i) changes from a state of not knowing, (ii) the focus on processes, (iii) retrogressive changes, and (iv) internal comprehension ability

    A three-in-one-bullet for oesophageal cancer: Replication fork collapse, spindle attachment failure and enhanced radiosensitivity generated by a ruthenium(II) metallo-intercalator

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    Substitutionally inert ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes have been developed as DNA intercalating agents yet cellular DNA damage responses to this binding modality are largely unexplored. Here, we show the nuclear-targeting complex [Ru(phen)2(tpphz)]2+ (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, tpphz = tetrapyridophenazine) generates rapid and pronounced stalling of replication fork progression in p53-deficient human oesophageal cancer cells. In response, replication stress and double-strand break (DSB) DNA damage response (DDR) pathways are activated and cell proliferation is inhibited by growth arrest. Moreover, mitotic progression is compromised by [Ru(phen)2(tpphz)]2+, where the generation of metaphase chromosome spindle attachment failure results in spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) activation. This dual mechanism of action results in preferential growth inhibition of rapidly-proliferating oesophageal cancer cells with elevated mitotic indices. In addition to these single-agent effects, [Ru(phen)2(tpphz)]2+ functions as a radiosensitizer with efficiency comparable to cisplatin, which occurs through a synergistic enhancement of DNA damage. These results establish that DNA replication is the target for [Ru(phen)2(tpphz)]2+ and provide the first experimental evidence that ruthenium-based intercalation targets multiple genome integrity pathways in cancer cells, thereby achieving enhanced selectivity compared to existing DNA-damaging agents such as cisplatin


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    【Introduction】The survival rate in patients with HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has been improved dramatically due to the advances in anti-HIV drug therapy, while aging-associated complications become a critical issue. The incidence of sudden occurrence of AIDS without prior detection of HIV infection, so called “Ikinari AIDS”, still remains high. 【Objective】We retrospectively analyzed the incidence and clinical characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients in both Tokushima University Hospital and Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital. 【Results】Eighty four patients (74 males and 10 females) with a median age of 39 years old (range 16 - 85) were enrolled. Thirty-four patients (40.5%) were diagnosed with “Ikinari AIDS” from 2001 to 2020. All 4 patients were diagnosed with “Ikinari AIDS” after 2020. AIDS-defining illnesses were diagnosed as follows ; pneumocystis pneumonia in 21 cases, CMV infection in 8 cases and candidiasis in 6 cases. All patients over 60 years old were suffered from AIDS. Other complications included syphilis in 17 cases, hepatitis B infection in 12 and herpes zoster in 7. 【Discussion/Conclusion】In Tokushima, the incidence rate of “Ikinari AIDS” appeared to be higher than that of national average. COVID - 19 pandemic hampered the public health care services of awareness-raising activity for HIV infection and telephone consultations about HIV, which may become more lease asymptomatic HIV patients without diagnosis. For early diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, it is becoming more important to share information to make early screening of HIV infection among medical staffs, such as medical doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and MSWs

    Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4 butanediol (1,4-BD; BDO) : a literature review with a focus on UK fatalities related to non-medical use

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    Misuse of gamma hydroxybutrate (GHB) and gamma butyrolactone (GBL) has increased greatly since the early 1990s, being implicated in a rising number of deaths. This paper reviews knowledge on GHB and derivatives, and explores the largest series of deaths associated with their non-medical use. Descriptive analyses of cases associated with GHB/GBL and 1,4 butanediol (1,4-BD) use extracted from the UK’s National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths database. From 1995 to September 2013, 159 GHB/GBL-associated fatalities were reported. Typical victims: White (92%), young (mean age 32 years); male (82%); with a drug misuse history (70%). Most deaths (79%) were accidental or related to drug use, the remainder (potential) suicides. GHB/GBL alone was implicated in 37%; alcohol 14%; other drugs 28%; other drugs and alcohol 15%. Its endogenous nature and rapid elimination limit toxicological detection. Post-mortem blood levels: mean 482 (range 0 - 6500; S.D. 758) mg/L. Results suggest significant caution is needed when ingesting GHB/GBL, particularly with alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates, stimulants, and ketamine. More awareness is needed about risks associated with consumption.Peer reviewe

    Izdelava baze podatkov za učne slovarje japonščine

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    The number of Japanese language learners outside Japan, especially of advanced level learners, is increasing yearly. From the intermediate level onwards, they could profit from bilingual Japanese learners’ dictionaries in their native language, but in most linguistic areas of the world only very simple dictionaries for beginners and for tourists are available. Our project therefore aims at supporting the compilation of Japanese language learners’ dictionaries for intermediate and advanced learners by building a database of contents needed when editing a Japanese language learners’ dictionary, and offering it online. This 4 year project is going to be running from 2011 to 2014. Two surveys were conducted: a survey of the vocabulary used in textbooks of Japanese as a foreign language and a quantitative survey on the targeted area of the Japanese language in a large-scale corpus, in order to select the list of words to be included in the database, and a general list of basic vocabulary for Japanese language instruction was created. At present, usage examples are being compiled on the basis of this vocabulary list, and a database system is being developed. A prototype of a database search interface and download system has been completed. The database is going to include various types of information which are considered to be useful for learners, such as grammar, phonetics, synonyms, collocations, stylistics, learners’ errors etc. These are presently being studied in detail to be made public in 2014.Število učencev in študentov japonskega jezika zunaj Japonske, posebej na višjih nivojih, narašča iz leta v leto. Od srednjega nivoja dalje so za učenje koristni dvojezični učni slovarji, ki vključujejo uporabnikov materni jezik, a za večino jezikov na svetu obstajajo le zelo preprosti slovarji za začetnike ali za turiste. Zato je cilj tega projekta sestaviti bazo podatkov, ki so potrebni v učnem slovarju japonščine, in jo ponuditi na spletu, zato da bi s tem podprli urejanje japonskih učnih slovarjev za srednjo in nadaljevalno stopnjo. Projekt bo trajal 4 leta, od leta 2011 do leta 2014. Da bi izbrali besedišče, ki naj se vključi v bazo podatkov, smo doslej izvedli raziskavo besedišča učbenikov japonščine kot tujega jezika ter kvantitativno raziskavo ciljnega jezika v obsežnem korpusu. Sestavljen je bil tudi seznam osnovnega besedišča japonščine za splošno rabo. Trenutno sta v teku urejanje primerov rabe na osnovi izoblikovanega seznama besedišča ter razvoj računalniškega sistema, pri čemer je že razvit prototip spletnega vmesnika za iskanje po bazi podatkov in prenašanje podatkov iz baze. Načrtuje se vključitev informacij, za katere se predvideva, da bodo koristne učencem, kot so informacije o slovnici, glasoslovju, sinonimih, kolokacijah, slogu in kulturi. Delo poteka s ciljem, da se baza javno objavi leta 2014

    Primary Amine-Clustered DNA Aptamer for DNA–Protein Conjugation Catalyzed by Microbial Transglutaminase

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    DNA–protein conjugates are promising biomolecules for use in areas ranging from therapeutics to analysis because of the dual functionalities of DNA and protein. Conjugation requires site-specific and efficient covalent bond formation without impairing the activity of both biomolecules. Herein, we have focused on the use of a microbial transglutaminase (MTG) that catalyzes the cross-linking reaction between a glutamine residue and a primary amine. In a model bioconjugation, a highly MTG-reactive Gln (Q)-donor peptide (FYPL<i>Q</i>MRG, FQ) was fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (FQ-EGFP) and a primary amine-clustered DNA aptamer was enzymatically synthesized as a novel acyl-acceptor substrate of MTG, whose combination leads to efficient and convenient preparation of DNA–protein conjugates with high purity. Dual functionality of the obtained DNA-EGFP conjugate was evaluated by discrimination of cancer cells via c-Met receptor recognition ability of the DNA aptamer. The DNA aptamer-EGFP conjugate only showed fluorescence toward cells with c-Met overexpression, indicating the retention of the biochemical properties of the DNA and EGFP in the conjugated form