117 research outputs found

    Zugleich ein Beitrag zur gegenwärtigen deutschen Kriminalpolitik

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    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer von Bürgern getragenen regionalen Kriminalprävention unter besonderer Würdigung der Rolle der Polizei

    Interpol: A nemzetközi rendőrségi együttműködés múltja, jelene és jövője

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    Aim: The study aims to show that INTERPOL, established a century ago, remains committed to fostering international law enforcement cooperation and secure intelligence sharing among 195 member countries.Methodology: In his study, the author draws on official INTERPOL documents and the organisation’s activities in relation to specific criminal organisations to illustrate the challenges facing the organisation in the modern era, the responses to these challenges and the possible directions for future developments.Findings: Its National Central Bureaus (NCBs) enable global collaboration and swift responses to cross-border crimes. Evolving global threats, accentuated by the COVID–19 pandemic, make international cooperation essential. INTERPOL plays a pivotal role at the nexus of global threats and individual crimes. Terrorism, organized crime, cybercrime, and the rise of artificial intelligence present pressing challenges. Projects like I-CAN and I-GRIP illustrate successful global efforts. INTERPOL’s mission, based on trust, neutrality, reciprocity, and operational security, has proven its effectiveness in addressing modern law enforcement challenges.Value: The article gives an overview of the organisation’s recent achievements, illustrated with some recent examples.Cél: A tanulmány célja annak bemutatása, hogy az egy évszázaddal ezelőtt alapított Interpol továbbra is elkötelezett a nemzetközi bűnüldözési együttműködés és a 195 tagország közötti biztonságos információcsere előmozdítása mellett.Módszertan: A szerző tanulmányában az Interpol hivatalos dokumentumai alapján és az egyes bűnszervezetekkel kapcsolatos tevékenysége által mutatja be a szervezet modernkori kihívásait, az azokra adott válaszokat, illetve a jövő lehetséges fejlődési irányait.Megállapítások: Az Interpol Nemzeti Irodái (NCB-k) lehetővé teszik a globális együttműködést és a határokon átnyúló bűncselekményekre való gyors reagálást. A fejlődő globális fenyegetések, amelyeket a COVID–19-világjárvány is felerősített, elengedhetetlenné teszik a nemzetközi együttműködést. Az Interpol kulcsszerepet játszik a globális fenyegetések és az egyéni bűncselekmények kapcsolódási pontján. A terrorizmus, a szervezett bűnözés, a számítógépes bűnözés és a mesterséges intelligencia térnyerése sürgető kihívásokat jelent. Az olyan projektek, mint az I-CAN és az I-GRIP sikeres globális erőfeszítéseket szemléltetnek. Az Interpol bizalmon, semlegességen, kölcsönösségen és operatív biztonságon alapuló küldetése bizonyította hatékonyságát a modern bűnüldözési kihívások kezelésében.Érték: A cikk példákkal illusztrált áttekintést nyújt a szervezet közelmúltbeli eredményeiről

    QUA³CK - A Machine Learning Development Process

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    Machine learning and data processing are trending topics at the moment. However, there is still alack of a standard process to support a fast, simple, and effective development of machine learningmodels for academia and industry combined. Processes such as KDD or CRISP-DM are highlyspecialized in data mining and business cases. Therefore, engineers often refer to individualapproaches to solve a machine learning problem. Especially in teaching, the lack of a standardprocess is a challenge. Students typically get a better understanding if a systematic approach tosolve problems is given to them. A challenge when formulating a machine learning developmentprocess is to provide standard actions that work on different use-cases. At the same time, it has tobe simple. Complex processes often lead to the wrong approach.The QUA³CK process was created at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to fill the gap inresearch and industry for a machine learning development process. However, the main focus wasto reach engineering students with an easy-to-remember, didactic way to solve machine learningproblems. This five-stage process starts with a machine learning question (Q), a problem thathas to be solved. Understanding the data (U) comes next. Then, the loop between selecting anAlgorithm (A), Adapting the features (A), and Adjusting the hyperparameters (A) is executeduntil the system is ready for Conclude and compare (C). At last, the Knowledge transfer (K) ofthe given solution can be realized as deployment in hardware or as a documentation.This paper describes the process and all individual steps in detail. Besides, we present severaluse-cases of QUA³CK in academia and research projects

    Porous Salts Containing Cationic Al24-Hydroxide-Acetate Clusters from Scalable, Green and Aqueous Synthesis Routes

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    The solution chemistry of aluminum is highly complex and various polyoxocations are known. Here we report on the facile synthesis of a cationic Al24 cluster that forms porous salts of composition [Al24 (OH)56 (CH3 COO)12 ]X4 , denoted CAU-55-X, with X=Cl- , Br- , I- , HSO4 - . Three-dimensional electron diffraction was employed to determine the crystal structures. Various robust and mild synthesis routes for the chloride salt [Al24 (OH)56 (CH3 COO)12 ]Cl4 in water were established resulting in high yields (>95 %, 215 g per batch) within minutes. Specific surface areas and H2 O capacities with maximum values of up to 930 m2  g-1 and 430 mg g-1 are observed. The particle size of CAU-55-X can be tuned between 140 nm and 1250 nm, permitting its synthesis as stable dispersions or as highly crystalline powders. The positive surface charge of the particles, allow fast and effective adsorption of anionic dye molecules and adsorption of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

    Reform des Riskostrukturausgleichs in der GKV

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    Das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit hat Ende März Eckpunkte zur Reform des Risikostrukturausgleichs in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung vorgelegt. Welchen Anforderungen sollte eine solche Reform genügen? --

    Magnetic exchange, anisotropy and excitonic fluctuations in a [Ni<sup>II</sup><sub>7</sub>] Anderson wheel

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    The solvothermal reaction of Ni(ClO4)2·6H2O with hmpH and picH in a basic MeOH solution affords [Ni7(hmp)7.55(pic)4.45](ClO4)2·6MeOH (1·6MeOH) directly upon cooling the mother liquor. The metallic skeleton of 1 describes a [NiII7] centred hexagon, commonly referred to as an Anderson wheel. Magnetic measurements reveal ferromagnetic exchange between the central Ni ion and the ring Ni ions, and antiferromagnetic exchange between neighbouring ring Ni ions. They also confirm the presence of easy-plane anisotropy for the central Ni ion, and easy-axis anisotropy for the ring Ni ions, in agreement with DFT calculations and neutron scattering. For the analysis of the latter we apply an excitonic formalism using a Green's function response theory.</p

    advancing the evidence base for public policies impacting on dietary behaviour physical activity and sedentary behaviour in europe the policy evaluation network promoting a multidisciplinary approach

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    Abstract Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of global mortality. As the social and economic costs of NCDs have escalated, action is needed to tackle important causes of many NCD's: low physical activity levels and unhealthy dietary behaviours. As these behaviours are driven by upstream factors, successful policy interventions are required that encourage healthy dietary behaviours, improve physical activity levels and reduce sedentary behaviours of entire populations. However, to date, no systematic research on the implementation and evaluation of policy interventions related to these health behaviours has been conducted across Europe. Consequently, no information on the merit, gaps, worth or utility of cross-European policy interventions is available, and no guidance or recommendations on how to enhance this knowledge across European countries exists. As part of the Joint Programming Initiative "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life" (JPI HDHL), 28 research institutes from seven European countries and New Zealand have combined their expertise to form the Policy Evaluation Network (PEN). PEN's aim is to advance tools to identify, evaluate, implement and benchmark policies designed to directly or indirectly target dietary behaviours, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour in Europe, as well as to understand how these policies increase or decrease health inequalities. Using well-defined evaluation principles and methods, PEN will examine the content, implementation and impact of policies addressing dietary behaviour, physical activity levels and sedentary behaviour across Europe. It will realise the first steps in a bespoke health policy monitoring and surveillance system for Europe, and refine our knowledge of appropriate research designs and methods for the quantification of policy impact. It will contribute to our understanding of how to achieve successful transnational policy implementation and monitoring of these policies in different cultural, demographic or socioeconomic settings. PEN will consider equity and diversity aspects to ensure that policy actions are inclusive and culturally sensitive. Finally, based on three policy cases, PEN will illustrate how best to evaluate the implementation and impact of such policies in order to yield healthy diets and activity patterns that result in healthier lives for all European citizens

    Cancer incidence in type 2 diabetes patients - first results from a feasibility study of the D2C cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A large prospective study in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), the German D2C cohort, is presently being enumerated to investigate risk factors of incident cancer in diabetic patients.</p> <p>Study setting</p> <p>A disease management program was offered, on a voluntary basis, to all T2D patients who were members of a statutory health insurance fund in Germany. This first feasibility report uses data from 26.742 T2D patients, who were 40 to 79 years old, resided in the Muenster District, and who were enrolled between June 2003 and July 2008. Cancer cases were identified through the regional Cancer Registry.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Invasive cancer cases were identified using probabilistic record linkage procedures and pseudonymised personal identifiers. Censoring date was December 31, 2008. We included only first cancers, leaving 12.650 male and 14.092 female T2D with a total of 88.778 person-years (py). We computed standardised incidence ratios (SIR) for external comparisons and we employed Cox regression models and hazard ratios (HR) within the cohort.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 759 first cancers among male T2D patients (18.7 per 1,000 py) and 605 among females (12.7 per 1,000 py). The risk of any incident cancer in T2D was raised (SIR = 1.14; 95% confidence interval [1.10 - 1.21]), in particular for cancer of the liver (SIR = 1.94 [1.15 - 2.94]) and pancreas (SIR = 1.45 [1.07-1.92]). SIRs decreased markedly with time after T2D diagnosis. In Cox models, adjusting for diabetes duration, body mass index and sex, insulin therapy was related to higher cancer risk (HR = 1.25 [1.17 - 1.33]). No effect was seen for metformin.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Our study demonstrates feasibility of record linkage between DMP and cancer registries. These first cohort results confirm previous reports. It is envisaged to enhance this cohort by inclusion of further regions of the state, expansion of the follow-up times, and collection of a more detailed medication history.</p

    Non-Perturbative Renormalization Flow in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics

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    We review the use of an exact renormalization group equation in quantum field theory and statistical physics. It describes the dependence of the free energy on an infrared cutoff for the quantum or thermal fluctuations. Non-perturbative solutions follow from approximations to the general form of the coarse-grained free energy or effective average action. They interpolate between the microphysical laws and the complex macroscopic phenomena. Our approach yields a simple unified description for O(N)-symmetric scalar models in two, three or four dimensions, covering in particular the critical phenomena for the second-order phase transitions, including the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and the critical behavior of polymer chains. We compute the aspects of the critical equation of state which are universal for a large variety of physical systems and establish a direct connection between microphysical and critical quantities for a liquid-gas transition. Universal features of first-order phase transitions are studied in the context of scalar matrix models. We show that the quantitative treatment of coarse graining is essential for a detailed estimate of the nucleation rate. We discuss quantum statistics in thermal equilibrium or thermal quantum field theory with fermions and bosons and we describe the high temperature symmetry restoration in quantum field theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking. In particular, we explore chiral symmetry breaking and the high temperature or high density chiral phase transition in quantum chromodynamics using models with effective four-fermion interactions.Comment: 178 pages, appears in Physics Report

    Randomized controlled phase 2 trial of hydroxychloroquine in childhood interstitial lung disease

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    Background No results of controlled trials are available for any of the few treatments offered to children with interstitial lung diseases (chILD). We evaluated hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in a phase 2, prospective, multicentre, 1:1-randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group/crossover trial. HCQ (START arm) or placebo were given for 4 weeks. Then all subjects received HCQ for another 4 weeks. In the STOP arm subjects already taking HCQ were randomized to 12 weeks of HCQ or placebo (= withdrawal of HCQ). Then all subjects stopped treatment and were observed for another 12 weeks. Results 26 subjects were included in the START arm, 9 in the STOP arm, of these four subjects participated in both arms. The primary endpoint, presence or absence of a response to treatment, assessed as oxygenation (calculated from a change in transcutaneous O 2 -saturation of ≥ 5%, respiratory rate ≥ 20% or level of respiratory support), did not differ between placebo and HCQ groups. Secondary endpoints including change of O 2 -saturation ≥ 3%, health related quality of life, pulmonary function and 6-min-walk-test distance, were not different between groups. Finally combining all placebo and all HCQ treatment periods did not identify significant treatment effects. Overall effect sizes were small. HCQ was well tolerated, adverse events were not different between placebo and HCQ. Conclusions Acknowledging important shortcomings of the study, including a small study population, the treatment duration, lack of outcomes like lung function testing below age of 6 years, the small effect size of HCQ treatment observed requires careful reassessments of prescriptions in everyday practice (EudraCT-Nr.: 2013-003714-40, www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu , registered 02.07.2013)