69 research outputs found

    The genetic basis and adult reproductive consequences of developmental thermal plasticity

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    Increasing temperature and thermal variability generate profound selection on populations. Given the fast rate of environmental change, understanding the role of plasticity and genetic adaptation in response to increasing temperatures is critical. This may be especially true for thermal effects on reproductive traits in which thermal fertility limits at high temperatures may be lower than for survival traits. Consequences of changing environments during development on adult phenotypes may be particularly problematic for core traits such as reproduction that begin early in development. Here we examine the consequences of developmental thermal plasticity on subsequent adult reproductive traits and its genetic basis. We used a panel of Drosophila melanogaster (the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel; DGRP) in which male fertility performance was previously defined as either showing relatively little (status = ‘high’-performing lines) or substantial (‘low’-performing lines) decline when exposed to increasing developmental temperatures. We used a thermal reaction norm approach to quantify variation in the consequences of developmental thermal plasticity on multiple adult reproductive traits, including sex-specific responses, and to identify candidate genes underlying such variation. Developmental thermal stress impacted the means and thermal reaction norms of all reproductive traits except offspring sex ratio. Mating success declined as temperature increased with no difference between high and low lines, whereas increasing temperature resulted in declines for both male and female fertility and productivity but depended on line status. Fertility and offspring number were positively correlated within and between the sexes across lines, but males were more affected than females. We identified 933 SNPs with significant evolved genetic differentiation between high and low lines. In all, 54 of these lie within genomic windows of overall high differentiation, have significant effects of genotype on the male thermal reaction norm for productivity and are associated with 16 genes enriched for phenotypes affecting reproduction, stress responses and autophagy in Drosophila and other organisms. Our results illustrate considerable plasticity in male thermal limits on several reproductive traits following development at high temperature, and we identify differentiated loci with relevant phenotypic effects that may contribute to this population variation. While our work is on a single population, phenotypic results align with an increasing number of studies demonstrating the potential for stronger selection of thermal stress on reproductive traits, particularly in males. Such large fitness costs may have both short- and long-term consequences for the evolution of populations in response to a warming world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental sexual selection reveals rapid evolutionary divergence in sex-specific transcriptomes and their interactions following mating

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    Work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/I014632/1 to M.G.R., A.R.C., and R.R.S), the Natural Environment Research Council Biomolecular Analysis Facility (NBAF654 to M.G.R), and the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet; 2018-04598 to R.R.S).Postcopulatory interactions between the sexes in internally fertilizing species elicits both sexual conflict and sexual selection. Macroevolutionary and comparative studies have linked these processes to rapid transcriptomic evolution in sex-specific tissues and substantial transcriptomic postmating responses in females, patterns of which are altered when mating between reproductively isolated species. Here we test multiple predictions arising from sexual selection and conflict theory about the evolution of sex-specific and tissue-specific gene expression and the postmating response at the microevolutionary level. Following over 150 generations of experimental evolution under either reduced (enforced monogamy) or elevated (polyandry) sexual selection in Drosophila pseudoobscura, we found a substantial effect of sexual selection treatment on transcriptomic divergence in virgin male and female reproductive tissues (testes, male accessory glands, the female reproductive tract and ovaries). Sexual selection treatment also had a dominant effect on the postmating response, particularly in the female reproductive tract ? the main arena for sexual conflict - compared to ovaries. This effect was asymmetric with monandry females typically showing more postmating responses than polyandry females, with enriched gene functions varying across treatments. The evolutionary history of the male partner had a larger effect on the postmating response of monandry females, but females from both sexual selection treatments showed unique patterns of gene expression and gene function when mating with males from the alternate treatment. Our microevolutionary results mostly confirm comparative macroevolutionary predictions on the role of sexual selection on transcriptomic divergence and altered gene regulation arising from divergent coevolutionary trajectories between sexual selection treatments.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Mate choice intensifies motor signalling in Drosophila

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    This work was funded by the Marie Curie Initial Training Network ‘Understanding the evolutionary origin of biological diversity’ (ITN-2008- 213780 SPECIATION; M.G.R.), and by a US National Science Foundation grant (R.R.S.) (DEB-0093149) and NERC grants (R.R.S. and M.G.R.; NE/B504065/1, NE/D003741/1, NE/I014632/1).Mate choice has the potential to act on the evolution of motor performance via its direct influence on motor sexual signals. However, studies demonstrating this are rare. Here, we performed an in-depth analysis of Drosophila pseudoobscura courtship song rate, a motor signal under mate choice in this species, and analysed the response of this signal to sexual selection manipulation using experimental evolution. We show that manipulating the opportunity for sexual selection led to changes in song production rate and singing endurance, with males from the polyandrous populations producing faster song rates over longer time periods than males from monogamous populations. We also show that song rate was correlated with estimates of overall courtship vigour. Our results suggest that the action of mate choice on a motor signal has affected male motor performance displayed during courtship. We consider potential selective benefits associated with changes in motor performance, including condition-dependent signalling, and discuss the implications of these results for the study of motor signals under sexual selection.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Fluctuating heat stress during development exposes reproductive costs and putative benefits

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    Temperature and thermal variability are increasing worldwide, with well-known survival consequences. However, effects on other potentially more thermally sensitive reproductive traits are less understood, especially when considering thermal variation. Studying the consequences of male reproduction in the context of climate warming and ability to adapt is becoming increasingly relevant. Our goals were to test how exposure to different average temperatures that either fluctuated or remained constant impacts different male reproductive performance traits and to assess adaptive potential to future heat stress. We took advantage of a set of Drosophila melanogaster isogenic lines of different genotypes, exposing them to four different thermal conditions. These conditions represented a benign and a stressful mean temperature, applied either constantly or fluctuating around the mean and experienced during development when heat stress avoidance is hindered because of restricted mobility. We measured subsequent male reproductive performance for mating success, fertility, number of offspring produced and offspring sex ratio, and calculated the influence of thermal stress on estimated heritability and evolvability of these reproductive traits. Both costs and benefits to different thermal conditions on reproductive performance were found, with some responses varying between genotypes. Mating success improved under fluctuating benign temperature conditions and declined as temperature stress increased regardless of genotype. Fertility and productivity were severely reduced at fluctuating mean high temperature for all genotypes, but some genotypes were unaffected at constant high mean temperature. These more thermally robust genotypes showed a slight increase in productivity under the fluctuating benign condition compared to constant high temperature, despite both thermal conditions sharing the same temperature for 6 hr daily. Increasing thermal stress resulted in higher heritability and evolvability. Overall, the effects of temperature on reproductive performance depended on the trait and genotype; performance of some traits slightly increased when high temperatures were experienced for short periods but decreased substantially even when experiencing a benign temperature for a portion of each day. While thermal stress increased genetic variation that could provide adaptive potential against climate warming, this is unlikely to compensate for the overall severe negative effect on reproductive performance as mean temperature and variance increase.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3D-Modeling for the Analysis of Range Data

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    In this paper a new method of modeling 30-objects for the interpretation of range images is described.In range data it is possible to detect surface patches, edges and 30- vertices by local and therefore fast operations. Recognition of an object is done by associating these structures with one element of a set of possible objects. For that it is necessary to use an adequate description of objects which supports fast matching. In this paper a model is presented, which represents an object by surfaces, edges, vertices and neighborhood relationships. The representation of the objects is restricted on those surfaces, which are easy to detect by the used range sensor.A further requirement is a fast and easy interactive construction of object models which assists human demands and thus reduces the costs of providing and maintenance of the object database

    Experimental sexual selection affects the evolution of physiological and life‐history traits

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    Sexual selection and sexual conflict are expected to affect all aspects of the phenotype, not only traits that are directly involved in reproduction. Here, we show coordinated evolution of multiple physiological and life-history traits in response to long-term experimental manipulation of the mating system in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Development time was extended under polyandry relative to monogamy in both sexes, potentially due to higher investment in traits linked to sexual selection and sexual conflict. Individuals (especially males) evolving under polyandry had higher metabolic rates and locomotor activity than those evolving under monogamy. Polyandry individuals also invested more in metabolites associated with increased endurance capacity and efficient energy metabolism and regulation, namely lipids and glycogen. Finally, polyandry males were less desiccation- and starvation resistant than monogamy males, suggesting trade-offs between resistance and sexually selected traits. Our results provide experimental evidence that mating systems can impose selection that influences the evolution of non-sexual phenotypes such as development, activity, metabolism and nutrient homeostasis

    Experimental sexual selection affects the evolution of physiological and life?history traits

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    Sexual selection and sexual conflict are expected to affect all aspects of the phenotype, not only traits that are directly involved in reproduction. Here, we show coordinated evolution of multiple physiological and life-history traits in response to long-term experimental manipulation of the mating system in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Development time was extended under polyandry relative to monogamy in both sexes, potentially due to higher investment in traits linked to sexual selection and sexual conflict. Individuals (especially males) evolving under polyandry had higher metabolic rates and locomotor activity than those evolving under monogamy. Polyandry individuals also invested more in metabolites associated with increased endurance capacity and efficient energy metabolism and regulation, namely lipids and glycogen. Finally, polyandry males were less desiccation- and starvation resistant than monogamy males, suggesting trade-offs between resistance and sexually selected traits. Our results provide experimental evidence that mating systems can impose selection that influences the evolution of non-sexual phenotypes such as development, activity, metabolism and nutrient homeostasis

    A systematic map of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction

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    Funding: This work was funded by the European Society for Evolution (which funds a Special Topic Network on Evolutionary Ecology of Thermal Fertility Limits to CF, AB, RRS and TARP), the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/P002692/1 to TARP, AB and RRS, NE/X011550/1 to LRD and TARP), the Biotechnology and \Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/W016753/1 to AB, TARP and RRS) and a Heisenberg fellowship from the German Research Foundation (FR 2973/11-1 to CF).1. Exposure to extreme temperatures can negatively affect animal reproduction, by disrupting the ability of individuals to produce any offspring (fertility), or the number of offspring produced by fertile individuals (fecundity). This has important ecological consequences, because reproduction is the ultimate measure of population fitness: a reduction in reproductive output lowers the population growth rate and increases the extinction risk. Despite this importance, there have been no large‐scale summaries of the evidence for effect of temperature on reproduction. 2. We provide a systematic map of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction. We systematically searched for published studies that statistically test for a direct link between temperature and animal reproduction, in terms of fertility, fecundity or indirect measures of reproductive potential (gamete and gonad traits). 3. Overall, we collated a large and rich evidence base, with 1654 papers that met our inclusion criteria, encompassing 1191 species. 4. The map revealed several important research gaps. Insects made up almost half of the dataset, but reptiles and amphibians were uncommon, as were non‐arthropod invertebrates. Fecundity was the most common reproductive trait examined, and relatively few studies measured fertility. It was uncommon for experimental studies to test exposure of different life stages, exposure to short‐term heat or cold shock, exposure to temperature fluctuations, or to independently assess male and female effects. Studies were most often published in journals focusing on entomology and pest control, ecology and evolution, aquaculture and fisheries science, and marine biology. Finally, while individuals were sampled from every continent, there was a strong sampling bias towards mid‐latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, such that the tropics and polar regions are less well sampled. 5. This map reveals a rich literature of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction, but also uncovers substantial missing treatment of taxa, traits, and thermal regimes. This database will provide a valuable resource for future quantitative meta‐analyses, and direct future studies aiming to fill identified gaps.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The past and future of experimental speciation

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    Speciation is the result of evolutionary processes that generate barriers to gene flow between populations, facilitating reproductive isolation. Speciation is typically studied via theoretical models and “snap-shot” tests in natural populations. Experimental speciation enables real-time direct tests of speciation theory and has been long-touted as a critical complement to other approaches. We argue that, despite its promise to elucidate the evolution of reproductive isolation, experimental speciation has been underutilised and lags behind other contributions to speciation research. We review recent experiments and outline a framework for how experimental speciation can be implemented to address current outstanding questions that are otherwise challenging to answer. Greater uptake of this approach is necessary to rapidly advance understanding of speciation