4,513 research outputs found

    Short-term trajectories of workplace bullying and its impact on strain: A latent class growth modeling approach

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    The aim of this weekly diary study was (a) to identify trajectories of workplace bullying over time and (b) to examine the association of each cluster with strain indicators (i.e., insomnia and anxiety/depression). A sample of 286 employees during 4 weeks of data was used (N occasions = 1,144). Results of latent class growth modeling showed that 3 trajectories could be identified: a nonbullying trajectory, which comprised 90.9% of the sample; an inverted U trajectory; and a delayed increase bullying trajectory; the latter two each had 4.2% of the participants. We found a significant interaction between time and trajectories when predicting insomnia and anxiety/depression, with each strain showing a differential pattern with each trajectory. It seems that the negative effects on insomnia are long-lasting and remain after bullying has already decreased. In the case of anxiety and depression, when bullying decreases strain indicators also decrease. In this study, by examining trajectories of bullying at work over time and their associations with strain, we provide new insights into the temporal dynamics of workplace bullying

    In Silico Exploration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Metabolic Networks Shows Host-Associated Convergent Fluxomic Phenotypes

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is composed of several lineages characterized by a genome identity higher than 99%. Although the majority of the lineages are associated with humans, at least four lineages are adapted to other mammals, including different M. tuberculosis ecotypes. Host specificity is associated with higher virulence in its preferred host in ecotypes such as M. bovis. Deciphering what determines the preference of the host can reveal host-specific virulence patterns. However, it is not clear which genomic determinants might be influencing host specificity. In this study, we apply a combination of unsupervised and supervised classification methods on genomic data of ~27,000 M. tuberculosis clinical isolates to decipher host-specific genomic determinants. Host-specific genomic signatures are scarce beyond known lineage-specific mutations. Therefore, we integrated lineage-specific mutations into the iEK1011 2.0 genome-scale metabolic model to obtain lineage-specific versions of it. Flux distributions sampled from the solution spaces of these models can be accurately separated according to host association. This separation correlated with differences in cell wall processes, lipid, amino acid and carbon metabolic subsystems. These differences were observable when more than 95% of the samples had a specific growth rate significantly lower than the maximum achievable by the models. This suggests that these differences might manifest at low growth rate settings, such as the restrictive conditions M. tuberculosis suffers during macrophage infection

    Propuesta pedagógica basada en la lúdica como aporte a la reducción de comportamientos agresivos de los niños de preescolar de la i.e tomas Cadavid del municipio de Bello

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    En la Institución Educativa Tomas Cadavid Restrepo, del Municipio de Bello Antioquia se detectó comportamientos de agresividad en los niños de preescolar, con edades que oscilan entre los 4 y 5 años de edad, reflejando esto una dificultad en el trabajo pedagógico en el aula y en los espacios de recreación y socialización. Por esta razón se decidió realizar una estrategia basada en la Pedagogía Lúdica estableciendo objetivos, definiendo métodos para alcanzar objetivos, definiendo indicadores para verificar que fueron logrados, utilizando diferentes estrategias como la recolección y análisis de datos, la observación directa, los diálogos y las encuestas. Analizada la información de la problemática y teniendo en cuenta el marco teórico se procedió a realizar e implementar talleres educativos con énfasis en estrategias lúdico pedagógicas con el fin de mejorar en los niños y niñas los comportamientos de agresividad; los cuales están relacionados con diferentes variables que inciden en diferente grado en este tipo de comportamiento tales como: las normas y reglas, el autocontrol, las habilidades comunicativas, la autonomía, la tolerancia a la frustración y la formación en valores

    Effectiveness of Oral Sensory-Motor Stimulation in Premature Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Systematic Review

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to identify and to assess the best evidence currently available on the effectiveness of oral sensory-motor stimulation in preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. We performed a systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) statements. The search was conducted using the Pubmed, Web of Science (WOS), PEDro and Scopus databases. Clinical trials were reviewed and PEDro rating scale was used to assess the methodological quality of these studies. Results: 1267 studies were found and 11 were relevant and included in this review. Improvements were obtained in achieving independent feeding, maturation of the sucking pattern, transition to full feeding, motor function and length of hospital stay in most studies. Conclusions: there is evidence to support the benefits of the use of oral sensorimotor stimulation to achieve independent oral feeding in preterm infants, thereby reducing their stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care UnitS

    Genomic analysis of Mycobacterium brumae sustains its nonpathogenic and immunogenic phenotype

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    Mycobacterium brumae is a rapid-growing, non-pathogenic Mycobacterium species, originally isolated from environmental and human samples in Barcelona, Spain. Mycobacterium brumae is not pathogenic and it's in vitro phenotype and immunogenic properties have been well characterized. However, the knowledge of its underlying genetic composition is still incomplete. In this study, we first describe the 4 Mb genome of the M. brumae type strain ATCC 51384T assembling PacBio reads, and second, we assess the low intraspecies variability by comparing the type strain with Illumina reads from three additional strains. Mycobacterium brumae genome is composed of a circular chromosome with a high GC content of 69.2% and containing 3,791 CDSs, 97 pseudogenes, one prophage and no CRISPR loci. Mycobacterium brumae has shown no pathogenic potential in in vivo experiments, and our genomic analysis confirms its phylogenetic position with other non-pathogenic and rapid growing mycobacteria. Accordingly, we determined the absence of virulence-related genes, such as ESX-1 locus and most PE/PPE genes, among others. Although the immunogenic potential of M. brumae was proved to be as high as Mycobacterium bovis BCG, the only mycobacteria licensed to treat cancer, the genomic content of M. tuberculosis T cell and B cell antigens in M. brumae genome is considerably lower than those antigens present in M. bovis BCG genome. Overall, this work provides relevant genomic data on one of the species of the mycobacterial genus with high therapeutic potential

    Chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis reveals divergent photosystem II responses to saline, alkaline and saline–alkaline stresses in the two Lotus japonicus model ecotypes MG20 and Gifu-129

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    Saline and alkaline stresses affect more than 10% of the World’s arable land, limiting agricultural production. Salt-induced stress may affect the photosystem II (PSII) function, altering fluorescence emission. Therefore, changes in fluorescence are used to quantify and analyze abiotic stress responses in plants. So far, no study has focused on the response of PSII to saline, alkaline and saline–alkaline stresses in the model legume Lotus japonicus. For the saline, alkaline and saline–alkaline treatments, plants of the L. japonicus ecotypes MG20 and Gifu-129 were cultivated in sand with nutrient solution, added with NaCl and NaHCO3 in different proportions. Growth, gas exchange, and chlorophyll a fluorescence transient kinetic and OJIP parameters were measured, and chlorophyll a and b were determined. The analysis of the kinetic of chlorophyll a fluorescence showed that NaCl-derived stress sources affect the photochemical events in PSII in both ecotypes, being this effect more evident under higher pH condition, whereas alkalinity per se has a mild or no effect on these events. The saline–alkaline stress induced a more severe effect on Gifu B-129, compared with Miyakojima MG20, whereas NaCl improved primary photochemistry in MG20. Our results allow us to accept the hypothesis that both ecotypes deploy differential responses under the three stressful treatments and that the saline–alkaline stress causes higher damage levels than saline and alkaline stresses alone in relation with structures and sub-processes of the PSII.Fil: Bordenave, César Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Rocco, Ruben Anibal. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Maiale, Santiago Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Campestre, Maria Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, Oscar Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Andres Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Menendez, Ana Bernardina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; Argentin

    Therapeutic effects of telomerase in mice with pulmonary fibrosis induced by damage to the lungs and short telomeres

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    Pulmonary fibrosis is a fatal lung disease characterized by fibrotic foci and inflammatory infiltrates. Short telomeres can impair tissue regeneration and are found both in hereditary and sporadic cases. We show here that telomerase expression using AAV9 vectors shows therapeutic effects in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis owing to a low-dose bleomycin insult and short telomeres. AAV9 preferentially targets regenerative alveolar type II cells (ATII). AAV9-Tert-treated mice show improved lung function and lower inflammation and fibrosis at 1-3 weeks after viral treatment, and improvement or disappearance of the fibrosis at 8 weeks after treatment. AAV9-Tert treatment leads to longer telomeres and increased proliferation of ATII cells, as well as lower DNA damage, apoptosis, and senescence. Transcriptome analysis of ATII cells confirms downregulation of fibrosis and inflammation pathways. We provide a proof-of-principle that telomerase activation may represent an effective treatment for pulmonary fibrosis provoked or associated with short telomeres.We are indebted to D Megias for microscopy analysis, to J Mun˜ oz and F Garcı´a for hydroxiproline analysis as well as to CNIO Histopathological Unit. The research was funded by project SAF2013- 45111-R of Societal Changes Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (MINECO) co-financed through the European Fund of Regional Development (FEDER), Fundacio´n Botı´n and Banco Santander (Santander Universities Global Division) and Roche Extending the Innova- tion Network Program (EIN) Academia Partnering Programme.S

    Transporte de carga y políticas públicas implementadas durante la pandemia en Santa Cruz

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    The declaration of PANDEMIC disease due SARS CoV-2 had a strong impact on the logistic activities worldwide and especially in the extensive territory of Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. The work analyzes the land transport infrastructure and the role of the social actors involved in the activity, the State represented by the Sub secretary of Transport and the Police of the Province of Santa Cruz, a private delivery service transport company, a Highway gas station and truck drivers, experiences that are analyzed under the current regulations and public policies implemented in the emergency of the health emergency.La declaración de PANDEMIA producto del SARS-CoV-2 impactó fuertemente sobre la actividad del transporte de carga a nivel mundial y especialmente en el extenso y periférico territorio de Santa Cruz, Argentina. El trabajo, analiza la infraestructura del transporte terrestre y recupera las voces de los actores sociales involucrados en la actividad, el Estado representado por la Subsecretaría de Transporte y la Policía de la Provincia de Santa Cruz, una empresa privada de transporte dedicada al servicio de paquetería, una estación de servicio rutera y los choferes de camiones, vivencias que se analizan e interpretan a luz de la normativa vigente y las políticas públicas implementadas en la urgencia de la emergencia sanitaria

    Role of phosphorus on activated carbons used as catalytic support in steam reforming of pyrolysis liquids

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    Hydrogen production from steam reforming (SR) of the liquids resulting from biomass waste pyrolysis with nickel catalysts is a sustainable alternative for decarbonization. Chemical activation with H3PO4 provide activated carbons (ACs) with high surface area and porosity development, improved surface oxidation/gasification resistance and acid character due to the presence of stable surface phosphorus groups. In addition, they can be prepared from the same biomass waste making them sustainable supports for steam reforming Ni catalysts. However, little is known about the role of surface P groups on the activity of nickel. In this work ACs, with different amounts of P, have been used as support for steam reforming Ni catalysts in order to study the effect of P on the catalytic activity and stability. Pistachio shell (PS), a non-edible agroforestry waste, has been used as feedstock for both the preparation of the activated carbons (ACs) and the pyrolysis liquids. P-containing AC was obtained by chemical activation of PS with 3:1 acid to precursor mass ratio and activation temperature of 500 ºC (PS3P sample). The amount of surface P in PS3P was partially decreased by hydrogen treatment at 600 ºC for 4 h (PSLP sample). P-free AC was also prepared by CO2 physical activation of PS at 800 ºC for 3 h (PSG sample). 10 % wt. Ni nominal loading were supported onto the ACs by the incipient wetness impregnation method with Ni(NO3)2·6H2O and thermal annealing in N2 atmosphere at 700 ºC for 2 h. The resulting catalysts have been evaluated on SR of a mixture of oxygenated hydrocarbons (ethanol, acetone and acetic acid) usually found in pyrolysis liquids. Each of them was fed with a 0.75 % volume concentration, while the steam to carbon ratio was set on the stoichiometric value. The reaction was carried out in a fixed bed tubular reactor at a temperature ranging from 500 to 800 °C and using a space time of 50 gcat·s·mmol-1.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Los autores agradecen al MICCIN (RTI2018-097555-B-100) por la ayuda financiera