44 research outputs found

    The Ottoman empire in early modern Austrian history : assessment and perspectives

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    This paper discusses the over-focalisation on the Mediterranean area of historians of the early modern Euro-Ottoman relationship and it offers a critical assessment of the numerous studies conducted by historians of the Habsburg Monarchy over thirty years. It shows that the histories of the Austrian monarchy and of the Ottoman Empire were interdependent and that war is a marginal element in their relationship. This paper emphasises the political use of the Ottoman history by Austrian scholars from Hammer-Purgstall’s essential enterprise to the violent contestation of Samuel Huntington and his civilizational pattern. Cultural history, trade and diplomacy appear as the three ways of the Austrian historiographical shift, which nevertheless calls nowadays for a more pragmatic approach

    Un Orient négocié

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    Les relations entre la Maison d’Autriche et l’Orient ne peuvent plus se rĂ©duire Ă  un conflit politique, culturel et religieux. Les gazettes attestent de la convergence d’intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©conomiques et militaires entre Joseph II et Sidi Mohammed. Cependant, le voyage Ă  Vienne de Mohamed ben Abdel Malek marque aussi l’intĂ©rĂȘt de la Cour pour l’Orient, laquelle le crĂ©e autant qu’elle se l’accapare et l’utilise comme outil de son prestige. Enfin, la relecture des grandes gazettes europĂ©ennes nous donne aussi accĂšs Ă  un processus de nĂ©gociation culturelle entre l’Europe et l’Orient. En effet, les Orientaux ne sont pas passifs dans la construction de leur identitĂ© par les EuropĂ©ens. L’ambassadeur marocain en a ici conscience, aussi peut-il jouer, et donc manipuler les regards qui se portent sur lui. La relecture anthropo-linguisitque des gazettes nous invite alors Ă  rouvrir le dĂ©bat de l’orientalisme.Relations between the House of Austria and the Orient cannot consist merely any more of a political, cultural and religious conflict. Gazettes certify the concourse of economic and military interests between Joseph II and Sidi Mohamed. However, the trip in Vienna of Mohamed ben Abdel Malek also marks the interest of the Court for the Orient, which creates it as much as it hoard it and uses it as tool of its prestige. Finally, the rereading of the great Europeans gazettes also leads to us a process of cultural negotiation between, Europe and Orient. Indeed, Orientals are not passive in the building of their identity by Europeans. Here, the Moroccan ambassador has an aware of it; also he can play with it and therefore manipulate looks carried on him. Then, the anthropo-linguistic rereading of gazettes invites us open again the debate of orientalism

    Un Orient négocié

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    Les relations entre la Maison d’Autriche et l’Orient ne peuvent plus se rĂ©duire Ă  un conflit politique, culturel et religieux. Les gazettes attestent de la convergence d’intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©conomiques et militaires entre Joseph II et Sidi Mohammed. Cependant, le voyage Ă  Vienne de Mohamed ben Abdel Malek marque aussi l’intĂ©rĂȘt de la Cour pour l’Orient, laquelle le crĂ©e autant qu’elle se l’accapare et l’utilise comme outil de son prestige. Enfin, la relecture des grandes gazettes europĂ©ennes nous donne aussi accĂšs Ă  un processus de nĂ©gociation culturelle entre l’Europe et l’Orient. En effet, les Orientaux ne sont pas passifs dans la construction de leur identitĂ© par les EuropĂ©ens. L’ambassadeur marocain en a ici conscience, aussi peut-il jouer, et donc manipuler les regards qui se portent sur lui. La relecture anthropo-linguisitque des gazettes nous invite alors Ă  rouvrir le dĂ©bat de l’orientalisme.Relations between the House of Austria and the Orient cannot consist merely any more of a political, cultural and religious conflict. Gazettes certify the concourse of economic and military interests between Joseph II and Sidi Mohamed. However, the trip in Vienna of Mohamed ben Abdel Malek also marks the interest of the Court for the Orient, which creates it as much as it hoard it and uses it as tool of its prestige. Finally, the rereading of the great Europeans gazettes also leads to us a process of cultural negotiation between, Europe and Orient. Indeed, Orientals are not passive in the building of their identity by Europeans. Here, the Moroccan ambassador has an aware of it; also he can play with it and therefore manipulate looks carried on him. Then, the anthropo-linguistic rereading of gazettes invites us open again the debate of orientalism

    Une collaboration économique et sociale : consuls et protecteurs des marchands ottomans à Vienne et à Trieste au xviiie siÚcle

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    Cet article propose une histoire comparĂ©e de la crĂ©ation du consulat gĂ©nĂ©ral des Ottomans de Vienne et du consul des nations grecque et ottomane Ă  Trieste au dix-huitiĂšme siĂšcle. Dans le cadre d’une monarchie composite comme celle des Habsbourg d’Autriche, le consulat relĂšve de la collaboration d’un marchand, d’une famille, d’une nation ou d’un corps constituĂ© au gouvernement exercĂ© par le prince. Le consulat permet de sĂ©curiser des sources de revenu d’un marchand, d’institutionnaliser une position de domination sociale ou de rĂ©compenser sous la forme d’une rente un serviteur ou une famille zĂ©lĂ©e. Les avantages que reprĂ©sente le consulat sont disputĂ©s entre les marchands et les corps constituĂ©s ; le service de la monarchie est en consĂ©quence attractif. Le consulat n’est par ailleurs ici qu’une modalitĂ© parmi d’autres d’association des marchands ottomans au commerce de la monarchie autrichienne.This paper applies a comparative approach to the establishment of the General Consulate of the Ottomans in Vienna and to that of a consulate of the Greek and Ottoman nations in Trieste in the eighteenth century. In a composite monarchy such as that of the Habsburgs of Austria, the consular mission was based on the economic and social collaboration between a merchant, a family, a nation or a corporate body and the reigning household. Holding a consular position meant securing a stable income to a merchant, institutionalising a position of social domination, or being able to reward a loyal servant or family by granting them an annuity. Merchants and corporate bodies competed to access such advantages, and the service of the Austrian monarchy was consequently attractive. However, a consular position was only one among several possible forms through which Ottoman merchants participated to the growth of Austrian trade

    La place de l’Empire ottoman au sein de l’administration josĂ©phiste. Remarques sur la correspondance privĂ©e de Philipp Cobenzl et Peter Herbert entre Vienne et Istanbul (1779-1792)

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    Au XVIIIe siĂšcle, l’absolutisme est la concentration des pouvoirs entre les mains d’une seule autoritĂ© politique. L’histoire de sa construction est celle d’un conflit entre le prince et les corps constituĂ©s qu’ils soient villes, États, Églises ou congrĂ©gations. Vu d’Allemagne, l’absolutisme recouvre une rĂ©alitĂ© multiple que le modĂšle prussien ne saurait Ă©clipser ou Ă©puiser. En ce sens, l’historiographie autrichienne a longtemps mis en avant le josĂ©phisme comme un mouvement politique, social e..

    Claudia Garnier, Christine Vogel (dir.), Interkulturelle Ritualpraxis in der Vormoderne: Diplomatische Interaktion an den östlichen Grenzen der FĂŒrstengesellschaft

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    Ce numĂ©ro spĂ©cial de la Zeitschrift fĂŒr Historische Forschung porte sur les rituels diplomatiques dans des contextes interculturels Ă  l’époque moderne via l’observation d’interactions « de la sociĂ©tĂ© des princes Ă  la frontiĂšre orientale », en particulier en Russie et dans l’Empire ottoman. S’inscrivant dans le renouveau de l’histoire diplomatique, les six articles rĂ©unis par Claudia Garnier et Christine Vogel tĂ©moignent de l’intĂ©rĂȘt renouvelĂ© pour l’histoire des empires continentaux. L’intro..

    Drought-induced embolism in current-year shoots of two Mediterranean evergreen oaks

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    threatened by the increasing water deficits related to climate change. To contribute to the understanding of the capacity of these oaks to withstand severe drought we assessed the vulnerability to xylem embolism and the anatomical traits in current-year shoots. Data were collected in mature trees at two sites, in central/ coastal and southern/inland Portugal. In situ safety margins to hydraulic failure were evaluated from long-term predawn and midday leaf water potential records. Results showed that xylem vulnerability to embolism was similar in Q. ilex and Q. suber. The 50% loss in hydraulic conductivity (Wxyl,50PLC) was observed at xylem water potentials of 2.9 and 3.2 MPa in shoots of Q. suber and Q. ilex, respectively. Values of mean vessel diameter of Q. suber shoots at both sites suggest an intra-species adaptation to the local water availability, with larger vessels at the more mesic site. In situ hydraulic safety margins observed in shoots showed that, even during the driest periods, both oaks lived comfortably above the most critical embolism thresholds. However, the hydraulic safety margins were narrower in the driest site. Results are relevant to the understanding of survival, growth, and functional behaviour of evergreen oaks in Mediterranean climates, under recurrent/seasonal drought condition

    Evapotranspiration from a Mediterranean evergreen oak savannah: The role of trees and pasture

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    Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands of southern Portugal (montados) are savannah-type ecosystems with a widely sparse tree cover, over extensive grassland. Therefore, ecosystem water fluxes derive from two quite differentiated sources: the trees and the pasture. Partitioning of fluxes according to these different sources is necessary to quantify overall ecosystem water losses as well as to improve knowledge on its functional behaviour. In southern Iberia, these woodlands are subjected to recurrent droughts. Therefore, reaction/resilience to water stress becomes an essential feature of vegetation on these ecosystems. Long-term tree transpiration was recorded for 6 years from a sample of holm oak (Quercus ilex ssp. rotundifolia) trees, using the Granier sap flow method. Ecosystem transpiration was measured by the eddy covariance technique for an 11-month period (February to December 2005), partly coincident with a drought year. Pasture transpiration was estimated as the difference between ecosystem (eddy covariance) and tree (sap flow) transpiration. Pasture transpiration stopped during the summer, when the surface soil dried up. In the other seasons, pasture transpiration showed a strong dependence on rainfall occurrence and on top soil water. Conversely, trees were able to maintain transpiration throughout the summer due to the deep root access to groundwater. Q. ilex trees showed a high resilience to both seasonal and annual drought. Tree transpiration represented more than half of ecosystem transpiration, in spite of the low tree density (30 trees ha 1) and crown cover fraction (21%). Tree evapotranspiration was dominated by transpiration (76%), and interception loss represented only 24% of overall tree evaporatio

    COVID-19 and sustainability in textile, apparel and fashion use: an assessment of trends

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    Apart from the many social and health problems it has caused, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on most sectors of the economy worldwide. One of the areas where such impact is noticeable is the textile, apparel, and fashion (TAF) industry. The lockdowns and limited access to retailer outlets resulted in a considerable drop in consumption, creating problems related to the excess of stock, the decrease of sales, and the disposal of non-used items. This paper outlines the implications of the COVID-19 on the TAF sectors and European retailers. It analyzes how the current supply chains exacerbated stock control problems, and it reports on the changes in consumption during the pandemic. The worldwide restrictive measures implemented to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic were responsible for significant profit losses. Also, the decrease in consumption, caused by several geographically wide lockdowns, prompted a subsequent reduction in orders and sales, resulting in a significant number of constraints. The implementation of more environmentally friendly processes, including sustainable circularity as a competitiveness source to keep the TAF sectors in the loop and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, may help address the problems associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in the sustainability context, as reported in this paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Formar bem as mães para criar e educar boas crianças: as revistas portuguesas de educação familiar e a difusão da maternidade científica (1945-1958)

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    Este artigo tem como principal objetivo contribuir para a compreensĂŁo do processo de construção da maternidade cientĂ­fica em Portugal. Neste sentido, foi analisado um conjunto de artigos (n=628), publicados em revistas de educação familiar, entre 1945 e 1958. A anĂĄlise realizada permitiu compreender que as revistas analisadas contribuem para a difusĂŁo da maternidade cientĂ­fica, ou seja, da ideia de que a aquisição de conhecimento cientĂ­fico sobre a criação e educação das crianças Ă© elemento indispensĂĄvel ao adequado exercĂ­cio da função maternal. Observou-se, ainda, a existĂȘncia de diferentes estratĂ©gias de educação para a maternidade, Ă s quais estĂĄ subjacente um elemento de classe, assim como diferentes nĂ­veis de adesĂŁo, por parte das mulheres, Ă  concepção de maternidade cientĂ­fica