3,031 research outputs found

    Low temperature storage container for transporting perishables to space station

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    Two storage containers are disclosed within which food or biological samples may be stored for transfer in a module by the space shuttle to a space station while maintaining the food or samples at very low temperatures. The container is formed in two parts, each part having an inner shell and an outer shell disposed about the inner shell. The space between the shells is filled with a continuous wrap multi-layer insulation and a getter material. The two parts of the container have interlocking members and when connected together are sealed for preventing leakage from the space between the shells. After the two parts are filled with frozen food or samples they are connected together and a vacuum is drawn in the space between the shells and the container is stored in the module. For the extremely low temperature requirements of biological samples, an internal liner having a phase change material charged by a refrigerant coil is disposed in the space between the shells, and the container is formed from glass fiber material including honeycomb structural elements. All surfaces of the glass fiber which face the vacuum space are lined with a metal foil


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    Bu araştırmada okul psikolojik danışmanlarının bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini (BİT) nasıl kullandıkları araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen bir anket aracılığıyla ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Ulaşılan 208 katılımcının 132'i kadın, 76'i erkek; yaş ortalamaları 30.8'dir. Katılımcıların 161'i ilk ve orta öğretim okullarında, 47'si Rehberlik Araştırma Merkezinde çalışmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde kay kare, tek yönlü varyans analizi ve t testi kullanılmıştır. Psikolojik danışmanların çoğunun kurumlarında tüm BİT'nin olduğu, yaklaşık dörtte üçünün BİT ile ilgili ders aldıkları ancak üçte birinden azının BİT'nin PDR'de nasıl kullanabileceğine ilişkin bilgisi olduğu bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bulgulara göre psikolojik danışmanların çoğu BİT'nin temelinde yer alan bilgisayarı en fazla rapor yazmak, sunu hazırlamak, eposta aracılığı ile haberleşmek, web sayfası araştırmak amacıyla, en az velilerle bağ kurmak amacıyla kullanmaktadırlar. Yapılan kay kare testi sonucunda cinsiyet, yaş ve çalışılan eğitim kurumuna göre psikolojik danışmanlar arasında, son değişken hariç, bazı anlamlı farklar bulunmuştur. Sonuçlara göre genç psikolojik danışmanlar BİT'ni mesleki rehberlik ve web taraması için, erkek psikolojik danışmanlar test verme ve eğitimler için daha fazla kullanmaktadırlar. Ayrıca, psikolojik danışmanların BİT'ni kullanmada kendilerini rahat ve yeterli hissettikleri ve BİT'ni kullanmanın üretkenliklerini artırdığı biçiminde algıladıkları sonucu elde edilmişse de yapılan karşılaştırma testlerii sonucunda bu konuda cinsiyet, yaş ve çalışılan eğitim kurumuna göre anlamlı bir fark olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. This study sought to investigate information and communication technologies (ICT) usage among Turkish school counselors utilizing a questionnaire developed by the authors. The participants were 208 school counselors (132 female, 76 male) with a mean age of 30.8 years. This sample contained 161 counselors employed in public elementary and secondary schools while the remaining 47 were employed in Guidance Resource Centers. The survey results were tabulated and examined for significant differences utilizing Chi-Square, t-test and one-way analysis of variance. Results of this survey revealed that virtually all participants had access to ICT at their worksite. Although 75% of the participants reported formal training in ICT only one third reported specific training in applying this knowledge in the field of Counseling. From among the applications of ICT to counseling, as identified by the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, the most frequently identified were report writing, presentation preparation, emailing, and internet searches. The least frequently reported uses were for data base utilization and communication with parents. Chi-Square analysis revealed that younger counselors (<30 years of age) tend to use ICT for career counseling and web-site searches more frequently than older colleagues. This analysis further revealed that male counselors use ICT for testing/assessment purposes and for professional development more frequently than their female counterparts. The results revealed that although the participants reported high levels of self-reported competence, confidence or productivity related to ICT use, there were no significant differences by gender, age, or work setting

    Development of The Well Star Scaleİyilik Hali Yıldızı Ölçeği'nin geliştirilmesi

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    Various models of wellness have appeared in the literature and had common themes including choice, process, life-style, and characteristics of healthy individuals. The Well-Star model was developed for use with a Turkish population and the work described in this article documents the development of an assessment instrument for wellness according to The Well-Star model. After a review of the literature an item pool was established and after taking feedback from four counselor educators, this item pool was reduced to items. The participants in this investigation were 545 university students representing three separate groups. The first group was composed of 291 and data were collected for the purpose of performing an exploratory factor analysis. The second group’s data was used to perform a confirmatory factor analysis (N= 156). The final group of 98 provided data that permitted assessment of concurrent validity and reliability. After Exploratory factor analysis 24 items and five dimensions emerged. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test goodness of fit whether the factor structure was acceptable. In an attempt to establish criterion related validity (concurrent type) the results of the Well-Star and the results of Health Promoting Lifestyle II (Walker & Hill-Polerecky, 1996) which was adapted for Turkish by Bahar, Beşer, Gördes, Ersin and Kıssal (2008) when administered were correlated (r=.76, p<.0001) which was considered quite satisfactory. Reliability was determined by calculating Chronbach’s Alpha was 0.86. Alpha values for sub-dimensions ranged from 0 .57 to 0.79. These results suggest that the instrument possesses acceptable validity and reliability. Findings were discussed according to literature. Özetİyilik haliyle ilgili modellerin ortaklıkları iyilik halinin bir seçim, süreç, yaşam biçimi olduğunu ve sağlıklı insanların özelliklerini göstermesidir. Bu çalışmada, iyilik hali yıldızı modeline dayalı olarak üniversite öğrencileri için bir ölçeğin geliştirilmesi ile ilgili yapılan psikometrik çalışmalar verilmiştir. Madde yazım hazırlıkları sonucunda madde havuzu için dört psikolojik danışman eğitimcisinden geri bildirim alınarak ölçeğin 59 maddelik uygulamaya hazır olan taslağı elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada veriler üç farklı gruptan toplam 545 üniversite öğrencisinden edinilmiştir. Açıklayıcı faktör analizi için 291 öğrenciden elde edilen veriler kullanılmıştır Yapılan analizleri sonucunda 24 maddeli ve beş boyutlu ölçek elde edilmiş ve 156 öğrenciye uygulanarak doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda modelin doğrulandığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır Buna göre ölçeğe İyilik Hali Yıldızı Ölçeği (İHYÖ) adı verilmiştir. Toplam 98 öğrenci ile yapılan benzer ölçekler geçerliği için Bahar, Beşer, Gördes, Ersin ve Kıssal, (2008) tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan Sağlıklı Yaşam Biçimi Davranışları Ölçeği II kullanılmış ve İHYÖ ile korelasyonu 0.76 bulunmuştur. Yapılan güvenirlik çalışmalarında ölçeğin toplamı için içtutarlık katsayısı r=0.86, alt boyutlarınkiler ise sırasıyla 0.79; 0.77; 0.63; 0.57 ve 0.71 olarak elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçları IHYÖ’nün üniversite öğrencileri için kullanılabilecek özellikte olduğunu göstermektedir

    The only known cyclopygid–‘atheloptic’ trilobite fauna from North America: the upper Ordovician fauna of the Pyle Mountain Argillite and its palaeoenvironmental significance

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    The trilobite fauna of the upper Ordovician (middle Katian) Pyle Mountain Argillite comprises a mixture of abundant mesopelagic cyclopygids and other pelagic taxa and a benthic fauna dominated by trilobites lacking eyes. Such faunas were widespread in deep water environments around Gondwana and terranes derived from that continent throughout Ordovician time but this is the only known record of such a fauna from North America and thus from Laurentia. It probably reflects a major sea level rise (the ‘Linearis drowning events’) as does the development of coeval cyclopygid-dominated deep water trilobite faunas in terranes that were marginal to Laurentia and are now preserved in Ireland and Scotland. The Pyle Mountain Argillite trilobite fauna occurs with a deep water Foliomena brachiopod fauna and comprises 22 species. Pelagic trilobites (mostly cyclopygids) constitute 36% of the preserved sclerites, and 45% of the fauna is the remains of trilobites lacking eyes, including one new species, Dindymene whittingtoni sp. nov. Three species of cyclopygid are present, belonging in Cyclopyge, Symphysops and Microparia (Heterocyclopyge). Cyclopygids are widely thought to have been stratified in the water column in life and thus their taxonomic diversity reflects the relative depths of the sea-beds on which their remains accumulated. A tabulation of middle and upper Katian cyclopygid-bearing faunas from several palaeoplates and terranes arranged on the basis of increasing numbers of cyclopygid genera allows an assessment of the relative depth ranges of the associated benthic taxa. The Pyle Mountain Argillite fauna lies towards the deeper end of this depth spectrum

    Use of Video Modeling in Teaching Counseling Techniques: A Pilot Study

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    Psikolojik danışmanların danışanlarla iyi iletişim kurmaları, güçlü ilişkiler oluşturabilmeleri için çeşitli bilgi,tutum, teknik ve becerilere sahip olmaları gereklidir. Bunlar arasında, yardım becerileri ve teknikler ön planaçıkmaktadır. Yardım becerilerinin ve tekniklerinin öğretiminde eğitim videolarının kullanılması oldukça faydalıdır.Bu kapsamda, bu video modelleme çalışmasının amacı, psikolojik danışma sürecinde yaygın olarak kullanılanteknikleri kapsayan videolar oluşturmak ve bunların psikolojik danışman eğitiminde kullanımını değerlendirmeyeyönelik bir pilot çalışma yürütmektir. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında çeşitli psikolojik danışma tekniklerininmodellendiği kısa videolar hazırlanmıştır. İkinci aşamada, 11 psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik lisans programıöğrencisiyle bu kısa videoların gösterildiği bir eğitim ve değerlendirme toplantısı yapılmış, öğrencilerden teknikleriöğrenmelerine ve bunları kullanma konusunda kendilerini yeterli hissetmelerine videoların ne derece katkısağladığına ilişkin görüşler alınmıştır. Çalışmada “Psikolojik Danışma Tekniklerini Kullanma YeterliliğiniDeğerlendirme Formu” ile toplanan nicel verilere Wilcoxon İşaretli Sıra Testi analizi uygulanmıştır. Bulgular,videoların öğrencilerin tekniklerin kullanımına yönelik yeterlilik algılarını olumlu yönde etkilediğine işaret etmiştir.Nitel veriler içerik analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen nitel bulgular “videolarının psikolojik danışmaneğitiminde kullanımının getirebileceği kazanımlar” ve “videoların iyileştirilmesine yönelik öneriler” olmak üzere ikitema başlığı altında toplanmıştır. Katılımcılar, psikolojik danışma tekniklerinin sınıf ortamında öğrenilmesi amacıylavideoların kullanımını olumlu olarak değerlendirmiş, görüşlerin paylaşımına ve tartışma ortamı yaratılmasına katkısağladığını belirtmişlerdir.Counselors are expected to acquire a wide range of knowledge, skills and techniques in order to establish effective counselor-client relationship. Among these counseling skills and techniques have paramount importance. The use of training videos in counselor education is very common. Thus the purpose of the current investigation was to evaluate the efficacy of video modeling to promote basic counselor skills building among undergraduate counseling students. After preparation of modeling videos the evaluation phase was conducted with a volunteer group of 11, undergraduate counseling students. These students participated in a training seminar in which the video modeling scenarios were presented. These students were surveyed prior to and following the seminar using a data collection form called Counseling Techniques Use Efficacy Form designed to assess their perceived self-efficacy in using each of ten counseling techniques. Results indicate that there was a significant increase in self-reported efficacy among the participants of the evaluation group about use of modeled counseling techniques also showed that the video modeling training format was well received. The results of the qualitative data were grouped under two categories as “benefits of integrating video modeling into counselor training” and “suggestions for the improvement of videos”. These findings suggest that the process of viewing video modeling segments may have a positive effect in promoting both learning and in building self-efficacy in the use of basic counseling techniques. These results are consistent with other investigations and suggest that video modeling is effective in both growth producing and efficacy building with student

    The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) Spectrographs

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    We describe the design and performance of the near-infrared (1.51--1.70 micron), fiber-fed, multi-object (300 fibers), high resolution (R = lambda/delta lambda ~ 22,500) spectrograph built for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE). APOGEE is a survey of ~ 10^5 red giant stars that systematically sampled all Milky Way populations (bulge, disk, and halo) to study the Galaxy's chemical and kinematical history. It was part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) from 2011 -- 2014 using the 2.5 m Sloan Foundation Telescope at Apache Point Observatory, New Mexico. The APOGEE-2 survey is now using the spectrograph as part of SDSS-IV, as well as a second spectrograph, a close copy of the first, operating at the 2.5 m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Although several fiber-fed, multi-object, high resolution spectrographs have been built for visual wavelength spectroscopy, the APOGEE spectrograph is one of the first such instruments built for observations in the near-infrared. The instrument's successful development was enabled by several key innovations, including a "gang connector" to allow simultaneous connections of 300 fibers; hermetically sealed feedthroughs to allow fibers to pass through the cryostat wall continuously; the first cryogenically deployed mosaic volume phase holographic grating; and a large refractive camera that includes mono-crystalline silicon and fused silica elements with diameters as large as ~ 400 mm. This paper contains a comprehensive description of all aspects of the instrument including the fiber system, optics and opto-mechanics, detector arrays, mechanics and cryogenics, instrument control, calibration system, optical performance and stability, lessons learned, and design changes for the second instrument.Comment: 81 pages, 67 figures, PASP, accepte

    Design of Experiments for Screening

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    The aim of this paper is to review methods of designing screening experiments, ranging from designs originally developed for physical experiments to those especially tailored to experiments on numerical models. The strengths and weaknesses of the various designs for screening variables in numerical models are discussed. First, classes of factorial designs for experiments to estimate main effects and interactions through a linear statistical model are described, specifically regular and nonregular fractional factorial designs, supersaturated designs and systematic fractional replicate designs. Generic issues of aliasing, bias and cancellation of factorial effects are discussed. Second, group screening experiments are considered including factorial group screening and sequential bifurcation. Third, random sampling plans are discussed including Latin hypercube sampling and sampling plans to estimate elementary effects. Fourth, a variety of modelling methods commonly employed with screening designs are briefly described. Finally, a novel study demonstrates six screening methods on two frequently-used exemplars, and their performances are compared

    Observation of an Excited Bc+ State

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    Using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.5 fb-1 recorded by the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies of s=7, 8, and 13 TeV, the observation of an excited Bc+ state in the Bc+π+π- invariant-mass spectrum is reported. The observed peak has a mass of 6841.2±0.6(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, where the last uncertainty is due to the limited knowledge of the Bc+ mass. It is consistent with expectations of the Bc∗(2S31)+ state reconstructed without the low-energy photon from the Bc∗(1S31)+→Bc+γ decay following Bc∗(2S31)+→Bc∗(1S31)+π+π-. A second state is seen with a global (local) statistical significance of 2.2σ (3.2σ) and a mass of 6872.1±1.3(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, and is consistent with the Bc(2S10)+ state. These mass measurements are the most precise to date

    Observation of two new Ξb\Xi_b^- baryon resonances

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    Two structures are observed close to the kinematic threshold in the Ξb0π\Xi_b^0 \pi^- mass spectrum in a sample of proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb1^{-1} recorded by the LHCb experiment. In the quark model, two baryonic resonances with quark content bdsbds are expected in this mass region: the spin-parity JP=12+J^P = \frac{1}{2}^+ and JP=32+J^P=\frac{3}{2}^+ states, denoted Ξb\Xi_b^{\prime -} and Ξb\Xi_b^{*-}. Interpreting the structures as these resonances, we measure the mass differences and the width of the heavier state to be m(Ξb)m(Ξb0)m(π)=3.653±0.018±0.006m(\Xi_b^{\prime -}) - m(\Xi_b^0) - m(\pi^{-}) = 3.653 \pm 0.018 \pm 0.006 MeV/c2/c^2, m(Ξb)m(Ξb0)m(π)=23.96±0.12±0.06m(\Xi_b^{*-}) - m(\Xi_b^0) - m(\pi^{-}) = 23.96 \pm 0.12 \pm 0.06 MeV/c2/c^2, Γ(Ξb)=1.65±0.31±0.10\Gamma(\Xi_b^{*-}) = 1.65 \pm 0.31 \pm 0.10 MeV, where the first and second uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. The width of the lighter state is consistent with zero, and we place an upper limit of Γ(Ξb)<0.08\Gamma(\Xi_b^{\prime -}) < 0.08 MeV at 95% confidence level. Relative production rates of these states are also reported.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure