371 research outputs found

    La personalización de la política en la cobertura mediática: una comparación de las campañas electorales en España y Alemania

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    La personalización es un fenómeno cada vez más extendido en el ámbito de la comunicación política. Si bien no es un rasgo novedoso, la irrupción de los medios de masas, especialmente de la televisión, y la posterior mediatización de la política han favorecido su expansión. De ahí que numerosas investigaciones se hayan interesado por esta tendencia, sobre todo en esta última década. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar hasta qué punto y en qué grado podría considerarse la personalización como un rasgo actual en la cobertura de la prensa de países con sistemas políticos similares, pero con sistemas mediáticos diferentes. Se entiende aquí la personalización como una práctica de los periodistas que se caracteriza por centrar la atención sobre los políticos, así como por un mayor énfasis en sus características personales. El estudio realiza un análisis de contenido de la cobertura de los principales periódicos de Alemania y España en las elecciones generales de 2009 y 2011, respectivamente. Al ser un estudio comparativo permite avanzar en la comprensión del fenómeno de la personalización desde una perspectiva internacional

    Dopamine D-4 receptor counteracts morphine-induced changes in µ opioid receptor signaling in the striosomes of the rat caudate putamen

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    The mu opioid receptor (MOR) is critical in mediating morphine analgesia. However, prolonged exposure to morphine induces adaptive changes in this receptor leading to the development of tolerance and addiction. In the present work we have studied whether the continuous administration of morphine induces changes in MOR protein levels, its pharmacological profile, and MOR-mediated G-protein activation in the striosomal compartment of the rat CPu, by using immunohistochemistry and receptor and DAMGO-stimulated [S-35]GTP gamma S autoradiography. MOR immunoreactivity, agonist binding density and its coupling to G proteins are up-regulated in the striosomes by continuous morphine treatment in the absence of changes in enkephalin and dynorphin mRNA levels. In addition, co-treatment of morphine with the dopamine D-4 receptor (D4R) agonist PD168,077 fully counteracts these adaptive changes in MOR, in spite of the fact that continuous PD168,077 treatment increases the [H-3]DAMGO B-max values to the same degree as seen after continuous morphine treatment. Thus, in spite of the fact that both receptors can be coupled to G(i/0) protein, the present results give support for the existence of antagonistic functional D4R-MOR receptor-receptor interactions in the adaptive changes occurring in MOR of striosomes on continuous administration of morphine

    Clinical heterogeneity can hamper the diagnosis of patients with ZAP70 deficiency

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    One of the severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCIDs), which is caused by a genetic defect in the signal transduction pathways involved in T-cell activation, is the ZAP70 deficiency. Mutations in ZAP70 lead to both abnormal thymic development and defective T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling of peripheral T-cells. In contrast to the lymphopenia in most SCID patients, ZAP70-deficient patients have lymphocytosis, despite the selective absence of CD8+ T-cells. The clinical presentation is usually before 2 years of age with typical findings of SCID. Here, we present three new ZAP70-deficient patients who vary in their clinical presentation. One of the ZAP70-deficient patients presented as a classical SCID, the second patient presented as a healthy looking wheezy infant, whereas the third patient came to clinical attention for the eczematous skin lesions simulating atopic dermatitis with eosinophilia and elevated immunoglobulin E (IgE), similar to the Omenn syndrome. This study illustrates that awareness of the clinical heterogeneity of ZAP70 deficiency is of utmost importance for making a fast and accurate diagnosis, which will contribute to the improvement of the adequate treatment of this severe immunodeficiency

    FERO: Finding Extreme Relativistic Objects. I. Statistics of Relativistic Fe Kalpha lines in Radio-Quiet Type 1 AGN

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    Accretion models predict that fluorescence lines broadened by relativistic effects should arise from reflection of X-ray emission onto the inner region of the accretion disc surrounding the central black hole of active galactic nuclei (AGN). The theory behind the origin of relativistic lines is well established, and observational evidence from a moderate number of sources seems to support the existence of these lines. The aim of this work is to establish the fraction of AGN with relativistic Fe Kalpha lines, and study possible correlations with source physical properties. An XMM-Newton collection of 149 radio-quiet Type 1 AGN has been systematically and uniformly analyzed in order to search for significant evidence of a relativistically broadened Fe Kalpha line. To enable statistical studies, an almost complete, flux-limited subsample of 31 sources has been defined. The 2-10 keV spectra of the FERO sources have been compared with a complex model including most of the physical components observed in the X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies: a power law primary continuum modified by non-relativistic Compton reflection and warm absorption, plus a series of narrow Fe line reflection features. The observed fraction of sources in the flux-limited sample that show significant evidence of a relativistic Fe Kalpha line is 36%. The average line Equivalent Width (EW) is of the order of 100 eV, while the average disc inclination angle is 28+/-5 deg and the average power-law index of the radial disc emissivity law is 2.4+/-0.4. The spin value is well constrained only in 2 cases (MCG-6-30-15 and MRK509), and in the rest of the cases, whenever a constraint can be placed, it always implies the rejection of the static black hole solution. The Fe Kalpha line EW does not correlate with disc parameters or with system physical properties, such as black hole mass, accretion rate and hard X-ray luminosity.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Immunogenicity, transplacental transfer of pertussis antibodies and safety following pertussis immunization during pregnancy: Evidence from a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

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    Background: Pertussis immunization during pregnancy is recommended in many countries. Data from large randomized controlled trials are needed to assess the immunogenicity, reactogenicity and safety of this approach. Methods: This phase IV, observer-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial assessed immunogenicity, transplacental transfer of maternal pertussis antibodies, reactogenicity and safety of a reduced-antigen-content diphtheria-tetanus-three-component acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) during pregnancy. Women received Tdap or placebo at 27–36 weeks’ gestation with crossover 72-hourpostpartum immunization. Immune responses were assessed before the pregnancy dose and 1 month after, and from the umbilical cord at delivery. Superiority (primary objective) was reached if the lower limits of the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the pertussis geometric mean concentration (GMC) ratios (Tdap/control) in cord blood were 1.5. Solicited and unsolicited adverse events (AEs) and pregnancy-/ neonate-related AEs of interest were recorded. Results: 687 pregnant women were vaccinated (Tdap: N = 341 control: N = 346). Superiority of the pertussis immune response (maternally transferred pertussis antibodies in cord blood) was demonstrated by the GMC ratios (Tdap/control): 16.1 (95% CI: 13.5–19.2) for anti-filamentous hemagglutinin, 20.7 (15.9–26.9) for anti-pertactin and 8.5 (7.0–10.2) for anti-pertussis toxoid. Rates of pregnancy-/ neonate-related AEs of interest, solicited general and unsolicited AEs were similar between groups. None of the serious AEs reported throughout the study were considered related to maternal Tdap vaccination. Conclusions: Tdap vaccination during pregnancy resulted in high levels of pertussis antibodies in cord blood, was well tolerated and had an acceptable safety profile. This supports the recommendation of Tdap vaccination during pregnancy to prevent early-infant pertussis disease.post-print502 K

    Are Farm-Reared Quails for Game Restocking Really Common Quails (Coturnix coturnix)?: A Genetic Approach

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    The common quail (Coturnix coturnix) is a popular game species for which restocking with farm-reared individuals is a common practice. In some areas, the number of released quails greatly surpasses the number of wild breeding common quail. However, common quail are difficult to raise in captivity and this casts suspicion about a possible hybrid origin of the farmed individuals from crosses with domestic Japanese quail (C. japonica). In this study we used a panel of autosomal microsatellite markers to characterize the genetic origin of quails reared for hunting purposes in game farms in Spain and of quails from an experimental game farm which was founded with hybrids that have been systematically backcrossed with wild common quails. The genotypes of these quail were compared to those of wild common quail and domestic strains of Japanese quail. Our results show that more than 85% of the game farm birds were not common quail but had domestic Japanese quail ancestry. In the experimental farm a larger proportion of individuals could not be clearly separated from pure common quails. We conclude that the majority of quail sold for restocking purposes were not common quail. Genetic monitoring of individuals raised for restocking is indispensable as the massive release of farm-reared hybrids could represent a severe threat for the long term survival of the native species

    Search for High Energy Gamma Rays from an X-ray Selected Blazar Sample

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    Our understanding of blazars has been greatly increased in recent years by extensive multi-wavelength observations, particularly in the radio, X-ray and gamma-ray regions. Over the past decade the Whipple 10m telescope has contributed to this with the detection of 5 BL Lacertae objects at very high gamma-ray energies. The combination of multi-wavelength data has shown that blazars follow a well-defined sequence in terms of their broadband spectral properties. Together with providing constraints on emission models, this information has yielded a means by which potential sources of TeV emission may be identified and predictions made as to their possible gamma-ray flux. We have used the Whipple telescope to search for TeV gamma-ray emission from eight objects selected from a list of such candidates. No evidence has been found for VHE emission from the objects in our sample, and upper limits have been derived for the mean gamma-ray flux above 390GeV. These flux upper limits are compared with the model predictions and the implications of our results for future observations are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap