9 research outputs found

    Formas de saludo y tratamiento en el idioma español como expresión de rasgos culturales : estudio comparativo entre hispanohablantes americanos y peninsulares

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    En este artículo desde el punto de vista lingüística y cultural se analizan las fórmulas de saludo y tratamiento usadas en España y unos países latinoamericanos. Una parte de estudio está dedicada a problemas de variación de la lengua española. El foco de interés de este trabajo contiene ejemplos y análisis de las formas de tratamiento y el uso de pronombres personales como forma de respeto y/o jerarquía. Al final se realiza un análisis comparativo entre el español peninsular y el español de Latinoamérica.In this article from the point of linguistic and cultural view there the forms of greeting and treatment in Spain and some Latin-American countries are analyzed. A part of study is dedicated to problems of variation of the Spanish language. The focus of interest of this work contains examples and analysis of the forms of treatment and the use of personal pronouns as form of respect and/or hierarchy. In the end a comparative analysis between peninsular Spanish and Spanish of Latin America is realized

    The Problem of National and Cultural Semantics of Lexical Units in Spanish (On Material of Venezuelan And Nicaraguan Words Reflecting Forms of Work)

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    This article is within the framework of inter-variant dialectology - a relatively young scientific branch in the domestic Spanish studies, the main purpose of which is to establish the national and cultural specifics of the use of the Spanish language. In turn, the revelation of linguocultural specifics of national variants of the Hispanic area is one of the urgent problems of modern Spanish-American studies. Since the national specificity of speech is particularly evident in comparison, the article considers the communicative behavior of the representatives of two sociocultural communities:  Venezuelan and Nicaraguan linguistic cultures.The choice of the topic is determined by the growing interest in domestic and foreign linguistics to studying the national identity of linguistic culture as a specific form of human existence and society in the world. Language thus acts as a means of constructing and interpreting social reality, including culture, ethnicity, mentality, in the expression of which an important role is played, in particular, by the culturally specific names of the phenomena of the surrounding reality.The method of continuous sampling from the dictionaries “Diccionario de venezolanismos” by M. J. Tejera, “Diccionario del Español de Nicaragua” by Arellano Oviedo F., “Diccionario de nicaraguanismos” by H.A. Castellón was used to select lexical units that make up the semantic group of “activities” which are specific to the Venezuelan and Nicaraguan variants of the Spanish language and reflect the linguistic and cultural specifics of the countries under consideration. The comparative analysis of the selected lexical units was carried out, and

    Features of spanish headlines with lexical component “Covid-19”(On material of newspapers “El País” and “El Mundo”)

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    According to R. Fowler, the media choose the events on the principle of "news value": for example, news is not just a list of current events, but also what they mean for society, what a valuable information it contains (FOWLER, 1991). The article examines the Covid-19 headlines in the Spanish newspapers “El Pais” and “El Mundo” in terms of their functional load. The results of the study show that the dominant function of Spanish headlines is informative. Communicative tactics of warning, intimidation and attention attraction are verbalized in the headlines of the Spanish press through the lexical means of the language, in particular the use of precedent names, texts, and quotations. The theoretical provisions of the research are accompanied by relevant examples and linguistic commentary of the authors. The research material and theoretical conclusions are also of an applied nature and can be used for the Spanish language courses (KOLABINOVA, PALUTINA, 2014)


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    Este artículo está destinado al concepto ‘realia’ y su realización en el español de Venezuela. Luego de la introducción, se presentan definiciones de los ‘realia’ desde varias perspectivas: lingüística comparativa (Vlajov, Florin, Vereshaguin, Kostomarov), traductología (Chernov, Fedorov, Suprún, Reformatsky, Sheiman, Bercov) y lingüística cultural (Vinogradov, Tomajin), así como diferentes clasificaciones de este concepto. El punto siguiente, que constituye el foco de interés de este trabajo, contiene ejemplos y análisis de palabras-realia venezolanas tomadas del ‘Diccionario de venezolanismos’ y del ‘Diccionario del habla actual de Venezuela. Venezolanismos, voces indígenas, nuevas acepciones’ y del ‘Atlas lingüístico del español de Venezuela’. Al final se da un análisis comparativo de ‘realia’, términos y nombres propios

    Formas de saludo y tratamiento en el idioma español como expresión de rasgos culturales : estudio comparativo entre hispanohablantes americanos y peninsulares

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    En este artículo desde el punto de vista lingüística y cultural se analizan las fórmulas de saludo y tratamiento usadas en España y unos países latinoamericanos. Una parte de estudio está dedicada a problemas de variación de la lengua española. El foco de interés de este trabajo contiene ejemplos y análisis de las formas de tratamiento y el uso de pronombres personales como forma de respeto y/o jerarquía. Al final se realiza un análisis comparativo entre el español peninsular y el español de Latinoamérica.In this article from the point of linguistic and cultural view there the forms of greeting and treatment in Spain and some Latin-American countries are analyzed. A part of study is dedicated to problems of variation of the Spanish language. The focus of interest of this work contains examples and analysis of the forms of treatment and the use of personal pronouns as form of respect and/or hierarchy. In the end a comparative analysis between peninsular Spanish and Spanish of Latin America is realized

    Análisis semántico de los REALIA en el español de Venezuela

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    Este artículo está destinado al concepto ‘realia’ y su realización en el español de Venezuela. Luego de la introducción, se presentan definiciones de los ‘realia’ desde varias perspectivas: lingüística comparativa (Vlajov, Florin, Vereshaguin, Kostomarov), traductología (Chernov, Fedorov, Suprún, Reformatsky, Sheiman, Bercov) y lingüística cultural (Vinogradov, Tomajin), así como diferentes clasificaciones de este concepto. El punto siguiente, que constituye el foco de interés de este trabajo, contiene ejemplos y análisis de palabras-realia venezolanas tomadas del ‘Diccionario de venezolanismos’ y del ‘Diccionario del habla actual de Venezuela. Venezolanismos, voces indígenas, nuevas acepciones’ y del ‘Atlas lingüístico del español de Venezuela’. Al final se da un análisis comparativo de ‘realia’, términos y nombres propios.This article is destined for the concept ‘ realia ’ and its realization in Venezuelan Spanish. Following the int roduction, some definitions of ‘ realia ’ from several perspectives: comparative lingui stics ( V lajov, Florin, Vereshaguin, Kostomarov ), theory of translation ( Chernov, Fedorov, 2 Suprún, Reformatsky, Sheiman, Bercov ) , cultural lunguistic (Vinogradov, Tomajin) and different classifications of this concept are presented. The next point that cons titutes the focus of interest of this work contains examples of Venezuelan words - realia taken from ‘ Dic tionary of venezolanismos ’ , ‘ Dictionary of Vene zuelan Spanish. Venezolanismos, indigenous voices, new meanings ’ and ‘ Linguis tic atlas of Venezuelan Spani sh ’ . In the end a comparative analysis of ‘ realia ’ , terms and proper names is also given

    Environmental and taxonomic controls of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition in Sphagnum across broad climatic and geographic ranges

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    Rain-fed peatlands are dominated by peat mosses (Sphagnum sp.), which for their growth depend on nutrients, water and CO2 uptake from the atmosphere. As the isotopic composition of carbon (12,13C) and oxygen (16,18O) of these Sphagnum mosses are affected by environmental conditions, Sphagnum tissue accumulated in peat constitutes a potential long-term archive that can be used for climate reconstruction. However, there is inadequate understanding of how isotope values are influenced by environmental conditions, which restricts their current use as environmental and palaeoenvironmental indicators. Here we tested (i) to what extent C and O isotopic variation in living tissue of Sphagnum is species-specific and associated with local hydrological gradients, climatic gradients (evapotranspiration, temperature, precipitation) and elevation; (ii) whether the C isotopic signature can be a proxy for net primary productivity (NPP) of Sphagnum; and (iii) to what extent Sphagnum tissue δ18O tracks the δ18O isotope signature of precipitation. In total, we analysed 337 samples from 93 sites across North America and Eurasia using two important peat-forming Sphagnum species (S. magellanicum, S. fuscum) common to the Holarctic realm. There were differences in δ13C values between species. For S. magellanicum δ13C decreased with increasing height above the water table (HWT, R2 =17%) and was positively correlated to productivity (R2 = 7%). Together these two variables explained 46% of the between-site variation in δ13C values. For S. fuscum, productivity was the only significant predictor of δ13C but had low explanatory power (total R2 = 6%). For δ18O values, approximately 90% of the variation was found between sites. Globally modelled annual δ18O values in precipitation explained 69% of the between-site variation in tissue δ18O. S. magellanicum showed lower δ18O enrichment than S. fuscum (-0.83 ‰ lower). Elevation and climatic variables were weak predictors of tissue δ18O values after controlling for δ18O values of the precipitation. To summarize, our study provides evidence for (a) good predictability of tissue δ18O values from modelled annual δ18O values in precipitation, and (b) the possibility of relating tissue δ13C values to HWT and NPP, but this appears to be species-dependent. These results suggest that isotope composition can be used on a large scale for climatic reconstructions but that such models should be species-specific.</p