428 research outputs found

    Rock properties of the upper-crust in Central Apennines (Italy) derived from high-resolution 3-D tomography

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    High-resolution 3-D P and S-wave velocity models of a central sector of the Apennines (Central Italy) are computed by inverting first arrival times from an aftershock sequence (September–December, 1997) following the Mw 5.7 and Mw 6.0 Umbria-Marche earthquakes that occurred on September 26, 1997. The high quality of the data set, especially for the S-wave, allows us to compute 3-D variations in Vp, Vp/Vs and Vp · Vs. The anomalies can be interpreted as lateral changes in rock type and fracturing, which control fluid diffusion and variation in pore pressure. This is in agreement with a poro-elastic view that can be inferred from the spatio-temporal evolution of the seismic sequence

    The structures of Hausdorff metric in non-Archimedean spaces

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    For non-Archimedean spaces X X and Y, Y, let M(X),M(VW) \mathcal{M}_{\flat } (X), \mathfrak{M}(V \rightarrow W) and D(X,Y) \mathfrak{D}_{\flat }(X, Y) be the ballean of X X (the family of the balls in X X ), the space of mappings from X X to Y, Y, and the space of mappings from the ballen of X X to Y, Y, respectively. By studying explicitly the Hausdorff metric structures related to these spaces, we construct several families of new metric structures (e.g., ρ^u,β^X,Yλ,β^X,Yλ \widehat{\rho } _{u}, \widehat{\beta }_{X, Y}^{\lambda }, \widehat{\beta }_{X, Y}^{\ast \lambda } ) on the corresponding spaces, and study their convergence, structural relation, law of variation in the variable λ, \lambda, including some normed algebra structure. To some extent, the class β^X,Yλ \widehat{\beta }_{X, Y}^{\lambda } is a counterpart of the usual Levy-Prohorov metric in the probability measure spaces, but it behaves very differently, and is interesting in itself. Moreover, when X X is compact and Y=K Y = K is a complete non-Archimedean field, we construct and study a Dudly type metric of the space of K K-valued measures on X. X. Comment: 43 pages; this is the final version. Thanks to the anonymous referee's helpful comments, the original Theorem 2.10 is removed, Proposition 2.10 is stated now in a stronger form, the abstact is rewritten, the Monna-Springer is used in Section 5, and Theorem 5.2 is written in a more general for

    The tsumani detector prototype installed on board of SN1-cabled abyssal station.

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    The new stand-alone tsunami detector prototype designed to operate in tsunami generation areas, already tested in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberia) on board of GEOSTAR abyssal station, has been re-designed to be hosted on the cabled SN1 abyssal station. A new control software has been implemented to manage, in real time, from the land-based control room the basic component of the tsunameter. The tsunami detection software which perform the real time analysis of the parent tsunami signals, differently form the Gulf of Cadiz stand-alone prototype, runs on a land-based PC. Moreover, the cabled tsunameter is equipped with a new low-frequency hydrophone to detect the hydro-acoustic noise and signals that may be related to tsunami generation

    The tsumani detector prototype deployed in the Gulf of Cadiz: data collection and functionality evaluation

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    A new tsunami detector prototype designed to operate in tsunami generation areas has been tested offshore SW Iberia, in the Gulf of Cadiz. The prototype, hosted on board of GEOSTAR has been deployed, at to 3200 meters depth, in August 2007 and recovered one year later by R/V Urania. After refurbishment and a partial upgrade, the tsunameter has been re-deployed in the same location on November 2009 by R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa.We report samples of the data collected by the pressure sensors and the critical analysis of the achievements and problems faced during these test periods

    Tsunami Early Warning System: Deep Sea Measurements in the Source Area

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    In the framework of the EU project NEAREST, a new Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS), able to operate in tsunami generation areas, was developed and installed in the Gulf of Cadiz. The TEWS is based on the abyssal station GEOSTAR, placed above a major tsunamigenic structure, and on three seismic centres of Portugal, Spain and Morocco. The core of the system is a tsunami detector installed onboard of GEOSTAR. The tsunami detector communicates with a surface buoy through a dual acoustic link. The buoy is connected to land stations via satellite link. The system was designed for near-field conditions and successfully operated from August 2007 to August 2008, 100 km SW of Cabo de Sao Vincente (Portugal). A new mission started on November 11th, 2009 in the same location. The tsunami detection is based either on pressure events either on seismic events. The bottom pressure data are analysed in real-time at the seafloor by a new tsunami detection algorithm, which can recognize tsunami waves as small as one centimetre. At the same time it was developed a new theoretical approach to account for tsunami generation in compressible water and in presence of a porous sediment. This model showed that hydro-acoustic waves, travelling much faster than the tsunami, are caused by the seafloor motion. These waves can propagate outside the generation area and are characterised by a modulation carrying valuable information on the seafloor motion, which can be recovered from their first arrival

    Environmental impact of early palaeometallurgy: pollen and geochemical analysis

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    International audienceInterdisciplinary research was carried out in mid-level mountain areas in France with the aim of documenting historical mining and smelting activities by means of pollen and geochemical analyses. These investigations were made on cores collected in French peatlands in the Morvan (northern Massif Central), at Mont Lozère (southern Massif Central) and in the Basque Country (Pyrénées). Different periods of mining were recognised from Prehistory to modern times through the presence of anthropogenic lead in peat. Some of these were already known from archaeological dates or historical archives, especially for mediaeval and modern periods. However prehistoric ancient mining activities, as early as the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 1700 b.c.), were also discovered. They had all led to modifications in plant cover, probably related in part to forest clearance necessary to supply energy for mining and smelting

    La rete sismica AlpArray e il contributo dell'INGV

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    Il progetto AlpArray (PI E. Kissling, Seismology and Geodynamics ETH) è un’iniziativa europea di collaborazione interdisciplinare sismologica e geodinamica, il cui obiettivo principale è quello di migliorare la comprensione della struttura profonda e della geodinamica delle Alpi (la catena montuosa più studiata al mondo) tramite l’acquisizione, l’analisi e l’interpretazione di dati sismologici di alta qualità. Per ottenere delle immagini di estremo dettaglio della crosta e del mantello, AlpArray propone la realizzazione di una rete sismica a maglia il più possibile omogenea (massima distanza inter- stazione 52 km, backbone network), tramite la condivisione dei dati delle reti permanenti esistenti e l’installazione, da parte di ciascun paese partecipante, di numerose stazioni sismiche temporanee a larga banda (BB). Il progetto prevede l'installazione di circa 250 stazioni sismiche in tutta Europa, in particolare in Italia, Francia, Svizzera, Germania, Austria, Croazia, Repubblica Ceca, Bosnia, Ungheria, Slovenia e Polonia. I dati confluiranno all’interno dell’archivio europeo denominato European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA). Considerata l’estensione geografica dell’area, i partecipanti combineranno le infrastrutture esistenti per l’acquisizione dei dati, il loro trattamento, l’applicazione delle tecniche più avanzate di imaging e l’interpretazione e modellazione dei risultati, in uno sforzo transnazionale ad una scala mai realizzata prima in Europa. Si tratta quindi di un’occasione fondamentale per lo scambio di competenze tecniche e scientifiche all’avanguardia. L’INGV, oltre a condividere i dati delle proprie stazioni permanenti nell’area di interesse, si occupa della installazione e della manutenzione sul territorio italiano di 20 nuove stazioni-BB temporanee i cui dati verranno trasmessi in tempo reale (partecipando così alla realizzazione del backbone) e coadiuva l’ETH nella ricerca dei siti italiani per altrettante stazioni svizzere e nella loro manutenzione ordinaria. L’acquisizione di una mole notevole di nuovi dati permetterà di raffinare le conoscenze sulla struttura e la composizione della litosfera e del mantello al di sotto dell’area alpina: Queste conoscenze sono anche utili ai fini della modellazione geodinamica. Il potenziamento del monitoraggio sismico aiuterà ad individuare e studiare in maggior dettaglio le aree sismogenetiche della regione alpina

    Phase transitions for PP-adic Potts model on the Cayley tree of order three

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    In the present paper, we study a phase transition problem for the qq-state pp-adic Potts model over the Cayley tree of order three. We consider a more general notion of pp-adic Gibbs measure which depends on parameter \rho\in\bq_p. Such a measure is called {\it generalized pp-adic quasi Gibbs measure}. When ρ\rho equals to pp-adic exponent, then it coincides with the pp-adic Gibbs measure. When ρ=p\rho=p, then it coincides with pp-adic quasi Gibbs measure. Therefore, we investigate two regimes with respect to the value of ρp|\rho|_p. Namely, in the first regime, one takes ρ=expp(J)\rho=\exp_p(J) for some J\in\bq_p, in the second one ρp<1|\rho|_p<1. In each regime, we first find conditions for the existence of generalized pp-adic quasi Gibbs measures. Furthermore, in the first regime, we establish the existence of the phase transition under some conditions. In the second regime, when ˚p,qpp2|\r|_p,|q|_p\leq p^{-2} we prove the existence of a quasi phase transition. It turns out that if ˚p<q1p2<1|\r|_p<|q-1|_p^2<1 and \sqrt{-3}\in\bq_p, then one finds the existence of the strong phase transition.Comment: 27 page

    Seismicity and seismogenic structures of Central Apennines (Italy): constraints on the present-day stress field from focal mechanisms – The SLAM (Seismicity of Lazio-Abruzzo and Molise) project

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    The aim of the SLAM (Seismicity of Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise region) project is to provide new insight on the seismotectonic and seismogenesis of a wide portion of central Italy situated between areas affected by recent destructive events such as the 2009, Mw = 6.3, L’Aquila earthquake to the north and the 2002, Mw = 5.8, Molise earthquake to the east. We present new results for the microseismic activity in the Central Apennines, occurred in the period 2009 – 2013, by analyzing seismogram recordings from two temporary networks of up to 17 stations in combination with data from three networks of permanent stations

    CLASH-VLT: A Highly Precise Strong Lensing Model of the Galaxy Cluster RXC J2248.7-4431 (Abell S1063) and Prospects for Cosmography

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    We perform a comprehensive study of the total mass distribution of the galaxy cluster RXCJ2248 (z=0.348z=0.348) with a set of high-precision strong lensing models, which take advantage of extensive spectroscopic information on many multiply lensed systems. In the effort to understand and quantify inherent systematics in parametric strong lensing modelling, we explore a collection of 22 models where we use different samples of multiple image families, parametrizations of the mass distribution and cosmological parameters. As input information for the strong lensing models, we use the CLASH HST imaging data and spectroscopic follow-up observations, carried out with the VIMOS and MUSE spectrographs, to identify bona-fide multiple images. A total of 16 background sources, over the redshift range, are multiply lensed into 47 images, 24 of which are spectroscopically confirmed and belong to 10 individual sources. The cluster total mass distribution and underlying cosmology in the models are optimized by matching the observed positions of the multiple images on the lens plane. We show that with a careful selection of a sample of spectroscopically confirmed multiple images, the best-fit model reproduces their observed positions with a rms of 0.30.3 in a fixed flat Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology, whereas the lack of spectroscopic information lead to biases in the values of the model parameters. Allowing cosmological parameters to vary together with the cluster parameters, we find (at 68%68\% confidence level) Ωm=0.250.16+0.13\Omega_m=0.25^{+0.13}_{-0.16} and w=1.070.42+0.16w=-1.07^{+0.16}_{-0.42} for a flat Λ\LambdaCDM model, and Ωm=0.310.13+0.12\Omega_m=0.31^{+0.12}_{-0.13} and ΩΛ=0.380.27+0.38\Omega_\Lambda=0.38^{+0.38}_{-0.27} for a universe with w=1w=-1 and free curvature. Using toy models mimicking the overall configuration of RXCJ2248, we estimate the impact of the line of sight mass structure on the positional rms to be 0.3±0.10.3\pm 0.1.(ABRIDGED)Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&