81 research outputs found

    El sistema regional de Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, 1991

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    El presente informe se divide en dos partes. La primera parte es una descripción narrativa del proyecto de reconocimiento que reicentemente se llevó a cabo en el noroeste del estado de Chihuahua. Aquí se presenta el fondo del estudio, el metodo de recolección de datos, y una interpretación breve de los resultados mas importantes. Finalmente, se considera la cuestion de investigación futura en base de lo que hemos aprendido. La segunda parte del informe es un apéndice que contiene copias de las formas de inventario de todos los sitios localizados por el proyecto. Mapas topográficos, los cuales indican las localidades de todos los sitios, ya se han entregado al Centro Regional I.N.A.H. en Chihuahua

    Investigaciones especializadas sobre el sistema regional de Paquimé, Chihuahua, México, noviembre de 1997

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    Tratar con todas las cuestiones que tenemos será un trabajo de muchos años y el presente proyecto toma los primeros pasos en este proceso. Llevamos a cabo un proyecto corto durante el verano de 1996 con el fin de llegar a una interpretación más elaborada de aspectos importantes de los datos de proyectos previos. Este proyecto consta de tres partes, cada una de las cuales nos auxiliará ubicar en una estructura analítica más segura los datos recogidos por proyectos anteriores. Específicamente, los tres partes del proyecto de 1996 son: (1) Pequeñas excavaciones para afinar un mejor entendimiento de la cronología del Período Medio, lo cual es sumamente importante a nuestra capacidad de establecer una seriación de los 400 sitios que hemos registrado. (2) Un estudio de los sistemas de terrazas agrícolas ubicados en los terrenos altos de la región. El cultivo de plantas en dichos terrenos parece haber formado una parte importante -­pero aún mal entendido -- del sistema grande de subsistencia que existía en la región al apogeo del Período Medio. (3) Una investigación de un posible sistema de comunicación por fuego. Di Peso (1974:3) sospechó que tal sistema formaba la base de un sistema de comunicación inter-regional. Ha existido esta idea por 30 años, pero nunca ha sido sistemáticamente investigado. Las páginas siguientes proveen una descripción de cada una de las tres partes del proyecto de 1996

    Investigaciones sobre la estructura del sistema regional de Paquimé, Chihuahua: Excavaciones en el sitio 204, temporada de 2001

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    La investigación actual forma el primer paso en un esfuerzo grande que se dirigirá a dos preguntas que consideramos fundamentales respecto a la organización interna del sistema regional Paquimé. La primera pregunta tiene que ver con el nivel de organización e integración que existía entre las comunidades de la zona interior, mientras la segunda pregunta trata sobre los procesos de desarrollo y disminución de los grandes vecinos próximos al centro de Paqwmé. A continuación se presenta una discusión de cada aspecto

    Investigaciones sobre la estructura del sistema regional de Paquimé, Chihuahua, México: Excavaciones en el sitio 93-242, septiembre de 1999

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    Desde 1989 los autores han llevado a cabo una serie de investigaciones sobre el carácter del Sistema Regional de Paquimé. La Figura 1 representa la región Paquimé. La temporada de 1989 fue el primer trabajo de investigación de Campo en la región después de la conclusión del Proyecto Conjunto Casas Grandes en 1961. El esfuerzo de 1989 consistió en un breve reCOnOCimientO de SUperficie en ZOnaS situadas a un rango de distancias alrededor de Paquimé (Minnis y Whalen 1990). Este proyecto pequeño nos proveyó una impresión preliminar de la naturaleza del sistema de asentamiento que caracterizó el noroeste de Chihuahua al período del apogeo del centro principal. Sin embargo, estos datos fueron limitados y sin el potencial de formar la base de explicaciones de procesos prehistóricos

    Planning, implementation, and first results of the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling Experiment (TC4)

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    The Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling Experiment (TC4), was based in Costa Rica and Panama during July and August 2007. The NASA ER-2, DC-8, and WB-57F aircraft flew 26 science flights during TC4. The ER-2 employed 11 instruments as a remote sampling platform and satellite surrogate. The WB-57F used 25 instruments for in situ chemical and microphysical sampling in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). The DC-8 used 25 instruments to sample boundary layer properties, as well as the radiation, chemistry, and microphysics of the TTL. TC4 also had numerous sonde launches, two ground-based radars, and a ground-based chemical and microphysical sampling site. The major goal of TC4 was to better understand the role that the TTL plays in the Earth's climate and atmospheric chemistry by combining in situ and remotely sensed data from the ground, balloons, and aircraft with data from NASA satellites. Significant progress was made in understanding the microphysical and radiative properties of anvils and thin cirrus. Numerous measurements were made of the humidity and chemistry of the tropical atmosphere from the boundary layer to the lower stratosphere. Insight was also gained into convective transport between the ground and the TTL, and into transport mechanisms across the TTL. New methods were refined and extended to all the NASA aircraft for real-time location relative to meteorological features. The ability to change flight patterns in response to aircraft observations relayed to the ground allowed the three aircraft to target phenomena of interest in an efficient, well-coordinated manner

    Prediction of 7-year psychopathology from mother-infant joint attention behaviours: a nested case–control study

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    <br>Background: To investigate whether later diagnosis of psychiatric disorder can be predicted from analysis of mother-infant joint attention (JA) behaviours in social-communicative interaction at 12 months.</br> <br>Method: Using data from a large contemporary birth cohort, we examined 159 videos of a mother-infant interaction for joint attention behaviour when children were aged one year, sampled from within the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort. Fifty-three of the videos involved infants who were later considered to have a psychiatric disorder at seven years and 106 were same aged controls. Psychopathologies included in the case group were disruptive behaviour disorders, oppositional-conduct disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, pervasive development disorder, anxiety and depressive disorders. Psychiatric diagnoses were obtained using the Development and Wellbeing Assessment when the children were seven years old.</br> <br>Results: None of the three JA behaviours (shared look rate, shared attention rate and shared attention intensity) showed a significant association with the primary outcome of case–control status. Only shared look rate predicted any of the exploratory sub-diagnosis outcomes and was found to be positively associated with later oppositional-conduct disorders (OR [95% CI]: 1.5 [1.0, 2.3]; p = 0.041).</br><br>Conclusions: JA behaviours did not, in general, predict later psychopathology. However, shared look was positively associated with later oppositional-conduct disorders. This suggests that some features of JA may be early markers of later psychopathology. Further investigation will be required to determine whether any JA behaviours can be used to screen for families in need of intervention.</br&gt

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Real-world experience of nintedanib for progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease in the UK

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    Background Nintedanib slows progression of lung function decline in patients with progressive fibrosing (PF) interstitial lung disease (ILD) and was recommended for this indication within the United Kingdom (UK) National Health Service in Scotland in June 2021 and in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in November 2021. To date, there has been no national evaluation of the use of nintedanib for PF-ILD in a real-world setting.Methods 26 UK centres were invited to take part in a national service evaluation between 17 November 2021 and 30 September 2022. Summary data regarding underlying diagnosis, pulmonary function tests, diagnostic criteria, radiological appearance, concurrent immunosuppressive therapy and drug tolerability were collected via electronic survey.Results 24 UK prescribing centres responded to the service evaluation invitation. Between 17 November 2021 and 30 September 2022, 1120 patients received a multidisciplinary team recommendation to commence nintedanib for PF-ILD. The most common underlying diagnoses were hypersensitivity pneumonitis (298 out of 1120, 26.6%), connective tissue disease associated ILD (197 out of 1120, 17.6%), rheumatoid arthritis associated ILD (180 out of 1120, 16.0%), idiopathic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (125 out of 1120, 11.1%) and unclassifiable ILD (100 out of 1120, 8.9%). Of these, 54.4% (609 out of 1120) were receiving concomitant corticosteroids, 355 (31.7%) out of 1120 were receiving concomitant mycophenolate mofetil and 340 (30.3%) out of 1120 were receiving another immunosuppressive/modulatory therapy. Radiological progression of ILD combined with worsening respiratory symptoms was the most common reason for the diagnosis of PF-ILD.Conclusion We have demonstrated the use of nintedanib for the treatment of PF-ILD across a broad range of underlying conditions. Nintedanib is frequently co-prescribed alongside immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory therapy. The use of nintedanib for the treatment of PF-ILD has demonstrated acceptable tolerability in a real-world setting

    Ευρετικές προσεγγίσεις του μοναδιάστατου προβλήματος πακετοποίησης

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    Article 59.1, of the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (ICN; Melbourne Code), which addresses the nomenclature of pleomorphic fungi, became effective from 30 July 2011. Since that date, each fungal species can have one nomenclaturally correct name in a particular classification. All other previously used names for this species will be considered as synonyms. The older generic epithet takes priority over the younger name. Any widely used younger names proposed for use, must comply with Art. 57.2 and their usage should be approved by the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi (NCF). In this paper, we list all genera currently accepted by us in Dothideomycetes (belonging to 23 orders and 110 families), including pleomorphic and non-pleomorphic genera. In the case of pleomorphic genera, we follow the rulings of the current ICN and propose single generic names for future usage. The taxonomic placements of 1261 genera are listed as an outline. Protected names and suppressed names for 34 pleomorphic genera are listed separately. Notes and justifications are provided for possible proposed names after the list of genera. Notes are also provided on recent advances in our understanding of asexual and sexual morph linkages in Dothideomycetes. A phylogenetic tree based on four gene analyses supported 23 orders and 75 families, while 35 families still lack molecular data