182 research outputs found

    Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment in Abused and Neglected Mothers: The Role of Trauma-Specific Reflective Functioning

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    There are still important gaps in our knowledge regarding the intergenerational transmission of attachment from mother to child, especially in mothers with childhood histories of abuse and neglect (CA&N). This study examined the contributions of reflective function concerning general attachment relationships, and specifically concerning trauma, as well as those of maternal attachment states of mind to the prediction of infant attachment disorganization in a sample of mothers with CA&N and their infants, using a 20-month follow-up design. Attachment and reflective functioning were assessed during pregnancy with the Adult Attachment Interview. Infant attachment was evaluated with the Strange Situation Procedure. The majority (83%) of infants of abused and neglected mothers were classified as insecure, and a significant proportion (44%) manifested attachment disorganization. There was a strong concordance between mother and child attachment, indicative of intergenerational transmission of attachment in parents with CA&N and their infants. Both unresolved trauma and trauma-specific reflective function made significant contributions to explaining variance in infant attachment disorganization. The findings of this study highlight the importance of trauma-specific mentalization in the intergenerational transmission of attachment by mothers with a history of childhood maltreatment, and provide new evidence of the importance of the absence of mentalization regarding trauma for infant attachment

    Structure-guided evolution of antigenically distinct adeno-associated virus variants for immune evasion

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    Preexisting neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) pose a major, unresolved challenge that restricts patient enrollment in gene therapy clinical trials using recombinant AAV vectors. To tackle this problem, we developed a structure-guided approach to evolve AAV variants with altered antigenic footprints that cannot be recognized by preexisting antibodies. These proof-of-principle studies demonstrate that synthetic AAV variants can be evolved to evade neutralizing sera from different species—mice, nonhuman primates, and humans—without compromising yield and transduction efficiency or altering tropism. Our approach provides a roadmap for engineering any AAV strain to evade NAbs in prospective patients for human gene therapy

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.23, no.1

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    For Wartime Beauty, Virginia Bates, page 4 Keeping Up With Today, Margaret Ralston, page 5 Women in Service Dress for Duty, Norma Dale, page 6 New Navy Kitchen Serves, Helen Hudson, page 7 Women as Food Inspectors, Dorothy Watt, page 8 Pioneering Textile Fibers, Ruth Herzig, page 9 Egg-Drying Increases Production, Helen James, page 10 Letter from a WAAC, Marjorie P. Hinkle, page 11 What’s New in Home Economics, Lily Houseman, page 12 Vicky Heralds Spring, Pat Hayes, page 14 Women Choose Engineering Careers, Frances Madigan, page 15 Campus Notions Dept., Joan Miller, page 16 For Today’s Bride, Grace Brown, page 18 Herbs Inspire Variety, Margaret Ralston, page 20 Across Alumnae Desks, Virginia Carter, page 22 Alums in the News, Rachel Ann Lusher, page 2

    Application of Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) to UK rail safety of the line incidents

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    Minor safety incidents on the railways cause disruption, and may be indicators of more serious safety risks. The following paper aimed to gain an understanding of the relationship between active and latent factors, and particular causal paths for these types of incidents by using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) to examine rail industry incident reports investigating such events. 78 reports across 5 types of incident were reviewed by two authors and cross-referenced for interrater reliability using the index of concordance. The results indicate that the reports were strongly focused on active failures, particularly those associated with work-related distraction and environmental factors. Few latent factors were presented in the reports. Different causal pathways emerged for memory failures for events such a failure to call at stations, and attentional failures which were more often associated with signals passed at danger. The study highlights a need for the rail industry to look more closely at latent factors at the supervisory and organisational levels when nvestigating minor safety of the line incidents. The results also strongly suggest the importance of a new factor – operational environment – that captures unexpected and non-routine operating conditions which have a risk of distracting the driver. Finally, the study is further demonstration of the utility of HFACS to the rail industry, and of the usefulness of the index of concordance measure of interrater reliability

    What influences the decision to use automated public transport? Using UTAUT to understand public acceptance of Automated Road Transport Systems

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    The main aim of this study was to use an adapted version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate the factors that influence users’ acceptance of automated road transport systems (ARTS). A questionnaire survey was administered to 315 users of a CityMobil2 ARTS demonstration in the city of Trikala, Greece. Results provide evidence of the usefulness of the UTAUT framework for increasing our understanding of how public acceptance of these automated vehicles might be maximised. Hedonic Motivation, or users’ enjoyment of the system, had a strong impact on Behavioural Intentions to use ARTS in the future, with Performance Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions also having significant effects. The anticipated effect of Effort Expectancy did not emerge from this study, suggesting that the level of effort required is unlikely to be a critical factor in consumers’ decisions about using ARTS. Based on these results, a number of modifications to UTAUT are suggested for future applications in the context of automated transport. It is recommended that designers and developers should consider the above issues when implementing more permanent versions of automated public transport

    Disorganized Attachment in Infancy: A Review of the Phenomenon and Its Implications for Clinicians and Policy-Makers

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    Disorganized/Disoriented (D) attachment has seen widespread interest from policy makers, practitioners, and clinicians in recent years. However, some of this interest seems to have been based on some false assumptions that (1) attachment measures can be used as definitive assessments of the individual in forensic/child protection settings and that disorganized attachment (2) reliably indicates child maltreatment, (3) is a strong predictor of pathology, and (4) represents a fixed or static trait of the child, impervious to development or help. This paper summarizes the evidence showing that these four assumptions are false and misleading. The paper reviews what is known about disorganized infant attachment and clarifies the implications of the classification for clinical and welfare practice with children. In particular, the difference between disorganized attachment and attachment disorder is examined, and a strong case is made for the value of attachment theory for supportive work with families and for the development and evaluation of evidence-based caregiving interventions

    Environmental and genetic influences on early attachment

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    Attachment theory predicts and subsequent empirical research has amply demonstrated that individual variations in patterns of early attachment behaviour are primarily influenced by differences in sensitive responsiveness of caregivers. However, meta-analyses have shown that parenting behaviour accounts for about one third of the variance in attachment security or disorganisation. The exclusively environmental explanation has been challenged by results demonstrating some, albeit inconclusive, evidence of the effect of infant temperament. In this paper, after reviewing briefly the well-demonstrated familial and wider environmental influences, the evidence is reviewed for genetic and gene-environment interaction effects on developing early attachment relationships. Studies investigating the interaction of genes of monoamine neurotransmission with parenting environment in the course of early relationship development suggest that children's differential susceptibility to the rearing environment depends partly on genetic differences. In addition to the overview of environmental and genetic contributions to infant attachment, and especially to disorganised attachment relevant to mental health issues, the few existing studies of gene-attachment interaction effects on development of childhood behavioural problems are also reviewed. A short account of the most important methodological problems to be overcome in molecular genetic studies of psychological and psychiatric phenotypes is also given. Finally, animal research focusing on brain-structural aspects related to early care and the new, conceptually important direction of studying environmental programming of early development through epigenetic modification of gene functioning is examined in brief

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy
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