4 research outputs found


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    One of the most relevant discussions on bank regulation is the dichotomy between liberalization, with higher competition, and financial stability. To investigate this problem, the article examines competitive conditions and risk taking in Brazilian banks, and investigates their interrelationship. Competition is measured using Panzar & Rosse model and risk taking by Basel Brazilian Index. Given the relevance of the discussion between Allen & Gale, Grochulski & Kareken and Kahn a measure of concentration was used as a proxy for competition. It is shown that Brazilian banks operate in monopolist competition and that competition increases risk taking. However, competition is not significance to explain credit offer.


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    This analysis the relationship between market structure and competitiveness in the Brazilian bank industry. First, it quantifies competitiveness by using the statistic-H proposed by Panzar & Rosse and evaluates its relationship with several concentration statistics: Herfindahl-Hirschman, Concentration Ratio, Hall-Tideman and Theil. The concentration indexes lead concentration in CR10, while the concentration of credit operations reduces in others. The conclusion is that Brazilian banks configure a monopolistic competition industry and the relationship between competitiveness and concentration is negatively significant.

    A estrutura a termo de juros e o modelo dos novos keynesianos : uma aplicação no Brasil

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Economia, Doutorado em Economia, 2011.O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é estudar os movimentos das taxas de juros de curto, médio e longo prazo. Em particular, esclarecendo como são influenciados pelas variáveis macroeconômicas e como influencia os parâmetros estruturais da economia brasileira. A tese inicia apresentando a importância da não existência de oportunidades de arbitragem livres de risco e como influencia o equilíbrio do mercado. Em seguida, discrimina os principais modelos que esclarecem o comportamento da estrutura a termo das taxas de juros. O importante no primeiro capítulo é perceber os modelos de Cox, Ingersoll e Ross (CIR) e de Diebold, Rudebusch e Aruoba (DRA), os quais serão utilizados na análise empírica da economia brasileira dos capítulos 2 e 3. O capítulo 2 mostra que a relevância de analisar a estrutura a termo de juros no Brasil é esclarecer como as mudanças nas expectativas da condução da política monetária e da política fiscal podem modificar as taxas de longo prazo e, também, verificar se os movimentos verificados de longo prazo estão em desacordo com a atuação da autoridade monetária no curto prazo. Note que as taxas de juros de longo prazo podem embutir um prêmio de risco associado ao vencimento dos títulos, mas se a estrutura a termo acompanhar a hipótese das expectativas racionais esse prêmio é nulo ou constante no tempo e as taxas de longo prazo são uma média das taxas de curto prazo, o que facilita as previsões das variáveis macroeconômicas. O capítulo 2 conclui que o spread do vencimento tem um comportamento não linear mensurado pelo modelo de regressão de transição suave – STR e que essa não linearidade depende do regime de política macroeconômica adotado. O capítulo 3 estima um modelo para estrutura a termo dos juros praticados no mercado financeiro brasileiro, inserido dentro do modelo dos novos keynesiano. Com a inclusão da curva de juros espera-se melhorar os parâmetros do modelo DSGE, em virtude da incorporação das variáveis que não são observáveis. Ao estimar, simultaneamente, os efeitos macroeconômicos sobre a estrutura a termo de taxas de juros e o efeito do termo das taxas de juros sobre a macroeconomia, contribui com as pesquisas empíricas que avaliam a economia brasileira. Ao final, o capítulo 3 apresenta o impacto da estrutura a termo de juros sobre os coeficientes da inflação, produto e taxa básica de juros do banco central, ao mesmo tempo, em que avalia o impacto dos choques macroeconômicos no comportamento dos fatores latentes nível, inclinação e curvatura, que descrevem a estrutura a termo de taxas de juros. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work study the movements of interest rates on short and long term. In particular, clarifying how they are influenced by macroeconomic variables and how they influence the structural parameters of the Brazilian economy. The thesis begins by presenting the importance of non-existence of arbitrage opportunities free of risk and how they influence the market equilibrium. Then discriminates the main models that clarify the behavior of the term structure of interest rates. The first chapter is important in realizing the models of Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (CIR) and Diebold, Rudebusch and Aruoba (DRA), which will be used in the empirical analysis of the Brazilian economy of Chapters 2 and 3. Chapter 2 shows that is important to answer how changes in expectations of monetary policy and fiscal policy can modify the long-term rates and also check whether the observed long-term movements are in disagreement with the actions of the monetary authority in the short run. Note that long-term interest rates can embed a risk premium associated with the maturity of the securities, but if the term structure follow the hypothesis of rational expectations this premium is null or constant in time and long-term rates are an average of short-term rates. However, some studies indicate that the spread of the term is not constant and, therefore, the expectations hypothesis is no longer valid, for example, Mankiw and Miron (1986), Andrade and Tabak (2001) and Issler and Lima (2003). If this occurs, it becomes necessary to identify the variables responsible for the premium to improve the predictability of the macroeconomic variables. Regarding the Brazilian data, we must note two important facts. The first fact shows that it is common to observe an "almost" inversion of the term structure, ie, times when abrupt increases in the short term interest rates are not always accompanied by increases in long-term rate. The second fact relates to the assymetric rate of change in the spread between short and long where is common to observe abrupt elevations, while falls are slower. The chapter 3 estimates a model for the term structure of interest rates at the Brazilian financial market, inserted into the new Keynesian model. It is expected that the inclusion of the yield curve will improve the parameters of the DSGE model due to the incorporation of variables that are not observable. In estimating both the macroeconomic effects on the term structure of interest rates and the effect of the term of interest rates on the macroeconomy, it contributes to the empirical research that evaluates the Brazilian economy. The term structure of interest rates will incoporate the spread between long and short term (the term spread), where the rate of short-term interest is the rate that represents the monetary policy. The importance of studying the spread of the term is the possibility of interpreting their effects like the financial market expectations regarding inflation and interest rates contained in the term structure of interest rates. Then, chapter 3 discriminates the impact of the term structure of interest on the coefficients of inflation, output and basic interest rate of the central bank and at the same time, evaluate the impact of macroeconomic shocks on the behavior of the latent factors level, slope and curvature, which describe the term structure of interest rates

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved