120 research outputs found

    Enzymatic synthesis of short chain citronellyl esters by a new lipase from Rhizopus sp

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    Short chain citronellyl esters were synthesized by a new microbial lipase from Rhizopus sp strain isolated and lipase produced at UNICAMP, Brazil. Direct esterification and transesterification reactions have been performed to produce citronellyl acetate and butyrate in a free-solvent system and with n-hexane in reaction medium. Reaction mixture for direct esterification and transesterification was carried out at 45ºC in equimolar concentration of substrates: acid or ester and alcohol. Only citronellyl butyrate was synthesized by direct esterification with yields from 95 to 100% after 24 hrs. of reaction time, with or without n-hexane. Citronellyl acetate was synthesized by transesterification with ethyl acetate and cytronellol, with yield of 58% after 48 hrs. and 48% of conversion for reaction butyl acetate and cytronellol. The results suggest that the size of the aliphatic chain from acyl donor was importance to conversion rate. Acids with more than two carbons showed to be better substrate for Rhizopus sp lipase. Transesterification reaction showed different behaviour, ester substrate with four carbons was better than six carbon for citronellyl acetate synthesis

    Enzymatic synthesis of short chain citronellyl esters by a new lipase from Rhizopus sp

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    Short chain citronellyl esters were synthesized by a new microbial lipase from Rhizopus sp strain isolated and lipase produced at UNICAMP, Brazil. Direct esterification and transesterification reactions have been performed to produce citronellyl acetate and butyrate in a free-solvent system and with n-hexane in reaction medium. Reaction mixture for direct esterification and transesterification was carried out at 45\ubaC in equimolar concentration of substrates: acid or ester and alcohol. Only citronellyl butyrate was synthesized by direct esterification with yields from 95 to 100% after 24 hrs. of reaction time, with or without n-hexane. Citronellyl acetate was synthesized by transesterification with ethyl acetate and cytronellol, with yield of 58% after 48 hrs. and 48% of conversion for reaction butyl acetate and cytronellol. The results suggest that the size of the aliphatic chain from acyl donor was importance to conversion rate. Acids with more than two carbons showed to be better substrate for Rhizopus sp lipase. Transesterification reaction showed different behaviour, ester substrate with four carbons was better than six carbon for citronellyl acetate synthesis

    “Estrategia de intervención nutricional para mejorar los hábitos alimentarios en pacientes infectados con el virus inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) que reciben tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (Targa) en el hospital II-2 Tarapoto. Junio-Diciembre 2015”

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    This research work in order to design and implement a strategy Nutritional lntervention to improve the eating habits of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) receiving antiretroviral therapy (HAART) treated at the Hospital 11 - 2 Tarapoto. June to December 2015. The population consisted of 390 patients infected with HIV I AIDS who attended the clinic Nutrition during the study period. The research was quantitative, experimental, prospective, cross-sectional, based on a sample of 144 cases. the pre-experimental design was used with one group pre and post test since the intervention strategy was developed exclusively for research. The results were: prevalence of infected patients between 20 - 39 years old (81.2%), single marital status (51.4%); secondary level education (37.5%) and Catholic (71.5%) religion. 56.0% were mate, occupation housewife (33.3%) and students (25.0%). 46.5% have a normal nutritional status prone to thinness grade 1 (31.3%) and overweight (13.2%). Habits and dietary habits was most common food rich in carbohydrates + protein (31.3%), food rich in protein (21.5%) and food rich in vitamins (20.8%). 74.3% have harmful habits like frequent consumption of stimulating beverages (tea, coffee); 26.4% have food intolerance; the frequency of food consumption is 3 times a day (88%). 51.4% are in a state of normal nutrition according to clinical evaluation, prone to lost weight with Dx. malnutrition (21.5%). The assessment of nutritional status before and after application of the nutritional strategy, reporting percentage differences. the chi-square test nonparametric read with a significance leve! of <0.05 was applied, obtaining a value X2 = 148.625; p = 0.00000, accepting the hypothesis proposed investigation.El presente trabajo de investigación se realizado con el objetivo de Diseñar e implementar una Estrategia de Intervención Nutricional para mejorar los hábitos alimentarios de los pacientes infectados con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) que reciben tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TA RGA) atendidos en el Hospital 11 - 2 Tarapoto. Junio - diciembre 2015. La población estuvo conformada por 390 pacientes infectados viviendo con VIH/Sida que acudieron al consultorio de Nutrición, durante el período de estudio. El tipo de investigación fue Cuantitativa, experimental, prospectiva, de corte transversal, sobre la base de una muestra de 144 casos. Se utilizó el diseño pre-experimental con un solo grupo con pre y post prueba, ya que la estrategia de intervención estuvo elaborada exclusivamente para la investigación. Los resultados encontrados fueron: predominio de pacientes infectados entre 20 39 años de edad (81,2%), estado civil soltero (51,4%); nivel de educación secundaria (37,5%) y religión católica (71,5%). El 56,0% son de sexo masculino, ocupación ama de casa (33,3%) y estudiantes (25,0%). El 46,5% presentan un estado nutricional normal con tendencia a delgadez grado 1 (31,3%) y sobrepeso (13,2%). Los hábitos y costumbres alimentarias más frecuente fue la alimentación rica en carbohidratos +proteínas (31,3%), alimentación rica en proteínas (21,5%) y alimentación rica en vitaminas (20,8%). El 74,3% tienen como hábitos nocivos el consumo frecuente de bebidas estimulantes (té, café); el 26,4% presentan intolerancia a los alimentos; la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos es de 3 veces al día (88%). El 51,4% se ubican en un estado de nutrición normal según la evaluación clínica, con tendencia a adelgazado con Dx. de desnutrición (21,5%). La valoración del estado nutricional antes y después de la aplicación de la estrategia nutricional, reporta diferencias porcentuales. Se aplico la prueba no parametrica chi cuadrado leída con un nivel de significancia < 0,05, obteniendo un valor de X2 = 148,625; p = 0,00000, aceptándose la hipótesis de investigación.Tesi

    Nutritional intervention in HIV-infected patients receiving TARGA: a regional alternative

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    Estudio ejecutado con la finalidad de aplicar una Estrategia de Intervención Nutricional para desarrollar hábitos alimentarios en usuarios infectados con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) que toman tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA) en el Hospital II -2 Tarapoto, San Martín - Perú. Investigación aplicada, experimental, prospectiva, de corte transversal, sobre una muestra de 144 pacientes que acudieron al consultorio de Nutrición. Los resultados fueron: Mayor frecuencia de pacientes con VIH entre 20 a 39 años de edad en un 81,2%, ser soltero 51,4%, educación secundaria 37,5%, religión católica 71,5%, sexo masculino 56% y ama de casa 33,3%. &nbsp;Consumo alimentario, rico en carbohidratos y proteínas 31,3%, proteína sola 21,5% y vitaminas 20,8%.&nbsp; Un 74,3% consumen frecuentemente té o café como estimulante, 26,4% son intolerantes a alimentos. Según evaluación, clínica el 51,4% tiene estado de nutrición normal, tendiente a adelgazado con diagnóstico de desnutrición (21,5%). Conclusión: El estado nutricional antes y después de la aplicación de la estrategia nutricional, reporta diferencias significativas demostrando ser efectiva.&nbsp;Study carried out with the aim of applying a Nutritional Intervention Strategy to develop eating habits in users infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who take highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) at Hospital II -2 Tarapoto, San Martín - Peru. Applied, experimental, prospective, cross-sectional research on a sample of 144 patients who attended the Nutrition office. The results were: 81.2% higher frequency of patients with HIV between 20 to 39 years of age, being single 51.4%, secondary education 37.5%, Catholic religion 71.5%, male sex 56% and housewife 33.3%. Food consumption, rich in carbohydrates and proteins 31.3%, protein alone 21.5% and vitamins 20.8%. 74.3% frequently consume tea or coffee as a stimulant, 26.4% are food intolerant. According to clinical evaluation, 51.4% have a normal nutritional status, tending to lose weight with a diagnosis of malnutrition (21.5%). Conclusion: The nutritional status before and after the application of the nutritional strategy, reports significant differences, proving to be effective

    Selenite downregulates STAT3 expression and provokes lymphocytosis in the liver of chronically exposed Syrian golden hamsters

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    Arsenic is considered a worldwide pollutant that can be present in drinking water. Arsenic exposure is associated with various diseases, including cancer. Antioxidants as selenite and α-tocopherol-succinate have been shown to modulate arsenic toxic effects. Since changes in STAT3 and PSMD10 gene expression have been associated with carcinogenesis, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of arsenic exposure and co-treatments with selenite or α-tocopherol-succinate on the expression of these genes, in the livers of chronically exposed Syrian golden hamsters. Animals were divided into six groups: (i) control, (ii) chronically treated with 100 ppm arsenic, (iii) treated with 6 ppm α-tocopherol-succinate (α-TOS), (iv) treated with 8.5 ppm selenite, (v) treated with arsenic + α-TOS, and (vi) treated with arsenic + selenite. Urine samples and livers were collected after 20 weeks of continuous exposure. The urine samples were analyzed for arsenic species by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and real-time RT-qPCR analysis was performed for gene expression evaluation. A reduction in STAT3 expression was observed in the selenite-treated group. No differences in PSMD10 expression were found among groups. Histopathological analysis revealed hepatic lymphocytosis in selenite-treated animals. As a conclusion, long-term exposure to arsenic does not significantly alter the expression of STAT3 and PSMD10 oncogenes in the livers of hamsters; however, selenite down-regulates STAT3 expression and provokes lymphocytosis

    Role of drug transporters in the sensitivity of acute myeloid leukemia to sorafenib

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    [EN]Chemoresistance often limits the success of the pharmacological treatment in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Although positive results have been obtained with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), such as sorafenib, especially in patients with Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3)-positive AML, the success of chemotherapy is very heterogeneous.The sensitivity to sorafenib-induced cell death (MTT test and anexin V/7-AAD method) was evaluated in five different cell lines: MOLM-13, OCI-AML2, HL-60, HEL and K-562. The transportome was characterized by measuring mRNA using RT-qPCR. Drug uptake/efflux was determined by flow cytometry using specific substrates and inhibitors. The cytostatic response to sorafenib was: MOLM-13»OCI-AML2>HL- 60>HEL≈K-562. Regarding efflux pumps, MDR1 was highly expressed in HEL>K- 562≈MOLM-13, but not in OCI-AML2 and HL-60. BCRP and MPR3 expression was low in all cell lines, whereas MRP4 and MRP5 expression was from moderate to high. Flow cytometry studies demonstrated that MRP4, but not MRP5, was functional

    Characterization of Highly Weathered Soils

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    Os solos brasileiros são classificados em 13 ordens, com base em suas características definidoras. Os latissolos e os ultissolos predominam, compreendendo mais de 50% de todo o território. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os principais atributos físicos do solo e o conteúdo de matéria orgânica para avaliar as atribuições e limitações de dois tipos de solos altamente intemperizados no extremo oeste de São Paulo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, composto por dois tratamentos diferentes: Latossolo e Ultisol em três faixas de profundidade: 0,00-0,10, 0,10-0,20, 0,20-0,40 m, com 10 repetições. As análises foram realizadas em triplicado. Os seguintes atributos do solo foram avaliados: textura do solo, conteúdo de matéria orgânica, umidade volumétrica e gravimétrica, infiltração de água no solo, densidade do solo, porosidade do solo, distribuição e estabilidade dos agregados, resistência à penetração e umidade do solo. Os dados foram analisados ​​quanto à variância com o teste F, a p ≤ 0,05. Quando significativos, os parâmetros foram submetidos ao teste de Tukey (p &lt;0,05). As propriedades físicas do solo mostram que os solos estudados estão em boas condições e dentro dos limites médios recomendados pela literatura estabelecida. Todos os atributos estudados estão relacionados à granulometria do solo e sua distribuição no perfil do solo

    Women in limnology: From a historical perspective to a present-day evaluation

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    Research in limnology is nurtured by the work of many fascinating and passionate women, who have contributed enormously to our understanding of inland waters. Female limnologists have promoted and established the bases of our knowledge about inland waters and fostered the need of protecting the values of those ecosystems. However, on numerous occasions, their contribution to the advancement of limnology has not been duly recognized. Here, we review the presence of women in limnology through the history of the discipline: from the pioneers who contributed to the origins to present day' developments. We aim at visibilizing those scientists and establish them as role models. We also analyze in a simple and illustrative way the current situation of women in limnology, the scientific barriers they must deal with, and their future prospects. Multiple aspects fostering the visibility of a scientist, such as their presence in conferences, awards, or representation in societal or editorial boards show a significant gap, with none of those aspects showing a similar visibility of women and men in limnology. This article raises awareness of the obstacles that women in limnology faced and still face, and encourages to embrace models of leadership, scientific management, and assessment of research performance far from those commonly established.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resistance to antiangiogenic therapies by metabolic symbiosis in renal cell carcinoma PDX models and patients

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    Antiangiogenic drugs are used clinically for treatment of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) as a standard first-line treatment. Nevertheless, these agents primarily serve to stabilize disease, and resistance eventually develops concomitant with progression. Here, we implicate metabolic symbiosis between tumor cells distal and proximal to remaining vessels as a mechanism of resistance to antiangiogenic therapies in patient-derived RCC orthoxenograft (PDX) models and in clinical samples. This metabolic patterning is regulated by the mTOR pathway, and its inhibition effectively blocks metabolic symbiosis in PDX models. Clinically, patients treated with antiangiogenics consistently present with histologic signatures of metabolic symbiosis that are exacerbated in resistant tumors. Furthermore, the mTOR pathway is also associated in clinical samples, and its inhibition eliminates symbiotic patterning in patient samples. Overall, these data support a mechanism of resistance to antiangiogenics involving metabolic compartmentalization of tumor cells that can be inhibited by mTOR-targeted drugs