398 research outputs found

    Chapter 8 Applying an integrated approach to workplace mental health in SMEs

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    Small-medium enterprises (SMEs) are a vital employment sector in most developed economies but these work settings have not featured widely in occupational health research and practice. Given the high prevalence of mental health disorders and their related economic consequences, mental health focussed interventions that are gaining traction in larger organizations also need to be on the agenda for SMEs. The potential for interventions in this sector is examined by reviewing a best practice framework, the integrated approach to workplace mental health and associated guidelines to assist organizations with implementation, in relation to the SME context and characteristics. Several promising opportunities and potential challenges are identified and researchers and practitioners are encouraged to focus greater attention on this sector, particularly around the issues identified

    Delivering mental health first aid training in Australian workplaces: exploring instructors\u27 experiences

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     The impact of common mental illnesses in the workplace can be reduced by encouraging support from co-workers and promoting early professional help-seeking. The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course is an evidence-based effective program designed to encourage social support and early help-seeking in the general community. However, little is known about whether the course meets the needs of workplaces. The current study aimed to gain a better understanding of how the course is being delivered in Australian workplaces and invite feedback on how it could be tailored for this delivery setting. This study used a purpose-designed survey to explore 120 MHFA instructors’ experiences of delivering the course in workplaces. The results indicated that MHFA is most commonly deployed in the human service and education sectors to assist workers with helping clients, rather than helping co-workers. The results also suggest ways in which the MHFA course could be tailored for workplaces, as well as further support instructors require to deliver courses in workplace settings

    Proteomics-based confirmation of protein expression and correction of annotation errors in the Brucella abortus genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Brucellosis is a major bacterial zoonosis affecting domestic livestock and wild mammals, as well as humans around the globe. While conducting proteomics studies to better understand <it>Brucella abortus </it>virulence, we consolidated the proteomic data collected and compared it to publically available genomic data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proteomic data was compiled from several independent comparative studies of <it>Brucella abortus </it>that used either outer membrane blebs, cytosols, or whole bacteria grown in media, as well as intracellular bacteria recovered at different times following macrophage infection. We identified a total of 621 bacterial proteins that were differentially expressed in a condition-specific manner. For 305 of these proteins we provide the first experimental evidence of their expression. Using a custom-built protein sequence database, we uncovered 7 annotation errors. We provide experimental evidence of expression of 5 genes that were originally annotated as non-expressed pseudogenes, as well as start site annotation errors for 2 other genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>An essential element for ensuring correct functional studies is the correspondence between reported genome sequences and subsequent proteomics studies. In this study, we have used proteomics evidence to confirm expression of multiple proteins previously considered to be putative, as well as correct annotation errors in the genome of <it>Brucella abortus </it>strain 2308.</p

    Workplace mental health: developing an integrated intervention approach

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health problems are prevalent and costly in working populations. Workplace interventions to address common mental health problems have evolved relatively independently along three main threads or disciplinary traditions: medicine, public health, and psychology. In this Debate piece, we argue that these three threads need to be integrated to optimise the prevention of mental health problems in working populations. DISCUSSION: To realise the greatest population mental health benefits, workplace mental health intervention needs to comprehensively 1) protect mental health by reducing work-related risk factors for mental health problems; 2) promote mental health by developing the positive aspects of work as well as worker strengths and positive capacities; and 3) address mental health problems among working people regardless of cause. We outline the evidence supporting such an integrated intervention approach and consider the research agenda and policy developments needed to move towards this goal, and propose the notion of integrated workplace mental health literacy. SUMMARY: An integrated approach to workplace mental health combines the strengths of medicine, public health, and psychology, and has the potential to optimise both the prevention and management of mental health problems in the workplace

    Providing mental health first aid in the workplace: a Delphi consensus study

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health problems are common in the workplace, but workers affected by such problems are not always well supported by managers and co-workers. Guidelines exist for the public on how to provide mental health first aid, but not specifically on how to tailor one\u27s approach if the person of concern is a co-worker or employee. A Delphi consensus study was carried out to develop guidelines on additional considerations required when offering mental health first aid in a workplace context. METHODS: A systematic search of websites, books and journal articles was conducted to develop a questionnaire with 246 items containing actions that someone may use to offer mental health first aid to a co-worker or employee. Three panels of experts from English-speaking countries were recruited (23 consumers, 26 managers and 38 workplace mental health professionals), who independently rated the items over three rounds for inclusion in the guidelines. RESULTS: The retention rate of the expert panellists across the three rounds was 61.7&nbsp;%. Of the 246 items, 201 items were agreed to be important or very important by at least 80&nbsp;% of panellists. These 201 endorsed items included actions on how to approach and offer support to a co-worker, and additional considerations where the person assisting is a supervisor or manager, or is assisting in crisis situations such as acute distress. CONCLUSIONS: The guidelines outline strategies for a worker to use when they are concerned about the mental health of a co-worker or employee. They will be used to inform future tailoring of Mental Health First Aid training when it is delivered in workplace settings and could influence organisational policies and procedures

    Impact of a drought on nutrient concentrations in the Lower Lakes (Murray Darling Basin, Australia)

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    Nutrient concentrations increased in 2 lakes (Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert) located at the downstream end of the Murray Darling Basin, Australia, as a result of water level drawdown and salinisation associated with a severe drought. Between January 2007 and March 2008 the salinity difference between the inlet and outlets (5 barrages) increased from 0.9 to 21.0 g L-1, resulting primarily from seawater leakage through the barrages. Subsequently, in relatively sheltered areas upstream of the barrages, permanent salinity-derived density stratification developed, leading to the development of an anoxic hypolimnion. This seemingly favoured the regeneration of dissolved nutrients from the sediments, with standing stocks of ammonium and filterable reactive phosphorus increasing by 250 and 142%, respectively. However, the source of leakage water through the barrages also contributed to the increase. While dissolved organic carbon concentrations also increased, this was a result of evapoconcentration because calculated standing stocks changed little during the study period. In the open water areas, vertical density stratification was not evident, but sediment resuspension seemed to increase during the drawdown. Total organic nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations were closely related to light attenuation, suggesting increased resuspension of particulate nutrients during the water level drawdown or increased assimilation of dissolved nutrients by phytoplankton. Overall, sediment resuspension seemed to have had a greater impact on nutrient concentrations in open water areas of Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert, while saline intrusions were more significant in relatively sheltered areas located close to the lake outlets

    The Psychosocial Work Environment, Employee Mental Health and Organizational Interventions: Improving Research and Practice by Taking a Multilevel Approach

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    Although there have been several calls for incorporating multiple levels of analysis in employee health and wellbeing research, studies examining the interplay between individual, workgroup, organizational and broader societal factors in relation to employee mental health outcomes remain an exception rather than the norm. At the same time, organizational intervention research and practice also tends to be limited by a single-level focus, omitting potentially important influences at multiple levels of analysis. The aims of this conceptual paper are to help progress our understanding of work-related determinants of employee mental health by: (i) providing a rationale for routine multilevel assessment of the psychosocial work environment; (ii) discussing how a multilevel perspective can improve related organizational interventions and (iii) highlighting key theoretical and methodological considerations relevant to these aims. We present five recommendations for future research, relating to using appropriate multilevel research designs, justifying group level constructs, developing group-level measures, expanding investigations to the organizational level, and developing multilevel approaches to intervention design, implementation and evaluation

    Optomechanical design of TMT NFIRAOS Subsystems at INO

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    The adaptive optics system for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) is the Narrow-Field InfraRed Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS). Recently, INO has been involved in the optomechanical design of several subsystems of NFIRAOS, including the Instrument Selection Mirror (ISM), the NFIRAOS Beamsplitters (NBS), and the NFIRAOS Source Simulator system (NSS) comprising the Focal Plane Mask (FPM), the Laser Guide Star (LGS) sources, and the Natural Guide Star (NGS) sources. This paper presents an overview of these subsystems and the optomechanical design approaches used to meet the optical performance requirements under environmental constraints

    An integrated workplace mental health intervention in a policing context: protocol for a cluster randomised control trial

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    BACKGROUND: In this paper, we present the protocol for a cluster-randomised trial to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of a workplace mental health intervention in the state-wide police department of the south-eastern Australian state of Victoria. n. The primary aims of the intervention are to improve psychosocial working conditions and mental health literacy, and secondarily to improve mental health and organisational outcomes. METHODS/DESIGN: The intervention was designed collaboratively with Victoria Police based on a mixed methods pilot study, and combines multi-session leadership coaching for the senior officers within stations (e.g., Sergeants, Senior Sergeants) with tailored mental health literacy training for lower and upper ranks. Intervention effectiveness will be evaluated using a two-arm cluster-randomised trial design, with 12 police stations randomly assigned to the intervention and 12 to the non-intervention/usual care control condition. Data will be collected from all police members in each station (estimated at &gt;20 per station). Psychosocial working conditions (e.g., supervisory support, job control, job demands), mental health literacy (e.g., knowledge, confidence in assisting someone who may have a mental health problem), and mental health will be assessed using validated measures. Organisational outcomes will include organisational depression disclosure norms, organisational cynicism, and station-level sickness absence rates. The trial will be conducted following CONSORT guidelines. Identifying data will not be collected in order to protect participant privacy and to optimise participation, hence changes in primary and secondary outcomes will be assessed using a two-sample t-test comparing summary measures by arm, with weighting by cluster size. DISCUSSION: This intervention is novel in its integration of stressor-reduction and mental health literacy-enhancing strategies. Effectiveness will be rigorously evaluated, and if positive results are observed, the intervention will be adapted across Victoria Police (total employees ~16,500) as well as possibly in other policing contexts, both nationally and internationally.<br /

    Assessing the risk of stress in organizations:Getting the measure of organizational-level stressors

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    Great Britain’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) developed the Management Standards Indicator Tool to help organizations to assess and monitor organizational risks of work-related stress through surveying employees about the psychosocial risks for stress in their jobs. The use of employee-level data for deriving an organizational-level measure of psychosocial risks assumes that the constructs have equivalent meanings at different levels. However, this isomorphic condition has never been tested and this study fills this gap. Using data collected by the Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL) from 66,188 employees nested in 775 organizations, we demonstrate that the organizational-level measure representing the seven dimensions of the Management Standards Indicator Tool is equivalent, though not identical, to the individual-level measure. This implies that the organizational level is not a mirror of the aggregation of the individual level, and that the risk of work-related stress in an organization may derive not simply from bottom-up processes, but may be generated by top-down influences (e.g., organizational policies). Interventions may then be meaningfully targeted at the organizational level in the expectation that they will reduce the risk of work-related stress among the entire workforce, the valid measurement of which can be performed through the HSE’s Management Standards Indicator Tool
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