90 research outputs found

    La apropiación de la evaluación por las administraciones

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    The past 30 years has seen a gradual internalisation of program and policy evaluation into the machinery of government. This happens either through the evaluation function being taken on by administrators themselves, or by those administrators stipulating and proscribing how the evaluation is conducted and for what purposes. This poses important questions for democracy and for the citizen. This article examines the consequences of this 'capture' by the administrative system by looking at two examples: one, taken from the field of international development; the other from a government agency commissioning of an evaluation of one of their programs.En los últimos treinta años venimos asistiendo a una progresiva “internalización” de la evaluación de programas y políticas en las administraciones públicas. Esto se ha producido bien porque las administraciones mismas han asumido la función de evaluación o porque éstas han estipulado cómo hacer las evaluaciones y con qué objetivos. Este hecho plantea preguntas importantes para el ciudadano y para la democracia. En este artículo se examinan las consecuencias de esta “apropiación” de la evaluación por parte de la administración a través de dos ejemplos: uno tomado del ámbito de la cooperación internacional y otro extraído del encargo que una agencia gubernamental hizo para la evaluación de uno de sus programas

    希望与模糊: 让课程回归人文主义

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    بين المآزق المعاصرة للحرب والشعبوية السياسية والحقيقة والتواصل وتغير المناخ وانهيار دول الرفاهية, جزئيا بسببها, نواجه أزمة في المناهج الدراسية. إن الجمود في المناهج القائمة على المحتوى يختلف بشكل متزايد عن عالم متقلب والقضايا الرئيسية في الوقت الحالي. والأهم من ذلك, أنه يحرم الشباب من الأدوات التي يحتاجونها للتفاوض على عالم معقد من الغموض وعدم اليقين والمسؤولية عن تقرير مصيرهم. تدعو هذه المقالة إلى إعادة تأكيد المبادئ الإنسانية الأوروبية في المناهج الدراسية كاستراتيجية سياسية لتقريب تعليم الشباب من الواقع المعاش وتشجيعهم على العيش كمواطنين مطلعين. نقطة البداية هي منهج قائم على البحث. يمكننا الرجوع إلى العلم الجديد للوعي والعقل لدعم منهجية المناهج القائمة على البحث.Among contemporary predicaments of war, political populism, truth and communication, climate change, and the collapse of welfare states – partly because of them – we face a crisis in curriculum. The inertia of a content-based curriculum diverges ever-further from a volatile world and the major issues of the day. More importantly, it denies young people the tools they need to negotiate a complex world of ambiguity, uncertainty and responsibility for their self-determination. This article argues for a reaffirmation of European Humanistic principles in curriculum as a political strategy to bring the education of young people into closer alignment with lived realities, and to encourage them to act as informed citizens. The starting point is a research-based curriculum. We can look to the New Science of Consciousness and mind for methodological support for an enquiry-based curriculum.Entre los predicamentos contemporáneos de la guerra, el populismo político, la verdad y la comunicación, el cambio climático y el colapso de los estados de bienestar, en parte debido a ellos, nos enfrentamos a una crisis en el currículo. La inercia de un currículo basado en el contenido diverge cada vez más de un mundo volátil y de los principales problemas del día. Más importante aún, niega a los jóvenes las herramientas que necesitan para negociar un mundo complejo de ambigüedad, incertidumbre y responsabilidad por su autodeterminación. Este artículo aboga por una reafirmación de los principios humanistas europeos en el currículo como estrategia política para acercar la educación de los jóvenes a las realidades vividas y alentarlos a vivir como ciudadanos informados. El punto de partida es un plan de estudios basado en la investigación. Podemos hacer referencia a la Nueva Ciencia de la Conciencia y la mente en busca de apoyo para una metodología curricular basado en la investigaciónEntre as vicissitudes contemporâneas da guerra, do populismo político, da verdade e da comunicação, das alterações climáticas e do colapso dos Estados-providência, em parte devido a eles, enfrentamos uma crise no currículo. A inércia de um currículo baseado no conteúdo diverge cada vez mais de um mundo volátil e dos principais problemas da atualidade. Mais importante ainda, nega aos jovens as ferramentas de que necessitam para negociar um mundo complexo de ambiguidade, incerteza e responsabilidade pela autodeterminação. Este artigo defende a reafirmação dos princípios humanistas europeus no currículo como estratégia política para aproximar a educação dos jovens das realidades vividas e para os encorajar a viver como cidadãos informados. O ponto de partida é um plano de estudos baseado na investigação. Podemos fazer referência à Nova Ciência da Consciência e da Mente para obter apoio para uma metodologia curricular baseada na investigaçãoEntre as vicissitudes contemporâneas da guerra, do populismo político, da verdade e da comunicação, das alterações climáticas e do colapso dos Estados-providência, em parte devido a eles, enfrentamos uma crise no currículo. A inércia de um currículo baseado no conteúdo diverge cada vez mais de um mundo volátil e dos principais problemas da atualidade. Mais importante ainda, nega aos jovens as ferramentas de que necessitam para negociar um mundo complexo de ambiguidade, incerteza e responsabilidade pela autodeterminação. Este artigo defende a reafirmação dos princípios humanistas europeus no currículo como estratégia política para aproximar a educação dos jovens das realidades vividas e para os encorajar a viver como cidadãos informados. O ponto de partida é um plano de estudos baseado na investigação. Podemos fazer referência à Nova Ciência da Consciência e da Mente para obter apoio para uma metodologia curricular baseada na investigação在战争、政治民粹主义、媒体及事实、气候变化、福利形态坍塌等当代困境的影响下,我们不得不需要面对一场课程危机。基于内容的习惯性课程设置与我们所处的不稳定的世界及当今需要面对的众多主要问题逐渐偏离,更为重要的是,它反对年轻学生在应对世界复杂的模糊性、不确定性及自我决定的责任感中使用有效的工具。有提议认为可以将欧洲人文主义原则作为政治策略在课程中使用,认为这样可以通过教育让年轻人接近生活事实,鼓励他们成为有意识的市民,该研究对这个提议做出了进一步地认定和支持,以教学大纲为起点,借助新意识及大脑科学,为基于研究的课程方法论寻找支

    Investigar hoy, consideraciones políticas, éticas y metodológicas

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    El tema de la conferencia pretende mostrar alguna respuesta a los regímenes de austeridad vigentes en la actualidad y que desde el punto de vista del autor, constituyen un asalto a la ética de liberalismo y ciudadanía. La cuestión es como reconceptualizar las metodologías de 'Responsive' and 'Democratic' evaluation para satisfacer las demandas de Chantal Mouffe para un 'pluralismo agonistico'.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Deep simplicity. The dangers of intervention in curriculum

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    The article analyses the position of two important educational thinkers: A.S. Neill and L. Stenhouse. The author finds the radicalism of their position in their confidence to stand back, to see curriculum not as an intervention, but as a set of conditions for learning. Both theorists shared an educational principle: that complexity of intervention interrupted and did not guarantee the quality and the freedom of learning. They saw educational quality in terms of complexity –yes– but complexity situated elsewhere than in interventions. From these perspectives, the author questions the present educational situation, where he finds that the power of the “single narrative” to determine interactions is a general principle of social and political life

    TTA school-based research consortium initiative, the evaluation, final report

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    This is the final report of the evaluation of th School-Based Research Consortium Initiative which ran in England from 1998 to 2001. The initiative was sponsored via a public/private partnership between the Teacher Training Agency (TTA), a UK Government agency, and the Centre for British Teachers (CfBT), a private not-for-profit company. The aim of the initiative was to create local infrastructures of support and action for teachers to engage ‘in and with’ research. Those infrastructures were made up of consortia, consisting in each case of a small number of schools together with a university department of education and at least one local education authority (LEA). Over the three years that it ran, the initiative spawned a considerable range and volume of research activities, including peer observation of teaching, peer review of videos of teaching, interview-based study, surveys measuring such things as rewards and sanctions in the classroom. In addition to well-developed teacher-university collaborations and some joint work with local education authorities, there were many examples of teacher-teacher collaboration (some of it between different schools), and also times when teachers and pupils worked together to devise, carry out or interpret research activity. In practice, the initiative created an environment in which it was possible to develop new research relationships across a range of partners, rather than merely transfer the locus of research to schools. Three aspects of teacher experience of the initiative are important to highlight. The first was the overwhelming testimony of teachers that the value of the initiative for them was the rediscovery of their professional confidence in a climate of low trust accountability, characterised by constant monitoring, target setting and bureaucratic demands. The second was the growth of familiarity with research practices that teachers gained through working collaboratively with their peers, with pupils, and with colleagues from the university. The third was how the process of research itself was necessarily situated in teachers’ own practices

    Police Custody Healthcare: An evaluation of an NHS commissioned pilot to deliver a police custody health service in a partnership between Dorset Primary Care Trust and Dorset Police

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    This evaluation was sponsored by Dorset Primary Care Trust and the South West Strategic Health Authority to examine the local commissioning relationship established to providepolice custody healthcare across Dorset's three 24/7 custody suites, located in Poole, Weymouth and Bournemouth. This initiative has the status of a national pilot, and the evaluation is expected to carry lessons for a wide range of audiences in and beyond Dorset

    Diverse animal models to examine potential role(s) and mechanism of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the tumor progression and prevention: Do they have tumorigenic or anti-tumorigenic property?

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    Acting as hormone mimics or antagonists in the interaction with hormone receptors, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have the potentials of disturbing the endocrine system in sex steroid hormone-controlled organs and tissues. These effects may lead to the disruption of major regulatory mechanisms, the onset of developmental disorders, and carcinogenesis. Especially, among diverse EDCs, xenoestrogens such as bisphenol A, dioxins, and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, have been shown to activate estrogen receptors (ERs) and to modulate cellular functions induced by ERs. Furthermore, they appear to be closely related with carcinogenicity in estrogen-dependant cancers, including breast, ovary, and prostate cancers. In in vivo animal models, prenatal exposure to xenoestrogens changed the development of the mouse reproductive organs and increased the susceptibility to further carcinogenic exposure and tumor occurence in adults. Unlike EDCs, which are chemically synthesized, several phytoestrogens such as genistein and resveratrol showed chemopreventive effects on specific cancers by contending with ER binding and regulating normal ER action in target tissues of mice. These results support the notion that a diet containing high levels of phytoestrogens can have protective effects on estrogen-related diseases. In spite of the diverse evidences of EDCs and phytoestrogens on causation and prevention of estrogen-dependant cancers provided in this article, there are still disputable questions about the dose-response effect of EDCs or chemopreventive potentials of phytoestrogens. As a wide range of EDCs including phytoestrogens have been remarkably increasing in the environment with the rapid growth in our industrial society and more closely affecting human and wildlife, the potential risks of EDCs in endocrine disruption and carcinogenesis are important issues and needed to be verified in detail