25 research outputs found

    Weighted Devices for Somatosensory Regulation

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    Description: A weighted vest is a vest that typically has 10% of a person’s body weight evenly distributed around the vest (Olson et al., 2004). A weighted vest can provide sensory input that is believed to alleviate dysregulation, inattentiveness, and stereotypic behaviors (Carter et al., 2009). Goal: Our community group is specifically targeting children with sensory processing impairments who are attending speech therapy sessions at the RiteCare clinic. Sensory behaviors exhibited by the clients are most commonly shown through dysregulation, outbursts, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity. The goal is to limit these maladaptive behaviors and increase attention span during intervention sessions. Weighted vests have been shown to be effective with remediating these problems, and improving hyperactivity, stereotypic behaviors and clumsiness (Carter et al., 2009). This product decreases sensory modulation dysfunction and will lower arousal states (Lin et al., 2014). In turn, improving attention, increasing time for on task behavior, and decreasing distractibility while wearing the vest (Collins et al., 2011)

    [CII] 158 micron Luminosities and Star Formation Rate in Dusty Starbursts and AGN

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    Results are presented for [CII] 158 micron line fluxes observed with the Herschel PACS instrument in 112 sources with both starburst and AGN classifications, of which 102 sources have confident detections. Results are compared with mid-infrared spectra from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer and with L(IR) from IRAS fluxes; AGN/starburst classifications are determined from equivalent width of the 6.2 micron PAH feature. It is found that the [CII] line flux correlates closely with the flux of the 11.3 micron PAH feature independent of AGN/starburst classification, log [f([CII] 158 micron)/f(11.3 micron PAH)] = -0.22 +- 0.25. It is concluded that [CII] line flux measures the photodissociation region associated with starbursts in the same fashion as the PAH feature. A calibration of star formation rate for the starburst component in any source having [CII] is derived comparing [CII] luminosity L([CII]) to L(IR) with the result that log SFR = log L([CII)]) - 7.08 +- 0.3, for SFR in solar masses per year and L([CII]) in solar luminosities. The decreasing ratio of L([CII]) to L(IR) in more luminous sources (the "[CII] deficit") is shown to be a consequence of the dominant contribution to L(IR) arising from a luminous AGN component because the sources with largest L(IR) and smallest L([CII])/L(IR) are AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Spatial Extent of (U)LIRGs in the mid-Infrared I: The Continuum Emission

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    We present an analysis of the extended mid-infrared (MIR) emission of the Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey (GOALS) sample based on 5-15um low resolution spectra obtained with the IRS on Spitzer. We calculate the fraction of extended emission as a function of wavelength for the galaxies in the sample, FEE_lambda. We can identify 3 general types of FEE_lambda: one where it is constant, one where features due to emission lines and PAHs appear more extended than the continuum, and a third which is characteristic of sources with deep silicate absorption at 9.7um. More than 30% of the galaxies have a median FEE_lambda larger than 0.5 implying that at least half of their MIR emission is extended. Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) display a wide range of FEE in their warm dust continuum (0<=FEE_13.2um<=0.85). The large values of FEE_13.2um that we find in many LIRGs suggest that their extended MIR continuum emission originates in scales up to 10kpc. The mean size of the LIRG cores at 13.2um is 2.6kpc. However, once the LIR of the systems reaches the threshold of ~10^11.8Lsun, all sources become clearly more compact, with FEE_13.2um<=0.2, and their cores are unresolved. Our estimated upper limit for the core size of ULIRGs is less than 1.5kpc. The analysis indicates that the compactness of systems with LIR>~10^11.25Lsun strongly increases in those classified as mergers in their final stage of interaction. The FEE_13.2um is also related to the contribution of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) to the MIR. Galaxies which are more AGN-dominated are less extended, independently of their LIR. We finally find that the extent of the MIR continuum emission is correlated with the far-IR IRAS log(f_60um/f_100um) color. This enables us to place a lower limit to the area in a galaxy from where the cold dust emission may originate, a prediction which can be tested soon with the Herschel Space Telescope.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A far-infrared spectroscopic survey of intermediate redshift (ultra) luminous infrared galaxies

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    We present Herschel far-IR photometry and spectroscopy as well as ground-based CO observations of an intermediate redshift (0.21 _ z _ 0.88) sample of Herschel-selected (ultra)-luminous infrared galaxies (LIR >1011.5 L_). With these measurements, we trace the dust continuum, far-IR atomic line emission, in particular [C ii] 157.7μm, as well as the molecular gas of z ∼ 0.3 luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs) and perform a detailed investigation of the interstellar medium of the population. We find that the majority of Herschel-selected intermediate redshift (U)LIRGs have LCii/LFIR ratios that are a factor of about 10 higher than that of local ULIRGs and comparable to that of local normal and high-z star-forming galaxies. Using our sample to bridge local and high-z [C ii] observations, we find that the majority of galaxies at all redshifts and all luminosities follow an LCii−LFIR relation with a slope of unity, from which local ULIRGs and high-z active-galactic-nucleus-dominated sources are clear outliers.We also confirm that the strong anti-correlation between the LCii/LFIR ratio and the far-IR color L60/L100 observed in the local universe holds over a broad range of redshifts and luminosities, in the sense that warmer sources exhibit lower LC ii/LFIR at any epoch. Intermediate redshift ULIRGs are also characterized by large molecular gas reservoirs and by lower star formation efficiencies compared to that of local ULIRGs. The high LC ii/LFIR ratios, the moderate star formation efficiencies (LIR/L _COor LIR/MH2 ), and the relatively low dust temperatures of our sample (which are also common characteristics of high-z star-forming galaxies with ULIRG-like luminosities) indicate that the evolution of the physical properties of (U)LIRGs between the present day and z > 1 is already significant by z ∼ 0.3

    NuSTAR discovery of a luminosity dependent cyclotron line energy in Vela X-1

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    We present NuSTAR observations of Vela X-1, a persistent, yet highly variable, neutron star high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB). Two observations were taken at similar orbital phases but separated by nearly a year. They show very different 3–79 keV flux levels as well as strong variability during each observation, covering almost one order of magnitude in flux. These observations allow, for the first time ever, investigations on kilo-second time-scales of how the centroid energies of cyclotron resonant scattering features (CRSFs) depend on flux for a persistent HMXB. We find that the line energy of the harmonic CRSF is correlated with flux, as expected in the sub-critical accretion regime. We argue that Vela X-1 has a very narrow accretion column with a radius of around 0.4 km that sustains a Coulomb interaction dominated shock at the observed luminosities of L_x ~ 3 × 10^36 erg s^−1. Besides the prominent harmonic line at 55 keV the fundamental line around 25 keV is clearly detected. We find that the strengths of the two CRSFs are anti-correlated, which we explain by photon spawning. This anti-correlation is a possible explanation for the debate about the existence of the fundamental line. The ratio of the line energies is variable with time and deviates significantly from 2.0, also a possible consequence of photon spawning, which changes the shape of the line. During the second observation, Vela X-1 showed a short off-state in which the power-law softened and a cut-off was no longer measurable. It is likely that the source switched to a different accretion regime at these low mass accretion rates, explaining the drastic change in spectral shape

    An ultraluminous X-ray source powered by an accreting neutron star.

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    The majority of ultraluminous X-ray sources are point sources that are spatially offset from the nuclei of nearby galaxies and whose X-ray luminosities exceed the theoretical maximum for spherical infall (the Eddington limit) onto stellar-mass black holes. Their X-ray luminosities in the 0.5-10 kiloelectronvolt energy band range from 10(39) to 10(41) ergs per second. Because higher masses imply less extreme ratios of the luminosity to the isotropic Eddington limit, theoretical models have focused on black hole rather than neutron star systems. The most challenging sources to explain are those at the luminous end of the range (more than 10(40) ergs per second), which require black hole masses of 50-100 times the solar value or significant departures from the standard thin disk accretion that powers bright Galactic X-ray binaries, or both. Here we report broadband X-ray observations of the nuclear region of the galaxy M82 that reveal pulsations with an average period of 1.37 seconds and a 2.5-day sinusoidal modulation. The pulsations result from the rotation of a magnetized neutron star, and the modulation arises from its binary orbit. The pulsed flux alone corresponds to an X-ray luminosity in the 3-30 kiloelectronvolt range of 4.9 × 10(39) ergs per second. The pulsating source is spatially coincident with a variable source that can reach an X-ray luminosity in the 0.3-10 kiloelectronvolt range of 1.8 × 10(40) ergs per second. This association implies a luminosity of about 100 times the Eddington limit for a 1.4-solar-mass object, or more than ten times brighter than any known accreting pulsar. This implies that neutron stars may not be rare in the ultraluminous X-ray population, and it challenges physical models for the accretion of matter onto magnetized compact objects