72 research outputs found

    Enhanced steady-state coherence via repeated system-bath interactions

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    The appearance of steady-state coherence (SSC) from system-bath interaction proves that quantum effects can appear without an external drive. Such SSC could become a resource to demonstrate quantum advantage in the applications. We predict the generation of SSC if the target system repeatedly interacts with independent and non-correlated bath elements. To describe their behavior, we use the collision model approach of system-bath interaction, where the system interacts with one bath element (initially in an incoherent state) at a time, asymptotically (in the fast-collision regime) mimicking a macroscopic Markovian bath coupled to the target system. Therefore, the SSC qualitatively appears to be the same as if the continuous Markovian bath would be used. We confirm that the presence of composite system-bath interactions under the rotating-wave approximation (RWA) is the necessary condition for the generation of SSC using thermal resources in collision models. Remarkably, we show that SSC substantially increases if the target system interacts collectively with more than one bath element at a time. Already few bath elements collectively interacting with the target system are sufficient to increase SSC at non-zero temperatures at the cost of tolerable lowering the final state purity. From the thermodynamic perspective, the SSC generation in our collision models is inevitably linked to a non zero power input (and thus heat dissipated to the bath) necessary to reach the steady-state, although such energetic cost can be lower compared to cases relying on SSC non generating interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. Updated references. We have extended previous sections and added the thermodynamic cost for generating SS

    Clinical and imaging selection criteria treating lumbar disc herniations by oxygen-ozone therapy, corticosteroid and local anaesthetic.

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    Radicular lumbar back pain is an important public health problem not already provided with a unequivocal treatment approach. Medical and physical therapies represent the first solution, however when these are not successful, the second therapeutic step is still controversial and mini-invasive treatment may play an important role. In these cases oxygen-ozone therapy has been proved to be a very safe and effective option that is widely used with different modalities. This paper, by reviewing oxygen-ozone therapy literature data, aims to propose an effective procedural technique and to clarify patient's selection criteria; furthermore complications and follow-up management are also considered


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    Since the twentieth century, planned and perceived obsolescence have become tools capable of reducing the useful life of electronics products consumer. This reduction causes an increase in the volume of waste that, consequently, generates negative environmental impacts. Because of this problem, this work aims to understand the way in which planned and perceived obsolescence are related to the disposal of a type of electro-electronic device: the cell phone. In order to achieve this objective, an applied, descriptive and qualitative-quantitative research was carried out, having as technical procedure the documentary analysis and the survey whose questionnaire application obtained 596 respondents. The results indicate characteristics of the behavior of the consumer, in relation to the time since the last exchange, as well as the destination given to the last appliance. Finally, reflections on planned and perceived obsolescence are carried out in order to continue the accumulation of scientific and managerial knowledge about these typical tools of the current economic system.Desde el siglo veinte las obsolescencias programadas y percibidas figuran como herramientas capaces de reducir la vida útil de los productos electroelectrónicos. Esta reducción ocasiona aumento en el volumen de residuos que consecuentemente, genera impactos ambientales negativos. Ante esta problemática, este trabajo tiene por objetivo comprender la forma en que la obsolescencia programada y percibida está relacionada al descarte de un tipo de electroelectrónico: el aparato celular. Para el cumplimiento de tal objetivo, se realizó una investigación aplicada, descriptiva y cualita cuantitativa, teniendo como procedimiento técnico el análisis documental y el survey cuya aplicación de cuestionario obtuvo 596 respondedores. Los resultados indican características del comportamiento del consumidor, con relación al tiempo desde el último cambio, así como el destino dado al último aparato. Por último, se realizan reflexiones sobre obsolescencia programada y percibida con el fin de proseguir en la acumulación de conocimiento científico y gerencial respecto a estas herramientas típicas del sistema económico vigente.Desde o século XX as obsolescências programada e percebida figuram como ferramentas capazes de reduzir a vida útil de produtos eletroeletrônicos. Esta redução ocasiona aumento no volume de resíduos que consequentemente, gera impactos ambientais negativos. Diante desta problemática, este trabalho tem por objetivo compreender a forma com que a obsolescência programada e percebida estão relacionadas ao descarte de um tipo de eletroeletrônico: o aparelho celular. Para o cumprimento de tal objetivo, realizou-se uma pesquisa aplicada, descritiva e quali-quantitativa, tendo como procedimento técnico a análise documental e o survey cuja amostra deu-se por 596 respondentes. Os resultados indicam características do comportamento do consumidor, com relação ao tempo desde a última troca, assim como a destinação dada ao último aparelho. Por fim, são realizadas reflexões sobre obsolescência programada e percebida no intuito de prosseguir no acúmulo de conhecimento científico e gerencial a respeito destas ferramentas típicas do sistema econômico vigente.DOI: 10.53706/gep.v.21.588

    Two groups of red giants with distinct chemical abundances in the bulge globular cluster NGC 6553 through the eyes of APOGEE

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    Multiple populations revealed in globular clusters (GCs) are important windows to the formation and evolution of these stellar systems. The metal-rich GCs in the Galactic bulge are an indispensable part of this picture, but the high optical extinction in this region has prevented extensive research. In this work, we use the high-resolution near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic data from Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) to study the chemical abundances of NGC 6553, which is one of the most metal-rich bulge GCs. We identify 10 red giants as cluster members using their positions, radial velocities, iron abundances, and NIR photometry. Our sample stars show a mean radial velocity of −0.14 ± 5.47 km s−1, and a mean [Fe/H] of −0.15 ± 0.05. We clearly separate two populations of stars in C and N in this GC for the first time. NGC 6553 is the most metal-rich GC where the multiple stellar population phenomenon is found until now. Substantial chemical variations are also found in Na, O, and Al. However, the two populations show similar Si, Ca, and iron-peak element abundances. Therefore, we infer that the CNO, NeNa, and MgAl cycles have been activated, but the MgAl cycle is too weak to show its effect on Mg. Type Ia and Type II supernovae do not seem to have significantly polluted the second generation stars. Comparing with other GC studies, NGC 6553 shows similar chemical variations as other relatively metal-rich GCs. We also confront current GC formation theories with our results, and suggest possible avenues for improvement in the models


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    O uso de líquidos iônicos e irradiação micro-ondas como desemulsificante de emulsões de petróleo tipo água/óleo representa um novo campo de estudo. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o efeito do par líquido iônico/etanol no processo de desemulsificação de emulsões de petróleo pesado via micro-ondas. Os resultados indicam a seleção de um solvente adequado pode facilitar a mistura do líquido iônico no petróleo bruto, produzindo melhores resultados de desemulsificação em menores concentrações

    Programa Práticas Educativas em Segurança dos Alimentos na Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira (CUASO-USP)

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    In 2008 the University of São Paulo (USP) hosted the Public Space Permanent Forumfirst edition that brought the topic ‘safety of food sold on campus’ as one of the USP community interest topics. In 2010 the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP structured the Educational Practices in Food Safety Program, an integrated work with the USP Capital Campus Hall. Until the half of 2012 the Program has identified and registered 53 food sale points on campus, which sell approximately 40,250 meals, 11,580 sandwiches and 23,000 snacks and pastries each month. These establishments have gone through an initial assessment of good practice by the end of 2011 and are on the second phase of evaluation and technical guidance to correct noncompliance. In addition to technical visits for evaluation of good practices, the Program promotes technical meetings with the campus food traders and Technical Training Meetings of the Task Force. The program is a totally new initiative proposed in the University City Armando de Salles Oliveira, absent from other campi and other Brazilian universities and represents to undergraduates and graduate students an innovative space for direct contact with concrete realities, skills development and application of knowledge on the interaction of academic and popular knowledge.Em 2008 a Universidade de São Paulo (USP) sediou a primeira edição do Fórum Permanentesobre Espaço Público que trouxe como um dos temas de interesse da comunidadeUSP a “segurança dos alimentos comercializados no campus”. Em 2010 a Faculdade de MedicinaVeterinária e Zootecnia da USP estruturou o Programa Práticas Educativas em Segurançados Alimentos (PESA), trabalho integrado à Prefeitura do Campus da Universidadede São Paulo, na capital. Até o primeiro semestre de 2012, o Programa PESA identificou ecadastrou 53 pontos de venda de alimentos no campus, os quais comercializam, a cada mês,cerca de 40250 refeições, 11580 lanches e 23 mil salgados e pastéis. Esses estabelecimentosjá passaram por uma primeira avaliação de boas práticas até o final de 2011 e se encontramna segunda fase de avaliação e orientação técnica para a correção de não conformidades.Além de visitas técnicas de avaliação de boas práticas, o Programa PESA promove ReuniõesTécnicas com os comerciantes de alimentos do campus e Encontros Técnicos de Formaçãoda Equipe de Trabalho. O programa é uma iniciativa com proposta totalmente inovadorana Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira, inexistente em outros campi e em outrasuniversidades brasileiras e representa para graduandos e pós-graduandos um inovadorespaço de contato direto com realidades concretas, de desenvolvimento de habilidades ede aplicação de conhecimentos numa interação de saberes acadêmicos e populares

    Validation of the Subjective Handicap of Epilepsy (SHE) in Brazilian patients with epilepsy

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    The objectives of the study were to translate and adapt the Subjective Handicap of Epilepsy (SHE) instrument to Brazilian Portuguese and to determine its psychometric properties for the evaluation of quality of life in patients with epilepsy. A sample of 448 adult patients with epilepsy with different clinical profiles (investigation, preoperative period, postoperative period, and drug treatment follow-up) was evaluated with the SHE and the Epilepsy Surgery Inventory (ESI-55). Exploratory factorial analysis demonstrated that four factors explained 60.47% of the variance and were sensitive to discriminate the different clinical groups, with the preoperative group having the poorest quality of life. Internal consistency ranged from 0.92 to 0.96, and concurrent validity with the ESI-55 was moderate/strong (0.32-0.70). Test-retest reliability was confirmed, with an ICC value of 0.54 (2 days), 0.91 (7 days), and 0.97 (30 days). The SHE had satisfactory psychometric qualities for use in the Brazilian population, similar to those of the original version. The instrument seems to be more adequate in psychometric terms for the postoperative and drug treatment follow-up groups, and its use should be encouraged. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved