108 research outputs found

    An Ultrasoft X-ray Flare from 3XMM J152130.7+074916: a Tidal Disruption Event Candidate

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    We report on the discovery of an ultrasoft X-ray transient source, 3XMM J152130.7+074916. It was serendipitously detected in an XMM-Newton observation on 2000 August 23, and its location is consistent with the center of the galaxy SDSS J152130.72+074916.5 (z=0.17901 and d_L=866 Mpc). The high-quality X-ray spectrum can be fitted with a thermal disk with an apparent inner disk temperature of 0.17 keV and a rest-frame 0.24-11.8 keV unabsorbed luminosity of ~5e43 erg/s, subject to a fast-moving warm absorber. Short-term variability was also clearly observed, with the spectrum being softer at lower flux. The source was covered but not detected in a Chandra observation on 2000 April 3, a Swift observation on 2005 September 10, and a second XMM-Newton observation on 2014 January 19, implying a large variability (>260) of the X-ray flux. The optical spectrum of the candidate host galaxy, taken ~11 yrs after the XMM-Newton detection, shows no sign of nuclear activity. This, combined with its transient and ultrasoft properties, leads us to explain the source as tidal disruption of a star by the supermassive black hole in the galactic center. We attribute the fast-moving warm absorber detected in the first XMM-Newton observation to the super-Eddington outflow associated with the event and the short-term variability to a disk instability that caused fast change of the inner disk radius at a constant mass accretion rate.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. ApJ, in pres

    A Huge Drop in X-ray Luminosity of the Non-Active Galaxy RXJ1242.6-1119A, and First Post-Flare Spectrum - Testing the Tidal Disruption Scenario

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    It has been suggested that an unavoidable consequence of the existence of supermassive black holes, and the best diagnostic of their presence in non-active galaxies, would be occasional tidal disruption of stars captured by the black holes. These events manifest themselves in form of luminous flares powered by accretion of debris from the disrupted star into the black hole. Candidate events among optically non-active galaxies emerged in the past few years. For the first time, we have looked with high spatial and spectral resolution at one of these most extreme variability events ever recorded among galaxies. Here, we report measuring a factor ~200 drop in luminosity of the X-ray source RXJ 1242-1119 with the X-ray observatories Chandra and XMM-Newton, and perform key tests of the favored outburst scenario, tidal disruption of a star by a supermassive black hole. We show that the detected `low-state' emission has properties such that it must still be related to the flare. The power-law shaped post-flare X-ray spectrum indicates a `hardening' compared to outburst. The inferred black hole mass, the amount of liberated energy, and the duration of the event favor an accretion event of the form expected from the (partial or complete) tidal disruption of a star (abstract abbreviated).Comment: to appear in March 1 issue of ApJ Letters (submitted Nov. 10, accepted in Dec. 2003); background information available at http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/~skomossa

    Jet Breaks in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts. I: The Uncollimated Afterglow of GRB 050724

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    We report the results of the \chandra observations of the \swift-discovered short Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 050724. \chandra observed this burst twice, about two days after the burst and a second time three weeks later. The first \chandra pointing occurred at the end of a strong late-time flare. About 150 photons were detected during this 49.3 ks observation in the 0.4-10.0 keV range. The spectral fit is in good agreement with spectral analysis of earlier \swift XRT data. In the second \chandra pointing the afterglow was clearly detected with 8 background-subtracted photons in 44.6 ks. From the combined \swift XRT and \chandra-ACIS-S light curve we find significant flaring superposed on an underlying power-law decay slope of α\alpha=0.980.09+0.11^{+0.11}_{-0.09}. There is no evidence for a break between about 1 ks after the burst and the last \chandra pointing about three weeks after the burst. The non-detection of a jet break places a lower limit of 25^{\circ} on the jet opening angle, indicating that the outflow is less strongly collimated than most previously-reported long GRBs. This implies that the beaming corrected energy of GRB 050724 is at least 4×10494\times 10^{49} ergs.Comment: 7 pages, ApJ acceped, scheduled for December 20, 2006, ApJ, 65

    Interkulturelle Begegnung als existentielles Risiko: Ästhetische, historische und gesellschaftliche Aspekte musikalischer Globalisierung

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    The panel discussion first focuses on the obvious gap between a relatively optimistic perspective on musical globalisation, mainly in view of non-Western popular musics, as a main trend in today’s ethnomusicology and the description of intercultural musical encounter as a difficult, lengthy and self-challenging process as suggested by Hans Zender and most examples from contemporary art music. Gerd Grupe emphasizes that non-Western popular musics include both forms that even out cultural differences by following Western commercial standards and, contrarily, forms that are highly dependent on local lingual or musical codes and thus cannot be transferred to an international realm. To illustrate the »existential« approach of art music composers, Zender quotes the case of Giacinto Scelsi whose music has received a profound influence from Tibetan music. Zender emphasizes that Scelsi has created – after a long period of crisis – a »Third Way« that can be understood from neither a purely European, nor a purely Tibetan perspective. The discussion then centres on the question of which influence Western concepts of history and the dynamics of »progress« have exerted on different traditional and contemporary forms of the world’s musics and to what extent the post-colonial polarisation of a »dynamic« Western culture and »static« non-Western cultures is still virulent in the discussion of these musics today. While Christian Utz emphasizes that many non-Western traditions that were deemed to have been preserved unchanged for many centuries for example the Japanese court music gagaku – have in fact changed considerably over the centuries and have been highly influenced by political and social changes, Peter Revers traces the idea of »making history« back to Friedrich Schlegel and describes it as very influential on the dynamics of Western music history. Andreas Dorschel raises the question, if early 20th century »national« schools and in particular the music of Béla Bartók and Leoš Janáek can be seen as forerunners of trends in non-Western contemporary music that accentuate cultural difference. Christian Utz remarks that despite the fact that the music of Bartók has been a very important model for Asian composers in the process of creating a music independent of Romanticist symphonic clichés, elements of (neo-)nationalism in Bartók’s concept of music make it hard to see it as a model for a new music free of nationalist bias. Responding to a question from the audience, Andreas Dorschel summarizes that turning to music or art of other cultures might indeed be a signal for »weak« moments within a culture, but in turn this »weakness« proves the inner strength to challenge one’s own culture’s fundamental principles whereas discrimination and xenophobia are based on a very different kind of inner weakness where one is merely unable or unwilling to confront the Other

    Swift Observations of GRB 050603: An afterglow with a steep late time decay slope

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    We report the results of Swift observations of the Gamma Ray Burst GRB 050603. With a V magnitude V=18.2 about 10 hours after the burst the optical afterglow was the brightest so far detected by Swift and one of the brightest optical afterglows ever seen. The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) light curves show three fast-rise-exponential-decay spikes with T90T_{90}=12s and a fluence of 7.6×106\times 10^{-6} ergs cm2^{-2} in the 15-150 keV band. With an Eγ,iso=1.26×1054E_{\rm \gamma, iso} = 1.26 \times 10^{54} ergs it was also one of the most energetic bursts of all times. The Swift spacecraft began observing of the afterglow with the narrow-field instruments about 10 hours after the detection of the burst. The burst was bright enough to be detected by the Swift UV/Optical telescope (UVOT) for almost 3 days and by the X-ray Telescope (XRT) for a week after the burst. The X-ray light curve shows a rapidly fading afterglow with a decay index α\alpha=1.760.07+0.15^{+0.15}_{-0.07}. The X-ray energy spectral index was βX\beta_{\rm X}=0.71\plm0.10 with the column density in agreement with the Galactic value. The spectral analysis does not show an obvious change in the X-ray spectral slope over time. The optical UVOT light curve decays with a slope of α\alpha=1.8\plm0.2. The steepness and the similarity of the optical and X-ray decay rates suggest that the afterglow was observed after the jet break. We estimate a jet opening angle of about 1-2^{\circ}Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Redshift Filtering by Swift Apparent X-ray Column Density

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    We remark on the utility of an observational relation between the absorption column density in excess of the Galactic absorption column density, ΔNH=NH,fitNH,gal\Delta N_{\rm H} = N_{\rm H, fit} - N_{\rm H, gal}, and redshift, z, determined from all 55 Swift-observed long bursts with spectroscopic redshifts as of 2006 December. The absorption column densities, NH,fitN_{\rm H, fit}, are determined from powerlaw fits to the X-ray spectra with the absorption column density left as a free parameter. We find that higher excess absorption column densities with ΔNH>2×1021\Delta N_{\rm H} > 2\times 10^{21} cm2^{-2} are only present in bursts with redshifts z<<2. Low absorption column densities with ΔNH<1×1021\Delta N_{\rm H} < 1\times 10^{21} cm2^{-2} appear preferentially in high-redshift bursts. Our interpretation is that this relation between redshift and excess column density is an observational effect resulting from the shift of the source rest-frame energy range below 1 keV out of the XRT observable energy range for high redshift bursts. We found a clear anti-correlation between ΔNH\Delta N_{\rm H} and z that can be used to estimate the range of the maximum redshift of an afterglow. A critical application of our finding is that rapid X-ray observations can be used to optimize the instrumentation used for ground-based optical/NIR follow-up observations. Ground-based spectroscopic redshift measurements of as many bursts as possible are crucial for GRB science.Comment: revised version including updates and the referee's comments, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, 12 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables - v3 contains an update on the reference lis

    PTF10iya: A short-lived, luminous flare from the nuclear region of a star-forming galaxy

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    We present the discovery and characterisation of PTF10iya, a short-lived (dt ~ 10 d, with an optical decay rate of ~ 0.3 mag per d), luminous (M_g ~ -21 mag) transient source found by the Palomar Transient Factory. The ultraviolet/optical spectral energy distribution is reasonably well fit by a blackbody with T ~ 1-2 x 10^4 K and peak bolometric luminosity L_BB ~ 1-5 x 10^44 erg per s (depending on the details of the extinction correction). A comparable amount of energy is radiated in the X-ray band that appears to result from a distinct physical process. The location of PTF10iya is consistent with the nucleus of a star-forming galaxy (z = 0.22405 +/- 0.00006) to within 350 mas (99.7 per cent confidence radius), or a projected distance of less than 1.2 kpc. At first glance, these properties appear reminiscent of the characteristic "big blue bump" seen in the near-ultraviolet spectra of many active galactic nuclei (AGNs). However, emission-line diagnostics of the host galaxy, along with a historical light curve extending back to 2007, show no evidence for AGN-like activity. We therefore consider whether the tidal disruption of a star by an otherwise quiescent supermassive black hole may account for our observations. Though with limited temporal information, PTF10iya appears broadly consistent with the predictions for the early "super-Eddington" phase of a solar-type star disrupted by a ~ 10^7 M_sun black hole. Regardless of the precise physical origin of the accreting material, the large luminosity and short duration suggest that otherwise quiescent galaxies can transition extremely rapidly to radiate near the Eddington limit; many such outbursts may have been missed by previous surveys lacking sufficient cadence.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; revised following referee's comment

    VAST: An ASKAP Survey for Variables and Slow Transients

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    The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) will give us an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the transient sky at radio wavelengths. In this paper we present VAST, an ASKAP survey for Variables and Slow Transients. VAST will exploit the wide-field survey capabilities of ASKAP to enable the discovery and investigation of variable and transient phenomena from the local to the cosmological, including flare stars, intermittent pulsars, X-ray binaries, magnetars, extreme scattering events, interstellar scintillation, radio supernovae and orphan afterglows of gamma ray bursts. In addition, it will allow us to probe unexplored regions of parameter space where new classes of transient sources may be detected. In this paper we review the known radio transient and variable populations and the current results from blind radio surveys. We outline a comprehensive program based on a multi-tiered survey strategy to characterise the radio transient sky through detection and monitoring of transient and variable sources on the ASKAP imaging timescales of five seconds and greater. We also present an analysis of the expected source populations that we will be able to detect with VAST.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. Submitted for publication in Pub. Astron. Soc. Australi