35 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal patterns of sea surface chlorophyll concentration and environmental forcing in the southern European Atlantic

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    Phytoplankton biomass dynamic integrates information about the characteristics of the pelagic ecosystem. Temporal and spatial patterns respond to physical processes. Also, phytoplankton abundance and its temporal dynamic largely determine the structure and dynamics of the food web. The southern European Atlantic (48 ºN – 36 ºS) presents differences in continental margin orientation, upwelling intensity, river runoff, a semi-enclosed oceanic domain (Bay of Biscay), and open oceanic waters to the west. Sea surface chlorophyll concentration (SSChl) monthly averages (from satellites) from 1998 to 2012 were analysed at 4x4 km resolution by Empirical Orthogonal Functions. The study area was regionalized according to rotated EOFs and temporal modes were used to resume the SSChl temporal variability in each region. The environmental forcing of temporal modes was analysed against environmental variables by means of Canonical Correspondence Analysis. More than 50% of the variability in oceanic regions was captured by the seasonal signal, with differences in the timing of the spring bloom and with the shape of the seasonal signal related with the latitudinal gradient and the ‘stagnation effect’ of the Bay of Biscay. In French and western Iberian shelves seasonality represented 50%. The difference between shelf and oceanic regions was due to mesoscale processes in shelf areas; i.e. river runoff in the French shelf and coastal upwelling in the western Iberian shelf. Shelf mesoscale processes impose short frequency variability on to the seasonal cycle and increase SSChl levels. The influence that these patterns of spatial and temporal dynamics have on the structure and dynamics of the rest of the food web can be perceived on the spatial patterns of fisheries catches

    Soil moisture-Temperature Coupling: A multiscale observational Analysis

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    [1] Land-atmospheric interactions are complex and variable in space and time. On average soil moisture-temperature coupling is expected to be stronger in transition zones between wet and dry climates. During heatwaves anomalously high coupling may be found in areas of soil moisture deficit and high atmospheric demand of water. Here a new approach is applied to satellite andin situobservations towards the characterization of regions of intense soil moisture-temperature coupling, both in terms of climatology and anomalies during heatwaves. The resulting average summertime couplinghot spotsreflect intermediate climatic regions in agreement with previous studies. Results at heatwave-scale suggest a minor role of soil moisture deficit during the heatwave of 2006 in California but an important one in the 2003 event in Western Europe. Progress towards near-real time satellite products may allow the application of the approach to aid prediction and management of warm extremes

    Future Atmospheric Rivers and Impacts on Precipitation: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 High‐Resolution Global Warming Experiment

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    Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are long, narrow synoptic scale weather features important for Earth’s hydrological cycle typically transporting water vapor poleward, delivering precipitation important for local climates. Understanding ARs in a warming climate is problematic because the AR response to climate change is tied to how the feature is defined. The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) provides insights into this problem by comparing 16 atmospheric river detection tools (ARDTs) to a common data set consisting of high resolution climate change simulations from a global atmospheric general circulation model. ARDTs mostly show increases in frequency and intensity, but the scale of the response is largely dependent on algorithmic criteria. Across ARDTs, bulk characteristics suggest intensity and spatial footprint are inversely correlated, and most focus regions experience increases in precipitation volume coming from extreme ARs. The spread of the AR precipitation response under climate change is large and dependent on ARDT selection

    2009: North Pacific cyclonic and anticyclonic transients in a global warming context: Possible consequences for Western North American daily precipitation and temperature extremes

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    Abstract Trajectories of surface cyclones and anticyclones were constructed using an automated scheme by tracking local minima and maxima of mean daily sea level pressure data in the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and the Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques coupled global climate Model (CNRM-CM3) SRES A2 integration. Mid-latitude lows and highs traveling in the North Pacific were tracked and daily frequencies were gridded. Transient activity in the CNRM-CM3 historical simulation was validated against reanalysis. The GCM correctly reproduces winter trajectories as well as mean geographical distributions of cyclones and anticyclones over the North Pacific in spite of a general under-estimation of cyclones' frequency. On inter-annual time scales, frequencies of cyclones and anticyclones vary in accordance with the Aleutian Low (AL) strength. When the AL is stronger (weaker), cyclones are more (less) numerous over the central and eastern North Pacific, while anticyclones are significantly less (more) numerous over this region. The action of transient cyclones and anticyclones over the central and eastern North Pacific determines seasonal climate over the West Coast of North America, and specifically, winter weather over California. Relationships between winter cyclone/anticyclone behavior and daily precipitation/cold temperature extremes over Western North America (the West) were examined and yielded two simple indices summarizing North Pacific transient activity relevant to regional climates. These indices are strongly related to the observed inter-annual variability of daily precipitation and cold temperature extremes over the West as well as to large scale seasonally averaged near surface climate conditions (e.g., air temperature at 2 m and wind at 10 m). In fact, they represent the synoptic links that accomplish the teleconnections. Comparison of patterns derived from NCEP-NCAR and CNRM-CM3 revealed that the model reproduces links between cyclone/anticyclone frequencies over the Northeastern Pacific and extra-tropical climate conditions but is deficient in relation to tropical climate variability. The connections between these synoptic indices and Western weather are well reproduced by the model. Under advanced global warming conditions, that is, the last half of the century, the model predicts a significant reduction of cyclonic transients throughout the mid-latitude North Pacific with the exception of the far northern and northeastern domains. Anticyclonic transients respond somewhat more regionally but consistently to strong greenhouse forcing, with notably fewer anticyclones over the Okhotsk/Kamchatka sector and generally more anticyclones in the Northeastern Pacific. These modifications of synoptic weather result in regional feedbacks, that is, regional synoptic alterations of the anthropogenic warming signal around the North Pacific. In the eastern Pacific, for example, synoptic feedbacks, having to do especially with the northward shift of the eastern Pacific storm-track (responding, in turn, to a weaker equator-to-pole temperature gradient), are favorable to more anticyclonic conditions off the American mid-latitude west coast and more cyclonic conditions at higher latitudes. These circulation feedbacks further reduce the equator-to-pole A. Favr