32 research outputs found

    Integration of technical knowledge as a way of forming of professional competence of students of technical university

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    The article describes ways and methods of improving the quality of graduation in Oil and Gas Engineering by means of implementation of the competence building approach within the modernization of the content of professional education. The article proves the expediency of use of the activity approach in formation of professional competence of students of technical University and the experience of implementing this approach. The author emphasizes the importance of the discipline of mathematics in its function as the basis of professional education and pays special attention to the determination of the types of competences and the formation of general professional skills of bachelors. The article deals with the basic concepts of the «task» and the author's understanding of the term «task». The author presented the experience of the development of practice - oriented tasks for students of technical University. The article also considers the experience of implementation of this technology at studying mathematics at the Petroleum Technological University in compliance with the requirements of the third generation standards. The technology of professional competences formation is offered. Special attention is paid to the technology of formation of professional competence of students of technical University. In this article, stages of organization of the study process at implementation of the technology of the problem-based approach in the education are provided. Specific examples are considered methods of organizing the formation of professional competences. The author reveals the subject matter of a mathematical problem in its function as the basic means of competence formation with the students of technical higher education institutions shows the relevance of treatment in learning process task approach and suggests specific methodology for forming key competences through solving technological problems

    The University and City Images for Migration of Nonresident Students: a Regional Case

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    The global digital transformation of the economy requires a new look at the information basis for making managerial decisions on the problem of uneven distribution of universities across Russian regions. It involves the creation of a data bank on key issues of Russian higher education. One of these indicators may be the subjective reasons for the attractiveness of territories for applicants/students/graduates in terms of the significance of images of the university and city of study, as well as factors influencing educational migration. The goal is to show, using the example of a separate case, the role played by the images of the university and the city in the choice of a university, adaptation and postgraduate migration of students from other cities (coming from Russian cities and villages). The theoretical framework of the study is built by synthesizing the theories of “spirals” about the third function of higher education, and the theory of the image of the territory in relation to educational migration. The analysis involves statistical data on the socio-economic situation in Russian regions that attract educational migrants, and the results of a survey of out-of-town students of Kazan Federal University.The study found that both the university and the city are equally important bases for educational strategies for the majority of applicants. During their studies, they, like those who came to study only because of the university or just because of the city, consolidate the image of Kazan as a student territory with rich infrastructure and quality life, a sense of belonging to the capital of Tatarstan, positive assessments and a desire to recommend it to friends for moving. However, the reasons for educational migration and the perception of Kazan do not affect the postgraduate plans of students. Regions that are able to attract applicants and retain students after graduation – Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk regions – benefit from Tatarstan due to the fact that they offer more favorable living conditions and a larger range of offers on the market work for young professionals.The practical significance of the work lies in the position on the importance of combining the policies of shaping the images of the university and the city, not only to attract talented youth, but also to improve the third mission of Russian universities in terms of their inclusion in the development of urban activities among students, the use of the intellectual potential of higher education for socio-economic development of territories

    Method nomogram hydrocarbon resource base

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    На примере нефтяных и газовых объектов в пределах территории Татарстана и Башкортостана рассмотрены результаты, проведенные методом номограмм для определения эффективности ресурсной базы углеводородного сырья от геолого-промысловых исследований.On the example of oil and gas, facilities within the territory of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan reviewed the results conducted by the nomogram for determining the efficiency of the hydrocarbon resource base of geological field research

    Spurious correlation

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    В статье рассматривается явление ложной корреляции на примере изменения стоимости дизельного топлива и температуры воздуха в определенный момент времени. Просматривается зависимость изменения стоимости литра топлива от температуры воздуха в период времени с 28 января по 10 февраля 2014 года. В результате расчетов выявлена статистическая зависимость между стоимостью топлива и температуры воздуха.This article discusses the phenomenon of false correlations as an example of changes in value of diesel fuel and the air temperature at a certain time. Browsing the dependence of the cost of a liter of fuel to air temperature in the period from January 28 to February 10, 2014. The calculations revealed a statistical relationship between the cost of fuel and air temperature

    Comparative associative analysis of the meanings of the Tatar and English linguistic cultures (on the example of the Lexemes Gaila and family)

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    The term "association" has gained extreme popularity in classical empirical psychology of consciousness by V. Vundt and became an integral part of our life. One word incentive may contain hundreds of thousands of words reactions resulting from the fact that each certain individual has associations with this or that word, it depends also on the environment, nationality in which countries the individual lives and his way of life, outlook etc. In this work we earned out the analysis of results of a free associative expenment on words incentives qaila (family) and family among speakers Tatar and English languages. The choice of these concepts was caused by the fact that the family represents one of the most important values of each individual. In most cases the person is born in a family, grows in it, receives education, to study, lives in a circle of relatives, despite a growing and temporary separation of people finds a family again, thus and during all life of people is connected with a family. Therefore the institute of a family is the major public institute at which the personality with all her individual qualities causing cultural, psychological and social adaptation of the person in specific linguacultural communities created. Entering cross-cultural communication with representatives of other sociocultural space, people estimate them from the point of view of those values and stereotypes which apprehended in own culture, first of all, in a family. Family values and stereotypes, being pledged in the childhood, are determining, though are exposed to changes throughout life. Relevance of our research is caused by the fact that in this article results of an associative experiment on words incentives are analyzed gaila both family in the Tatar and English languages. Such comparative studying of results of an associative experiment I gave the chance to reveal as common features of both people in understanding of value "family", and to find distinctions between their cultures, values and national peculiarities

    Associative experiment is an effective method of research of the national character (on the material of tatar and Russian liguistic cultures)

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    In article is considered one of productive methods of research of national character - associative experiment. On example of results of free associative experiment for words-stimulus tui and svadba (wedding) among native speakers of Tatar and Russian languages authors reflected the hierarchy of values and preferences of bearers of these linguistic cultures. Choice of the weddding concept is stipulated by the fact that the wedding is an integral element of culture of any nation, in this conception find their reminiscences of superstitions and pagan ritualism, speculations about a man, family, children, continuity of generations and sense of existence. In life of Turkic people tui (wedding), beside all said above is a concept that fixes transient stages of human life cycle, and only them have three weddings of life - gomernen üch tue: bebi tue (literary, the wedding of a baby), yashlek tue (literary, the wedding of a youth), keshe gomerenen songy tue (literary, the last wedding in a man's life), that are symbolizing birth, marriage and ritual of farewell ceremony of paying the last respects. This peculiarity of Tatar language consciousness is clearly detected at comparison study that also allowed us to detect that in Tatar nation consciousness the lexical unit tui is characterized by larger index of metaphoric diffuseness, dynamics of development and nominative density, than svadba in language picture of Russian nation, for example, baka tue (literary, wedding of frogs), unish tue (literally, harvest wedding), xezmet tue (literary, wedding of labor) etc. Presence of answers like üi tue (literary, wedding of the house), saban tue (literary, wedding of the meadow) in native speakers of Tatar language points at such additional sense shade in understanding of lexical unit tui, as ceremonial event. With regard of peculiarities of Russian language consciousness, on the assumption of the fact of higher frequency of joy (4.8% of Russian speaking respondents and 1.7% of Tatar speaking respondents) and happiness (8% and 2%) reactions among questioned of Russian nationality can be made a conclusion about more emotional perception of lexical unit svadba by Russians. One more defining feature of Russian perception of lexical unit svadba is its close connection with such concepts as marriage and wedlock. Associative experiment allowed to disclose connotation emotionally and value loaded component of meaning of lexical units tui and svadba, detect conceptions and notations, most substantial for language consciousness of Tatar and Russian nations

    O lexema das roupas e dos toucados na lingvocultura tártara (sobre o material da diluição de M. Galau «Mut» e «Mukhadjiri»)

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    The article systematized the scientific literature on the history of the Tatar costume study. Such concepts as Tatar classical traditional and Tatar traditional costumes are used as a scientific apparatus. The work is the study of the costume detail functioning in the dilogy by Mahmut Galyau "Mut" ("Болганчык еллар") and "Muhajirs" ("Мөхәҗирләр"). The prospects of the Tatar costume study were proved based on the material of historical novels. "The language of the costume" is represented in the depiction of the hero social position, serves as the means of psychological characterization, allows a reader to form a reliable idea about the everyday life of the epoch. During the study they revealed that the Tatar clothing of the dilogy heroes included a shirt, trousers, a camisole, a kazakin, a jilan, a chaplet, a fur coat, three-lap fur coats, a sheepskin coat, trousers, a beshmet, ichigi, kavushi, shoes, caps, tuqyah, skullcaps. Some Mahmut Galyau's heroes are dressed in European costume. Clothing acts as a confessional marker in the dilogy. The following layers are represented in the vocabulary of clothing and hats, which are presented in the novel: 1) Common Türkic vocabulary; 2) the names of clothes and headgear, formed and used only in Tatar language; 3) borrowings.El artículo sistematizó la literatura científica sobre la historia del estudio del traje tártaro. Conceptos tales como los trajes clásicos tradicionales tártaros y los trajes típicos tártaros se utilizan como un aparato científico. El trabajo es el estudio del detalle del disfraz que funciona en la dilogía de Mahmut Galyau "Mut" ("Болганчык еллар") y "Muhajirs" ("Мөхәҗирләр"). Las perspectivas del estudio del traje tártaro se probaron en base al material de las novelas históricas. "El lenguaje del traje" está representado en la representación de la posición social del héroe, sirve como medio de caracterización psicológica, permite que el lector forme una idea confiable sobre la vida cotidiana de la época. Durante el estudio revelaron que la vestimenta tártara de los héroes dilogy incluía una camisa, un pantalón, una camisola, un kazakin, un jilan, una capucha, un abrigo de pieles, abrigos de pieles de tres vueltas, un abrigo de piel de oveja, pantalones, un beshmet, ichigi, kavushi, zapatos, gorras, tuqyah, calaveras. Algunos héroes de Mahmut Galyau están vestidos con trajes europeos. La ropa actúa como un marcador confesional en la dilogia. Las siguientes capas están representadas en el vocabulario de ropa y sombreros, que se presentan en la novela: 1) vocabulario común de Türk; 2) los nombres de ropa y artículos de sombrerería, formados y usados solo en lengua tártara; 3) préstamos.O artigo sistematizou a literatura científica sobre a história do estudo de costumes tártaros. Conceitos como trajes tradicionais tradicionais tártaros e tradicionais tártaros são usados como um aparato científico. O trabalho é o estudo do detalhe do traje que funciona na diluição por Mahmut Galyau "Mut" ("Болганчык еллар") e "Muhajirs" ("Мөхәҗирләр"). As perspectivas do estudo de costumes tártaros foram comprovadas com base no material de romances históricos. "A linguagem da fantasia" é representada na representação da posição social do herói, serve como meio de caracterização psicológica, permite ao leitor formar uma ideia confiável sobre a vida cotidiana da época. Durante o estudo, eles revelaram que as roupas tártaras dos heróis dilatistas incluíam uma camisa, calças, uma camisola, um kazakin, um jilan, um grinalda, um casaco de pele, casacos de pele de três voltas, um casaco de pele de carneiro, calças, um beshmet. ichigi, kavushi, sapatos, bonés, tuqyah, calotas cranianas. Alguns heróis de Mahmut Galyau estão vestidos com trajes europeus. A roupa age como um marcador confessional no dilogo. As seguintes camadas estão representadas no vocabulário de roupas e chapéus, que são apresentados no romance: 1) Vocabulário Türkic comum; 2) os nomes de roupas e chapelaria, formados e utilizados apenas na língua tártara; 3) empréstimos

    Comprehensive assessment of the quality of life of patients with glaucoma when using various methods of treatment

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    Background. Research and maintenance of an acceptable quality of life is considered to be the main aim of treating chronic incurable disease including glaucoma.The aim. To perform a comprehensive assessment of the quality of life of patients with glaucoma when using various types of surgical and conservative treatment before treatment and 1 month after treatment.Material and methods. We carried out a randomized controlled study which included 229 patients, divided into 2 groups. The first group of patients (133 people) received various types of surgical intervention for glaucoma, consisted of 6 subgroups. They had the following types of surgeries: sinus trabeculectomy with the use of “Glautex” drainage implant; classical sinus trabeculectomy; sinus trabeculectomy with implantation of drainage made of a collagen hemostatic foam; transscleral laser cyclocoagulation of the ciliary body; cataract phacoemulsification in comorbid primary open-angle glaucoma and in primary closed-angle glaucoma. The second group consisted of 96 patients who received conservative treatment; it consisted of 4 subgroups. Patients of subgroups of the 2nd group received various types of conservative therapy against the background of local antihypertensive therapy: complex treatment with the use of vasoprotectives, vitamins, nootropics in a hospital setting; neuroprotective therapy in the form of Retinalamin intramuscular injection. After receiving informed voluntary consent to participate in the study, all patients underwent a comprehensive assessment of the quality of life using universal, specific and psychological questionnaires (SF-36, visual analogue scale, EQ-5D, VFQ-25, GQL-15, VF-14 and HADS) before treatment and 1 month after treatment.Results. The therapy had a positive effect on the quality of life in both groups of patients, however the most pronounced positive dynamics is registered in patients having conservative therapy as compared with those having surgical treatment. The use of valid, reliable questionnaires makes it possible to fully assess the quality of life in glaucoma


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    С помощью комплекса различных стандартных методов исследована коррозионная стойкость и склонность к межкристаллитной коррозии никелевого сплава VDM ® Alloy C-4. Для проведения испытаний готовили образцы в состоянии поставки, после провоцирующего отжига, после сенсибилизационного старения и последующей термической обработки. Для различных условий определены скорости коррозии.Corrosion resistance and susceptibility to intergranular attack of nickel-based alloy VDM ® Alloy C-4 were studied using a variety of standard techniques. The samples for tests were taken in as received conditions, after provocative heating, and after sensitization, and further heat treatment. The corrosion rates for different conditions were determined

    Athlome Project Consortium: a concerted effort to discover genomic and other "omic" markers of athletic performance.

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    Despite numerous attempts to discover genetic variants associated with elite athletic performance, injury predisposition, and elite/world-class athletic status, there has been limited progress to date. Past reliance on candidate gene studies predominantly focusing on genotyping a limited number of single nucleotide polymorphisms or the insertion/deletion variants in small, often heterogeneous cohorts (i.e., made up of athletes of quite different sport specialties) have not generated the kind of results that could offer solid opportunities to bridge the gap between basic research in exercise sciences and deliverables in biomedicine. A retrospective view of genetic association studies with complex disease traits indicates that transition to hypothesis-free genome-wide approaches will be more fruitful. In studies of complex disease, it is well recognized that the magnitude of genetic association is often smaller than initially anticipated, and, as such, large sample sizes are required to identify the gene effects robustly. A symposium was held in Athens and on the Greek island of Santorini from 14-17 May 2015 to review the main findings in exercise genetics and genomics and to explore promising trends and possibilities. The symposium also offered a forum for the development of a position stand (the Santorini Declaration). Among the participants, many were involved in ongoing collaborative studies (e.g., ELITE, GAMES, Gene SMART, GENESIS, and POWERGENE). A consensus emerged among participants that it would be advantageous to bring together all current studies and those recently launched into one new large collaborative initiative, which was subsequently named the Athlome Project Consortium