134 research outputs found

    Levels of Comprehension of Scientific Prose: The role of text variables

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    This research investigates the role played on shallow and deep levels of comprehension by textual changes that are aimed at: (a) improving the relationships within text ideas, and (b) producing better links between text ideas and the reader"s knowledge. Four versions of a long physics passage were elaborated combining both kinds of textual changes. Four groups of tenth graders were each given one of the four versions. Different measures representative of these levels of comprehension were taken: getting main ideas, recall, and problem sol affected by improving the relationships within text ideas,(b)both textual changes contributed separately to recall, and(c)problem solving increased only when the two changes were presented together

    Efectos de las adaptaciones textuales, el conocimiento previo y las estrategias de estudio en el recuerdo, la comprensión y el aprendizaje de textos científicos

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    Este estudio analiza la influencia de diversos cambios textuales, del conocimiento previo de las estrategias de estudio en el recuerdo, comprensión y aprendizaje de textos científicos. Empleamos un diseño factorial 2x2 con dos variables entre sujetos, texto y estrategias de estudio, y la variable conocimiento previo anidada bajo la variable estrategias. Universitarios de Física y Psicología, y bachilleres de ciencias y letras leyeron una de las dos versiones de un texto tomado de un libro de Física-Química de Bachillerato. En una versión se hicieron cambios para facilitar la formación del texto-base y facilitar la construcción de un modelo situacional. Se tomaron tres medidas dependientes: recuerdo, escritura de las 7-8 ideas más importantes y aprendizaje. Encontramos que las manipulaciones textuales y las estrategias de estudio produjeron diferencias significativas en todas las tareas, mientras que el conocimiento previo lo hizo en las pruebas de recuerdo y aprendizaje. Se encontraron diversas interacciones entre variables en estas dos tareas. Finalmente, comentamos algunas implicaciones de los efectos de los cambios textuales dependiendo del tipo de tarea y de las características de los estudiantes

    Los estudiantes y los textos de ciencias físicas: un estudio sobre su interacción

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    En este trabajo se analiza la interacción entre el conocimiento previo, el texto, el nivel académico y el aprendizaje cuando los alumnos leen libros de ciencias físicas. Estos lectores fueron: estudiantes del último curso del las licenciaturas de Ciencias Físicas y de Psicología, y estudiantes de 3° de BUP de ciencias y de letras.Nuestro estudio se basó en un texto sobre Modelos Atómicos extraído de un libro de Física y Química de 2° de BUP bien conocido

    Importancia de las destrezas de procesamiento de la información en la comprensión de textos científicos

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    Se pretendió probar que algunos obstáculos en la comprensión de las ciencias no están causados por esquemas conceptuales alternativos, sino por deficiencias en los niveles de comprensión lectora y de control de la propia comprensión de los estudiantes Se midieron esos niveles y se controlaron las ideas alternativas en dos muestras de estudiantes de 4º de ESO. Los alumnos leyeron un texto experimental sobre Evolución de las Especies y respondieron cuestiones consultando el texto a voluntad. Se predijeron diferencias claras en las respuestas según los niveles de comprensión lectora y control de la comprensión, pero no debidas a esquemas conceptuales lamarckianos. Los resultados confirmaron las predicciones

    Using genetic algorithms for real-time object detection

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    P. 1-12This article presents a new approach to mobile robot vision systems based on genetic algorithms. The major contribution of the proposal is the real-time adaptation of genetic algorithms, which are generally used offline. In order to achieve this goal, the execution time must be as short as possible. The scope of the System is the robotic football competition Robocup whitin the Standard Platform category. The system developed detects and estimates distance and orientation to key elements on a football field, such as the ball and goals. Different experiments have been carried out whitin an official Robocup environmentS


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    Introduction: The integration of technology in educational processes has been consolidated as a reality in any context, at any stage and in any subject. This integration, beyond being linked to the inclusion of specific content and the recognition of digital competence as a basic skill, is linked to the consideration of technology as a tool at the service of learning, associated with its potential as a methodological resource. Method: Under this consideration, this paper analyses, from a bibliometric perspective, the scientific production on the use of technology as a tool for learning mathematics in compulsory schooling in the Scopus database. The sample is made up of 132 articles published between 2015 and 2021, to which different bibliometric techniques (bibliographic coupling, co-citation and co-occurrence) are applied. Results: The results show an upward trend in scientific production on the phenomenon under study, with higher indexation in the areas of social sciences and computer science. Although most of the publications are in English-language journals, most of the research is contextualised in Spain, followed by the United States. The co-occurrence identifies Secondary Education as the main context, although there is also a notable presence of Primary Education, with the presence of different methodological proposals. Finally, there is a notable impact (in terms of number of citations) of the publications linked to the topic of study. Conclusions: Thus, we conclude the relevance of technology-mediated mathematics learning in compulsory schooling, outlining an area of study of priority projection in the coming years.Introducción: La integración de la tecnología en los procesos formativos se ha ido consolidando como una realidad en cualquier contexto, etapa y materia. Esta integración, más allá de vincularse a la inclusión de contenidos específicos y al reconocimiento de la competencia digital como una destreza básica, se vincula con la consideración de la tecnología como una herramienta al servicio del aprendizaje, asociada a su potencial como recurso metodológico. Método: Bajo esta consideración, este trabajo analiza, desde una perspectiva bibliométrica, la producción científica sobre el uso de la tecnología como herramienta para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en la escolarización obligatoria en la base de datos Scopus. La muestra está conformada por 132 artículos publicados entre 2015 y 2021, a los que se aplican diferentes técnicas bibliométricas (acoplamiento bibliográfico, co-citación y co-ocurrencia). Resultados: Los resultados muestran una tendencia al alza de la producción científica sobre el fenómeno de estudio, con mayor indexación en las áreas de ciencias sociales y ciencias de la computación. Aunque las publicaciones se encuentran de manera mayoritaria en revistas anglófonas, la mayor parte de las investigaciones están contextualizadas en España, seguidas de las realizadas en Estados Unidos. La co-ocurrencia identifica la Educación Secundaria como contexto mayoritario, aunque hay una presencia notable también de la Educación Primaria, habiendo presencia de diferentes propuestas metodológicas. Destaca, por último, una repercusión notable (en número de citas) de las publicaciones vinculadas al tema de estudio. Conclusiones: Se concluye, de este modo, la relevancia del aprendizaje de las matemáticas mediado por tecnología en la escolaridad obligatoria, dibujando una línea de acción prioritaria en los próximos años.Введение: Интеграция технологий в образовательные процессы становится реальностью в любом контексте, на любом этапе и в любом предмете. Эта интеграция, помимо включения конкретного содержания и признания цифровой компетентности в качестве базового навыка, связана с рассмотрением технологии как инструмента на службе обучения, связанного с ее потенциалом в качестве методологического ресурса. Метод: В соответствии с этим соображением в данной статье проводится библиометрический анализ научной продукции по использованию технологии как инструмента для изучения математики в обязательном школьном образовании в базе данных Scopus. Выборка состоит из 132 статей, опубликованных в период с 2015 по 2021 год, к которым были применены различные библиометрические методы (библиографическая связь, совместное цитирование и совпадение). Результаты: Результаты показывают тенденцию к росту научной продукции по изучаемому явлению, с более высокой индексацией в областях социальных наук и информатики. Хотя большинство публикаций публикуется в англоязычных журналах, большинство исследований посвящено Испании, затем следуют исследования, проведенные в США. Совместное использование определяет среднее образование как основной контекст, хотя также заметно присутствие начального образования, с наличием различных методологических предложений. Наконец, выделяется заметное влияние (по количеству цитирований) публикаций, связанных с темой исследования. Выводы: Таким образом, делается вывод об актуальности технологически опосредованного обучения математике в обязательном школьном образовании.引言:技术在培训过程中的整合在任何背景、阶段和主题中都已成为现实。这种整合,除了与包含特定内容和承认数字能力作为一项基本技能相关之外,还与将技术视为服务于学习的工具以及其作为方法资源的潜力相关联。 研究方法:在此考虑下,本研究从文献计量学的角度分析了Scopus数据库中使用技术作为义务教育数学学习工具的科学产出。该样本由 2015 年至 2021 年间发表的 132 篇文章组成,其中应用了不同的文献计量技术(书目耦合、共引分析和共现分析)。 研究结果:结果显示,所研究现象的科学产出呈上升趋势,在社会科学和计算机科学领域的索引度更高。尽管大多数出版物都出现在英语期刊上,但大多数研究都是在西班牙进行的,其次是在美国进行的。同现分析将中学教育确定为主要背景,尽管小学教育也有显着存在,但存在不同的方法建议。最后,与研究主题相关的出版物有显着影响(引用次数)。 结论:综上所述,我们总结了以技术为中介的数学学习在义务教育中的相关性,概述了未来几年优先预测的研究领域

    Durability parameters of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete: Case study

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    Recycled concrete aggregate (RA) from pavement demolition was used to make concrete. Ten concrete mixtures with different replacement percentages of RA (coarse and fine) were made. The corrosion rate of steel and the electrical resistivity of concrete were determined on reinforced concrete specimens subjected to wetting-drying cycles (3.5% solution of NaCl). Corrosion rate was determined using the electrochemical technique of linear polarization resistance, while the electrical resistivity was measured by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The results show that the use of RA introduces more interfaces in concrete, which accelerates the steel corrosion process because the porosity increases and the electrical resistivity decreases. However, steel corrosion and the electrical resistivity in concrete are not significantly influenced by replacing a maximum 30% of coarse aggregate or 20% of fine aggregate with RA.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Management Model For University Cooperation At Universidad Técnica De Manabí, Ecuador

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    In researching a management model for university cooperation at the Universidad Técnica de Manabí, with its components, phases, stages, input, and output information as well as the premises of its practical application, thereby achieving qualitative and quantitative changes proposed in the conception of university cooperation for sustainable development. The model for the management of cooperation, the assumptions of the model and the components are exposed, and a map with universities that are currently on the network and the issues raised in the strategy, setting out the results at national and International levels

    Modification of Nafion Membranes with Polyaniline to Reduce Methanol Permeability

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    The modification of Nafion membranes with polyaniline (PAni) has been studied as an alternative for reducing methanol crossover in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC). The modification has been performed by directly polymerizing the PAni following two different routes: immersion (Naf-S-Y, where S mean surface and Y the number of hours exposition) and crossover (Naf-C-Y, where C means crossover). The former consist of exposing the membranes to a reactive solution containing the aniline, oxidant and catalyst; while in the latter the aniline and a solution with the oxidant and the catalyst are in different chambers separated by the membrane, thus forcing them to react inside it. The effect of the modification mechanism and the reaction times has been studied. The resulting membranes were extensively characterized by means of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), ionic exchange capacity (IEC), water uptake (WU), methanol permeability and single direct methanol fuel cell performance. Chemical characterization revealed that the oxidation state of the polyaniline was in all cases emeraldine and the amount of PAni for an equivalent exposure time was bigger for the crossover route. The crossover route has proven to be more effective in decreasing the apparent methanol permeability of Nafion modified membranes up to 48% for the crossover sample with higher modification time when the polymerization is due inside the membrane such is the case of the composite Naf-C-Y membranes. The Direct Methanol Fuel Cells performances of membrane-electrode assemblies prepared with pristine Nafion and Nafion-PAni membranes were tested at 40, 60 and 80 degrees C under 2 M methanol concentration. The results are compared with those found for Nafion pristine membranes which power densities were 90, 65, 60 and 50 mW/cm(2) at 80 degrees C for Nafion, Naf-S-1, Naf-S-5 and Naf-C-2, membranes respectively.This research is in the frame of Support Program for Research and Development of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Ministry of Science and Innovation for funding provided through the projects: SP-ENE-20120718 and 24761, respectively.Gonzalez-Ausejo, J.; Cabedo Mas, L.; Gámez-Pérez, J.; Mollá Romano, S.; Giménez Torres, E.; Compañ Moreno, V. (2015). Modification of Nafion Membranes with Polyaniline to Reduce Methanol Permeability. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 162(14):E325-E333. doi:10.1149/2.0521514jesSE325E3331621

    Differential Flag Leaf and Ear Photosynthetic Performance Under Elevated (CO2) Conditions During Grain Filling Period in Durum Wheat

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    Elevated concentrations of CO2 (CO2) in plants with C3 photosynthesis metabolism, such as wheat, stimulate photosynthetic rates. However, photosynthesis tends to decrease as a function of exposure to high (CO2) due to down-regulation of the photosynthetic machinery, and this phenomenon is defined as photosynthetic acclimation. Considerable efforts are currently done to determine the effect of photosynthetic tissues, such us spike, in grain filling. There is good evidence that the contribution of ears to grain filling may be important not only under good agronomic conditions but also under high (CO2). The main objective of this study was to compare photoassimilate production and energy metabolism between flag leaves and glumes as part of ears of wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum cv. Amilcar) plants exposed to ambient [a(CO2)] and elevated [e(CO2)] (CO2) (400 and 700 μmol mol–1, respectively). Elevated CO2 had a differential effect on the responses of flag leaves and ears. The ears showed higher gross photosynthesis and respiration rates compared to the flag leaves. The higher ear carbohydrate content and respiration rates contribute to increase the grain dry mass. Our results support the concept that acclimation of photosynthesis to e(CO2) is driven by sugar accumulation, reduction in N concentrations and repression of genes related to photosynthesis, glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and that these were more marked in glumes than leaves. Further, important differences are described on responsiveness of flag leaves and ears to e(CO2) on genes linked with carbon and nitrogen metabolism. These findings provide information about the impact of e(CO2) on ear development during the grain filling stage and are significant for understanding the effects of increasing (CO2) on crop yield.This research was supported by the Spanish Innovation and Universities Ministry (PCIN-2017-007) and the Ministry of Education and Sciences (grants PID2019-107154RB-100; PID2019-110445RB-100). RV was the recipient of an FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2010-031029). RS-B was supported by the Juan de la Cierva program JDC-Formación (FJCI-2016-28164)