45 research outputs found

    Neuregulin-1 enhances cell-cycle activity, delays cardiac fibrosis, and improves cardiac performance in rat pups with right ventricular pressure load

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    Objectives: Right ventricular (RV) failure is a leading cause of death in patients with congenital heart disease. RV failure is kept at bay during childhood. Limited proliferation of cardiomyocytes is present in the postnatal heart. We propose that cardiomyocyte proliferation improves RV adaptation to pressure load (PL). We studied adaptation in response to increased RV PL and the role of increased cardiomyocyte cell cycle activity (CCA) in rat pups growing into adulthood. Methods: We induced RV PL at day of weaning in rats (3 weeks; 30-40 g) by pulmonary artery banding and followed rats into adulthood (300 g). We performed histological analyses and RNA sequencing analysis. To study the effects of increased cardiomyocyte cell cycle activity, we administered neuregulin-1 (NRG1), a growth factor involved in cardiac development. Results: PL induced an increase in CCA, with subsequent decline of CCA (sham/PL at 4 weeks: 0.14%/0.83%; P = .04 and 8 weeks: 0.00%/0.00%; P = .484) and cardiac function (cardiac index: control/PL 4 weeks: 4.41/3.29; P = .468 and 8 weeks: 3.57/1.44; P = .024). RNA sequencing analysis revealed delayed maturation and increased CCA pathways. NRG1 stimulated CCA (PL vehicle/NRG1 at 2 weeks: 0.62%/2.28%; P = .003), improved cardiac function (cardiac index control vs vehicle/NRG1 at 2 weeks: 4.21 vs 3.07/4.17; P = .009/.705) and postponed fibrosis (control vs vehicle/NRG1 at 4 weeks: 1.66 vs 4.82%/2.97%; P = .009/.078) in RV PL rats during childhood. Conclusions: RV PL during growth induces a transient CCA increase. Further CCA stimulation improves cardiac function and delays fibrosis. This proof-of-concept study shows that stimulation of CCA can improve RV adaptation to PL in the postnatal developing heart and might provide a new approach to preserve RV function in patients with congenital heart disease.</p

    Neuregulin-1 enhances cell-cycle activity, delays cardiac fibrosis, and improves cardiac performance in rat pups with right ventricular pressure load

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    Objectives: Right ventricular (RV) failure is a leading cause of death in patients with congenital heart disease. RV failure is kept at bay during childhood. Limited proliferation of cardiomyocytes is present in the postnatal heart. We propose that cardiomyocyte proliferation improves RV adaptation to pressure load (PL). We studied adaptation in response to increased RV PL and the role of increased cardiomyocyte cell cycle activity (CCA) in rat pups growing into adulthood. Methods: We induced RV PL at day of weaning in rats (3 weeks; 30-40 g) by pulmonary artery banding and followed rats into adulthood (300 g). We performed histological analyses and RNA sequencing analysis. To study the effects of increased cardiomyocyte cell cycle activity, we administered neuregulin-1 (NRG1), a growth factor involved in cardiac development. Results: PL induced an increase in CCA, with subsequent decline of CCA (sham/PL at 4 weeks: 0.14%/0.83%; P = .04 and 8 weeks: 0.00%/0.00%; P = .484) and cardiac function (cardiac index: control/PL 4 weeks: 4.41/3.29; P = .468 and 8 weeks: 3.57/1.44; P = .024). RNA sequencing analysis revealed delayed maturation and increased CCA pathways. NRG1 stimulated CCA (PL vehicle/NRG1 at 2 weeks: 0.62%/2.28%; P = .003), improved cardiac function (cardiac index control vs vehicle/NRG1 at 2 weeks: 4.21 vs 3.07/4.17; P = .009/.705) and postponed fibrosis (control vs vehicle/NRG1 at 4 weeks: 1.66 vs 4.82%/2.97%; P = .009/.078) in RV PL rats during childhood. Conclusions: RV PL during growth induces a transient CCA increase. Further CCA stimulation improves cardiac function and delays fibrosis. This proof-of-concept study shows that stimulation of CCA can improve RV adaptation to PL in the postnatal developing heart and might provide a new approach to preserve RV function in patients with congenital heart disease.</p

    Volume Load-Induced Right Ventricular Failure in Rats Is Not Associated With Myocardial Fibrosis

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    Background Right ventricular (RV) function and failure are key determinants of morbidity and mortality in various cardiovascular diseases. Myocardial fibrosis is regarded as a contributing factor to heart failure, but its importance in RV failure has been challenged. This study aims to assess whether myocardial fibrosis drives the transition from compensated to decompensated volume load-induced RV dysfunction. Methods Wistar rats were subjected to aorto-caval shunt (ACS, n = 23) or sham (control, n = 15) surgery, and sacrificed after 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months. Echocardiography, RV pressure-volume analysis, assessment of gene expression and cardiac histology were performed. Results At 6 months, 6/8 ACS-rats (75%) showed clinical signs of RV failure (pleural effusion, ascites and/or liver edema), whereas at 1 month and 3 months, no signs of RV failure had developed yet. Cardiac output has increased two- to threefold and biventricular dilatation occurred, while LV ejection fraction gradually decreased. At 1 month and 3 months, RV end-systolic elastance (Ees) remained unaltered, but at 6 months, RV Ees had decreased substantially. In the RV, no oxidative stress, inflammation, pro-fibrotic signaling (TGF beta 1 and pSMAD2/3), or fibrosis were present at any time point. Conclusions In the ACS rat model, long-term volume load was initially well tolerated at 1 month and 3 months, but induced overt clinical signs of end-stage RV failure at 6 months. However, no myocardial fibrosis or increased pro-fibrotic signaling had developed. These findings indicate that myocardial fibrosis is not involved in the transition from compensated to decompensated RV dysfunction in this model

    Randomised clinical trial: First-line infliximab biosimilar is cost-effective compared to conventional treatment in paediatric Crohn's disease

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    Background: Data on cost-effectiveness of first-line infliximab in paediatric patients with Crohn's disease are limited. Since biologics are increasingly prescribed and accompanied by high costs, this knowledge gap needs to be addressed. Aim: To investigate the cost-effectiveness of first-line infliximab compared to conventional treatment in children with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease. Methods: We included patients from the Top-down Infliximab Study in Kids with Crohn's disease randomised controlled trial. Children with newly diagnosed moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease were treated with azathioprine maintenance and either five induction infliximab (biosimilar) infusions or conventional induction treatment (exclusive enteral nutrition or corticosteroids). Direct healthcare consumption and costs were obtained per patient until week 104. This included data on outpatient hospital visits, hospital admissions, drug costs, endoscopies and surgeries. The primary health outcome was the odds ratio of being in clinical remission (weighted paediatric Crohn's disease activity index<12.5) during 104 weeks. Results: We included 89 patients (44 in the first-line infliximab group and 45 in the conventional treatment group). Mean direct healthcare costs per patient were €36,784 for first-line infliximab treatment and €36,874 for conventional treatment over 2 years (p = 0.981). The odds ratio of first-line infliximab versus conventional treatment to be in clinical remission over 104 weeks was 1.56 (95%CI 1.03–2.35, p = 0.036). Conclusions: First-line infliximab treatment resulted in higher odds of being in clinical remission without being more expensive, making it the dominant strategy over conventional treatment in the first 2 years after diagnosis in children with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease. Trial registration number: NCT02517684

    Comparison between Spanish young and elderly people evaluated using Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test

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    The first objective of this work was to compare scores obtained in the daily memory function between young and elderly people, and to check whether there are differences between the groups for each of the profile scores obtained in the memory test. A second aim of this paper is to study the relationship between everyday memory and age, while controlling for gender and educational level. The total and profile scores obtained in the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test were compared in a sample of 60 young and 120 elderly people from Valencia (Spain). Results showed significant differences between the two groups: those between 18 and 30 years obtained a higher average than those over 65. Once the group comparison was controlled for gender and educational level, the statistical effect of age group disappeared. The non-significant effect of group can not be explained by the introduction of gender, because both its main effect and the interaction were not statistically significant. However, educational level had a statistically significant effect which may explain the non-significant effect of group in this new analysis. The main conclusion is the need to carefully control for educational level in all studies related with everyday memory and ageing, as the differences found could be due to generational differences more than to biological deterioratio

    First-line treatment with infliximab versus conventional treatment in children with newly diagnosed moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease: An open-label multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: In newly diagnosed paediatric patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease (CD), infliximab (IFX) is initiated once exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN), corticosteroid and immunomodulator therapies have failed. We aimed to investigate whether starting first-line IFX (FL-IFX) is more effective to achieve and maintain remission than conventional treatment. Design: In this multicentre open-label randomised controlled trial, untreated patients with a new diagnosis of CD (3-17 years old, weighted Paediatric CD Activity Index score (wPCDAI) >40) were assigned to groups that received five infusions of 5 mg/kg IFX at weeks 0, 2, 6, 14 and 22 (FL-IFX), or EEN or oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg, maximum 40 mg) (conventional). The primary outcome was clinical remission on azathioprine, defined as a wPCDAI <12.5 at week 52, without need for treatment escalation, using intention-to-treat analysis. Results: 100 patients were included, 50 in the FL-IFX group and 50 in the conventional group. Four patients did not receive treatment as per protocol. At week 10, a higher proportion of patients in the FL-IFX group than in the conventional group achieved clinical (59% vs 34%, respectively, p=0.021) and endoscopic remission (59% vs 17%, respectively, p=0.001). At week 52, the proportion of patients in clinical remission was no

    What the radiologist needs to know about the diabetic patient

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is recognised as a major health problem. Ninety-nine percent of diabetics suffer from type 2 DM and 10% from type 1 and other types of DM. The number of diabetic patients worldwide is expected to reach 380 millions over the next 15 years. The duration of diabetes is an important factor in the pathogenesis of complications, but other factors frequently coexisting with type 2 DM, such as hypertension, obesity and dyslipidaemia, also contribute to the development of diabetic angiopathy. Microvascular complications include retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Macroangiopathy mainly affects coronary arteries, carotid arteries and arteries of the lower extremities. Eighty percent of deaths in the diabetic population result from cardiovascular incidents. DM is considered an equivalent of coronary heart disease (CHD). Stroke and peripheral artery disease (PAD) are other main manifestations of diabetic macroangiopathy. Diabetic cardiomyopathy (DC) represents another chronic complication that occurs independently of CHD and hypertension. The greater susceptibility of diabetic patients to infections completes the spectrum of the main consequences of DM. The serious complications of DM make it essential for physicians to be aware of the screening guidelines, allowing for earlier patient diagnosis and treatment

    ECFS best practice guidelines: the 2018 revision

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    Developments in managing CF continue to drive dramatic improvements in survival. As newborn screening rolls-out across Europe, CF centres are increasingly caring for cohorts of patients who have minimal lung disease on diagnosis. With the introduction of mutation-specific therapies and the prospect of truly personalised medicine, patients have the potential to enjoy good quality of life in adulthood with ever-increasing life expectancy. The landmark Standards of Care published in 2005 set out what high quality CF care is and how it can be delivered throughout Europe. This underwent a fundamental re-write in 2014, resulting in three documents; center framework, quality management and best practice guidelines. This document is a revision of the latter, updating standards for best practice in key aspects of CF care, in the context of a fast-moving and dynamic field. In continuing to give a broad overview of the standards expected for newborn screening, diagnosis, preventative treatment of lung disease, nutrition, complications, transplant/end of life care and psychological support, this consensus on best practice is expected to prove useful to clinical teams both in countries where CF care is developing and those with established CF centres. The document is an ECFS product and endorsed by the CF Network in ERN LUNG and CF Europe

    [A neonate with the heart in the right hemithorax],Een pasgeborene met het hart in de rechter thoraxhelft.

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    Item does not contain fulltextThree neonates presented with the heart in the right hemithorax: a newborn girl with a chest deformity and secondary dextrocardia (Poland sequence), a prematurely born girl with uncomplicated Kartagener's syndrome, and a newborn boy with cyanosis and the heart in the right hemithorax, in whom a surgical correction was indicated. A diagnosis ofdextrocardia should include the differentiation between primary and secondary dextrocardia. Secondary dextrocardia, or dextroposition, is the result of chest deformities, diaphragmatic defects, severe lung disease, or the presence of a mass displacing the heart from its normal position, usually without any cardiac abnormalities. In primary dextrocardia, the position of the organs in the abdomen is important for the differential diagnosis and the prognosis. The incidence of congenital cardiac malformations in primary dextrocardia varies from 10%, in situs inversus totalis, up to 90% in solitary dextrocardia