302 research outputs found

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de una perforación radicular como complicación endodóntica. Presentación de un caso

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    RESUMEN Introducción: durante el tratamiento endodóntico existe la posibilidad de que ocurran accidentes y complicaciones por lo que el profesional debe tener el máximo cuidado y concentración, además de una sólida base de conocimientos y un buen manejo clínico durante el procedimiento endodóntico. Objetivo: determinar la efectividad del tratamiento quirúrgico de un falso conducto radicular en un diente con pronóstico desfavorable. Caso clínico: se presenta el caso de una paciente de 31 años de edad con antecedentes de necrosis pulpar en el 21, al cual se le realizó un tratamiento pulporradicular hace 3 años aproximadamente. Acude a consulta con un proceso fistuloso a nivel de tercio medio radicular de dicho diente y discromía de la corona. A los rayos X se observó presencia de falso conducto a nivel de tercio cervical radicular. Se realizó una técnica quirúrgica, obturación retrógrada del falso conducto con amalgama de plata y retratamiento del conducto principal. Luego se aplicó la técnica de peróxido de hidrógeno activado con calor combinado con perborato de sodio para la recromia, se obtuvieron resultados favorables. Conclusiones: la técnica aplicada ofrece ampliar el arsenal terapéutico del estomatólogo para la conservación de unidades dentarias destinadas a perderse por los criterios de tratamiento convencional. ABSTRACT Introduction: during the endodontic treatment there is the possibility that accidents and complications occur so the professional must have the utmost care and concentration, as well as a solid base of knowledge and good clinical management during the endodontic procedure. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of the surgical treatment of a false root canal in a tooth with an unfavourable prognosis. Clinical case: we present the case of a 31-year-old patient with a history of pulpal necrosis in year 21, who underwent pulporradicular treatment approximately 3 years ago. The patient comes to consultation with a fistulous process at the level of the middle third of the tooth and crown dyschromia. X-rays showed the presence of a false duct at the level of the third cervical root. A surgical technique was performed, retrograde obturation of the false canal with silver amalgam and retreatment of the main canal. Then applied the technique of activated hydrogen peroxide with heat combined with sodium perborate for rejection, favourable results were obtained. Conclusions: the applied technique offers to extend the therapeutic arsenal of the stomatologist for the conservation of dental units destined to be lost by the criteria of conventional treatment

    Surgical treatment of a radicular perforation as endodontic complication. Presentation of a case

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    Introducción: durante el tratamiento endodóntico existe la posibilidad de que ocurran accidentes y complicaciones por lo que el profesional debe tener el máximo cuidado y concentración, además de una sólida base de conocimientos y un buen manejo clínico durante el procedimiento endodóntico.Objetivo: determinar la efectividad del tratamiento quirúrgico de un falso conducto radicular en un diente con pronóstico desfavorable.Caso clínico: se presenta el caso de una paciente de 31 años de edad con antecedentes de necrosis pulpar en el 21, al cual se le realizó un tratamiento pulporradicular hace 3 años aproximadamente. Acude a consulta con un proceso fistuloso a nivel de tercio medio radicular de dicho diente y discromía de la corona. A los rayos X se observó presencia de falso conducto a nivel de tercio cervical radicular. Se realizó una técnica quirúrgica, obturación retrógrada del falso conducto con amalgama de plata y retratamiento del conducto principal. Luego se aplicó la técnica de peróxido de hidrógeno activado con calor combinado con perborato de sodio para la recromia, se obtuvieron resultados favorables.Conclusiones: la técnica aplicada ofrece ampliar el arsenal terapéutico del estomatólogo para la conservación de unidades dentarias destinadas a perderse por los criterios de tratamiento convencional.Introduction: during the endodontic treatment there is the possibility that accidents and complications occur so the professional must have the utmost care and concentration, as well as a solid base of knowledge and good clinical management during the endodontic procedure.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of the surgical treatment of a false root canal in a tooth with an unfavourable prognosis.Clinical case: we present the case of a 31-year-old patient with a history of pulpal necrosis in year 21, who underwent pulporradicular treatment approximately 3 years ago. The patient comes to consultation with a fistulous process at the level of the middle third of the tooth and crown dyschromia. X-rays showed the presence of a false duct at the level of the third cervical root. A surgical technique was performed, retrograde obturation of the false canal with silver amalgam and retreatment of the main canal. Then applied the technique of activated hydrogen peroxide with heat combined with sodium perborate for rejection, favourable results were obtained.Conclusions: the applied technique offers to extend the therapeutic arsenal of the stomatologist for the conservation of dental units destined to be lost by the criteria of conventional treatment

    Amputación radicular como complemento del tratamiento endodóntico. Presentación de un caso

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    RESUMEN Introducción: los recientes avances tecnológicos en el tratamiento endodóntico han permitido conservar dientes que antes se consideraban como intratables. Sin embargo, tanto la tecnología como los instrumentos y los materiales no deben considerarse como reemplazo de la habilidad clínica y la experiencia del profesional. Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de la amputación radicular como complemento del tratamiento endodóntico. Presentación de caso: se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 13 años de edad con antecedentes de absceso periapical agudo en 46, para el cual había recibido tratamiento con amoxicilina 500 mg, acceso cameral y extirpación de la pulpa necrótica en cuerpo de guardia. Acudió a nuestros servicios para realizarse un tratamiento pulporradicular en dicho molar. A los rayos X se observó cavidad extensa, zona periapical radiolúcida en el periápice de la raíz mesial que fue diagnosticado como un absceso dentoalveolar crónico, además de una reabsorción radicular externa. Discusión: debido a la evolución poco favorable de los conductos mesiales y a la presencia de una perforación, se decidió realizar la amputación de la raíz mesial con el fin de preservar el diente, además de la obturación con conos de gutapercha del conducto distal. Conclusiones: la paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente, se le realizaron chequeos clínicos y radiográficos al mes, 3 meses y 6 meses donde se corroboró una respuesta positiva al tratamiento. ABSTRACT Introduction: recent technological advances in endodontic treatment have allowed the preservation of teeth that were previously considered intractable. However, both technology and instruments and materials should not be considered as a replacement for clinical skill and professional experience. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of root amputation as a complement to endodontic treatment. Case report: we report a case of a 13-year-old female patient with a history of acute periapical abscess in 46, for whom she received treatment with amoxicillin 500 mg, chambered access and excision of the necrotic pulp in the duty. She went to our services to perform a pulporradicular treatment in this molar. At the X-ray, an extensive cavity was observed, a radiolucent periapical zone in the mesial periapical root that was diagnosed as a chronic dentoalveolar abscess, in addition to an external root resorption. Discussion: due to the poor evolution of the mesial ducts and the presence of a perforation, it was decided to amputate the mesial root in order to preserve the tooth, in addition to the obturation with guttapercha cones of the distal canal. Conclusions: the patient has developed satisfactorily, clinical and radiographic check-ups have been performed at the month, 3 months and 6 months where a positive response to treatment has been corroborated

    Radicular amputation as a complement of endodontic treatment. Presentation of a case

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    Introducción: los recientes avances tecnológicos en el tratamiento endodóntico han permitido conservar dientes que antes se consideraban como intratables. Sin embargo, tanto la tecnología como los instrumentos y los materiales no deben considerarse como reemplazo de la habilidad clínica y la experiencia del profesional.Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de la amputación radicular como complemento del tratamiento endodóntico.Presentación de caso: se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 13 años de edad con antecedentes de absceso periapical agudo en 46, para el cual había recibido tratamiento con amoxicilina 500 mg, acceso cameral y extirpación de la pulpa necrótica en cuerpo de guardia. Acudió a nuestros servicios para realizarse un tratamiento pulporradicular en dicho molar. A los rayos X se observó cavidad extensa, zona periapical radiolúcida en el periápice de la raíz mesial que fue diagnosticado como un absceso dentoalveolar crónico, además de una reabsorción radicular externa.Discusión: debido a la evolución poco favorable de los conductos mesiales y a la presencia de una perforación, se decidió realizar la amputación de la raíz mesial con el fin de preservar el diente, además de la obturación con conos de gutapercha del conducto distal.Conclusiones: la paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente, se le realizaron chequeos clínicos y radiográficos al mes, 3 meses y 6 meses donde se corroboró una respuesta positiva al tratamiento.Introduction: recent technological advances in endodontic treatment have allowed the preservation of teeth that were previously considered intractable. However, both technology and instruments and materials should not be considered as a replacement for clinical skill and professional experience.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of root amputation as a complement to endodontic treatment. Case report: we report a case of a 13-year-old female patient with a history of acute periapical abscess in 46, for whom she received treatment with amoxicillin 500 mg, chambered access and excision of the necrotic pulp in the duty. She went to our services to perform a pulporradicular treatment in this molar. At the X-ray, an extensive cavity was observed, a radiolucent periapical zone in the mesial periapical root that was diagnosed as a chronic dentoalveolar abscess, in addition to an external root resorption. Discussion: due to the poor evolution of the mesial ducts and the presence of a perforation, it was decided to amputate the mesial root in order to preserve the tooth, in addition to the obturation with guttapercha cones of the distal canal. Conclusions: the patient has developed satisfactorily, clinical and radiographic check-ups have been performed at the month, 3 months and 6 months where a positive response to treatment has been corroborated

    Use of dental amalgam in the Cuban population

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 180 pacientes que acudieron a la consulta estomatológica del policlínico 13 de Marzo de Bayamo durante Diciembre 2016, con el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia del uso de la amalgama en la población cubana. La información primaria se obtuvo mediante: encuestas y exploración clínica. Se estudiaron las variables: grupos de edades, sexo, dientes presentes, restauraciones de amalgama y resina, tiempo de exposición a la restauración, durabilidad promedio, preferencia en cuanto al material restaurador, conocimiento del riesgo del uso de la amalgama e información por parte del personal de salud del tema. Se obtuvo como principales  resultados  que existe un promedio de más 22 dientes en la boca en la población estudiada, sin diferencia significativa entre ambos sexos; con una relación de 5:1 restaurado con amalgama y de 18:1 con resina. Además de un promedio de 14.56 años expuestos a la amalgama  y 11.61 años de durabilidad. No existen grandes diferencias en cuanto a la preferencia y sólo el 10.56 % conoce los riesgos de la exposición al mercurio. Se obtuvo como conclusiones que existe un alto promedio de dientes en la boca en la población en estudio, predominio de las restauraciones con amalgama de plata, con más de una década de durabilidad y de exposición a este material sin muestras de algún síntoma de intoxicación por mercurio. No existen grandes diferencias en cuanto a la preferencia y muy pocas personas conocen los riesgos de la exposición al mercurio.A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 180 patients who attended the stomatological consultation of the 13 de Marzo de Bayamo polyclinic during December 2016, with the objective of determining the frequency of the use of amalgam in the Cuban population. The primary information was obtained through: surveys and clinical exploration. The variables were studied: age groups, sex, present teeth, amalgam and resin restorations, time of exposure to restoration, average durability, preference for restorative material, knowledge of the risk of amalgam use and information from the health staff of the subject. It was obtained as main results that there is an average of more than 22 teeth in the mouth in the population studied, without significant difference between both sexes; with a ratio of 5: 1 restored with amalgam and 18: 1 with resin. In addition to an average of 14.56 years exposed to amalgam and 11.61 years of durability. There are no major differences in preference and only 10.56% know the risks of exposure to mercury. It was concluded that there is a high average of teeth in the mouth in the study population, predominance of silver amalgam restorations, with more than a decade of durability and exposure to this material without any signs of intoxication due to mercury. There are no major differences in preference and very few people are aware of the risks of exposure to mercury

    Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    Abstract The parton-level top quark (t) forward-backward asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric (d̂ t) and chromomagnetic (μ̂ t) moments have been measured using LHC pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected in the CMS detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The linearized variable AFB(1) is used to approximate the asymmetry. Candidate t t ¯ events decaying to a muon or electron and jets in final states with low and high Lorentz boosts are selected and reconstructed using a fit of the kinematic distributions of the decay products to those expected for t t ¯ final states. The values found for the parameters are AFB(1)=0.048−0.087+0.095(stat)−0.029+0.020(syst),μ̂t=−0.024−0.009+0.013(stat)−0.011+0.016(syst), and a limit is placed on the magnitude of | d̂ t| < 0.03 at 95% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Search for Physics beyond the Standard Model in Events with Overlapping Photons and Jets

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    Results are reported from a search for new particles that decay into a photon and two gluons, in events with jets. Novel jet substructure techniques are developed that allow photons to be identified in an environment densely populated with hadrons. The analyzed proton-proton collision data were collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, in 2016 at root s = 13 TeV, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1). The spectra of total transverse hadronic energy of candidate events are examined for deviations from the standard model predictions. No statistically significant excess is observed over the expected background. The first cross section limits on new physics processes resulting in such events are set. The results are interpreted as upper limits on the rate of gluino pair production, utilizing a simplified stealth supersymmetry model. The excluded gluino masses extend up to 1.7 TeV, for a neutralino mass of 200 GeV and exceed previous mass constraints set by analyses targeting events with isolated photons.Peer reviewe

    Measurement of B-c(2S)(+) and B-c*(2S)(+) cross section ratios in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    Reconstruction of signal amplitudes in the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter in the presence of overlapping proton-proton interactions

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    A template fitting technique for reconstructing the amplitude of signals produced by the lead tungstate crystals of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter is described. This novel approach is designed to suppress the contribution to the signal of the increased number of out-of-time interactions per beam crossing following the reduction of the accelerator bunch spacing from 50 to 25 ns at the start of Run 2 of the LHC. Execution of the algorithm is sufficiently fast for it to be employed in the CMS high-level trigger. It is also used in the offline event reconstruction. Results obtained from simulations and from Run 2 collision data (2015-2018) demonstrate a substantial improvement in the energy resolution of the calorimeter over a range of energies extending from a few GeV to several tens of GeV.Peer reviewe

    Observation of the Production of Three Massive Gauge Bosons at root s=13 TeV

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    The first observation is reported of the combined production of three massive gauge bosons (VVV with V = W, Z) in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The analysis is based on a data sample recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb(-1). The searches for individualWWW, WWZ, WZZ, and ZZZ production are performed in final states with three, four, five, and six leptons (electrons or muons), or with two same-sign leptons plus one or two jets. The observed (expected) significance of the combinedVVV production signal is 5.7 (5.9) standard deviations and the corresponding measured cross section relative to the standard model prediction is 1.02(-0.23)(+0.26). The significances of the individual WWW and WWZ production are 3.3 and 3.4 standard deviations, respectively. Measured production cross sections for the individual triboson processes are also reported