62 research outputs found

    Contribución de las políticas públicas a la realización efectiva de los derechos de la mujer

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    En el presente estudio se parte de que la protección efectiva e integral de los derechos de las mujeres constituye una de las tareas inacabadas de mayor alcance en las sociedades contemporáneas. En él se analizan las políticas públicas que desde un enfoque de la igualdad y no discriminación tienen influencia en las esferas pública y privada; tratándose todo ello conforme a los postulados de la Ley Orgánica española 3/2007, de 22 de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres. Por último, se aportan veintiséis recomendaciones y propuestas para hacer que los derechos de las mujeres sean tomados en serioIn this study the premise is the effective and comprehensive protection of women's rights as one of the most important pending duties of modern society. Public policies are analysed from the perspective of equality and non‐discrimination in public and private fields, all of which are considered in accordance with the Fundamental Act 3/2007 of 22nd March, for the effective equality between women and men. Lastly, twenty‐six recommendations are proposed in order that women's rights may be taken seriously

    Contribución de las políticas públicas a la realización efectiva de los derechos de la mujer

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    En el presente estudio se parte de que la protección efectiva e integral de los derechos de las mujeres constituye una de las tareas inacabadas de mayor alcance en las sociedades contemporáneas. En él se analizan las políticas públicas que desde un enfoque de la igualdad y no discriminación tienen influencia en las esferas pública y privada; tratándose todo ello conforme a los postulados de la Ley Orgánica española 3/2007, de 22 de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres. Por último, se aportan veintiséis recomendaciones y propuestas para hacer que los derechos de las mujeres sean tomados en serioIn this study the premise is the effective and comprehensive protection of women's rights as one of the most important pending duties of modern society. Public policies are analysed from the perspective of equality and non‐discrimination in public and private fields, all of which are considered in accordance with the Fundamental Act 3/2007 of 22nd March, for the effective equality between women and men. Lastly, twenty‐six recommendations are proposed in order that women's rights may be taken seriously

    Coupled C, H, N, S and Fe biogeochemical cycles operating in the continental deep subsurface of the Iberian Pyrite Belt

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    Microbial activity is a major contributor to the biogeochemical cycles that make up the life support system of planet Earth. A 613 m deep geomicrobiological perforation and a systematic multi-analytical characterization revealed an unexpected diversity associated with the rock matrix microbiome that operates in the subsurface of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB). Members of 1 class and 16 genera were deemed the most representative microorganisms of the IPB deep subsurface and selected for a deeper analysis. The use of fluorescence in situ hybridization allowed not only the identification of microorganisms but also the detection of novel activities in the subsurface such as anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) and anaerobic methane oxidation, the co-occurrence of microorganisms able to maintain complementary metabolic activities and the existence of biofilms. The use of enrichment cultures sensed the presence of five different complementary metabolic activities along the length of the borehole and isolated 29 bacterial species. Genomic analysis of nine isolates identified the genes involved in the complete operation of the light-independent coupled C, H, N, S and Fe biogeochemical cycles. This study revealed the importance of nitrate reduction microorganisms in the oxidation of iron in the anoxic conditions existing in the subsurface of the IPBFP7 Ideas: European Research Council, Grant/Award Number: ERC Advanced Grant #250-35

    Diseño de prácticas externas curriculares del Centro Universitario de la Defensa de San Javier en el marco del EEES. Una metodología innovadora

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    [SPA] Este trabajo presenta el proceso seguido por el Equipo de Innovación Docente de Prácticas Externas del Centro Universitario de la Defensa de San Javier para el desarrollo de las prácticas curriculares de los alumnos del Grado de Ingeniería y futuros oficiales del Ejército del Aire, que se impartirán dentro del nuevo modelo de enseñanza militar. La metodología propuesta se presenta como un ejemplo de adaptación a un nuevo modelo de enseñanza dentro del EEES que busca solventar deficiencias de modelos universitarios previos como eran la falta de especificación de las tareas en las prácticas o la realización de otras no vinculadas a la titulación (Ballesteros-Velázquez et al. 2001). Se propone una adaptación de los contenidos de las prácticas a partir de un análisis in situ, de los centros donde se realizarán y utilizando como criterio para la selección de puestos y tareas su vinculación con asignaturas del grado y a profesionales con distinto rango de responsabilidad y cualificación. Así, el alumno puede aprender a utilizar las competencias concretas y necesarias para ejercer su profesión, porque las recibe de profesionales que están aplicando capacidades distintas en función de la etapa de la vida laboral en la que se encuentran. [ENG] This paper presents the process followed by the teaching innovation team at the Defence University Centre in San Javier for the design of a traineeship for Industrial Organization Engineering students, future officers of the Air Force, according to the new military education programme. The traineeship design steps are described as a specific example of a methodology adapted to a new specialized education programme within the European Space for Higher Education (EEES) in order to solve the limitations of educational models previous to EEES (Ballesteros-Velázquez et al. 2001). The authors propose in situ monitoring on the part of lecturers in each of the centres where students will carry out their traineeship to properly identify tasks and adapt the traineeship contents linking them to the degree courses and to reference professionals at different stages of their career. In this way, the student can fully apply concrete and necessary competences in the particular area where he/she Will practise his/her profession

    Beneficial Effect of Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Patients with ACOX2 Deficiency-Associated Hypertransaminasemia

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    Background: A variant (p.Arg225Trp) of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase 2 (ACOX2), involved in bile acid (BA) side-chain shortening, has been associated with unexplained persistent hypertransaminasemia and accumulation of C27-BAs, mainly trihydroxycholestanoic acid (THCA). Aims: To investigate the prevalence of ACOX2 deficiency-associated hypertransaminasemia (ADAH), its response to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), elucidate its pathophysiological mechanism and identify other inborn errors that could cause this alteration. Methods & results: Among 33 patients with unexplained hypertransaminasemia from 11 hospitals, and 13 of their relatives, 7 individuals with abnormally high C27-BA levels (>50% of total BAs) were identified by HPLC-MS/MS. The p.Arg225Trp variant was found in homozygosity (exon amplification/sequencing) in 2 patients and 3 family members. Two additional non-related patients were heterozygous carriers of different alleles: c.673C>T (p.Arg225Trp) and c.456_459del (p.Thr154fs). In ADAH patients, impaired liver expression of ACOX2, but not ACOX3, was found (immunohistochemistry). Treatment with UDCA normalized transaminases levels. Incubation of HuH-7 liver cells with THCA, which was efficiently taken up, but not through BA transporters, increased ROS production (flow cytometry), ER stress biomarkers (GRP78, CHOP and XBP1-S/XBP1-U ratio), and BAX¿ expression (RT-qPCR and immunoblot), whereas cell viability was decreased (MTT). THCA-induced cell toxicity was higher than that of major C24-BAs and was not prevented by UDCA. Fourteen predicted ACOX2 variants were generated (site-directed mutagenesis) and expressed in HuH-7 cells. Functional tests to determine their ability to metabolize THCA identified six with the potential to cause ADAH. Conclusion: Dysfunctional ACOX2 has been found in several patients with unexplained hypertransaminasemia. This condition can be accurately identified by a non-invasive diagnostic strategy based on plasma BA profiling and ACOX2 sequencing. Moreover, UDCA treatment can efficiently attenuate liver damage in these patients.This study was supported by the following grants: CIBERehd (EHD15PI05/2016); Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (PI19/00819 and PI20/00189), co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, “Investing in your future”; “Junta de Castilla y León” (SA074P20); Fundació Marato TV3 (201916–31); AECC Scientific Foundation (2017/2020), Spain; and “Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento” (OLD-HEPAMARKER, 0348_CIE_6_E), Spain. We also acknowledge support from grants PID2019-111669RBI- 100, PID2020-115055RB- I00 from Plan Nacional de I+D funded by the “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” (AEI) and the center grant P50AA011999 Southern California Research Center for ALPD and Cirrhosis funded by NIAAA/NIH, as well as support from AGAUR of the “Generalitat de Catalunya” SGR-2017- 1112, European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) ACTION CA17112 Prospective European Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network. Marta Alonso-Peña was the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte” (BOE-A- 2015- 9456; FPU-14/ 00214) and a Mobility Grant for Short Stays from “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades” (EST17/00186). Ricardo Espinosa-Escudero is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from “Junta de Castilla y León” and “Fondo Social Europeo” (EDU/574/2018). The funding sources were not involved in the research design or preparation of the articl

    Bead-assisted SARS-CoV-2 multi-antigen serological test allows effective identification of patients

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    Many new aspects of COVID-19 disease, including different clinical manifestations, have been identified during the pandemic. The wide array of symptoms and variation in disease severity after SARS-CoV-2 infection might be related to heterogeneity in the immune responses of different patients. Here we describe a new method for a simple multi-antigen serological test that generates a full picture of seroconversion in a single reaction. The assay is based on the detection by flow cytometry of multiple immunoglobulin classes (isotypes) specific for four SARS-CoV-2 antigens: the Spike glycoprotein (one of the highly immunogenic proteins), its RBD fragment (the major target for neutralising antibodies), the nucleocapsid protein and the main cysteine-like protease. Until now, most diagnostic serological tests measured antibodies to only one antigen and some patients seemed to not make any antibody response. Our data reveal that while most patients respond against all the viral antigens tested, others show a marked bias to make antibodies against either proteins exposed on the viral particle or those released after cellular infection. Combining all the four antigens and using machine learning techniques, it was possible to clearly discriminate between patients and healthy controls with 100% confidence. Further, combination of antigens and different immunoglobulin isotypes in this multi-antigen assay improved the classification of patients with mild and severe disease. Introduction of this method will facilitate massive screenings of patients to evaluate their immune response. It could also support vaccination campaigns both to select non-immune individuals and to distinguish infected patients from vaccine responders.This work was supported by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, project numbers 202020E079 and CSIC-COVID19-028) and grants from Madrid Regional Government “IMMUNOTHERCAN” [S2017/BMD-3733-2 (MVG)]; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [(MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU): RTI2018-093569-B-I00 (MVG), SAF2017-82940-R (JMRF), SAF2017-83265-R (HTR); SAF2017-82886-R (FSM)]; Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) [RETICS Program RD16/0012/0006; RIER (JMRF); PI19/00549 (AA)]. The study was also funded by “La Caixa Banking Foundation” (HR17-00016 to FSM) and Fondo Supera COVID (CRUE-Banco de Santander) to FSM.N

    Single-reaction multi-antigen serological test for comprehensive evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 patients by flow cytometry

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    Here, we describe a new, simple, highly multiplexed serological test that generates a more complete picture of seroconversion than single antigen-based assays. Flow cytometry is used to detect multiple Ig isotypes binding to four SARS-CoV-2 antigens: the Spike glycoprotein, its RBD fragment (the main target for neutralizing antibodies), the nucleocapsid protein, and the main cysteine-like protease in a single reaction. Until now, most diagnostic serological tests measured antibodies to only one antigen and in some laboratory-confirmed patients no SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies could be detected. Our data reveal that while most patients respond against all the viral antigens tested, others show a marked bias to make antibodies against either proteins exposed on the viral particle or those released after cellular infection. With this assay, it was possible to discriminate between patients and healthy controls with 100% confidence. Analysing the response of multiple Ig isotypes to the four antigens in combination may also help to establish a correlation with the severity degree of disease. A more detailed description of the immune responses of different patients to SARS-CoV-2 virus might provide insight into the wide array of clinical presentations of COVID-19.This work was supported by: Spanish National Research Council (CSIC-202020E079, CSIC-COVID19-028); Madrid Regional Government “IMMUNOTHERCAN” [S2017/BMD-3733-2 (MVG)]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [(MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU, RTI2018-093569-B-I00 (MVG), SAF2017-82940-R (JMRF), SAF2017-83265-R (HTR); SAF2017-82886-R (FSM)]; Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) [RETICS Program RD16/0012/0006; RIER (EMGC); PI19/00549 (AA)]; “La Caixa Bank Foundation” (HR17-00016), Fondo Supera COVID (CRUE-Banco de Santander), both to FSM.Peer reviewe

    Towards precision medicine: defining and characterizing adipose tissue dysfunction to identify early immunometabolic risk in symptom-free adults from the GEMM family study

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    Interactions between macrophages and adipocytes are early molecular factors influencing adipose tissue (AT) dysfunction, resulting in high leptin, low adiponectin circulating levels and low-grade metaflammation, leading to insulin resistance (IR) with increased cardiovascular risk. We report the characterization of AT dysfunction through measurements of the adiponectin/leptin ratio (ALR), the adipo-insulin resistance index (Adipo-IRi), fasting/postprandial (F/P) immunometabolic phenotyping and direct F/P differential gene expression in AT biopsies obtained from symptom-free adults from the GEMM family study. AT dysfunction was evaluated through associations of the ALR with F/P insulin-glucose axis, lipid-lipoprotein metabolism, and inflammatory markers. A relevant pattern of negative associations between decreased ALR and markers of systemic low-grade metaflammation, HOMA, and postprandial cardiovascular risk hyperinsulinemic, triglyceride and GLP-1 curves was found. We also analysed their plasma non-coding microRNAs and shotgun lipidomics profiles finding trends that may reflect a pattern of adipose tissue dysfunction in the fed and fasted state. Direct gene differential expression data showed initial patterns of AT molecular signatures of key immunometabolic genes involved in AT expansion, angiogenic remodelling and immune cell migration. These data reinforce the central, early role of AT dysfunction at the molecular and systemic level in the pathogenesis of IR and immunometabolic disorders

    Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAM-COVID-19)

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the association between tocilizumab or corticosteroids and the risk of intubation or death in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) with a hyperinflammatory state according to clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A cohort study was performed in 60 Spanish hospitals including 778 patients with COVID-19 and clinical and laboratory data indicative of a hyperinflammatory state. Treatment was mainly with tocilizumab, an intermediate-high dose of corticosteroids (IHDC), a pulse dose of corticosteroids (PDC), combination therapy, or no treatment. Primary outcome was intubation or death; follow-up was 21 days. Propensity score-adjusted estimations using Cox regression (logistic regression if needed) were calculated. Propensity scores were used as confounders, matching variables and for the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). Results: In all, 88, 117, 78 and 151 patients treated with tocilizumab, IHDC, PDC, and combination therapy, respectively, were compared with 344 untreated patients. The primary endpoint occurred in 10 (11.4%), 27 (23.1%), 12 (15.4%), 40 (25.6%) and 69 (21.1%), respectively. The IPTW-based hazard ratios (odds ratio for combination therapy) for the primary endpoint were 0.32 (95%CI 0.22-0.47; p < 0.001) for tocilizumab, 0.82 (0.71-1.30; p 0.82) for IHDC, 0.61 (0.43-0.86; p 0.006) for PDC, and 1.17 (0.86-1.58; p 0.30) for combination therapy. Other applications of the propensity score provided similar results, but were not significant for PDC. Tocilizumab was also associated with lower hazard of death alone in IPTW analysis (0.07; 0.02-0.17; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Tocilizumab might be useful in COVID-19 patients with a hyperinflammatory state and should be prioritized for randomized trials in this situatio

    Complement component C4 structural variation and quantitative traits contribute to sex-biased vulnerability in systemic sclerosis

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    Altres ajuts: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), "A way of making Europe".Copy number (CN) polymorphisms of complement C4 play distinct roles in many conditions, including immune-mediated diseases. We investigated the association of C4 CN with systemic sclerosis (SSc) risk. Imputed total C4, C4A, C4B, and HERV-K CN were analyzed in 26,633 individuals and validated in an independent cohort. Our results showed that higher C4 CN confers protection to SSc, and deviations from CN parity of C4A and C4B augmented risk. The protection contributed per copy of C4A and C4B differed by sex. Stronger protection was afforded by C4A in men and by C4B in women. C4 CN correlated well with its gene expression and serum protein levels, and less C4 was detected for both in SSc patients. Conditioned analysis suggests that C4 genetics strongly contributes to the SSc association within the major histocompatibility complex locus and highlights classical alleles and amino acid variants of HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DPB1 as C4-independent signals