24 research outputs found

    Comparing Bacterial Genomes by Searching their Common Intervals

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    International audienceComparing bacterial genomes implies the use of a dedicated measure. It relies on comparing circular genomes based on a set of conserved genes. Following this assumption, the common interval appears to be a good candidate. For evidences, we propose herein an approach to compute the common intervals between two circular genomes that takes into account duplications. Its application on a concrete case, comparing E. coli and V. cholerae, is accurate. It indeed emphasizes sets of conserved genes that present high impacts on bacterial functions

    Influence of the geometry of protective barriers on the propagation of shock waves

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    International audienceThe protection of industrial facilities, classified as hazardous, against accidental or intentional explosions represents a major challenge for the prevention of personal injury and property damage, which also involves social and economic issues. We consider here the use of physical barriers against the effects of these explosions, which include the pressure wave, the projection of fragments and the thermal flash. This approach can be recommended for the control of major industrials risks, but no specific instructions are available for its implementation. The influence of a protective barrier against a detonation-type explosion is studied in small-scale experiments. The effects of overpressure are examined over the entire path of the shock wave across the barrier and in the downstream zone to be protected. Two series of barrier structures are studied. The first series (A) of experiments investigates two types of barrier geometry with dimensions based on NATO recommendations. These recommendations stipulate that the barrier should be 2 m higher than the charge height, the thickness at the crest should be more than 0.5 m, while its length should be equal to twice the protected structure length and the bank slope should be equivalent to the angle of repose of the soil. The second series (B) of experiments investigates the influence of geometrical parameters of the barrier (thickness at the crest and inclination angles of the front and rear faces) on its protective effects. This project leads to an advance in our understanding of the physical phenomena involved in the propagation of blast waves resulting from an external explosion, in the area around a protective physical barrier. The study focuses on the dimensioning of protective barriers against overpressures effects arising from detonation and shows the advantage of using a barrier with a vertical front or rear face

    Experimenting cross-disciplinary cooperation by an experimental One Health degree program around the triad Animal-Man-Food

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    Magras Catherine, Diguet Anne-Laure, Lepelletier Didier, Eveillard Mathieu, Couvreur SĂ©bastien, Ruvoen-Clouet Nathalie, Krempf Michel. L’Idefi Man-Imal : une formation One-Health de la pluri- Ă  l’interdisciplinaritĂ©. In: Bulletin de l'AcadĂ©mie VĂ©tĂ©rinaire de France tome 171 n°2, 2018. pp. 100-102

    CYBERCRYPT: Learn Basic Cryptographic Concepts while Playing

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    Cryptography is used since the Antiquity to securely transmit messages. Thanks to a key that is shared between parties, the armies have been able to securely send commands and information to a distant unit. In the middle of the Twentieth Century, cryptography has experienced a drastic evolution and has become even more widespread, thanks to the development of computer science and the democratization of the digitization of the data transmitted between people. In particular, cryptologists Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman invented in 1976 the concept of public key cryptography, revolutionizing the way data can be protected, and paving the way to a new kind of cryptography that can be used for much more than data confidentiality. CYBERCRYPT is a collaborative and educational game that allows people to understand basic cryptographic mechanisms. It allows to discover from the oldest techniques (Scytale, Caesar and Vernam\u27s encryption, Enigma machine) to most recent ones, currently implemented in our daily transactions (electronic signature, key exchange, etc.). CYBERCRYPT allows, through several rich and comprehensive workshops, to discover the different techniques used in cryptography, and also highlights the crucial importance of cryptography to protect our digital daily life

    Community-Level Responses to Iron Availability in Open Ocean Plankton Ecosystems

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    Predicting responses of plankton to variations in essential nutrients is hampered by limited in situ measurements, a poor understanding of community composition, and the lack of reference gene catalogs for key taxa. Iron is a key driver of plankton dynamics and, therefore, of global biogeochemical cycles and climate. To assess the impact of iron availability on plankton communities, we explored the comprehensive bio-oceanographic and bio-omics data sets from Tara Oceans in the context of the iron products from two state-of-the-art global scale biogeochemical models. We obtained novel information about adaptation and acclimation toward iron in a range of phytoplankton, including picocyanobacteria and diatoms, and identified whole subcommunities covarying with iron. Many of the observed global patterns were recapitulated in the Marquesas archipelago, where frequent plankton blooms are believed to be caused by natural iron fertilization, although they are not captured in large-scale biogeochemical models. This work provides a proof of concept that integrative analyses, spanning from genes to ecosystems and viruses to zooplankton, can disentangle the complexity of plankton communities and can lead to more accurate formulations of resource bioavailability in biogeochemical models, thus improving our understanding of plankton resilience in a changing environment

    Propagation d'une onde de choc en présence d'une barriÚre de protection

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    This thesis is a part of the ANR BARPPRO project. This research program studies this influence of the protection barrier during an explosion detonation. The goal of this project is to establish fast-computation methods of area classification effects to help the industrial to design the protection barrier on the SEVESO sites. One from abacus, for configurations in 2D geometry on specified parameters used, with an accuracy of +/- 5%. The other from a fast-running method based on broken lines for configurations in 2D and 3D geometries, but the accuracy is +/- 30%. This study includes three approaches: experimental, numerical simulation and analytical approaches. The experimental part studies several geometries of the protection barrier for a gaseous explosion (stoichiometric propane-oxygen mixture) at small scales. The experimental configurations used to validate the numerical simulation tool constituted of the HERA software and the TERA 100 supercomputer. The overpressure charts were able to generate from the numerical results (3125 configurations of the barrier for a TNT charge). The analysis of these results allows to establish different recommendations in the design of the protection barrier. The study of the different physical phenomena present has also helped to set up a fast-running method based on the geometrical, empirical and analytical relations. All these tools will enable an engineer to analyze and estimate the evolution of overpressure around the barrier as a function of the site’s dimensions.Les travaux de thĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©s dans ce mĂ©moire s’inscrivent dans le cadre du projet ANR BARPPRO. Ce programme de recherche vise Ă  Ă©tudier l’influence d’une barriĂšre de protection face Ă  une explosion en rĂ©gime de dĂ©tonation. L’objectif est d’établir des mĂ©thodes de calcul rapides de classement des zones d’effets pour aider les industriels au dimensionnement des barriĂšres de protection. L’une Ă  partir d’abaques, valable pour des configurations en gĂ©omĂ©trie 2D, sur des plages spĂ©cifiĂ©es de paramĂštres importants retenus, avec une prĂ©cision de +/- 5%. L’autre Ă  partir d’une mĂ©thode d’estimation rapide basĂ©e notamment sur les chemins dĂ©ployĂ©s, valable en gĂ©omĂ©trie 2D et en gĂ©omĂ©trie 3D, mais dont la prĂ©cision estimĂ©e est de +/- 30%. Afin d’y parvenir, l’étude s’appuie sur trois volets : expĂ©rimental, simulation numĂ©rique et analytique. La partie expĂ©rimentale Ă©tudie plusieurs gĂ©omĂ©tries de barriĂšre de protection Ă  petites Ă©chelles pour la dĂ©tonation d’une charge gazeuse (propane-oxygĂšne Ă  la stoechiomĂ©trie). Les configurations expĂ©rimentĂ©es servent Ă  la validation de l’outil de simulation numĂ©rique constituĂ© du solveur HERA et de la plateforme de calcul TERA 100. Des abaques d’aide au dimensionnement ont pu ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  partir de rĂ©sultats fournis par l’outil de simulation (3125 configurations de barriĂšre de protection, TNT). L’étude des diffĂ©rents phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques prĂ©sents a Ă©galement permis de mettre en place une mĂ©thode d’estimation rapide basĂ©e sur des relations gĂ©omĂ©triques, analytiques et empiriques. L’analyse de ces rĂ©sultats a permis d’établir quelques recommandations dans le dimensionnement d’une barriĂšre de protection. Les abaques et le programme d’estimation rapide permettent Ă  un ingĂ©nieur de dimensionner rapidement une barriĂšre de protection en fonction de la configuration du terrain et de la position de la zone Ă  protĂ©ger en aval du merlon

    Propagation of blast wave in presence of the protection barrier

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    Les travaux de thĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©s dans ce mĂ©moire s’inscrivent dans le cadre du projet ANR BARPPRO. Ce programme de recherche vise Ă  Ă©tudier l’influence d’une barriĂšre de protection face Ă  une explosion en rĂ©gime de dĂ©tonation. L’objectif est d’établir des mĂ©thodes de calcul rapides de classement des zones d’effets pour aider les industriels au dimensionnement des barriĂšres de protection. L’une Ă  partir d’abaques, valable pour des configurations en gĂ©omĂ©trie 2D, sur des plages spĂ©cifiĂ©es de paramĂštres importants retenus, avec une prĂ©cision de +/- 5%. L’autre Ă  partir d’une mĂ©thode d’estimation rapide basĂ©e notamment sur les chemins dĂ©ployĂ©s, valable en gĂ©omĂ©trie 2D et en gĂ©omĂ©trie 3D, mais dont la prĂ©cision estimĂ©e est de +/- 30%. Afin d’y parvenir, l’étude s’appuie sur trois volets : expĂ©rimental, simulation numĂ©rique et analytique. La partie expĂ©rimentale Ă©tudie plusieurs gĂ©omĂ©tries de barriĂšre de protection Ă  petites Ă©chelles pour la dĂ©tonation d’une charge gazeuse (propane-oxygĂšne Ă  la stoechiomĂ©trie). Les configurations expĂ©rimentĂ©es servent Ă  la validation de l’outil de simulation numĂ©rique constituĂ© du solveur HERA et de la plateforme de calcul TERA 100. Des abaques d’aide au dimensionnement ont pu ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  partir de rĂ©sultats fournis par l’outil de simulation (3125 configurations de barriĂšre de protection, TNT). L’étude des diffĂ©rents phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques prĂ©sents a Ă©galement permis de mettre en place une mĂ©thode d’estimation rapide basĂ©e sur des relations gĂ©omĂ©triques, analytiques et empiriques. L’analyse de ces rĂ©sultats a permis d’établir quelques recommandations dans le dimensionnement d’une barriĂšre de protection. Les abaques et le programme d’estimation rapide permettent Ă  un ingĂ©nieur de dimensionner rapidement une barriĂšre de protection en fonction de la configuration du terrain et de la position de la zone Ă  protĂ©ger en aval du merlon.This thesis is a part of the ANR BARPPRO project. This research program studies this influence of the protection barrier during an explosion detonation. The goal of this project is to establish fast-computation methods of area classification effects to help the industrial to design the protection barrier on the SEVESO sites. One from abacus, for configurations in 2D geometry on specified parameters used, with an accuracy of +/- 5%. The other from a fast-running method based on broken lines for configurations in 2D and 3D geometries, but the accuracy is +/- 30%. This study includes three approaches: experimental, numerical simulation and analytical approaches. The experimental part studies several geometries of the protection barrier for a gaseous explosion (stoichiometric propane-oxygen mixture) at small scales. The experimental configurations used to validate the numerical simulation tool constituted of the HERA software and the TERA 100 supercomputer. The overpressure charts were able to generate from the numerical results (3125 configurations of the barrier for a TNT charge). The analysis of these results allows to establish different recommendations in the design of the protection barrier. The study of the different physical phenomena present has also helped to set up a fast-running method based on the geometrical, empirical and analytical relations. All these tools will enable an engineer to analyze and estimate the evolution of overpressure around the barrier as a function of the site’s dimensions

    Propagation d'une onde de choc en présence d'une barriÚre de protection

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    Les travaux de thĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©s dans ce mĂ©moire s inscrivent dans le cadre du projet ANR BARPPRO. Ce programme de recherche vise Ă  Ă©tudier l influence d une barriĂšre de protection face Ă  une explosion en rĂ©gime de dĂ©tonation. L objectif est d Ă©tablir des mĂ©thodes de calcul rapides de classement des zones d effets pour aider les industriels au dimensionnement des barriĂšres de protection. L une Ă  partir d abaques, valable pour des configurations en gĂ©omĂ©trie 2D, sur des plages spĂ©cifiĂ©es de paramĂštres importants retenus, avec une prĂ©cision de +/- 5%. L autre Ă  partir d une mĂ©thode d estimation rapide basĂ©e notamment sur les chemins dĂ©ployĂ©s, valable en gĂ©omĂ©trie 2D et en gĂ©omĂ©trie 3D, mais dont la prĂ©cision estimĂ©e est de +/- 30%. Afin d y parvenir, l Ă©tude s appuie sur trois volets : expĂ©rimental, simulation numĂ©rique et analytique. La partie expĂ©rimentale Ă©tudie plusieurs gĂ©omĂ©tries de barriĂšre de protection Ă  petites Ă©chelles pour la dĂ©tonation d une charge gazeuse (propane-oxygĂšne Ă  la stoechiomĂ©trie). Les configurations expĂ©rimentĂ©es servent Ă  la validation de l outil de simulation numĂ©rique constituĂ© du solveur HERA et de la plateforme de calcul TERA 100. Des abaques d aide au dimensionnement ont pu ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  partir de rĂ©sultats fournis par l outil de simulation (3125 configurations de barriĂšre de protection, TNT). L Ă©tude des diffĂ©rents phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques prĂ©sents a Ă©galement permis de mettre en place une mĂ©thode d estimation rapide basĂ©e sur des relations gĂ©omĂ©triques, analytiques et empiriques. L analyse de ces rĂ©sultats a permis d Ă©tablir quelques recommandations dans le dimensionnement d une barriĂšre de protection. Les abaques et le programme d estimation rapide permettent Ă  un ingĂ©nieur de dimensionner rapidement une barriĂšre de protection en fonction de la configuration du terrain et de la position de la zone Ă  protĂ©ger en aval du merlon.This thesis is a part of the ANR BARPPRO project. This research program studies this influence of the protection barrier during an explosion detonation. The goal of this project is to establish fast-computation methods of area classification effects to help the industrial to design the protection barrier on the SEVESO sites. One from abacus, for configurations in 2D geometry on specified parameters used, with an accuracy of +/- 5%. The other from a fast-running method based on broken lines for configurations in 2D and 3D geometries, but the accuracy is +/- 30%. This study includes three approaches: experimental, numerical simulation and analytical approaches. The experimental part studies several geometries of the protection barrier for a gaseous explosion (stoichiometric propane-oxygen mixture) at small scales. The experimental configurations used to validate the numerical simulation tool constituted of the HERA software and the TERA 100 supercomputer. The overpressure charts were able to generate from the numerical results (3125 configurations of the barrier for a TNT charge). The analysis of these results allows to establish different recommendations in the design of the protection barrier. The study of the different physical phenomena present has also helped to set up a fast-running method based on the geometrical, empirical and analytical relations. All these tools will enable an engineer to analyze and estimate the evolution of overpressure around the barrier as a function of the site s dimensions.ORLEANS-SCD-Bib. electronique (452349901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Propagation of blast wave in presence of blast wall

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