157 research outputs found

    A review of knowledge of the potential impacts of GMOs on organic agriculture

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    The organic movement believes that organic agriculture, by its nature, cannot involve the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This has been incorporated into EU regulations which state that there is no place in organic agriculture for GMOs. The aim in this review is to consider the ways in which the use of GMOs in agriculture in the UK and internationally might impact on organic farming. It does not address the controversy about the rights or wrongs of GMO’s per se. The subjects covered are based on a set of questions raised at the beginning of the study. The review is based primarily on evidence from peer-reviewed literature. The report is based on a number of themes, as follows: • Fate of DNA in soil • Fate of DNA in livestock feed and possible impact of GM feed • Fate of DNA in slurry, manure, compost and mulch • Impact of herbicide tolerant crops • Impact of pest and disease resistant crops • Safety of promoters • DNA transfer in pollen and seeds • Horizontal gene transfer • Impact of scale The report’s Executive Summary includes summaries of the findings on each of these themes

    Regulation of Centromere Localization of the Drosophila Shugoshin MEI-S332 and Sister-Chromatid Cohesion in Meiosis

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    The Shugoshin (Sgo) protein family helps to ensure proper chromosome segregation by protecting cohesion at the centromere by preventing cleavage of the cohesin complex. Some Sgo proteins also influence other aspects of kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Although many Sgo members require Aurora B kinase to localize to the centromere, factors controlling delocalization are poorly understood and diverse. Moreover, it is not clear how Sgo function is inactivated and whether this is distinct from delocalization. We investigated these questions in Drosophila melanogaster, an organism with superb chromosome cytology to monitor Sgo localization and quantitative assays to test its function in sister-chromatid segregation in meiosis. Previous research showed that in mitosis in cell culture, phosphorylation of the Drosophila Sgo, MEI-S332, by Aurora B promotes centromere localization, whereas Polo phosphorylation promotes delocalization. These studies also suggested that MEI-S332 can be inactivated independently of delocalization, a conclusion supported here by localization and function studies in meiosis. Phosphoresistant and phosphomimetic mutants for the Aurora B and Polo phosphorylation sites were examined for effects on MEI-S332 localization and chromosome segregation in meiosis. Strikingly, MEI-S332 with a phosphomimetic mutation in the Aurora B phosphorylation site prematurely dissociates from the centromeres in meiosis I. Despite the absence of MEI-S332 on meiosis II centromeres in male meiosis, sister chromatids segregate normally, demonstrating that detectable levels of this Sgo are not essential for chromosome congression, kinetochore biorientation, or spindle assembly.David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT (Fellowship)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant MCB-0646593

    The effect of a youth mental health service model on access to secondary mental healthcare for young people aged 14–25 years

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    Aims and method: The Norfolk Youth Service was created in 2012 in response to calls to redesign mental health services to better meet the needs of young people. The new service model transcends traditional boundaries by creating a single, ‘youth friendly’ service for young people aged 14–25 years. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the transition to this new model on patterns of referral, acceptance and service use. We analysed routinely collected data on young people aged 14–25 years referred for secondary mental healthcare in Norfolk before and after implementation of the youth mental health service. The number of referrals, their age and gender, proportion of referrals accepted and average number of service contacts per referral by age pre- and post-implementation were compared. Results: Referrals increased by 68% following implementation of the new service model, but the proportion of referrals accepted fell by 27 percentage points. Before implementation of the youth service, there was a clear discrepancy between the peak age of referral and the age of those seen by services. Following implementation, service contacts were more equitable across ages, with no marked discontinuity at age 18 years. Clinical implications: Our findings suggest that the transformation of services may have succeeded in reducing the ‘cliff edge’ in access to mental health services at the transition to adulthood. However, the sharp rise in referrals and reduction in the proportion of referrals accepted highlights the importance of considering possible unintended consequences of new service models. Declaration of interests: None

    The Influence of Hormonal Contraception on Vitamin D Supplementation on Serum 25(OH)D3 Status in Premenopausal Women: A Prospective Double-Blind Placebo Random Controlled Trial

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    Background: A number of cross-sectional studies have highlighted a potential benefit of estrogen-containing contraception on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels. The purpose of the present prospective study was to determine whether oral vitamin D3 supplementation significantly increases serum 25(OH)D more for women taking the estrogen-containing oral contraception than those not taking this medication. Methods: Thirty-eight premenopausal adult females aged 18 - 45 years old were recruited from a university campus; exclusion criteria included those presently taking vitamin D supplementation, those who stopped or started taking oral contraception in last 6 months and those taking any other form of contraception. A prospective doubleblind placebo design was implemented; the dependent variable was serum 25(OH)D and the independent variables were using or not using oral estrogen-containing contraception, and vitamin D3 or placebo supplementation. Participants were tested 4 weeks apart, and blood samples were collected using a capillary blood spot sample method and analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. An independent technician prepared the identical supplement bottles with either 100 placebo pills or 100 active vitamin D3 pills (1,000 IU per pill) and participants randomly selected a supplement bottle. Results: Baseline measurements of 25(OH)D were non-significantly 11% higher in those taking estrogen. ANOVA results revealed a significant two-way interaction between supplementation group (treatment vs. placebo) and treatment period (before vs. after) (P < 0.001), demonstrating a substantial rise in serum 25(OH)D for the treatment group compared with the placebo group. The results also identified a three-way interaction (P = 0.014) on serum 25(OH)D between the three independent variables, with the vitamin D oral contraception group having significantly greater serum 25(OH)D increases (from 45.9 to 98.3 nmol/L) compared with those not taking oral contraception (44.2 - 69.6 nmol/L) (P = 0.019). Conclusions: The estrogen-containing oral contraception increases serum 25(OH)D in premenopausal women with a magnified effect in those taking vitamin D supplementation. Future studies need to examine the relationship between estrogen, vitamin D supplementation, serum 25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)D, parathyroid hormone and other markers of bone metabolisms

    Continuous kisspeptin restores luteinizing hormone pulsatility following cessation by a neurokinin B antagonist in female sheep

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    Pulsatile secretion of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) drives pulsatile secretion of the luteinizing hormone (LH), with evidence that this depends on kisspeptin (Kiss) input to GnRH neurons. Kiss administration causes acute GnRH/LH secretion, and electrophysiological data suggest that Kiss neurons may act in a phasic manner to drive GnRH secretion, but there is not definitive evidence for this. The product of the Kiss-1 gene is proteolytically cleaved to smaller products, and the 10 amino acid C-terminal product (Kiss-10) displays full bioactivity. We have shown previously that continuous delivery of Kiss-10 to anestrous ewes can cause a surge in GnRH secretion and ovulation and increases LH pulse frequency in humans. Here, we tested the hypothesis that continuous Kiss-10 delivery can support pulsatile GnRH/LH secretion in the sheep. Neurokinin B (NKB) provides positive drive to Kiss neurons, so we therefore infused an NKB antagonist (ANT-08) intracerebroventricularly to induce cessation of pulsatile GnRH/LH secretion, with or without concomitant continuous Kiss-10 infusion. ANT-08 suppressed GnRH/LH pulsatility, which was immediately restored with continuous Kiss-10 infusion. These data support the notion that Kiss-10 action is downstream of NKB signaling and that continuous Kiss-10 stimulation of GnRH neurons is sufficient to support a pulsatile pattern of GnRH/LH secretion. This offers further support to the theory that GnRH pulse generation is intrinsic to GnRH neurons and that pulsatile GnRH release can be affected with continuous stimulation by Kiss-10.The Universities of Pretoria and Cape Town, South African Medical Research Council, and National Research Foundation. I.J.C. was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.https://academic.oup.com/endo2019-02-01hj2018ImmunologyPhysiolog

    Students' Perception of the Psycho-Social Clinical Learning Environment: An Evaluation of Placement Models

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    Nursing is a practice based discipline. A supportive environment has been identified as important for the transfer of learning in the clinical context. The aim of the paper was to assess undergraduate nurses' perceptions of the psychosocial characteristics of clinical learning environments within three different clinical placement models. Three hundred and eight-nine undergraduate nursing students rated their perceptions of the psycho-social learning environment using a Clinical Learning Environment Inventory. There were 16 respondents in the Preceptor model category, 269 respondents in the Facilitation model category and 114 respondents in the clinical education unit model across 25 different clinical areas in one tertiary facility. The most positive social climate was associated with the preceptor model. On all subscales the median score was rated higher than the two other models. When clinical education units were compared with the standard facilitation model the median score was rated higher in all of the subscales in the Clinical Learning Environment Inventory. These results suggest that while preceptoring is an effective clinical placement strategy that provides psycho-social support for students, clinical education units that are more sustainable through their placement of greater numbers of students, can provide greater psycho-social support for students than traditional models

    MS4A1 Dysregulation in Asbestos-Related Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Is Due to CD20 Stromal Lymphocyte Expression

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    Asbestos-related lung cancer accounts for 4–12% of lung cancers worldwide. We have previously identified ADAM28 as a putative oncogene involved in asbestos-related lung adenocarcinoma (ARLC-AC). We hypothesised that similarly gene expression profiling of asbestos-related lung squamous cell carcinomas (ARLC-SCC) may identify candidate oncogenes for ARLC-SCC. We undertook a microarray gene expression study in 56 subjects; 26 ARLC-SCC (defined as lung asbestos body (AB) counts >20AB/gram wet weight (gww) and 30 non-asbestos related lung squamous cell carcinoma (NARLC-SCC; no detectable lung asbestos bodies; 0AB/gww). Microarray and bioinformatics analysis identified six candidate genes differentially expressed between ARLC-SCC and NARLC-SCC based on statistical significance (p<0.001) and fold change (FC) of >2-fold. Two genes MS4A1 and CARD18, were technically replicated by qRT-PCR and showed consistent directional changes. As we also found MS4A1 to be overexpressed in ARLC-ACs, we selected this gene for biological validation in independent test sets (one internal, and one external dataset (2 primary tumor sets)). MS4A1 RNA expression dysregulation was validated in the external dataset but not in our internal dataset, likely due to the small sample size in the test set as immunohistochemical (IHC) staining for MS4A1 (CD20) showed that protein expression localized predominantly to stromal lymphocytes rather than tumor cells in ARLC-SCC. We conclude that differential expression of MS4A1 in this comparative gene expression study of ARLC-SCC versus NARLC-SCC is a stromal signal of uncertain significance, and an example of the rationale for tumor cell enrichment in preparation for gene expression studies where the aim is to identify markers of particular tumor phenotypes. Finally, our study failed to identify any strong gene candidates whose expression serves as a marker of asbestos etiology. Future research is required to determine the role of stromal lymphocyte MS4A1 dysregulation in pulmonary SCCs caused by asbestos

    Ontogeny and thermogenic role for sternal fat in female sheep

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    Brown adipose tissue acting through a unique uncoupling protein (UCP1) has a critical role in preventing hypothermia in new-born sheep but is then considered to rapidly disappear during postnatal life. The extent to which the anatomical location of fat influences postnatal development and thermogenic function, particularly following feeding, in adulthood, are not known and were both examined in our study. Changes in gene expression of functionally important pathways (i.e. thermogenesis, development, adipogenesis and metabolism) were compared between sternal and retroperitoneal fat depots together with a representative skeletal muscle over the first month of postnatal life, coincident with the loss of brown fat and accumulation of white fat. In adult sheep, implanted temperature probes were used to characterise the thermogenic response of fat and muscle to feeding and the effects of reduced or increased adiposity. UCP1 was more abundant within sternal than retroperitoneal fat and was only retained in the sternal depot of adults. Distinct differences in the abundance of gene pathway markers were apparent between tissues, with sternal fat exhibiting some similarities with muscle that were not apparent in the retroperitoneal depot. In adults, the post-prandial rise in temperature was greater and more prolonged in sternal than retroperitoneal fat and muscle, a difference that was maintained with altered adiposity. In conclusion, sternal adipose tissue retains UCP1 into adulthood when it shows a greater thermogenic response to feeding than muscle and retroperitoneal fat. Sternal fat may be more amenable to targeted interventions that promote thermogenesis in large mammals

    Can flash glucose monitoring improve glucose management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with type 2 diabetes? A protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are disproportionately impacted by type 2 diabetes. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology (such as Abbott Freestyle Libre 2, previously referred to as Flash Glucose Monitoring) offers real-time glucose monitoring that is convenient and easy to use compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG). However, this technology’s use is neither widespread nor subsidised for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with type 2 diabetes. Building on existing collaborations with a national network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, this randomised controlled trial aims to assess the effect of CGM compared to SMBG on (i) haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), (ii) achieving blood glucose targets, (iii) reducing hypoglycaemic episodes and (iv) cost-effective healthcare in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people health setting. Methods: This is a non-masked, parallel-group, two-arm, individually randomised, controlled trial (ACTRN12621000753853). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults with type 2 diabetes on injectable therapy and HbA1c ≥ 7.5% (n = 350) will be randomised (1:1) to CGM or SMBG for 6 months. The primary outcome is change in HbA1c level from baseline to 6 months. Secondary outcomes include (i) CGM-derived metrics, (ii) frequency of hypoglycaemic episodes, (iii) health-related quality of life and (iv) incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year gained associated with the CGM compared to SMBG. Clinical trial sites include Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, Aboriginal Medical Services, primary care centres and tertiary hospitals across urban, rural, regional and remote Australia. Discussion: The trial will assess the effect of CGM compared to SMBG on HbA1c for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with type 2 diabetes in Australia. This trial could have long-term benefits in improving diabetes management and providing evidence for funding of CGM in this population. Trial registration: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12621000753853. Registered on 15th June 2021

    Animación sociocultural mediante el deporte en la Unidad de Salud Mental del establecimiento carcelario La Modelo de Bogotá

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    Servicio Social ComunitarioInvestigación realizada tuvo como objetivo la realización de una animación sociocultural en el establecimiento carcelario la Modelo ubicado en la ciudad de Bogotá- Colombia, específicamente en la unidad de salud mental, a través de metodologías participativas y alternativas de intervención como el Aprendizaje Servicio Solidario (ASS); de esta manera fue posible identificar en un primer momento algunas de las necesidades sentidas, percibidas e inferidas, tanto de la institución, como de las personas privadas de la libertad (PPL), a través del arte y el deporte. En un segundo momento se desarrolló una intervención a través de las metodologías ya mencionadas, utilizando el deporte como herramienta principal, buscando potencializar en los internos diferentes alternativas para la solución de problemas y la transformación de las necesidades evaluadas. En cuanto a este último objetivo de la intervención no todas las necesidades pudieron tener alguna modificación, puesto que algunas de ellas se encuentran vinculadas con lineamientos institucionales fuera del alcance de esta investigación. Para este estudio no se contó con una muestra estable, ya que para cada sesión los PPL podían elegir su participación de manera voluntaria y en casos particulares se evidenciaban traslados de patio o de establecimiento carcelario y, además, se presentaron situaciones de inseguridad en el patio, que no permitieron el desarrollo adecuado de las últimas sesiones de intervención.140 p.1. Marco Teórico 2. Marco Metodológico 3. Diseño Metodológico de la Intervención 4. Categorías de Análisis 5. Análisis de Contenido 6. Matriz Operativa del Proyecto 7. Análisis de Procesos 8. ReferenciasPregradoPsicólog
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