881 research outputs found

    Challenging the growing rabbit with a moderately pathogenic E. coli under ad libitum or limited feed intake conditions: impact on digestive physiology, bacterial communities, and on post-weaning growth

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    [EN] The impact of a challenge with moderately pathogenic Escherichia coli O128:C6 on the digestive physiology and gut bacterial community of growing rabbits under two feeding programmes was analysed. Upon weaning (28 d old), 180 rabbits were allocated to four groups (9 cages of 5 rabbits per group) for two weeks: group C100 was non-inoculated and fed ad libitum; C70 was non-inoculated and feed intake was limited to 70% of C100; I100 and I70 were inoculated and fed ad libitum or restricted to 70%, respectively. At the age of 31 d (D0), rabbits were orally inoculated with E. coli (2.2×108 colony forming units/rabbit). The effects of inoculation spiked on D4, with a 28% lower growth rate for I100 than for C100. Limited feed intake reinforced the inoculation’s effects on growth: I70 had a 66% lower growth rate than C70. The morbidity rate peaked at 42% between D4 and D7 for inoculated groups, without significant effect of the feed intake level. E. coli concentration peaked on D5/D6 in the caecum of the I100 and I70 groups. Inoculation reduced by 30% (P<0.05) the villus height/crypt depth and villus/crypt area ratios in the ileum, with no significant effect of the intake level. Inoculation was associated with a tenfold increase in serum haptoglobin (P<0.001) for both ad libitum and restricted rabbits. On D5, the inoculation modified the structure of the ileal bacterial community (P<0.05), but not that of the caecum. The feed intake level did not affect either the structure or diversity of the bacterial community, both in the ileum and caecum.The authors would like to thank Alain Milon and StĂ©phane Bertagnoli (ENV Toulouse) who provided the E. coli O128:C6 strain we used. We are also grateful to ANSES staff in the “Service d’Elevage et d’ExpĂ©rimentation en Pathologie Aviaire” (M. Amelot, L. Le Moal, T. Le Coq, D. Courtois and M. Morvan) and for the technical help of F. Lalande (HQPAP, ANSES) and L. Gordon.Martignon, M.; Burel, C.; Licois, D.; Reperant, E.; Postollec, G.; Valat, C.; Gidenne, TN. (2021). Challenging the growing rabbit with a moderately pathogenic E. coli under ad libitum or limited feed intake conditions: impact on digestive physiology, bacterial communities, and on post-weaning growth. World Rabbit Science. 29(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2021.14089OJS110291Agnoletti F. 2012. Update on rabbit enteric diseases: despite improved diagnostic capacity, where does disease control and prevention stand? In: Proc. 10th World Rabbit Congress, World Rabbit Science Association (WRSA) publ., Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, 1113-1127.Allison S.D., Martiny J.B.H. 2008. Resistance, resilience, and redundancy in microbial communities. Proc. Nat. 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    Looking backward: From Euler to Riemann

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    We survey the main ideas in the early history of the subjects on which Riemann worked and that led to some of his most important discoveries. The subjects discussed include the theory of functions of a complex variable, elliptic and Abelian integrals, the hypergeometric series, the zeta function, topology, differential geometry, integration, and the notion of space. We shall see that among Riemann's predecessors in all these fields, one name occupies a prominent place, this is Leonhard Euler. The final version of this paper will appear in the book \emph{From Riemann to differential geometry and relativity} (L. Ji, A. Papadopoulos and S. Yamada, ed.) Berlin: Springer, 2017

    Measurement of the mass and lifetime of the Ωb−\Omega_b^- baryon

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    A proton-proton collision data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb−1^{-1} collected by LHCb at s=7\sqrt{s}=7 and 8 TeV, is used to reconstruct 63±963\pm9 Ωb−→Ωc0π−\Omega_b^-\to\Omega_c^0\pi^-, Ωc0→pK−K−π+\Omega_c^0\to pK^-K^-\pi^+ decays. Using the Ξb−→Ξc0π−\Xi_b^-\to\Xi_c^0\pi^-, Ξc0→pK−K−π+\Xi_c^0\to pK^-K^-\pi^+ decay mode for calibration, the lifetime ratio and absolute lifetime of the Ωb−\Omega_b^- baryon are measured to be \begin{align*} \frac{\tau_{\Omega_b^-}}{\tau_{\Xi_b^-}} &= 1.11\pm0.16\pm0.03, \\ \tau_{\Omega_b^-} &= 1.78\pm0.26\pm0.05\pm0.06~{\rm ps}, \end{align*} where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic and from the calibration mode (for τΩb−\tau_{\Omega_b^-} only). A measurement is also made of the mass difference, mΩb−−mΞb−m_{\Omega_b^-}-m_{\Xi_b^-}, and the corresponding Ωb−\Omega_b^- mass, which yields \begin{align*} m_{\Omega_b^-}-m_{\Xi_b^-} &= 247.4\pm3.2\pm0.5~{\rm MeV}/c^2, \\ m_{\Omega_b^-} &= 6045.1\pm3.2\pm 0.5\pm0.6~{\rm MeV}/c^2. \end{align*} These results are consistent with previous measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2016-008.htm

    Measurement of the Bs0→J/ψηB_{s}^{0} \rightarrow J/\psi \eta lifetime

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    Using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3fb−13 fb^{-1}, collected by the LHCb experiment in pppp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, the effective lifetime in the Bs0→J/ψηB^0_s \rightarrow J/\psi \eta decay mode, τeff\tau_{\textrm{eff}}, is measured to be τeff=1.479±0.034 (stat)±0.011 (syst)\tau_{\textrm{eff}} = 1.479 \pm 0.034~\textrm{(stat)} \pm 0.011 ~\textrm{(syst)} ps. Assuming CPCP conservation, τeff\tau_{\textrm{eff}} corresponds to the lifetime of the light Bs0B_s^0 mass eigenstate. This is the first measurement of the effective lifetime in this decay mode.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2016-017.htm

    Observation of the Bs0→J/ψϕϕB_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi \phi \phi decay

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    The Bs0→J/ψϕϕB_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi \phi \phi decay is observed in pppp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb−1^{-1} recorded by the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV. This is the first observation of this decay channel, with a statistical significance of 15 standard deviations. The mass of the Bs0B_s^0 meson is measured to be 5367.08 ± 0.38 ± 0.155367.08\,\pm \,0.38\,\pm\, 0.15 MeV/c2^2. The branching fraction ratio B(Bs0→J/ψϕϕ)/B(Bs0→J/ψϕ)\mathcal{B}(B_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi \phi \phi)/\mathcal{B}(B_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi \phi) is measured to be 0.0115\,\pm\, 0.0012\, ^{+0.0005}_{-0.0009}. In both cases, the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. No evidence for non-resonant Bs0→J/ψϕK+K−B_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi \phi K^+ K^- or Bs0→J/ψK+K−K+K−B_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi K^+ K^- K^+ K^- decays is found.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2015-033.htm

    Observation of an Excited Bc+ State

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    Using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.5 fb-1 recorded by the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies of s=7, 8, and 13 TeV, the observation of an excited Bc+ state in the Bc+π+π- invariant-mass spectrum is reported. The observed peak has a mass of 6841.2±0.6(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, where the last uncertainty is due to the limited knowledge of the Bc+ mass. It is consistent with expectations of the Bc∗(2S31)+ state reconstructed without the low-energy photon from the Bc∗(1S31)+→Bc+Îł decay following Bc∗(2S31)+→Bc∗(1S31)+π+π-. A second state is seen with a global (local) statistical significance of 2.2σ (3.2σ) and a mass of 6872.1±1.3(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, and is consistent with the Bc(2S10)+ state. These mass measurements are the most precise to date

    Bose-Einstein correlations of same-sign charged pions in the forward region in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV

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    Bose-Einstein correlations of same-sign charged pions, produced in protonproton collisions at a 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy, are studied using a data sample collected by the LHCb experiment. The signature for Bose-Einstein correlations is observed in the form of an enhancement of pairs of like-sign charged pions with small four-momentum difference squared. The charged-particle multiplicity dependence of the Bose-Einstein correlation parameters describing the correlation strength and the size of the emitting source is investigated, determining both the correlation radius and the chaoticity parameter. The measured correlation radius is found to increase as a function of increasing charged-particle multiplicity, while the chaoticity parameter is seen to decreas

    Model-independent evidence for J/ψpJ/\psi p contributions to Λb0→J/ψpK−\Lambda_b^0\to J/\psi p K^- decays

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    The data sample of Λb0→J/ψpK−\Lambda_b^0\to J/\psi p K^- decays acquired with the LHCb detector from 7 and 8~TeV pppp collisions, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb−1^{-1}, is inspected for the presence of J/ψpJ/\psi p or J/ψK−J/\psi K^- contributions with minimal assumptions about K−pK^- p contributions. It is demonstrated at more than 9 standard deviations that Λb0→J/ψpK−\Lambda_b^0\to J/\psi p K^- decays cannot be described with K−pK^- p contributions alone, and that J/ψpJ/\psi p contributions play a dominant role in this incompatibility. These model-independent results support the previously obtained model-dependent evidence for Pc+→J/ψpP_c^+\to J/\psi p charmonium-pentaquark states in the same data sample.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures (including the supplemental section added at the end

    Study of charmonium production in b -hadron decays and first evidence for the decay Bs0

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    Using decays to φ-meson pairs, the inclusive production of charmonium states in b-hadron decays is studied with pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1, collected by the LHCb experiment at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. Denoting byBC ≡ B(b → C X) × B(C → φφ) the inclusive branching fraction of a b hadron to a charmonium state C that decays into a pair of φ mesons, ratios RC1C2 ≡ BC1 /BC2 are determined as Rχc0ηc(1S) = 0.147 ± 0.023 ± 0.011, Rχc1ηc(1S) =0.073 ± 0.016 ± 0.006, Rχc2ηc(1S) = 0.081 ± 0.013 ± 0.005,Rχc1 χc0 = 0.50 ± 0.11 ± 0.01, Rχc2 χc0 = 0.56 ± 0.10 ± 0.01and Rηc(2S)ηc(1S) = 0.040 ± 0.011 ± 0.004. Here and below the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic.Upper limits at 90% confidence level for the inclusive production of X(3872), X(3915) and χc2(2P) states are obtained as RX(3872)χc1 < 0.34, RX(3915)χc0 < 0.12 andRχc2(2P)χc2 < 0.16. Differential cross-sections as a function of transverse momentum are measured for the ηc(1S) andχc states. The branching fraction of the decay B0s → φφφ is measured for the first time, B(B0s → φφφ) = (2.15±0.54±0.28±0.21B)×10−6. Here the third uncertainty is due to the branching fraction of the decay B0s → φφ, which is used for normalization. No evidence for intermediate resonances is seen. A preferentially transverse φ polarization is observed.The measurements allow the determination of the ratio of the branching fractions for the ηc(1S) decays to φφ and p p asB(ηc(1S)→ φφ)/B(ηc(1S)→ p p) = 1.79 ± 0.14 ± 0.32
