263 research outputs found

    Foundations of Fractional Calculus on Time Scales

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    Bakalářská práce pojednává o zlomkovém kalkule na časových škálach, přesněji - zavádí zlomkový kalkulus na časových škálach a taktéž vyšetřuje jednoznačnost axiomatické definice zavádějící mocninné funkce. Po zavedení základních pojmů je předmětem diskuze hlavně zobecněná Laplaceova transformace a důkaz jednoznačnosti zobecněné Laplaceovy transformace, která je použita jako nástroj pro dokázání jednoznačnosti zlomkových mocniných funkcií na časových škálach.The bachelor thesis concerns fractional calculus on time scales, more precisely, it introduces fractional calculus on time scales and also investigates the property of uniqueness of the axiomatic definition of the power functions. After introducing basic concepts, the subject of discussion is mostly generalized Laplace transform as well as proof of uniqueness of generalized Laplace transform, which is used as a tool to proving the uniqueness of fractional power functions on time scales.

    Sekundárna socializácia do dobrovoľníckej organizácie

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    V tomto článku popisujem ako prebieha socializácia jedinca do dobrovoľníckej organizácie. Empirická časť odhaľuje ako učí skupina svojim normám jednotlivca, ako sa jednotlivec učí od skupiny a ako prebieha kontrola ich vzťahu a naučeného. Socializácia je v tomto prípade sociálne učenie sa normám skupiny. Normy si vytvárajú sami učastníci a testujú ich tu v príjemnom a priateľskom prostredí, ktoré je naklonené spolupráci a experimentovaniu nielen s tvorbou, ale aj so sociálnou identitou a rolou. Skupina a jednotlivec si na seba privykajú, učia sa pre pre konrétnu rolu a pozíciu v organizácii, ale učia sa aj pracovať v skupine, zodpovednosti a iné mäkké zručnosti. Učenie sa je tu podporené emočnou dôležitosťou a osobným vkladom, ktoré utvárajú členov organizácie.This paper describes how the individual socializes into the volunteer group. Empirical part reveals three stages of socialization: How the group learn the individual its norms, how the individual learns from the group and how this learning is evaluated. Socialization here is considered as learning to the norms of the group. The norms here are created by participants and they are testing them in pleasant and friendly environment which is open for experimentation with their creativity and also with their social identity and role. Individuals here learn for particular role and position in organization, they learn to work in the group, they learn responsibility and other soft skills. Learning here is supported with individual's emotional commitment which creates the members of the organization

    Lerch's theorem in the time-scales theory and its consequences for fractional calculus

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    Hlavním zájmem diplomové práce je studium zobecněné nabla Laplaceové transformace na časových škálach a její jednoznačnosti, včetně důkazu jednoznačnosti a aplikace jednoznačnosti v zlomkovém kalkulu na časových škálach.Main concern of the diploma thesis is the study of the generalized nabla time scale Laplace transform and its uniqueness, including the proof of uniqueness and the application of uniqueness to fractional calculus on time scales.

    EMI Pre-Compliance Measurements Reveal Sources of Interference

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    The chapter focuses on the electromagnetic compatibility of a prototype of electrical equipment such as street lighting with various LED controllers, LED information boards, and audio equipment. The requirements for the harmonic content of the input currents of the conducted emission power lines are used as a basis for the analysis of compliance with the EMC standards. The results obtained from the experiments indicated that some commercially produced voltage drivers are not compatible with the requirements for the harmonic current content of the input line. The problem is caused by two factors: a bad design by the manufacturer or the wrong LED driver design concerning the rated load. EMI radiation measurements indicate the need to precisely design all functional blocks placed on a PCB with suitable grounding and shielding techniques. This chapter is intended for engineers and researchers working in the development of electrical equipment as well as the general public interested in EMC issues

    Správa dát fariem

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    Názov práce: Správa dát fariem Autor: Marián Dolník Katedra / Ústav: Katedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémů Vedúci bakalárskej práce: RNDr. Jan Kofroň, Ph.D., Katedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémů Abstrakt: Cieľom práce je navrhnúť a implementovať softvér pre uľahčenie organizácie práce na farme spôsobom zaznamenávania údajov o zberačoch, ich odovzdávkových dátach a následným spracovaním nazbieraných údajov. Softvérový projekt pozostáva z troch častí a to z mobilnej a webovej aplikácie a synchronizačnej jednotky. Úlohou synchronizačnej jednotky je synchronizácia lokálnej mobilnej databázy s hlavnou databázou aplikácie. Mobilná časť má za úlohu zbierať dáta. Zber týchto dát je vykonávaný za pomoci UI rozhrania, kde je možné dáta definovať (výberom hodnôt povinných atribútov). Mimo iné, mobilná časť aplikácie umožňuje aj aktuálne pridané dáta spravovať (filtrovanie pomocou viacerých parametrov, odstraňovanie, zoskupovanie za účelom štatistiky, synchronizácia dát s hlavnou databázou). Webová časť zobrazuje a spravuje nazbierané dáta. Vytvára štatistické záznamy o výkonnosti jednotlivých pracovníkov a o úrodnosti jednotlivých polí. Definuje rôzne prístupové práva, podľa ktorých majú užívatelia právo na editáciu jednotlivých zložiek aplikácie, poprípade môžu do aplikácie nahliadať iba v...Title: Farm data management Author: Marián Dolník Department: Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Supervisor: RNDr. Jan Kofroň, Ph.D., Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Abstract: The purpose of this bachelor is to design and implement an application which would simplify work organization on a farm by recording information about pickers, their logging data, and by further processing of these data. This software project consists of a mobile and a web applications and a synchronization unit. The purpose of the synchronization unit is to synchronize data of the local mobile database with the data from the main database. The mobile application has the purpose of storing the data. Collecting the data is executed by user interface, allowing one to define data by choosing a value of the required attributes. Among other functions, the mobile application allows the user to work with already existing data (filter data by multiple conditions, remove data, collect data in order to obtain statistics, synchronize data with the main database). The web application displays and manages worker's data. It creates the statistics about worker's efficiency and field's fertility. It defines access rights, which provides the users with access to specific parts of the web application, optionally allowing...Department of Distributed and Dependable SystemsKatedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémůMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Histerektomija mliječne krave s produljenom maceracijom ploda - prikaz slučaja

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    A Simmental dairy cattle, aged seven years old, was presented with a history of foul smelling discharge from the external genitalia. According to the history, during the latest parturition the foetus had died in the uterus and was partially removed, but parts of the foetus had remained in the uterus for the following fourteen months. Gynaecological examination confirmed an open cervix. Trans-rectal palpation and ultrasound examination revealed extension, thickening and tension of the uterine wall and the presence of putrid parts of the foetus in the uterus. Attempts to remove the foetus by prostaglandin injections were futile, hence left side low flank hysterotomy was performed under cranial epidural anaesthesia and local infiltration anaesthesia. The foetal bones were removed and the other pathological contents were also removed. The cow gained weight and could subsequently be sent for slaughter. It was concluded that left flank hysterotomy can be useful for removal of macerated foetus from cows.Istražena je simentalska mliječna krava, u dobi od sedam godina, kod koje je u anamnezi istaknut iscjedak neugodna mirisa iz stidnice. Za vrijeme posljednjeg teljenja plod je uginuo u maternici i djelomično je uklonjen, dok su preostali njegovi dijelovi ostali u maternici sljedećih 14 mjeseci. Ginekološkim pregledom potvrđen je otvoren cerviks. Transrektalnom palpacijom i ultrazvukom otkriveno je opsežno proširenje, zadebljanje i napetost maternice te prisutnost raspadnutih dijelova ploda. Pokušaj vađenja ploda injekcijom prostaglandina bio je neuspješan stoga se histerektomija radila nisko na lijevom boku pod kranijalnom epiduralnom anestezijom i lokalnom infiltrirajućom anestezijom. Uklonjene su kosti ploda kao i preostali patološki sadržaj. Nakon zahvata, krava je dobila na tjelesnoj masi te je mogla biti upućena u klaonicu sa svrhom ekonomskog iskorištenja. Zaključeno je da histerektomija na lijevom boku može biti korisna pri uklanjanju maceriranih plodova kod krava

    Planners in the Future City: Using City Information Modelling to Support Planners as Market Actors

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    Recently, Adams and Tiesdell (2010), Tewdwr-Jones (2012) and Batty (2013) have outlined the importance of information and intelligence in relation to the mediation and management of land, property and urban consumers in the future city. Traditionally, the challenge for urban planners was the generation of meaningful and timely information. Today, the urban planners’ challenge is no longer the timely generation of urban data, rather, it is in relation to how so much information can be exploited and integrated successfully into contemporary spatial planning and governance. The paper investigates this challenge through a commentary on two City Information Modelling (CIM) case studies at Northumbria University, UK. This commentary is grouped around four key themes, Accessibility and availability of data, accuracy and consistency of data, manageability of data and integration of data. It is also designed to provoke discussion in relation to the exploitation and improvement of data modelling and visualisation in the urban planning discipline and to contribute to the literature in related fields. The paper concludes that the production of information, its use and modelling, can empower urban planners as they mediate and contest state-market relations in the city. However, its use should be circumspect as data alone does not guarantee delivery of a sustainable urban future, rather, emphasis and future research should be placed upon interpretation and use of data

    The effect of atonic uterus treatment on metritis, reproduction, removal, and milk yield in Holstein cows

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    The study aimed to determine the effects of medical treatment of postpartum uterus pathologies on uterine health, and the reproductive and productive performance of dairy cows during the lactation period. In total, 206 cows were examined to monitor the uterus involution process at 1, 7, 14, and 21 days in milk (DIM). Cows with retained placenta were treated with carbetocin and cows with uterus atony were treated with PGF2α. Cows with puerperal metritis received ceftiofur hydrochloride. All of the dairy cows with proven uterine health were then enrolled in a synchronization protocol with artificial insemination. Intercalving interval, service period, insemination index, milk yield per lactation (kg), average milk protein and fat per lactation, parity (heifers/cows), and culling rate were analyzed. The statistical analysis revealed only a weak trend (P = 0.07) of association between the retained placenta and the inter-calving interval. The odds of having a decrease in daily milk yield in cows without metritis were 0.92 (95% CI: 0.85, 0.99) times the odds of cows with metritis. Thus, the metritis was associated with a reduction (P < 0.05) in milk yield of 0.92 kg/cow per day and a total of 281 kg in the 305 days of lactation. Reproductive and productive variables like service period, insemination index, milk protein and fat, and culling rate were not associated with uterus disorders. In conclusion, intensive monitoring and care of the reproduction health of dairy cows early after calving can decrease the risk of economic losses

    Stochastic lattice models for the dynamics of linear polymers

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    Linear polymers are represented as chains of hopping reptons and their motion is described as a stochastic process on a lattice. This admittedly crude approximation still catches essential physics of polymer motion, i.e. the universal properties as function of polymer length. More than the static properties, the dynamics depends on the rules of motion. Small changes in the hopping probabilities can result in different universal behavior. In particular the cross-over between Rouse dynamics and reptation is controlled by the types and strength of the hoppings that are allowed. The properties are analyzed using a calculational scheme based on an analogy with one-dimensional spin systems. It leads to accurate data for intermediately long polymers. These are extrapolated to arbitrarily long polymers, by means of finite-size-scaling analysis. Exponents and cross-over functions for the renewal time and the diffusion coefficient are discussed for various types of motion.Comment: 60 pages, 19 figure

    Multiplexed detection and applications for separations on parallel microchips

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    Much work has been performed since the development of the lab-on-a-chip concept that has brought microfabricated systems to the forefront of bioanalytical research. The success of using these microchips for performing complicated biological assays faster and cheaper than conventional methods has facilitated their emerging popularity among researchers. A recently exploited advantage of microfabricated technology has led to the creation of single wafers with multiple channel manifolds for high-throughput experiments. Efforts toward parallel microchip development have yielded fascinating new devices for chemical separations showing the potential for replacing conventional multiplexing techniques. This review will focus on recent work toward multiplexed separations on microdevices and complementary detection instrumentation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/60902/1/3296_ftp.pd