48 research outputs found

    Utilização de Hortas Orgânicas Como Ferramenta Para Educação Ambiental

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    Resumo: Hortas orgânicas constituem um modo de produção de alimentos sustentável que respeita o meio ambiente e a saúde humana. Trata-se de uma importante ferramenta para se trabalhar educação ambiental com diferentes faixas etárias. A educação ambiental não se resume a um conceito, mas a um processo que envolve a formação de um cidadão justo, consciente com os recursos que utiliza e responsável por suas ações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de ensinar o modelo orgânico de produção de hortaliças, assim como a importância deste sistema de produção. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho consistiu em visitas na horta orgânica da Unespar, campus de Paranavaí­, para conhecer as etapas para a construção de uma horta, aplicação de questionários e construção de pequenas hortas nas escolas de Paranavaí­ e região. Durante a visita e a construção das hortas discutiu-se a metodologia de produção de alimentos com a redução de lixo principalmente orgânico, o conceito de segurança alimentar, evidenciado pela qualidade do alimento produzido nas hortas orgânicas, que são livres de toxinas e a educação ambiental. O projeto proporcionou o suporte necessário tanto de materiais como técnico para que as hortas pudessem ser construí­das e mantidas. A execução deste trabalho foi importante para contribuir com a formação de cidadãos responsáveis com o meio ambiente onde estão inseridos. Disseminou a construção de novas hortas orgânicas nas escolas e foi um instrumento para educação ambiental. Os alunos cuidam do espaço da horta na escola e relatam que foi um estí­mulo para construção das hortas em suas casas. As hortas orgânicas produzem mais que alimentos, elas são um modelo para que novas hortas sejam construí­das

    Morphological Transformations of Galaxies in the A901/02 Supercluster from STAGES

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    We present a study of galaxies in the Abell 901/902 Supercluster at z~0.165, based on HST ACS F606W, COMBO-17, Spitzer 24um, XMM-Newton X-ray, and gravitational lensing maps, as part of the STAGES survey. We characterize galaxies with strong externally-triggered morphological distortions and normal relatively undisturbed galaxies, using visual classification and quantitative CAS parameters. We compare normal and distorted galaxies in terms of their frequency, distribution within the cluster, star formation properties, and relationship to dark matter (DM) or surface mass density, and intra-cluster medium (ICM) density. We revisit the morphology density relation, which postulates a higher fraction of early type galaxies in dense environments, by considering separately galaxies with a low bulge-to-disk (B/D) ratio and a low gas content as these two parameters may not be correlated in clusters. We report here on our preliminary analysis.Comment: To appear in the ASP conference proceedings of the "Frank N. Bash Symposium 2007: New Horizons in Astronomy", Eds. A. Frebel, J. Maund, J. Shen, M. Siegel. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantitative measure of evolution of bright cluster galaxies at moderate redshifts

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    Using archival data from the Hubble Space Telescope, we study the quantitative morphological evolution of spectroscopically confirmed bright galaxies in the core regions of nine clusters ranging in redshift from z=0.31z = 0.31 to z=0.84z = 0.84. We use morphological parameters derived from two dimensional bulge-disk decomposition to study the evolution. We find an increase in the mean bulge-to-total luminosity ratio B/TB/T as the Universe evolves. We also find a corresponding increase in the fraction of early type galaxies and in the mean S\'ersic index. We discuss these results and their implications to physical mechanisms for evolution of galaxy morphology.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS: Letter

    NLTE analysis of Co I/Co II lines in spectra of cool stars with new laboratory hyperfine splitting constants

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    We investigate the statistical equilibrium of Co in the atmospheres of cool stars, and the influence of NLTE and HFS (hyperfine splitting) on the formation of Co lines and abundances. Significant departures from LTE level populations are found for Co I, also number densities of excited states in Co II differ from LTE at low metallicity. The NLTE abundance of Co in solar photosphere is 4.95 +/- 0.04 dex, which is in agreement with that in C I meteorites within the combined uncertainties. The spectral lines of Co I were calculated using the results of recent measurements of hyperfine interaction constants by UV Fourier transform spectrometry. For Co II, the first laboratory measurements of hyperfine structure splitting A and B factors were performed. A differential abundance analysis of Co is carried out for 18 stars in the metallicity range -3.12 < [Fe/H] < 0. The abundances are derived by method of spectrum synthesis. At low [Fe/H], NLTE abundance corrections for Co I lines are as large as +0.6 >... +0.8 dex. Thus, LTE abundances of Co in metal-poor stars are severely underestimated. The stellar NLTE abundances determined from the single UV line of Co II are lower by ~0.5-0.6 dex. The discrepancy might be attributed to possible blends that have not been accounted for in the solar Co II line and its erroneous oscillator strength. The increasing [Co/Fe] trend in metal-poor stars, as calculated from the Co I lines under NLTE, can be explained if Co is overproduced relative to Fe in massive stars. The models of galactic chemical evolution are wholly inadequate to describe this trend suggesting that the problem is in SN yields.Comment: submitted to MNRAS, 15 page

    The chemical composition of donors in AM CVn stars and ultra-compact X-ray binaries: observational tests of their formation

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    We study the formation of ultra-compact binaries (AM CVn stars and ultra-compact X-ray binaries) with emphasis on the surface chemical abundances of the donors in these systems. Hydrogen is not convincingly detected in the spectra of these systems. Three different proposed formation scenarios involve different donor stars, white dwarfs, helium stars or evolved main-sequence stars. Using detailed evolutionary calculations we show that the abundances of helium WD donors and evolved main-sequence stars are close to equilibrium CNO-processed material, and the detailed abundances correlate with the core temperature and thus mass of the MS progenitors. Evolved MS donors typically have traces of H left. For hybrid or CO white dwarf donors, the carbon and oxygen abundances depend on the temperature of the helium burning and thus on the helium core mass of the progenitors. For helium star donors in addition to their mass, the abundances depend strongly on the amount of helium burnt before mass transfer starts and can range from unprocessed and thus almost equal to CNO-processed matter, to strongly processed and thus C/O rich and N-deficient. We briefly discuss the relative frequency of these cases for helium star donors, based on population synthesis results. Finally we give diagnostics for applying our results to observed systems and find that the most important test is the N/C ratio, which can indicate the formation scenario as well as, in some cases, the mass of the progenitor of the donor. In addition, if observed, the N/O, O/He and O/C ratios can distinguish between helium star and WD donors. Applied to the known systems we find evidence for WD donors in the AM CVn systems GP Com, CE 315 and SDSS J0804+16 and evidence for hybrid WD or very evolved helium star donors in the UCXBs 4U 1626-67 and 4U 0614+09. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The efficacy of antihypertensiye drugs in chronic intermittent hypoxia conditions

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    The authors would like to thank the Portuguese Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) and CEDOC (Chronic Diseases Research Centre, Lisbon, Portugal). Lucilia N. Diogo is supported by an FCT fellowship (SFRH/BD/48335/2008; PTDC/SAU-TOX/112264/2009).Sleep apnea/hypopnea disorders include centrally originated diseases and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This last condition is renowned as a frequent secondary cause of hypertension (HT). The mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of HT can be summarized in relation to two main pathways: sympathetic nervous system stimulation mediated mainly by activation of carotid body (CB) chemoreflexes and/or asphyxia, and, by no means the least important, the systemic effects of chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH). The use of animal models has revealed that CIH is the critical stimulus underlying sympathetic activity and hypertension, and that this effect requires the presence of functional arterial chemoreceptors, which are hyperactive in CIH. These models of CIH mimic the HT observed in humans and allow the study of CIH independently without the mechanical obstruction component. The effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CRAP), the gold standard treatment for OSA patients, to reduce blood pressure seems to be modest and concomitant antihypertensive therapy is still required. We focus this review on the efficacy of pharmacological interventions to revert HT associated with CIH conditions in both animal models and humans. First, we explore the experimental animal models, developed to mimic HT related to CIH, which have been used to investigate the effect of antihypertensive drugs (AHDs). Second, we review what is known about drug efficacy to reverse HT induced by CIH in animals. Moreover, findings in humans with OSA are cited to demonstrate the lack of strong evidence for the establishment of a first-line antihypertensive regimen for these patients. Indeed, specific therapeutic guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of HT in these patients are still lacking. Finally, we discuss the future perspectives concerning the non-pharmacological and pharmacological management of this particular type of HT.publishersversionpublishe

    DVenn – Um Software de Auxílio ao Aprendizado de Lógica nos Cursos de Graduação em Computação

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    Este artigo apresenta o DVenn, um software que mapeia expressões lógicas em diagramas de Venn. A aplicação, implementada na tecnologia JAVA, possibilita uma melhor compreensão durante o estudo de simplificação de expressões lógicas e auxilia o educando na compreensão e correção desuas atividades. Diferente de outras ferramentas de simplificação, esta recebe uma expressão lógica de qualquer tamanho, contendo até quatro variáveis distintas, e apresenta o diagrama resultante ao educando de forma gráfica

    The Generic Blockchain Ecosystem and its Strategic Implications

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    The emergence of blockchain technology, most known due to the hype around Bitcoin, has the potential to transform entire industries, such as banking, insurance, or the Internet of Things (IoT). Yet, parallel ecosystems like cryptocurrencies that substitute products and services of traditional financial institutions emerged. However, literature does not provide a structured overview of the blockchain ecosystem. By analyzing 479 blockchain companies reported in the Crunchbase database, this paper visualizes the current blockchain ecosystem using the e3-value method consisting of eleven generic roles. Moreover, we identify three strategic implications where blockchain is fundamentally different from prior approaches: governance, trust, and openness. Scholars can apply the generic ecosystem for future research, while practitioners can use the model to identify possible disruptive actors or potential business opportunities

    Archetypes for Industry 4.0 Business Model Innovations

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    Industry 4.0 (I4.0) also known as the fourth industrial revolution has emerged for describing the digitalization of manufacturing industries. In practice, the transition to I4.0 is crucial for manufacturing firms to sustain competitive advantage and seize new opportunities. Most research focuses on the technological aspects of I4.0 in form of product and process innovations. Despite I4.0’s rising attention among both researchers and practitioners, there exists only little research about I4.0 business model innovation (BMI), even though business model (BM) innovators can be more successful than product or process innovators. To address this research gap, we analyze 15 case studies of I4.0 BM innovators. We develop a taxonomy to characterize I4.0 BMs and derive 13 archetypes of I4.0 BMIs that describe transitions towards I4.0 BMs. The three identified super-archetypes are integration, servitization and expertise as a service. Our study deepens the understanding and structure of I4.0 BMs and I4.0 BMIs