2,242 research outputs found
Nonuniqueness and derivative discontinuities in density-functional theories for current-carrying and superconducting systems
Current-carrying and superconducting systems can be treated within
density-functional theory if suitable additional density variables (the current
density and the superconducting order parameter, respectively) are included in
the density-functional formalism. Here we show that the corresponding conjugate
potentials (vector and pair potentials, respectively) are {\it not} uniquely
determined by the densities. The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem of these generalized
density-functional theories is thus weaker than the original one. We give
explicit examples and explore some consequences.Comment: revised version (typos corrected, some discussion added) to appear in
Phys. Rev.
Density Functional Theory of Magnetic Systems Revisited
The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem of density functional theory (DFT) for the case of
electrons interacting with an external magnetic field (that couples to spin
only) is examined in more detail than previously. A unexpected generalization
is obtained: in certain cases (which include half metallic ferromagnets and
magnetic insulators) the ground state, and hence the spin density matrix, is
invariant for some non-zero range of a shift in uniform magnetic field. In such
cases the ground state energy is not a functional of the spin density matrix
alone. The energy gap in an insulator or a half metal is shown to be a ground
state property of the N-electron system in magnetic DFT.Comment: Four pages, one figure. Submitted for publication, April 13, 2000
Revised, Sept 27, 200
Is it possible to construct excited-state energy functionals by splitting k-space?
We show that our procedure of constructing excited-state energy functionals
by splitting k-space, employed so far to obtain exchange energies of
excited-states, is quite general. We do so by applying the same method to
construct modified Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy functional and its gradient
expansion up to the second order for the excited-states. We show that the
resulting kinetic energy functional has the same accuracy for the
excited-states as the ground-state functionals do for the ground-states.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur
The FermiFab Toolbox for Fermionic Many-Particle Quantum Systems
This paper introduces the FermiFab toolbox for many-particle quantum systems.
It is mainly concerned with the representation of (symbolic) fermionic
wavefunctions and the calculation of corresponding reduced density matrices
(RDMs). The toolbox transparently handles the inherent antisymmetrization of
wavefunctions and incorporates the creation/annihilation formalism. Thus, it
aims at providing a solid base for a broad audience to use fermionic
wavefunctions with the same ease as matrices in Matlab, say. Leveraging
symbolic computation, the toolbox can greatly simply tedious pen-and-paper
calculations for concrete quantum mechanical systems, and serves as "sandbox"
for theoretical hypothesis testing. FermiFab (including full source code) is
freely available as a plugin for both Matlab and Mathematica.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
Spin-density-functional theory: some open problems and application to inhomogeneous Heisenberg models
Spin-density-functional theory (SDFT) is the most widely implemented and
applied formulation of density-functional theory. However, it is still finding
novel applications, and occasionally encounters unexpected problems. In this
paper we first briefly describe a few of the latter, related to issues such as
nonuniqueness, noncollinearity, and currents. In the main part we then turn to
an example of the former, namely SDFT for the Heisenberg model. It is shown
that time-honored concepts of Coulomb DFT, such as the local-density
approximation, can be applied to this (and other) model Hamiltonians, too, once
the concept of 'density' has been suitably reinterpreted. Local-density-type
approximations for the inhomogeneous Heisenberg model are constructed.
Numerical applications to finite-size and impurity systems demonstrate that DFT
is a computationally efficient and reasonably accurate alternative to
conventional methods of statistical mechanics for the Heisenberg model.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl
Strange behavior of persistent currents in small Hubbard rings
We show exactly that small Hubbard rings exhibit unusual kink-like structures
giving anomalous oscillations in persistent current. Singular behavior of
persistent current disappears in some cases. In half-filled systems mobility
gradually drops to zero with interaction, while it converges to some finite
value in non-half-filled cases.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure
Nuclear surface properties in relativistic effective field theory
We perform Hartree calculations of symmetric and asymmetric semi-infinite
nuclear matter in the framework of relativistic models based on effective
hadronic field theories as recently proposed in the literature. In addition to
the conventional cubic and quartic scalar self-interactions, the extended
models incorporate a quartic vector self-interaction, scalar-vector
non-linearities and tensor couplings of the vector mesons. We investigate the
implications of these terms on nuclear surface properties such as the surface
energy coefficient, surface thickness, surface stiffness coefficient, neutron
skin thickness and the spin-orbit force.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to Nuclear Physics
Does It Count? Pre-School Children’s Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity and Their Development of Arithmetical Skills at School
Children's spontaneous focusing on numerosity (SFON) is related to numerical skills. This study aimed to examine (1) the developmental trajectory of SFON and (2) the interrelations between SFON and early numerical skills at pre-school as well as their influence on arithmetical skills at school.
Overall, 1868 German pre-school children were repeatedly assessed until second grade. Nonverbal intelligence, visual attention, visuospatial working memory, SFON and numerical skills were assessed at age five (M = 63 months, Time 1) and age six (M = 72 months, Time 2), and arithmetic was assessed at second grade (M = 95 months, Time 3).
SFON increased significantly during pre-school. Path analyses revealed interrelations between SFON and several numerical skills, except number knowledge. Magnitude estimation and basic calculation skills (Time 1 and Time 2), and to a small degree number knowledge (Time 2), contributed directly to arithmetic in second grade. The connection between SFON and arithmetic was fully mediated by magnitude estimation and calculation skills at pre-school.
Our results indicate that SFON first and foremost influences deeper understanding of numerical concepts at pre-school and-in contrast to previous findings -affects only indirectly children's arithmetical development at school
Taking a Closer Look: The Relationship between Pre-School Domain General Cognition and School Mathematics Achievement When Controlling for Intelligence
Intelligence, as well as working memory and attention, affect the acquisition of mathematical competencies. This paper aimed to examine the influence of working memory and attention when taking different mathematical skills into account as a function of children's intellectual ability. Overall, intelligence, working memory, attention and numerical skills were assessed twice in 1868 German pre-school children (t1, t2) and again at 2nd grade (t3). We defined three intellectual ability groups based on the results of intellectual assessment at t1 and t2. Group comparisons revealed significant differences between the three intellectual ability groups. Over time, children with low intellectual ability showed the lowest achievement in domain-general and numerical and mathematical skills compared to children of average intellectual ability. The highest achievement on the aforementioned variables was found for children of high intellectual ability. Additionally, path modelling revealed that, depending on the intellectual ability, different models of varying complexity could be generated. These models differed with regard to the relevance of the predictors (t2) and the future mathematical skills (t3). Causes and conclusions of these findings are discussed
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